GIANTS Engine Runtime 9.0.0 (29904) 64bit Steam (Build Date: Feb 9 2023) Copyright (c) 2008-2021, GIANTS Software GmbH (, All Rights Reserved. Copyright (c) 2003-2021, Christian Ammann and Stefan Geiger, All Rights Reserved. Application: FarmingSimulator2022 Main System CPU: Intel(R) Core(TM) i5-4430 CPU @ 3.00GHz Memory: 8136 MB OS: Windows NT 10.0 64-bit Physics System Version: 5.9.5 Thread(s): 2 Audio System Driver: SoftMixer WASAPI Stereo Version: 2018.11 Frequency: 48000 Max. active sources: 256 Render System Driver: Direct 3D 12 Card Vendor: NVIDIA Corporation Renderer: NVIDIA GeForce GTX 1050 Ti Version: (16.3.2023) Revision: 161 Hardware Feature Level : 12_1 Windowed Mode : off V-Sync : on Allow Tearing : off Validation Layer : off Effective Window Size : 1920 x 1080px Effective Swap Chain Size : 1920 x 1080px Started 2 threads for threadpool 'Render threadpool' Hardware Profile Level: Custom Medium View Distance Factor: 0.900000 Shadow Quality: 1.000000 Base-Size: 2048 Filter-Size: 4 Shadow Focus Box: false Foliage Shadows: false Shader Quality: 1 Skip Mipmaps: 1 LOD Distance Factor: 1.000000 Terrain LOD Distance Factor: 1.000000 Terrain Quality: 1 Foliage View Distance Factor: 1.000000 Volume Mesh Tessellation Factor: 1.500000 Tyre Tracks Segments Factor: 0.000000 Max. Number of Shadow Lights: 1 Max. Number of Lights: 128 Max. Number of Dir Lights: 4 Max. Number of Lights Per Cluster: 32 MSAA: 1 Post Process AA: TAA DLSS Quality: Off AMD FidelityFx SR Quality: Off AMD FidelityFx SR 2.0 Quality: Off Intel XeSS Quality: Off Sharpness: 1.00 Recommended Window Size: 1920 x 1080px Bloom Quality: 3 SSAO Quality: 11 SSAO Resolution Scaling: 0.500000 DOF: Disabled Half Resolution DOF: Disabled Cloud Quality: 1 Texture Streaming: Enabled EnvMap Blending: Enabled Dynamic Specular EnvMap: Disabled Shading Rate Quality: 0 Input System Keyboard enabled Mouse enabled Gamepad/Joystick enabled Force Feedback disabled Started 1 threads for threadpool 'TerrainPatchOccluderManager unique worker' Used Start Parameters: exe F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Farming Simulator 22\x64\FarmingSimulator2022Game.exe Platform: loading defaults Setting 'Master Volume': 0.500 Setting 'Is Train Tabbable': false Setting 'Radio Vehicle Only': false Setting 'Radio Active': false Setting 'Use Colorblind Mode': false Setting 'Easy Arm Control': true Setting 'Show Trigger Marker': true Setting 'Show Help Trigger': false Setting 'Show Field-Info': true Setting 'Invert Y-Look': false Setting 'Show Help Icons': true Setting 'Radio Volume': 0.500 Setting 'Vehicle Volume': 1.000 Setting 'Environment Volume': 0.700 Setting 'GUI Volume': 0.500 Setting 'Master Volume': 0.500 Setting 'Music Volume': 0.000 Farming Simulator 22 (Steam) Version: b22767 Available Languages: en de jp pl cz fr es ru it pt hu nl cs ct br tr ro kr ea da fi no sv fc Language: de Time: 2023-04-21 02:46:52 ModDesc Version: 73 Mod Directory: C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/ dataS/character/humans/player/animations.i3d (805.15 ms) dataS/character/humans/player/vehicleCharacterAnimations.i3d (30.02 ms) Available dlc: (Hash: 1e34e6da3250471b406a092063173ec0) (Version: pdlc_agiPack Available dlc: (Hash: a80574947b37ccca8cbf015ecca117cf) (Version: pdlc_antonioCarraroPack Available dlc: (Hash: 49bfa385ca90594408a7f75db8783578) (Version: pdlc_claasSaddleTracPack Available dlc: (Hash: 4fb071c73b67044650ed003f0323462e) (Version: pdlc_eroPack ExtraContent: Unlocked 'ERO' Available dlc: (Hash: 619afefb82c72ed46a37a116e06b6175) (Version: pdlc_extraContentVolvoLM845 ExtraContent: Unlocked 'VOLVO_LM845' Available dlc: (Hash: 5870071eae37fba9ff3b13a7978dde18) (Version: pdlc_extraContentZetor ExtraContent: Unlocked 'ZETOR25K' Available dlc: (Hash: 329e90792fd90c2ca716253d202aa7a4) (Version: pdlc_forestryPack ExtraContent: Unlocked 'VOLVO' dataS/character/humans/npc/animations.i3d (89.86 ms) Available dlc: (Hash: aac793676831ca8eed12c4d165b72128) (Version: pdlc_goeweilPack Available dlc: (Hash: 824b01df5f17a1693811eeea47376932) (Version: pdlc_kubotaPack ExtraContent: Unlocked 'KUBOTA' Available dlc: (Hash: 9ecace86dbfb74c0fffa7796b49d1489) (Version: pdlc_pumpsAndHosesPack Available dlc: (Hash: 536fa70e7a69d1b5c979743bc848cf68) (Version: pdlc_vermeerPack ExtraContent: Unlocked 'VERMEER' Available mod: (Hash: 90327d4d193dcc64e7824eadf365cea3) (Version: FS22_additionalFieldInfo Available mod: (Hash: 8defbbc130562ae8c81767bee7e1264f) (Version: FS22_airHoseConnectSound Available mod: (Hash: 249b4e07bcbbdbbb3cded001d886ee94) (Version: FS22_animalLimitIncreaser64 Available mod: (Hash: 8ec26472dd861fc8750ceaf00001593d) (Version: FS22_AugerwagonWithLime Available mod: (Hash: b4dc7fb5c54e9165b9aec02f268e5862) (Version: FS22_AutoDrive Available mod: (Hash: 57e297105f31f388c74e4102debc2bb3) (Version: FS22_automaticUnloadForBaleWrapper Available mod: (Hash: d5e2e094a5109ac58e100fb46f5f798b) (Version: FS22_AutomaticWateringSystem Available mod: (Hash: bcef010789841d4efb173718beab364a) (Version: FS22_autoTurnOffTurnLights Available mod: (Hash: 067ed0a22ce7dc8a4a08d3f04ff73081) (Version: FS22_BigTurtleSaddleTanks Available mod: (Hash: ce0aea538789b5d5d557f6a0d6a88a7a) (Version: FS22_bourgaultCD872 Available mod: (Hash: ce1a5e2a4fbc2e4326b61e27a3695143) (Version: FS22_bourgaultSeries3320 Available mod: (Hash: 6c23ff6998d3bf4f33d6f7c6630e6702) (Version: FS22_bourgaultSeries3420 Available mod: (Hash: 0e857a6af466123df471b54b02aaf20f) (Version: FS22_BuildingSnap Available mod: (Hash: e6f49488cecfedd0768a4d5bebc5f37a) (Version: FS22_buyProductionInput Available mod: (Hash: d1c4850675bc5032838a1ac37a43ede7) (Version: FS22_cameraZoomExtension Available mod: (Hash: 77216761a495ca9f2ed4f5c9e962fe7f) (Version: FS22_CaseIH_AFS_Steiger_Series Warning: Duplicate l10n entry 'configuration_beacon' in mod 'FS22_CaseIH_AFS_Steiger_Series'. Ignoring this definition. Available mod: (Hash: ab28ceb00a4f29cb85ef87c8a2659489) (Version: FS22_CaseIH_Trident5550 Available mod: (Hash: 1d81cb3d92224431ae94a220129ab6da) (Version: FS22_Courseplay Available mod: (Hash: 2152eb2b3a3ea874f8f3242159690351) (Version: FS22_CP01_Lizard_Cranes_SMV_4531_TC5 Available mod: (Hash: df88953e0bfe17d4f037ca87d034c421) (Version: FS22_CP02_Tipper_Container_Trailer Available mod: (Hash: 7bca1ddf66184f83320672fc310e6d9f) (Version: FS22_CP04_Titan_Grain_Containers Available mod: (Hash: 56d892d37e027924e9e2fd257689bbf6) (Version: FS22_CP05_Tank_Containers Available mod: (Hash: 8a62b337377ab6de08a73ab3d0fc8ec5) (Version: FS22_cropGrowthStageInfo Available mod: (Hash: 8d9f90258306475f9e9a8326a2b37a27) (Version: FS22_CropRotation Available mod: (Hash: 560953a860f300037b91626695c93179) (Version: FS22_cultivatorFieldCreator Available mod: (Hash: 9b1abf79e5d62d82a92767ff5dd26847) (Version: FS22_CustomizableDigitalSigns Available mod: (Hash: 1eee9345e99c002faa4e248a9d210ddc) (Version: FS22_DamageBarSelection Available mod: (Hash: 73f594b69f66cc464760d1151de8de23) (Version: FS22_Demco_Sidequest_Tanks Available mod: (Hash: c1183de69c52560582c7049a224d24ca) (Version: FS22_DisableTurnOffMotor Available mod: (Hash: 882bec61b06043d803caf96c8cbd1620) (Version: FS22_DondiDiscovitis Available mod: (Hash: cd15c7747b050b9554be51798debbdc5) (Version: FS22_dropdeckTrailer53Ft_AutoPack_crossplay Available mod: (Hash: 4982d898e1e3c14f267bf912f1d6028d) (Version: FS22_EarthFruitStorage Available mod: (Hash: c69e7762899893a1dd19d4c0027e119d) (Version: FS22_EasyDevControls Available mod: (Hash: 1a94ff710ce6ebfd4965317ef80d7789) (Version: FS22_ExtendedMeridianSilo Available mod: (Hash: 56c747d4471a56ca391b4c72e20b5565) (Version: FS22_FillLevelLimiter Available mod: (Hash: ad3d1662717e579c83a6f8f7de6a79c9) (Version: FS22_flatBedTrailerCombo_AutoPack_crossplay Available mod: (Hash: 38826c29e4b53efc6453b81e28835e50) (Version: FS22_FollowMe Available mod: (Hash: 807ab37907e389b1cb92dc5e4f787c8d) (Version: FS22_Gnadenthal Available mod: (Hash: 15adafce7038589ebfdd9d004d49b728) (Version: FS22_guidanceSteering Available mod: (Hash: dc076237ee136153507d368d655fd372) (Version: FS22_holmerPack Available mod: (Hash: 463705027ff2fd3c1e18333b07a3cf46) (Version: FS22_InfoMessageHUD Available mod: (Hash: 9582f4c97a90075860de4b14fcfa471f) (Version: FS22_Jacto_Hover_500 Available mod: (Hash: 34070443bd831333416fee592a6945ce) (Version: FS22_JD_1775NT_2022 Available mod: (Hash: b29d8bbe5d6725c44a6c1b0f353903ec) (Version: FS22_JD_x9_1100 Available mod: (Hash: 024e2e84e367c54edd7556fb655c1e32) (Version: FS22_JohnDeere2410 Available mod: (Hash: ff7bca4e83a6c4a94111bc96c907b414) (Version: FS22_JohnDeere8900series Available mod: (Hash: 4293347cc84e4f6f9552ff27f6121b3f) (Version: FS22_JohnDeere8Series2020 Available mod: (Hash: bb19aaa2f273049395db4737d7444477) (Version: FS22_JohnDeere_9RX_2022 Available mod: (Hash: 77e6e7fb1fc5300724b52b23fde399ba) (Version: FS22_JohnDeere_9R_9RT_9RX_series_2019 Available mod: (Hash: abd2e2249cdc0ed25f9c89e3a3c96c8c) (Version: FS22_JohnDeere_9x20_9x30 Available mod: (Hash: 09e92c98c53a4b890e718411c517ff49) (Version: FS22_JohnDeere_9X30T Available mod: (Hash: c0ee6491ec40824fe4e897c522eea292) (Version: FS22_JohnDeere_ExactRate_Tanks Available mod: (Hash: 9e0fcb4b4b2a71793d6dcdb235da9fc5) (Version: FS22_kvernelandExactaELpack Available mod: (Hash: 1b9d2285ebfe5e1b8891f5be67b69e7c) (Version: FS22_LessMotorBrakeForce Available mod: (Hash: 4c6a053dc567a2d350043feb2eb61751) (Version: FS22_liquid_fertilizer_wagons Available mod: (Hash: f252b40475b396e5fd292685f94f851d) (Version: FS22_Lizard_GD4_30HS Available mod: (Hash: ba61b5daba8e0e38587ab3f0a5625251) (Version: FS22_Lizard_MegaRoll2430_multiRoller Available mod: (Hash: 77453a0a7016dbbeb533a7e81b3fffd4) (Version: FS22_LumberJack Available mod: (Hash: def9c10e2caf731450cc6daa254f990f) (Version: FS22_MaizePlus Available mod: (Hash: c904893bb96eda9478159237b2757f33) (Version: FS22_maizePlus_animalFoodAdditions Available mod: (Hash: f79ab40fb763f3491181501781195c7d) (Version: FS22_ManureFix Available mod: (Hash: 93c2c87368813ec5e3b781bb3a6a5311) (Version: FS22_meridian_storage Available mod: (Hash: d2c1261aa7fc9c96a0dd53b47d9e90d0) (Version: FS22_moreHoneyPalletPlaceOptions Available mod: (Hash: 3e779640f48e71f3d5381b811eafa702) (Version: FS22_NoMoreRolling Available mod: (Hash: 503f75754bafa247e7cf3bd7711aa14c) (Version: FS22_ObjectStorage Available mod: (Hash: 7986a119fe50c5489aea0fbdd687ba15) (Version: FS22_paintAndTerraformAnywhere Available mod: (Hash: d3c455c21c9ca5a9cba9783a8bc3e3cd) (Version: FS22_PalletStorageLogistic