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Slashs interactions!

Here we will show examples of how to use slash type interactions, we will see important functions, also the different types of slash interactions, among other things.

Slash creation:

const commands: CommandsBody[] = [
    name: "client",
    description: "View my client commands",
    options: [
        name: "ping",
        description: "Check my latency!",
        type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand,
        name: "info",
        description: "Get information about the bot",
        type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand,
    name: "config",
    description: "Configure you server",
    options: [
        name: "channel",
        description: "Configure channels in your server",
        type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.SubcommandGroup,
        options: [
            name: "set-welcome",
            description: "Set a config channel",
            type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand,
            options: [
                name: "channel",
                description: "The channel in question",
                type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Channel,
                required: true,
            name: "set-goodbye",
            description: "Set a config channel",
            type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Subcommand,
            options: [
                name: "channel",
                description: "The channel in question",
                type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Channel,
                required: true,
                name: "embed",
                description: "If the bot sends a embed message",
                type: ApplicationCommandOptionType.Boolean,
                required: false,


Commands Body

To see information about CommandsBody, please see the API documentation

Code example

client.on("interactionCreate", async (int) => {
  // Check if the interaction is a slash command
  if (int.isSlash()) {
    // Handle different slash command names
    if ( === "client") {
      if (int.subcommand === "ping") { // if the subcommand of the slash name is 'ping'
        // Respond to the ping command
        await int.reply({ content: `Pong! Latency: ${}ms` });
      } else if (int.subcommand == "info") { // if the subcommand of the slash is 'info'
        await int.reply({
          embeds: [
              title: "Viewing my information",
              fields: [
                  name: "Servers",
                  value: `Im in **${client.guilds.cache.size}** servers`,
                  name: "Total channels (in cache)",
                  value: `I have **${client.channels.cache.size}** channels in cache.`,
                  name: "Users in cache",
                  value: `I have **${client.users.cache.size}** users in cache.`,
              color: 16776960,
    } else if ( === "config") { // if the slash name is config will execute this
      if (int.subcommand_group === "channel") { // if the subcommand group is channel
        if (int.subcommand === "set-welcome") { // if the subcommand is set-welcome
          const channelId = int.values.get("channel") as InteractionOptionValue; // gets the value
          const channel =
            int.guild.channels.cache.get(channelId.value as string) ||
            (await int.guild.channels.fetch(channelId.value as string)); // fetches the channel
          int.reply(`Configuration channel was set to ${channel?.toString()}`); // respond to the user what channel they selected.
        } else if (int.subcommand === "set-goodbye") {
          const channelId = int.values.get("channel") as InteractionOptionValue; // gets the value "channel"
          const wantsEmbed = int.values.get("embed") as InteractionOptionValue; // gets the value "embe"
          const channel =
            int.guild.channels.cache.get(channelId.value as string) ||
            (await int.guild.channels.fetch(channelId.value as string)); // fetches the channel

          if (wantsEmbed) { // if they want embed response, it will respond in embed message
              embeds: [
                { title: "Embed message!!", description: channel?.toString() },
            }); // responses with a embed
          } else { // if they don't want a embed message, it will respond with a normal message
              `Configuration channel was set to ${channel?.toString()}`
            ); // responds normally