This a running list of resources I've found throughout my ZKP learning journey.
If you'd like to add to the list, feel free to submit a pull request and I'll happily include anything that's missing. I'm open to including new sections as well. :)
Blogs, videos, podcasts, etc. that introduce the idea of ZKPs
- (Blog) ZKP Wikipedia article
- (Video) Wired - ZKP at 5 levels
- (Blog) 0xSage: Understanding Zero-knowledge proofs through illustrated examples
- (Blog) Matthew Green: Zero Knowledge Proofs: An illustrated primer
- (Blog) Not Boring: Introduction to Zero Knowledge Proofs
- (Blog) Privacy in Cryptocurrencies: An Overview (P1, P2, P3, P4)
- (Blog) ZK Rollup: Making Scalable Blockchains Possible
- (Blog) Navigating ZK Roll-ups
- (Blog) Not Boring: Aleo can you keep a secret
- (Video) Introduction to Zero Knowledge Proofs - Elena Nadolinski
- (Video) "Rhapsody in Zero Knowledge: Proving Without Revealing" by Tony Arcieri - An accelerated intro to the history of ZK and where we're at today (2021)
- Vitalik - Zk-SNARKs: Under the Hood
- a16z - Measuring SNARK performance: Frontends, backends, and the future
- Dark Forest - Zero-Knowledge Proofs for Engineers: Introduction (zkSNARKs focused)
- (Paper) Eli Ben-Sasson - Scalable, transparent, and post-quantum secure computational integrity
- (Blog Series) STARKWare Team - STARK Math
- (Blog) Alan Szepieniec - Anatomy of a STARK
- (Blog) Vatalik STARK Series - P1, P2, P3
- (Blog) Remco Bloemen - Introduction to zkSTARKs
- (Blog) Eli Ben-Sasson - A Cambrian Explosion of Crypto Proofs
- (Video) Quantstamp - zk-STARKS Explained
- (Videos Series) STARKWare - STARK @ Home
- (Learning Tool) Novi Financial - Winterfell
Formal and informal courses covering ZKP directly or related topics
- (Video) ZK Course from 0xparc
- YouTube videos available within each lecture
- (Video) Porter ZK Course
- (Video) Zero Knowledge YouTube Channel
- (Video) Delendum YouTube Channel
This is a ZKP resource list of other ZKP resource lists - A list of lists!
- ZK Starter Pack List
- ZK Awesome List (ZKsync)
- ZK Awesome List (Ventali)
- Awesome list about ZKsync
- Awesome list about StarkNet
- Learning ZKPs: Beginner Resources (ZK podcast community thread)
- Top Theoretical - Foundations of Probabilistic Proofs (Fall 2020) - Alessandro Chiesa
- Top Practical - Efficient Zero-Knowledge Proofs: A Modular Approach
- Ingopedia Awesome ZKP List
- Zero Knowledge Canon, part 1 & 2
Resources that I've found help us mortals grok the moon math hiding being ZKP
- (Blog) How and why ZK-SNARKS work blog series and PDF version
- (Blog) 0xparc: Prerequisite Understanding Questions
- (Video) Khan Academy: Intro to Polynomials
- (Video) 3Blue1Brown - Olympiad level counting: How many subsets of {1,…,2000} have a sum divisible by 5?
Resources covering ZKP vulnerabilities, exploits, security best practices, etc.
- Trail of Bits ZKP Series
- (Blog) Specialized Zero-Knowledge Proof failures November 29, 2022
- (Blog) The Frozen Heart vulnerability in PlonK April 18, 2022
- (Blog) The Frozen Heart vulnerability in Bulletproofs April 15, 2022
- (Blog) The Frozen Heart vulnerability in Girault’s proof of knowledge April 14, 2022
- (Blog) Coordinated disclosure of vulnerabilities affecting Girault, Bulletproofs, and PlonK April 13, 2022
- (Blog) Disclosing Shamir’s Secret Sharing vulnerabilities and announcing ZKDocs December 21, 2021
- (Blog) Serving up zero-knowledge proofs February 19, 2021
- (Blog) Reverie: An optimized zero-knowledge proof system December 14, 2020
- (Blog) Reinventing Vulnerability Disclosure using Zero-knowledge Proofs May 21, 2020
- (Documentation) Trail of Bits: ZKDocs
- (Documentation) Delendum: Vulnerability Section
- (Video) Security of ZK Systems
- (Blog) Kobi Gurkan - Creating fake zkSNARK proofs
- (Blog) Electric Coin Co. - Zcash Counterfeiting Vulnerability Successfully Remediated