Available mod: (Hash: a72d2791ad227d14b7e792c6fe40005a) (Version: FS22_park_vehicle Available mod: (Hash: f7973c94ca95bafcfa9408e9e8be7431) (Version: FS22_PlaceableExtended Available mod: (Hash: ceb61cffc090875fffd7f98c02e2509c) (Version: FS22_placeablePackObjects Available mod: (Hash: ae0140fefcf26d67da77dd8c345e19dc) (Version: FS22_PlaceableStreetLamps Available mod: (Hash: 01e43ebe841b66bc6a47cb6ad7429197) (Version: FS22_Poettinger_200VCProMultiBaler_Mplus Available mod: (Hash: 5359be9ae727974edde9f964b4739661) (Version: FS22_precisionFarming Available mod: (Hash: 8870e4527b8c8c429d1c6664e95b853f) (Version: FS22_Raisinproductionpack Available mod: (Hash: 163dd65ee815d915716422b1bff6fbc5) (Version: FS22_realismAddon_animalGrazing Available mod: (Hash: 962ff3018d39ee3bf54dbb2ca2b6e26a) (Version: FS22_RealisticAnimalLosses Available mod: (Hash: 2dbff97718037b2c68b59f79ec2ca565) (Version: FS22_reduceMaintenanceCosts Available mod: (Hash: 93de919df21df611c126f9b4b47c8af2) (Version: FS22_roundBalerExtension Available mod: (Hash: 513c329d26ade6fcd1ac0c71a55e39be) (Version: FS22_Sawmills Available mod: (Hash: a29d0f79533a6529fe923eba71e1e19a) (Version: FS22_Seed_Runner_3755_XL Available mod: (Hash: bf4c7d17b75084bab71fa180e6b2bd7e) (Version: FS22_siloking_trailedLineSystem1000 Available mod: (Hash: c46b4a7ea7da8d864513059182511914) (Version: FS22_SimpleInspector Available mod: (Hash: e13b385cae935e70b087de43562ee117) (Version: FS22_SpeedControl Available mod: (Hash: ab86cf936179d59e7dd79c5e45cb4f38) (Version: FS22_Stables_with_larger_pastures Available mod: (Hash: 393de16dea9ec1ce62f66ab1cf6207ec) (Version: FS22_StationaryWoodchipper Available mod: (Hash: 29e9c39c1d7aef1c968d6055d99357bc) (Version: FS22_SteelObjectStorageSheds Available mod: (Hash: fc9c378cf9948bc048b7d9f28ee2e1ac) (Version: FS22_stopFullCombine Available mod: (Hash: 81a8260c4f4558ebb442784a4640c39e) (Version: FS22_storeDeliveries Available mod: (Hash: 9c5e183809366ea08ae13ea9ef45c837) (Version: FS22_sugarbeetProcessing01 Available mod: (Hash: 60e8bd18b4f2d4a93341188b4960c1a2) (Version: FS22_terraDosT4_40 Available mod: (Hash: a7c3d75773977b7e1d38e82365834b5c) (Version: FS22_TGA_pc Available mod: (Hash: b84ebbc1558d63ec05a8eefa4c7278ef) (Version: FS22_TigerMate255 Available mod: (Hash: 417da89ba54cb391e60291f99a2da3d8) (Version: FS22_TLX3500_Series Available mod: (Hash: 4c7fe53c63ad8010a46571112c569297) (Version: FS22_Toolbox_Portable Available mod: (Hash: 290f54cb09853b2f51aeac3adbb94fc1) (Version: FS22_Unimog_U1X00 Available mod: (Hash: b8bfba10d9d668690736dd4e79958415) (Version: FS22_UniversalAutoload Available mod: (Hash: dbb350ca0c2dc1a5acef758c658f843d) (Version: FS22_UpgradableFactories Available mod: (Hash: 3a9c288e2bc98723c0240eae51a82db8) (Version: FS22_Woodstoragebeams 2023-04-21 02:53 Loaded 'vehicle' specializations 2023-04-21 02:53 Loaded 'placeable' specializations 2023-04-21 02:53 Loaded vehicle types 2023-04-21 02:53 Loaded placeable types 2023-04-21 02:53 Info: Loaded construction brush types 2023-04-21 02:53 Load dlc: pdlc_agiPack 2023-04-21 02:53 Load dlc: pdlc_claasSaddleTracPack 2023-04-21 02:53 Load dlc: pdlc_forestryPack 2023-04-21 02:53 Load dlc: pdlc_goeweilPack 2023-04-21 02:53 Load dlc: pdlc_pumpsAndHosesPack 2023-04-21 02:53 Load dlc: pdlc_vermeerPack 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_additionalFieldInfo 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_airHoseConnectSound 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_animalLimitIncreaser64 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_AugerwagonWithLime 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_AutoDrive 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_automaticUnloadForBaleWrapper 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_AutomaticWateringSystem 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_autoTurnOffTurnLights 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_BigTurtleSaddleTanks 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_bourgaultCD872 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_bourgaultSeries3320 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_bourgaultSeries3420 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_BuildingSnap 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_buyProductionInput 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_cameraZoomExtension 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_CaseIH_AFS_Steiger_Series 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_CaseIH_Trident5550 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_Courseplay 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Courseplay/img/signs/normal.i3d (1.09 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Courseplay/img/signs/start.i3d (0.91 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Courseplay/img/signs/stop.i3d (0.82 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_CP01_Lizard_Cranes_SMV_4531_TC5 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_CP02_Tipper_Container_Trailer 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_CP04_Titan_Grain_Containers 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_CP05_Tank_Containers 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_cropGrowthStageInfo 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_CropRotation 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_cultivatorFieldCreator 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_CustomizableDigitalSigns 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_DamageBarSelection 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_Demco_Sidequest_Tanks 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_DisableTurnOffMotor 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_DondiDiscovitis 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_dropdeckTrailer53Ft_AutoPack_crossplay 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_EarthFruitStorage 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_EasyDevControls 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_ExtendedMeridianSilo 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_FillLevelLimiter 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_flatBedTrailerCombo_AutoPack_crossplay 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_FollowMe 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_Gnadenthal 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_guidanceSteering 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_InfoMessageHUD 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_Jacto_Hover_500 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_JD_1775NT_2022 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_JD_x9_1100 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_JohnDeere2410 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_JohnDeere8900series 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_JohnDeere8Series2020 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_JohnDeere_9R_9RT_9RX_series_2019 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_JohnDeere_9RX_2022 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_JohnDeere_9x20_9x30 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_JohnDeere_9X30T 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_JohnDeere_ExactRate_Tanks 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_kvernelandExactaELpack 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_LessMotorBrakeForce 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_liquid_fertilizer_wagons 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_Lizard_GD4_30HS 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_Lizard_MegaRoll2430_multiRoller 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_LumberJack 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_MaizePlus 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_maizePlus_animalFoodAdditions 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_ManureFix 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_meridian_storage 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_moreHoneyPalletPlaceOptions 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_NoMoreRolling 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_ObjectStorage 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_paintAndTerraformAnywhere 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_PalletStorageLogistic 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_park_vehicle 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_PlaceableExtended 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_placeablePackObjects 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_PlaceableStreetLamps 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_Poettinger_200VCProMultiBaler_Mplus 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_precisionFarming 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_Raisinproductionpack 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_realismAddon_animalGrazing 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_RealisticAnimalLosses 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_reduceMaintenanceCosts 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_roundBalerExtension 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_Sawmills 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_Seed_Runner_3755_XL 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_siloking_trailedLineSystem1000 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_SimpleInspector 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_SpeedControl 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_Stables_with_larger_pastures 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_StationaryWoodchipper 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_SteelObjectStorageSheds 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_stopFullCombine 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_storeDeliveries 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_sugarbeetProcessing01 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_terraDosT4_40 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_TGA_pc 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_TigerMate255 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_TLX3500_Series 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_Toolbox_Portable 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_Unimog_U1X00 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_UniversalAutoload 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: FS22_Woodstoragebeams 2023-04-21 02:53 Inserted Park Vehicle into 51 of 185 vehicle types 2023-04-21 02:53 Info: Loaded 'Fill Level Limiter' into 81 vehicle types 2023-04-21 02:53 Info: FS22_FollowMe.followVehicle specialization added to: selfPropelledSprayer, carFillable, pdlc_agiPack.seedTreater, pdlc_forestryPack.forwarderExtended, tractorReverseDriving, woodTruck, pdlc_forestryPack.woodHarvesterExtended, selfPropelledManureBarrel, pdlc_forestryPack.forestryExcavatorHarvester, FS22_CaseIH_Trident5550.TRIDENT, combineDrivable, cottonHarvester, woodCrusherTrailerDrivable, baseDrivable, loaderVehicle, combineCutterFruitPreparer, pdlc_forestryPack.forestryExcavator, woodCrusherDrivable, balerDrivable, pdlc_forestryPack.forestryExcavatorGrapple, selfPropelledMower, vineHarvester, FS22_Unimog_U1X00.unimogU1600, FS22_CP01_Lizard_Cranes_SMV_4531_TC5.LizardCrane, woodHarvester, selfPropelledLeveler, FS22_JohnDeere_9x20_9x30.tractor9X30, pdlc_forestryPack.selfPropelledFellerBuncher, teleHandler, pdlc_forestryPack.tractorForestry, FS22_JD_x9_1100.combineX9, FS22_CaseIH_AFS_Steiger_Series.tractor, FS22_JohnDeere8900series.tractor8960, pdlc_forestryPack.dumper, FS22_JohnDeere8Series2020.8RX, conveyorBelt, car, FS22_JohnDeere_9x20_9x30.tractor9X20, FS22_JohnDeere_9X30T.tractor9X30T, forwarder, drivableMixerWagon, tractor, pickupConveyorBelt. 