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With CyVerse, you can manage data throughout the data lifecycle, from uploading, to adding metadata, to analyzing, sharing results, and making your data public for others to reuse. The DE interface is where you access, view, and manage your files in the CyVerse Data Store.
To start managing data in the Discovery Environment, you must be logged in.
Begin by clicking on the Data icon |Data Icon| in the left sidebar (you will be prompted to log in if you are not). You will see your home directory with folders first, then files listed alphabetically.
You must be logged in to browse your data.
- To see and browse through information about your data files in the Data view, press the :guilabel:`&Customize Columns` button to select more (or fewer) columns to display, such as size, modification date, permissions, etc.
- If the folder you're viewing has many items in it, use the < or > at the bottom of the page to move between pages. You can also change the number of items displayed per page.
- Click on the name of a subfolder to open that folder. As you access folders or files within your directory, breadcrumbs near the top of the page show the folder you are viewing and its parent folder(s).
- From the top left, at the start of the breadcrumbs, you may select another root folder to view from within your home folder; clicking on the dropdown near your username will allow you to browse folders/files in "Shared With Me", "Community Data", or "Trash".
Both the :guilabel:`&Details` button near the top right and the More Options menu (ellipsis) at the far right in a file or folder's row allow you to view and manage several types of information about your file/folder.
You must be logged in to view file/folder details.
- From the Data view, click the checkbox next to a file or folder to select it and then click the :guilabel:`&Details` or the ellipsis to see specific information about the selected item, to copy the file path to the item, to add tags to the item, to edit metadata, or to set a file's info type.
- To view your own permissions on the item and those of other users, click the 'Permissions' tab under “Details”.
You must be logged in to delete files/folders.
From the Data view, select the desired file/folder by clicking the checkbox to its left. You can select multiple files/folders. To unselect an individual file/folder, click the checkbox again. To select (or unselect) all files/folders, click the checkbox at the top of the list.
Click on the More Options menu (ellipsis) in the upper right corner of the Data view and select Delete from the pop-up menu. When the file has been fully deleted, you will receive an automated notification under the notification icon |notification icon|. When deleting or moving a file/folder, you must receive the completion notification before you can change anything associated with that file/folder.
Deleted files can be retrieved from your Trash. To access your Trash folder, click on your username in the top left corner of the Data view.
You can use the DE interface to upload smaller files (<2GB). For larger files or large numbers of files, we recommend using faster methods such as Cyberduck or iCommands. See the documentation for those tools in our |Data Store Guide|.
- When up- or downloading data from your desktop/PC, you must remain on the Data view until the task completes.
- When importing data from a URL, you can log out or navigate to another page or operation after you start the import; an automated email notification is sent to you when the task is complete.
- You must be logged in to upload/import files.
Click the Data button |Data Icon| in the Discovery Environment’s left sidebar to access the Data view.
The Data view shows a directory of the files and folders in your Data Store. You can select an existing folder as the destination for your uploaded file(s) or click the Folder button to create a new folder. If you do not select a destination, the default file destination is your home Data Store folder (i.e., iplant/home/CYVERSE_USERNAME).
Click the :guilabel:`&Upload` button to choose your options for importing files into the Data Store:
- To upload files from your local computer, choose Browse Local; a file browser will open and you may select files to upload.
- To upload files from a URL, choose Import by URL; you may paste in a valid HTTP or an FTP URL, then click Import. You may paste additional URLs or close this window by clicking Done.
When your Data Store file browser is open, you can also upload files from your computer by dragging them into your browser window.
When you have begun the upload, you will get an automated notification that the file(s) has been queued. To view the status of an upload or import, go click the Upload button and choose View Upload Queue.
The queue will only display the status of uploads from local files. Files imported by URL will generate an automated notification (bell icon, upper-right) upon completion (or failure) to upload.
The Discovery Environment also supports advanced data management tasks such as organizing your datasets, associating data with metadata, requesting a Digital Object Identifier (DOI), and importing or submitting data to/from NCBI SRA. For information on these advanced features, see |Data Store Guide|.
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