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Apiary Tutorial and Demo

This tutorial will show you how to build a simple social network web application using Apiary and Spring Boot. We use Apiary's Postgres backend. To get started, let's first install some dependencies:

sudo apt install openjdk-11-jdk maven libatomic1

Next, let's compile Apiary. In the Apiary root directory, run:

mvn -DskipTests package

Then, let's start Postgres from a Docker image. We recommend you configure Docker so it can be run by non-root users.


Now, it's time to build a website! We want to build a simple social network application where you can register, log in, send posts to your friends, and read posts your friends sent you. Let's call this site the Nectar Network. We'll build the site using Spring Boot, but call Apiary functions to handle operations on website data, like registering users or adding new posts. Then, once the website is running, we'll show how Apiary's new data provenance features make it easy to monitor website activity and provide cool features like easily rolling back your database and application to any previous point in time.


The first thing we need to do is create some database tables in Postgres to store the information our site needs: logins and posts. We create these tables inside the Spring Boot controller when our web server starts; the full code for it is here. We provide an API for creating tables in Apiary, which uses conventional Postgres syntax:

PostgresConnection conn = new PostgresConnection("localhost", ApiaryConfig.postgresPort, "postgres", "dbos");
conn.createTable("WebsiteLogins", "Username VARCHAR(1000) PRIMARY KEY NOT NULL, Password VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL");
conn.createTable("WebsitePosts", "Sender VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL, Receiver VARCHAR(1000) NOT NULL, PostText VARCHAR(10000) NOT NULL");


Now, let's write some functions. We'll start with a simple register function that registers new users. To write a function in Apiary using the Postgres backend, we subclass the PostgresFunction class and implement our function in its runFunction method. Functions are written in regular Java with embedded SQL and can take in and return strings, integers, arrays of strings, and arrays of integers. Here's what the register function looks like:

public class NectarRegister extends PostgresFunction {

    private static final String checkExists = "SELECT * FROM WebsiteLogins WHERE Username=?";
    private static final String register = "INSERT INTO WebsiteLogins(Username, Password) VALUES (?, ?);";

    public static int runFunction(PostgresContext ctxt, String username, String password) throws SQLException {
        ResultSet exists = ctxt.executeQuery(checkExists, username);
        if ( {
            return 1;  // Failed registration, username already exists.
        ctxt.executeUpdate(register, username, password);
        return 0;

Every function has a context, which exposes the Apiary API. You'll use the context to talk to the database and to call other functions. Here, we use the context to execute a couple of SQL queries: we first check if the username already exists, fail if it does, and otherwise register a new user. Every Apiary function runs as an ACID database transaction, so once we've checked that a name isn't taken, it's impossible for another function to take the name before our function completes. Because this is a demo, we store passwords in plain text, but please please please do not do this in production.

Back in Spring, we call the register function whenever we get a registration request to our site:

public String registrationSubmit(@ModelAttribute Credentials credentials, Model model) throws IOException {
    int success = client.executeFunction("NectarRegister", credentials.getUsername(), credentials.getPassword()).getInt();
    if (success != 0) {
        return "redirect:/home";
    model.addAttribute("registration", credentials);
    return "registration_result";

Now, let's write a login function that actually logs a user in. It looks similar to register:

public class NectarLogin extends PostgresFunction {

    private static final String checkPassword = "SELECT Username, Password FROM WebsiteLogins WHERE Username=?";

    public static int runFunction(PostgresContext ctxt, String username, String password) throws SQLException {
        ResultSet pwdCheck = ctxt.executeQuery(checkPassword, username);
        if ( && pwdCheck.getString(2).equals(password)) {
            return 0; // Success!
        } else {
            return 1; // Failed login: the user does not exist or the password is wrong.

In Spring, we call this function whenever a user tries to log in:

public RedirectView loginSubmit(@ModelAttribute Credentials credentials, @ModelAttribute("logincredentials") Credentials logincredentials, RedirectAttributes attributes) throws InvalidProtocolBufferException {
    int success = client.executeFunction("NectarLogin", credentials.getUsername(), credentials.getPassword()).getInt();
    if (success == 0) { // Login successful.
        // Ensure credentials are saved across page reloads.
        attributes.addFlashAttribute("logincredentials", logincredentials);
        return new RedirectView("/timeline");
    } else { // Login failed.
        return new RedirectView("/home");

We similarly write AddPosts and GetPosts functions in Apiary and call them in Spring; you can see code for all four functions here.

Tying it Together

With our functions written, it's almost time to launch our site. We'll now tell the Spring controller to launch an Apiary worker on startup to manage all the Apiary function requests, then register all our functions with the worker:

PostgresConnection conn = new PostgresConnection("localhost", ApiaryConfig.postgresPort, "postgres", "dbos");
ApiaryWorker apiaryWorker = new ApiaryWorker(new ApiaryNaiveScheduler(), 4, ApiaryConfig.postgres, ApiaryConfig.provenanceDefaultAddress);
apiaryWorker.registerConnection(ApiaryConfig.postgres, conn);
apiaryWorker.registerFunction("NectarRegister", ApiaryConfig.postgres, NectarRegister::new);
apiaryWorker.registerFunction("NectarLogin", ApiaryConfig.postgres, NectarLogin::new);
apiaryWorker.registerFunction("NectarAddPost", ApiaryConfig.postgres, NectarAddPost::new);
apiaryWorker.registerFunction("NectarGetPosts", ApiaryConfig.postgres, NectarGetPosts::new);

Everything's ready! To start the site, run in the postgres-demo root directory:

mvn clean && mvn package && mvn spring-boot:run

Then, navigate to localhost:8081 to view this new social network! You should see the Nectar homepage:


One of the most interesting features of Apiary is data provenance capture. Apiary automatically records the provenance of each record, the set of all operations (read or write) that ever occurred on it. For example, the provenance of a record in our WebsiteLogins table would be the original registration operation that created it as well as all the login attempts ever made to that username. Apiary stores this information in database tables so it can easily be queried in SQL; for example, we automatically create and populate a WebsiteLoginsEvents table containing provenance information for WebsiteLogins.

As a simple application of provenance, we might imagine querying how many login attempts have occurred for a particular account in the last five minutes, for example to send an alert in case of a large number of failed attempts:

>> sudo docker exec -it apiary-postgres psql -h localhost -U postgres
postgres=# \c dbos
You are now connected to database "dbos" as user "postgres".

dbos=# SELECT COUNT(*) FROM WebsiteLoginsEvents WHERE username='peter' AND apiary_timestamp / 1000000 > (select extract(epoch from now()) - 300);
(1 row)

We write the query like this because Apiary records timestamps in microseconds using Unix time, but Postgres reports timestamps in seconds.