2023-04-21 02:53 Mod: register spec SpeedControl v1.0.0.0 by Heady 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'baseColor' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'design' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'designColor' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'vehicleType' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'design2' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'design3' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'design4' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'design5' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'design6' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'design7' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'design8' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'ai' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'inputAttacherJoint' 2023-04-21 02:53 data/shared/ai/trafficCollision.i3d (2.36 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'attacherJoint' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register workAreaType 'BALER' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'wrappingColor' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'wrappingAnimation' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'baseMaterial' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'designMaterial' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'designMaterial2' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'designMaterial3' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'multipleItemPurchaseAmount' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register workAreaType 'COMBINECHOPPER' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register workAreaType 'COMBINESWATH' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'cover' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register workAreaType 'CULTIVATOR' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register workAreaType 'CUTTER' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'dischargeable' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'fillUnit' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'fillVolume' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'folding' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register workAreaType 'FORAGEWAGON' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'frontloader' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register workAreaType 'FRUITPREPARER' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'motor' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register workAreaType 'MULCHER' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register workAreaType 'MOWER' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'pipe' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'plow' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register workAreaType 'PLOW' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'powerConsumer' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register workAreaType 'RIDGEMARKER' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'roller' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register workAreaType 'ROLLER' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register workAreaType 'SALTSPREADER' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register workAreaType 'SOWINGMACHINE' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register workAreaType 'SPRAYER' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register workAreaType 'STONEPICKER' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register workAreaType 'STUMPCUTTER' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register workAreaType 'TEDDER' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'tensionBelts' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'trailer' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'treeSaplingType' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'variableWorkWidth' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register workAreaType 'WEEDER' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'wheel' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'rimColor' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register workAreaType 'WINDROWER' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register workAreaType 'DEFAULT' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register workAreaType 'AUXILIARY' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'workArea' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'workMode' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'usedComponents' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'treeAutomaticArmControl' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'winch' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'woodContainer' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'umbilicalReel' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'cropSensor' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'manureSensor' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'weedSpotSpray' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'universalAutoload' 2023-04-21 02:53 Register configuration 'globalPositioningSystem' 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_precisionFarming/vehicles/fritzmeier/isariaProCompact/isariaProCompact.i3d (141.66 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_precisionFarming/vehicles/johnDeere/manureSensing/manureSensing.i3d (12.52 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 Info: Loading ConnectionHoses from 'data/shared/connectionHoses/connectionHoses.xml' 2023-04-21 02:53 Info: Loading ConnectionHoses from 'F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/shared/connectionHoses/connectionHoses.xml' 2023-04-21 02:53 data/shared/connectionHoses/hoses.i3d (10.31 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/shared/connectionHoses/connectors.i3d (48.01 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/shared/connectionHoses/hoseMaterialHolder.i3d (9.56 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/shared/connectionHoses/hoseMaterialHolder.i3d (14.85 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/objects/roundbales/roundbale125/roundbale125.i3d (28.97 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/objects/roundbales/roundbale150/roundbale150.i3d (20.18 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/objects/roundbales/roundbale180/roundbale180.i3d (25.79 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 Info: resetSplitShapes() 2023-04-21 02:53 data/objects/squarebales/squarebale240/squarebale240.i3d (29.23 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/objects/squarebales/squarebale220/squarebale220.i3d (21.06 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/objects/squarebales/squarebale180/squarebale180.i3d (17.71 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/objects/squarebales/squarebale120/squarebale120.i3d (17.42 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/objects/squarebales/squarebale120/packedSquareBale120.i3d (11.20 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/objects/cottonModules/cottonRoundbale238.i3d (14.80 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/objects/cottonModules/cottonSquarebale488.i3d (6.02 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/objects/roundbales/biomass/biomassBale125.i3d (17.47 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Poettinger_200VCProMultiBaler_Mplus/roundbales/roundbale150/roundbale150.i3d (42.05 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Poettinger_200VCProMultiBaler_Mplus/roundbales/roundbale125/roundbale125.i3d (40.96 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/shared/aiMarker.i3d (2.47 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/shared/alphabet/fontMaterialHolder.i3d (59.60 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/mapUS/licensePlates/licensePlatesUS.i3d (16.95 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/mower/mower.i3d (63.33 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/pickup/pickupIN.i3d (31.12 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/pickup/pickupOUT.i3d (4.81 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/tedder/tedder.i3d (23.47 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/windrower/windrower.i3d (15.50 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cutter/maize/maize_harvestReadyDry.i3d (33.94 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cutter/sunflower/sunflower_harvestReady.i3d (30.51 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cutter/maize/maize_harvestReadyGreen.i3d (25.66 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cutter/grass/grass_greenBig.i3d (30.08 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cutter/grass/grass_harvestReady.i3d (18.37 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cutter/sunflower/sunflower_greenBig.i3d (38.74 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cutter/wheat/wheat_greenBig.i3d (23.54 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cutter/wheat/wheat_harvestReady.i3d (27.42 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cutter/barley/barley_greenBig.i3d (27.14 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cutter/barley/barley_harvestReady.i3d (27.05 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cutter/oat/oat_greenBig.i3d (29.53 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cutter/oat/oat_harvestReady.i3d (22.28 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cutter/canola/canola_greenBig.i3d (30.18 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cutter/canola/canola_harvestReady.i3d (28.37 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cutter/soybean/soybean_greenBig.i3d (47.60 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cutter/soybean/soybean_harvestReady.i3d (52.51 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cutter/sorghum/sorghum_greenBig.i3d (31.98 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cutter/sorghum/sorghum_harvestReady.i3d (33.60 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cutter/maize/maize_fruits.i3d (9.26 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cutter/sunflower/sunflower_fruits.i3d (6.46 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cutter/maize/maize_threshing.i3d (14.66 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cutter/sunflower/sunflower_threshing.i3d (11.87 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/fertilizer/fertilizer.i3d (37.63 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/chopper/strawChopper.i3d (124.34 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cultivator/cultivator.i3d (42.73 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/plow/plow.i3d (32.30 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/mixerWagon/mixerWagon.i3d (9.04 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/grape/grape_fruitsLeaves.i3d (15.71 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/grape/grape_fruitsClean.i3d (3.45 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/grape/grape_fruitsHarvested.i3d (3.81 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/grape/grape_threshing.i3d (3.47 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/grape/grape_prePruner.i3d (3.63 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/olive/olive_fruitsLeaves.i3d (15.41 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/olive/olive_fruitsClean.i3d (14.06 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/olive/olive_threshing.i3d (13.96 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/manure/manure.i3d (25.93 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/stone/small/stone.i3d (17.03 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/stone/medium/stone.i3d (5.91 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/stone/big/stone.i3d (6.58 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/sky/sky.i3d (4.05 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/wood/wood_cutter.i3d (19.05 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/sugarcane/sugarcane_prepareFruit.i3d (16.32 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/sugarcane/sugarcane_chopper.i3d (26.70 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/sugarcane/sugarcane_chaffer.i3d (15.75 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/sugarcane/sugarcane_cutter.i3d (30.31 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/snow/snowPieces.i3d (29.62 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/snow/snowDust.i3d (20.79 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_MaizePlus/data/effects/mixerWagon/mixerWagon.i3d (215.06 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_MaizePlus/data/effects/mower/mower.i3d (84.30 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_MaizePlus/data/effects/pickup/pickupIN.i3d (48.09 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_MaizePlus/data/effects/pickup/pickupOUT.i3d (18.84 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_MaizePlus/data/effects/tedder/tedder.i3d (42.15 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_MaizePlus/data/effects/windrower/windrower.i3d (39.63 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_MaizePlus/data/effects/strawblower/strawChopper.i3d (148.12 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/pumpsAndHosesPack/data/shared/hose/hose.i3d (96.66 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/pumpsAndHosesPack/data/shared/hose/umbilicalHoses.i3d (56.51 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/sky/rain.i3d (14.47 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/sky/snow.i3d (10.62 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Gnadenthal/mapCA/map.i3d (3594.65 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/mapUS/sounds.i3d (154.17 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/decoFoliage/decoFoliageUS.i3d (230.06 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/decoFoliage/decoFoliageUS.i3d (2.26 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/decoBush/decoBush.i3d (131.52 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/meadow/meadowUS.i3d (26.92 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 Warning (performance): Foliage lod 1 mesh 'meadow' 'cut' 'cut' is much larger than lod 0 mesh (min/maxY (-0.175/0.082 vs -0.125/0.103). 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/grass/grass.i3d (23.48 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/wheat/wheat.i3d (113.93 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/canola/canola.i3d (94.35 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/barley/barley.i3d (107.18 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/maize/maize.i3d (165.70 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/potato/potato.i3d (135.68 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/potato/potatoHaulm.i3d (14.40 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/sugarbeet/sugarbeet.i3d (114.77 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/sugarbeet/sugarbeetHaulm.i3d (5.32 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/sunflower/sunflower.i3d (62.55 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/soybean/soybean.i3d (112.48 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/oilseedRadish/oilseedRadish.i3d (25.20 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/poplar/poplar.i3d (19.90 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/oat/oat.i3d (25.59 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/sugarcane/sugarcane.i3d (44.18 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/sugarcane/sugarCaneHaulm.i3d (5.45 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/cotton/cotton.i3d (42.26 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/sorghum/sorghum.i3d (99.97 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/olive/olive.i3d (77.09 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/grape/grape.i3d (2.36 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 Info: transform group 'C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/savegame4/densityMap_fruits.gdm' has elements very far out from the cell edge (59.65% expansion) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/weed/weed.i3d (57.39 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/stone/stone.i3d (11.45 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/foliage/groundFoliage/groundFoliage.i3d (290.64 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 Info: transform group 'C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Gnadenthal/mapCA/data/densityMap_groundFoliage.gdm' has elements very far out from the cell edge (25.47% expansion) 2023-04-21 02:53 FoliageTransformGroup 'C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/savegame4/densityMap_fruits.gdm' may need space for up to 2102764 instances (1819 per cell x 1156 cells) 2023-04-21 02:53 FoliageTransformGroup 'C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/savegame4/densityMap_weed.gdm' may need space for up to 294912 instances (512 per cell x 576 cells) 2023-04-21 02:53 FoliageTransformGroup 'C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/savegame4/densityMap_stones.gdm' may need space for up to 294912 instances (512 per cell x 576 cells) 2023-04-21 02:53 FoliageTransformGroup 'C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Gnadenthal/mapCA/data/densityMap_groundFoliage.gdm' may need space for up to 294912 instances (512 per cell x 576 cells) 2023-04-21 02:53 New Animal Husbandry Limit: 64 2023-04-21 02:53 Info: [AutoDrive] Loaded mod version (by Stephan). Full version number: 2023-04-21 02:53 Info: [AD] Start register later loaded mods... 2023-04-21 02:53 Info: [AD] Start register later loaded mods end 2023-04-21 02:53 Info: [AD] Map title: Gnadenthal 2023-04-21 02:53 Info: [AD] Parsed map title: Gnadenthal 2023-04-21 02:53 Info: [AutoDrive] Loading xml file from C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/savegame4/AutoDrive_config.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 Info: [AutoDrive] Loaded 20479 waypoints 2023-04-21 02:53 Info: [AD] AutoDrive.readFromXML waypoints: 20479 2023-04-21 02:53 Info: [AD] AutoDrive.readFromXML markers: 318 2023-04-21 02:53 Info: [AD] AutoDrive.readFromXML groups: 15 2023-04-21 02:53 Info: [AD] ADUserDataManager: apply user settings 2023-04-21 02:53 Info: [AD] ADUserDataManager: loaded data for 1 users 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_AutoDrive/drawing/line.i3d (0.77 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_AutoDrive/drawing/arrow.i3d (0.84 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_AutoDrive/drawing/sphere_small.i3d (0.19 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_AutoDrive/drawing/sphere.i3d (0.30 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 [BS]::INFO - Loading Building Snap version 2023-04-21 02:53 [BS]::INFO - Finished loading Building Snap 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_AutoDrive/drawing/marker.i3d (7.68 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Current version:, last version: 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_AutoDrive/drawing/marker_2.i3d (3.72 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [dbg13 lp23572] Created directory at C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/modSettings/FS22_Courseplay/Courses/FS22_Gnadenthal.Gnadenthal 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [dbg13 lp23572] Created directory at C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/modSettings/FS22_Courseplay/Courses/FS22_Gnadenthal.Gnadenthal/Singleplayer 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [dbg13 lp23572] Created directory at C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/modSettings/FS22_Courseplay/Courses/FS22_Gnadenthal.Gnadenthal/Singleplayer/Felder 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_AutoDrive/drawing/marker_3.i3d (6.94 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [dbg13 lp23572] Created directory at C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/modSettings/FS22_Courseplay/CustomFields/FS22_Gnadenthal.Gnadenthal 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Loading vehicle configuration from C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Courseplay/config/VehicleConfigurations.xml ... 