devops: install.sh needs to rewritten to install ruby using RVM or rbenv.
feature: encode email to svg graph.
optimize: handle newline in Chinese text converted to a space when markdown is rendered to HTML. If this issue is resolved, then we can write multiple lines for a paragraph in Chinese.
features: tags, comments, "more".
infra: get rid of limited github-pages related stuff. After all we directly deploy the contents in ./_site to master branch so we don't have to stick to github-pages.
fix: better margin, padding layout.
fix: incorrect displaying of inline math formulas. Always use double $ even in inline mode; leave displayed mode surrounded with blank lines.
feature: auto publication list generation. I gave up jekyll-scholar eventually due to the limited flexibility of the customization to its bibliography's format. I found it more comfortable to build the publication list from a yaml file with BibTeX-like format.
optimize: remove unneeded whitespace generated in HTML. See https://shopify.github.io/liquid/basics/whitespace/
optimize: split contents into different files from index page.
fix: centerize menu.
devops: include gem versions in Gemfile and exclude Gemfile.lock from git.
I forgot why to include gem versions thus I did not. I just add Gemfile.lock to gitignore file.