cubiomes-viewer 3.3.0
- added trail ruins map option and finders
- added amethyst geode map option
- added finder and map indicator for igloos with basement
- added biome noise visualization for beta 1.7 climates (#212)
- added keyboard controls to navigate the map (#217)
- added desert wells map option and finders (#218)
- added command line option --reset-all to clear the sessions and settings
- added visibility toggles for structures, which can be used to de-clutter the toolbar
- added better internationalization support and language selection to the preferences
- added an initial German translation
- updated structure icons, replacing several amidst icons that had non-standard sizes
- changed UI so multiple conditions can be enabled/disabled at once (#216)
- changed warning message for small areas to be more informative (#220)
- changed compiler flags for debug builds
- changed the toolbar position so its anchor is restored on restart
- changed preferences dialog to be non-blocking
- fixed missing y-level option for locate-biome-center finders (#221)
- fixed incorrect stronghold positions for 1.6- (#228)
- fixed secondary spawn pass for 1.18+ (#219)