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for braud9070L.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ useVehicleSizeForMarkers = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ turnRadius = 5.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for braud9090X.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ useVehicleSizeForMarkers = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ turnRadius = 5.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for ventor4150.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ raiseLate = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ lowerEarly = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for stego485Pro.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ workingWidth = 4.8 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for planter1775NT.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ turnRadius = 12.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for planter4900.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ turnRadius = 12.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for pov5xl.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ raiseLate = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ lowerEarly = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for rbm2000.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ toolOffsetX = -2.7 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ turnRadius = 15.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for citan15001C.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ implementWheelAlwaysOnGround = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for fsx6372.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ toolOffsetX = -2.4 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ turnRadius = 12.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ balerUnloadDistance = -3.8 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for rootster604.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ noReverse = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for SE260.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ toolOffsetX = -1.8 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ noReverse = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for keiler2.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ toolOffsetX = -2.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ noReverse = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for sw4014.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ toolOffsetX = -2.5 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ noReverse = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for kuhnDeltis1302.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ ignoreCollisionBoxesWhenFolded = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for kuhnMetris4102.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ ignoreCollisionBoxesWhenFolded = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for poettingerNovaCatX8.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ workingWidth = 8.4 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for navigator6000.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ ignoreCollisionBoxesWhenFolded = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for salford4204.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ turnRadius = 3.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for salford8312.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ noReverse = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ turnRadius = 9.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for titan11.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ noReverse = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ turnRadius = 7.5 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ implementWheelAlwaysOnGround = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for titan18.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ raiseLate = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ lowerEarly = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ noReverse = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ turnRadius = 9.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ implementWheelAlwaysOnGround = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for karat12.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ lowerEarly = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ implementWheelAlwaysOnGround = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for koralin9840.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ implementWheelAlwaysOnGround = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for SWT7.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ toolOffsetX = -2.2 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ turnRadius = 9.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for 980AirCart.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ noReverse = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for xlAirDrill84.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ noReverse = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ turnRadius = 10.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for terminator18.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ noReverse = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for th1400.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ noReverse = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for st820.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ turnRadius = 7.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for agrisemCultiplowPlatinum8m.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ turnRadius = 7.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for mp122Ocea.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ toolOffsetX = -1.2 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ useVehicleSizeForMarkers = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ turnRadius = 5.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for us235.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ workingWidth = 24.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for z2840.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ workingWidth = 8.4 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for imperador3.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ ignoreCollisionBoxesWhenFolded = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for rubicon9000.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ ignoreCollisionBoxesWhenFolded = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for tm1410.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for RB580.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ baleCollectorOffset = 1.4 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for iXterB18.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ ignoreCollisionBoxesWhenFolded = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for iXtrackT4.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ ignoreCollisionBoxesWhenFolded = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for wrapper7850C.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ baleCollectorOffset = 1.3 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for pw10012.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ raiseLate = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ lowerEarly = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ noReverse = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ turnRadius = 14.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ implementWheelAlwaysOnGround = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for ecomat.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ raiseLate = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ lowerEarly = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for series3320.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ noReverse = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for series7950b.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ noReverse = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for series3420.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ noReverse = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for series71300.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ noReverse = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for optiJect8.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ workingWidth = 6.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for leitwolf.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ armMovingToolIx = 1.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ movingToolIx = 2.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ turnRadius = 6.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for ClaasCougar1500.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ workingWidth = 15.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for Jacto_NPK_5030.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ workingWidth = 49.8 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ turnRadius = 22.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for spsl9.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ workingWidth = 10.5 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ toolOffsetX = 2.1 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ noReverse = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ turnRadius = 12.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ implementWheelAlwaysOnGround = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for vector460.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ implementWheelAlwaysOnGround = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for vector620.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ implementWheelAlwaysOnGround = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for ursusT127.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ toolOffsetX = -2.4 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ noReverse = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ balerUnloadDistance = -1.8 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for z586.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ baleCollectorOffset = 1.3 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ toolOffsetX = -2.5 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ noReverse = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for claasCropSensor.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ workingWidth = 18.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for bigBud747.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ turnRadius = 9.0 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for jcb435s.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ directionNodeOffsetZ = -0.7 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for leebPT350.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ ignoreCollisionBoxesWhenFolded = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for yp2425A.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ implementWheelAlwaysOnGround = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for balePusher.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ ignoreBaleCollisionForward = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Reading configuration for EYM_balePusher.xml 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] \__ ignoreBaleCollisionForward = true 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Loading vehicle configuration from C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/modSettings/FS22_Courseplay/vehicleConfigurations.xml ... 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Vehicle configuration file C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/modSettings/FS22_Courseplay/vehicleConfigurations.xml does not exist. 2023-04-21 02:53 :46 [info lp23572] Auto drive found: true 2023-04-21 02:53 Info - GrowthInfo: Loading mod 2023-04-21 02:53 Info - GrowthInfo: Precision Farming DLC present 2023-04-21 02:53 Info: Load soil map 'C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/savegame4/precisionFarming_soilMap.grle' 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_precisionFarming/shared/sprayerNozzleEffect.i3d (0.21 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 Load mod: Store Deliveries : v1.5.0.0 by ViperGTS96 2023-04-21 02:53 ** Forestry Pack is loaded ** 2023-04-21 02:53 IMPORT Universal Autoload global settings 2023-04-21 02:53 >> Show Debug Display: false 2023-04-21 02:53 >> Menu High Priority: false 2023-04-21 02:53 >> Manual Loading Only: false 2023-04-21 02:53 >> Automatic Tension Belts: true 2023-04-21 02:53 >> Price Per Log: 0 2023-04-21 02:53 >> Price Per Bale: 0 2023-04-21 02:53 >> Price Per Pallet: 0 2023-04-21 02:53 IMPORT user vehicle configurations 2023-04-21 02:53 IMPORT user container configurations 2023-04-21 02:53 *** OLD VERSION OF CONFIG FILE DETECTED - please use *** 2023-04-21 02:53 IMPORT supported vehicle configurations 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/welger/dk115/dk115.xml (2) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/brantner/dd24073/dd24073.xml (1) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/fliegl/dts59/dts59.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/bremerMaschinenbau/transportwagen/transportwagen.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/demco/steelDropDeck/steelDropDeck.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/lodeKing/renownTriAxleBeavertailLowDrop/renownTriAxleBeavertailLowDrop.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/krone/profiLiner/profiLiner.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/farmtech/dpw1800/dpw1800.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/kroeger/pwo24/pwo24.xml (1) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/kroeger/pwo24/pwo24.xml (2) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/kroeger/pwo24/pwo24.xml (3) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/boeckmann/mhal4320/mhal4320.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/boeckmann/kk301827H/kk301827H.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/salek/ans1900/ans1900.xml (1) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/lizard/pickup1986/pickup1986.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/lizard/pickup2017/pickup2017.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/johnDeere/xuv865M/xuv865M.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/mahindra/retriever/retriever.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/fliegl/timberRunner/timberRunner.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/andersonGroup/m160/m160.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/kesla/nd122/nd122.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/man/tgx26640/tgx26640.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/rottne/f20D/f20D.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/ponsse/bison/bison.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> data/vehicles/komatsu/forwarder875/forwarder875.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> forestryPack/vehicles/train/wagonPlanks/wagonPlanks.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> forestryPack/vehicles/train/wagonFlatBed/wagonFlatBed.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> forestryPack/vehicles/train/wagonTimber/wagonTimber.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> forestryPack/vehicles/volvo/sm462/sm462.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> forestryPack/vehicles/schwarzmueller/timberTrailerSemi/timberTrailerSemi.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> forestryPack/vehicles/schwarzmueller/timberTrailer/timberTrailer.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> forestryPack/vehicles/pfanzelt/rwgP13/rwgP13.xml (1) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> forestryPack/vehicles/pfanzelt/rwgP13/rwgP13.xml (2) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> forestryPack/vehicles/schwarzmueller/semiLowloader3A/semiLowloader3A.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 >> forestryPack/vehicles/schwarzmueller/lowloader4A/lowloader4A.xml (ALL) 2023-04-21 02:53 IMPORT supported container configurations 2023-04-21 02:53 >> ALL treeSaplingPallet [1.250, 2.500, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> LOGS splitShape [1.000, 1.000, 1.000] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> LIQUID_TANK liquidTank [1.433, 1.500, 1.415] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> BIGBAG_PALLET bigBagPallet [1.525, 1.075, 1.200] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> BIGBAG bigBag [1.050, 1.666, 0.866] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET lettuceBoxPallet [1.250, 0.790, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET tomatoesBoxPallet [1.250, 0.790, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET strawberriesBoxPallet [1.250, 0.790, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET butterBoxPallet [1.250, 0.790, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET chocolateBoxPallet [1.250, 0.790, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET furnitureStackPallet [1.250, 0.790, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET grapeJuicePallet [1.250, 0.790, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET raisinBoxPallet [1.250, 0.790, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET grapePallet [1.250, 0.790, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET euroPallet [1.250, 0.200, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET oliveOilPallet [1.250, 0.450, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET canolaOilPallet [1.250, 0.450, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET sunflowerOilPallet [1.250, 0.450, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET bonsilagePallet [1.250, 0.450, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET cakePallet [1.250, 0.475, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET eggBoxPallet [1.250, 0.550, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET fabricsPallet [1.250, 0.600, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET honeyBoxPallet [1.250, 0.650, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET boardsStackPallet [1.250, 0.666, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET fillablePallet [1.250, 0.800, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET bakeryBoxPallet [1.250, 0.920, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET cheesePallet [1.250, 1.000, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET clothesBoxPallet [1.250, 1.000, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET cerealsPallet [1.250, 1.100, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET flourBoxPallet [1.250, 1.125, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET sugarBoxPallet [1.250, 1.125, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET woolPallet [1.250, 1.250, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET epsoTop [1.350, 0.600, 1.050] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET patentkali [1.350, 0.855, 1.050] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pioneerPallet [1.350, 0.833, 1.050] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET schaumannPallet [1.350, 0.770, 1.050] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> BALE roundbale125 [1.300, 1.200, 1.300] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> BALE roundbale150 [1.560, 1.200, 1.560] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> BALE roundbale180 [1.835, 1.200, 1.835] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> BALE biomassBale125 [1.310, 1.200, 1.310] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> BALE cottonRoundbale238 [2.380, 2.380, 2.380] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> BALE squarebale120 [0.455, 0.355, 1.200] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> BALE squarebale180 [1.210, 0.910, 1.800] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> BALE squarebale220 [1.210, 0.910, 2.200] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> BALE squarebale240 [1.210, 0.910, 2.400] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> BALE packedSquareBale120 [1.210, 0.910, 2.400] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> BALE cottonSquarebale488 [2.400, 2.400, 4.880] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_agiPack:liquidSeedTreatmentPallet [1.250, 0.420, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_pumpsAndHosesPack:hosePallet [1.000, 2.000, 2.000] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:armoirePallet [2.450, 2.450, 1.650] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:barrelPallet [1.650, 1.050, 1.250] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:bathtubPallet [2.450, 0.700, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:birdHousePallet [1.250, 0.580, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:bowlsPallet [1.250, 0.960, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:bucketPallet [1.250, 0.770, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:cartonRollPallet [2.470, 1.700, 1.650] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:catTreePallet [1.250, 0.980, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:chairPallet [1.250, 1.280, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:dogHousePallet [1.250, 1.100, 0.880] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:easelPallet [1.250, 0.700, 0.880] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:floorTilesPallet [1.250, 0.820, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:metalPallet [1.250, 0.900, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:paperRollPallet [2.470, 1.700, 1.650] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:pepperGrinderPallet [1.250, 1.000, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:pictureFramePallet [1.250, 0.500, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:planksPallet [2.500, 0.780, 0.900] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:prefabWallPallet [2.470, 2.650, 1.760] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:shingleGenericPallet [1.240, 1.360, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:staircaseRailingPallet [1.250, 0.850, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:tablePallet [2.440, 0.580, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:woodBeamPallet [2.740, 0.940, 0.920] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> EURO_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:saplingPalletRisutec [1.250, 0.600, 0.850] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> BIGBAG_PALLET pdlc_forestryPack:stonePallet [1.525, 1.075, 1.200] 2023-04-21 02:53 >> SHIPPING_CONTAINER pdlc_forestryPack:shippingContainer [2.440, 2.590, 0.000] 2023-04-21 02:53 ADDITIONAL containers 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:liquidTank [1.600, 1.600, 1.600] - LIQUID_TANK 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_Raisinproductionpack:grapeseedpallet [1.600, 1.100, 1.200] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_Raisinproductionpack:grapeseedOilPallet [1.400, 0.500, 1.000] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_Raisinproductionpack:grapeMustpallet [1.400, 0.900, 1.000] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_Raisinproductionpack:grapeleatherettePallet [1.400, 0.600, 1.000] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_Raisinproductionpack:shoesBoxPallet [1.400, 1.100, 1.000] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_Raisinproductionpack:recyPOPallet [1.400, 0.900, 1.000] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_Raisinproductionpack:beltsBoxPallet [1.400, 1.100, 1.000] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 ADDITIONAL bales 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_Poettinger_200VCProMultiBaler_Mplus:roundbale150 [1.560, 1.200, 1.560] - BALE 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_Poettinger_200VCProMultiBaler_Mplus:roundbale125 [1.300, 1.200, 1.300] - BALE 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:roundbale125 [1.300, 1.200, 1.300] - BALE 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:CM_roundbale125 [1.250, 1.200, 1.250] - BALE 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:roundbale150 [1.560, 1.200, 1.560] - BALE 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:CM_roundbale150 [1.500, 1.200, 1.500] - BALE 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:roundbale180 [1.835, 1.200, 1.835] - BALE 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:CM_roundbale180 [1.800, 1.200, 1.800] - BALE 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:squarebale120 [0.455, 0.355, 1.200] - BALE 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:squarebale180 [1.210, 0.910, 1.800] - BALE 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:CM_squarebale180 [1.200, 0.900, 1.800] - BALE 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:squarebale220 [1.210, 0.910, 2.200] - BALE 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:CM_squarebale220 [1.200, 0.900, 2.200] - BALE 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:squarebale240 [1.210, 0.910, 2.400] - BALE 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:CM_squarebale240 [1.200, 0.900, 2.400] - BALE 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:hesston_squarebale180 [1.200, 1.300, 1.800] - BALE 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:hesston_squarebale220 [1.200, 1.300, 2.200] - BALE 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:hesston_squarebale240 [1.200, 1.300, 2.400] - BALE 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:d1000_squarebale180 [0.900, 0.675, 1.800] - BALE 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:d1000_squarebale220 [0.900, 0.675, 2.200] - BALE 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:d1000_squarebale240 [0.900, 0.675, 2.400] - BALE 2023-04-21 02:53 ADDITIONAL items 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:buyableBale [1.200, 1.500, 1.500] - ALL 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:chickenFood_sack [0.500, 0.150, 0.900] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:chickenFood_pallet [1.400, 0.900, 1.000] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:bigBag [1.250, 1.750, 1.250] - BIGBAG 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:feedPellets_sack [0.500, 0.150, 0.900] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:feedPellets_pallet [1.400, 0.900, 1.000] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:grainGrist_sack [0.500, 0.150, 0.900] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:grainGrist_pallet [1.400, 0.900, 1.000] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:horseFood_sack [0.500, 0.150, 0.900] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:horseFood_pallet [1.400, 0.900, 1.000] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:minerals_sack [0.500, 0.150, 0.900] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:minerals_pallet [1.400, 0.900, 1.000] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:pigFood_sack [0.500, 0.150, 0.900] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:pigFood_pallet [1.400, 0.900, 1.000] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:powerFood_sack [0.500, 0.150, 0.900] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:powerFood_pallet [1.400, 0.900, 1.000] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:sheepFood_sack [0.500, 0.150, 0.900] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:sheepFood_pallet [1.400, 0.900, 1.000] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:heucobs_sack [0.500, 0.150, 0.900] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:heucobs_pallet [1.400, 0.900, 1.000] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:DSVseeds_sack [0.500, 0.150, 0.900] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:DSVseeds_pallet [1.400, 0.900, 1.000] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:fillablePallet [1.600, 1.100, 1.200] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:squarebale80_pallet [1.250, 1.750, 1.250] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:squarebale80CG_pallet [1.250, 1.750, 1.250] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:squarebale80CL_pallet [1.250, 1.750, 1.250] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:squarebale80Ng_pallet [1.250, 1.750, 1.250] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:squarebale80_2Ng_pallet [1.250, 1.750, 1.250] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 >> FS22_MaizePlus:squarebale120Ng_pallet [1.250, 1.750, 1.250] - EURO_PALLET 2023-04-21 02:53 ********************************************************************* 2023-04-21 02:53 ** UNIVERSAL AUTOLOAD - LOCAL MOD SETTINGS FILE IS OUT OF DATE ** 2023-04-21 02:53 ********************************************************************* 2023-04-21 02:53 ** Please delete old 'UniversalAutoload.xml' file in modSettings ** 2023-04-21 02:53 ** OR update container config key to: 'containerConfigurations' ** 2023-04-21 02:53 ********************************************************************* 2023-04-21 02:53 Info: Loaded navigation cost map from savegame 2023-04-21 02:53 CropRotationData:load(): INFO fruit (13): 'GRAPE' not mentioned in data/crops.xml file. 2023-04-21 02:53 CropRotationData:load(): INFO fruit (14): 'OLIVE' not mentioned in data/crops.xml file. 2023-04-21 02:53 CropRotationData:load(): INFO fruit (17): 'OILSEEDRADISH' not mentioned in data/crops.xml file. 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cultivator/particle/soilParticle.i3d (32.99 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cultivator/cultivatorMeshes_materialHolder.i3d (6.80 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/slurry/slurryEffects_materialHolder.i3d (12.36 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/unload/unloadMeshes_materialHolder.i3d (20.13 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/unload/unloadParticles_materialHolder.i3d (3.11 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/unload/unloadParticles.i3d (1.77 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/smoke/smokeParticles.i3d (1.22 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/smoke/smokeParticles_materialHolder.i3d (0.92 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/smoke/industrial/smokeParticles.i3d (12.02 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/wheel/wheelParticles.i3d (8.12 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/bees/beesParticles.i3d (3.50 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/horse/horseStepParticleSystem.i3d (1.79 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/sprayer/particle/washer.i3d (2.94 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/sprayer/sprayerMeshes_materialHolder.i3d (9.14 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/leveler/levelerMeshes_materialHolder.i3d (3.28 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/wood/particle/forestry.i3d (15.75 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/belt/beltMeshes_materialHolder.i3d (27.69 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/potato/particle/potato.i3d (12.96 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/sugarBeet/particle/sugarBeet.i3d (2.82 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/effects/cotton/particle/cotton.i3d (7.53 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/shared/materialHolders/tensionBeltMaterialHolder.i3d (19.75 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/shared/materialHolders/tireTrackMaterialHolder.i3d (9.68 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/shared/mapTargetMarker.i3d (2.81 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/fillPlanes/fillPlane_materialHolder.i3d (3.11 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/effects/hydraulicHammer/particle/debris.i3d (3.72 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/effects/hydraulicHammer/particle/smoke.i3d (50.64 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/effects/sprayCan/particle/sprayCan.i3d (0.48 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/effects/sprayCan/sprayCan_materialHolder.i3d (9.77 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/effects/unload/particle/ironOre/unloadIronOre.i3d (103.96 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/shared/ropes/tensionBeltMaterialHolder.i3d (11.91 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Gnadenthal/mapCA/placeables/sellingStationVehicles/sellingStationVehicles.i3d (1.33 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/store/ui/shop.i3d (71.29 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 dataS/menu/licensePlate/creationBox.i3d (0.13 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/store/ui/wardrobe.i3d (153.93 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/shared/assets/marker/markerIcons.i3d (1.90 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/trees/spruce/spruceVar1_stage03.i3d (50.04 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/trees/pagodaDogwood/pagodaDogwood_stage03.i3d (50.85 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/trees/oak/oak_stage02.i3d (25.00 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/trees/birch/birch_stage04.i3d (48.12 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/trees/birch/birch_stage03.i3d (24.61 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/trees/birch/birch_stage02.i3d (22.28 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/trees/birch/birch_stage01.i3d (11.50 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/trees/shagbarkHickory/shagbarkHickory_stage03.i3d (51.31 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/trees/downeyServiceBerry/downeyServiceBerry_stage03.i3d (46.46 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/trees/downeyServiceBerry/downeyServiceBerry_stage02.i3d (20.25 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/trees/shagbarkHickory/shagbarkHickory_stage02.i3d (29.79 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/trees/shagbarkHickory/shagbarkHickory_stage01.i3d (20.36 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/trees/pagodaDogwood/pagodaDogwood_stage02.i3d (22.91 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/trees/birch/birch_stage05.i3d (47.43 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/trees/americanElm/americanElm_stage02.i3d (23.07 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/trees/oak/oak_stage01.i3d (8.53 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/trees/shagbarkHickory/shagbarkHickory_stage04.i3d (31.50 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/trees/americanElm/americanElm_stage01.i3d (4.98 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/trees/americanElm/americanElm_stage03.i3d (9.24 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/trees/oak/oak_stage03.i3d (15.64 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/trees/downeyServiceBerry/downeyServiceBerry_stage01.i3d (15.15 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/maps/trees/pagodaDogwood/pagodaDogwood_stage01.i3d (14.52 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/placeables/lizard/sellingPoints/debrisCrusher/debrisCrusher.i3d (25.25 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/placeables/planET/bgaBunkerSilo/bgaBunkerSilo.i3d (14.43 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/placeables/lizard/manureHeap/manureHeap.i3d (12.01 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Stables_with_larger_pastures/barns/cowBarnBig/cowBarnBig.i3d (181.65 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/shared/assets/lights/terraLed/switch.i3d (20.32 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/placeables/rudolfHormann/controlPanel/controlPanel.i3d (14.20 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/placeables/lely/nautilus/nautilus.i3d (24.43 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/shared/assets/lights/terraLed/light150W.i3d (10.62 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/shared/assets/lights/terraLed/fluorescentTube50W.i3d (9.80 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Stables_with_larger_pastures/barns/cowBarnBig/navigationMesh.i3d (0.26 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/placeables/lely/astronautA5/astronautA5.i3d (33.82 ms) 2023-04-21 02:53 data/placeables/lizard/fencesFarm/level03/fencesFarmLevel03.i3d (11.80 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/pumpsAndHosesPack/data/placeables/stallkamp/tankCorrugatedSteel/tankOpen32m.i3d (571.79 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/pumpsAndHosesPack/data/shared/assets/manureValves/manureValves.i3d (28.02 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/pumpsAndHosesPack/data/shared/assets/manureValves/manureValves2.i3d (29.47 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/agiPack/placeables/agi/commBin48/commBin48.i3d (322.21 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_MaizePlus/data/loadingStations/loadingStationBeet.i3d (62.87 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_MaizePlus/data/loadingStations/loadingStationBrew.i3d (32.62 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_MaizePlus/data/loadingStations/loadingStationdeuka.i3d (21.30 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/rudolfHormann/garageContractor/garageContractor.i3d (125.06 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/rudolfHormann/garageContractor/gate6Panels_animation.i3d (6.84 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/rudolfHormann/powerSwitch.i3d (13.06 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/rudolfHormann/light150.i3d (17.12 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_EarthFruitStorage/beetpulpHeap.i3d (82.86 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_EarthFruitStorage/sugarbeetHeap.i3d (11.86 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_SteelObjectStorageSheds/steelBaleShed.i3d (43.35 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_SteelObjectStorageSheds/shared/floodLight.i3d (5.89 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_ObjectStorage/shared/marker/markerIcons.i3d (10.05 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_SteelObjectStorageSheds/shared/visibilityNodes.i3d (7.67 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_ObjectStorage/shared/visibilityNodes/baleVisibilityNodes.i3d (12.56 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/meridian/fertilizerBins1620/fertilizerBins1620.i3d (19.40 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/meridian/fuelTank25000L/fuelTank25000L.i3d (7.20 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Stables_with_larger_pastures/barns/pigBarnBig/pigBarnBig.i3d (110.89 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Stables_with_larger_pastures/barns/pigBarnBig/navigationMesh.i3d (0.29 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/rudolfHormann/garageSmall/garageSmall.i3d (33.63 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/rudolfHormann/garageSmall/garageSmallGate_animation.i3d (4.71 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/kaercher/hds9184M/hds9184M.i3d (25.78 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_EarthFruitStorage/potatoHeap.i3d (11.57 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/neuero/nl1622_16000/nl1622_16000.i3d (53.91 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/placeables/rudolfHormann/storageHall/storageBuilding.i3d (179.93 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/rudolfHormann/light300.i3d (2.89 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/rudolfHormann/garageBig/garageBig.i3d (26.67 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Gnadenthal/mapCA/placeables/reshouses/house2/house2.i3d (71.75 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/mapAlpine/bunkerSiloBGA/bunkerSiloBGA.i3d (16.95 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Stables_with_larger_pastures/barns/sheepBarnBig/sheepBarnBig.i3d (56.15 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Stables_with_larger_pastures/barns/sheepBarnBig/navigationMesh.i3d (0.24 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Stables_with_larger_pastures/barns/chickenBarnBig/chickenBarnBig.i3d (40.83 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Stables_with_larger_pastures/barns/chickenBarnBig/navigationMesh.i3d (0.21 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/fencesFarm/chickenNetFence/chickenNetFence.i3d (14.69 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/fencesFarm/level05/fencesFarmLevel05.i3d (12.19 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/fencesFarm/alpsFence04/alpsFence04.i3d (15.62 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/pumpsAndHosesPack/data/placeables/stallkamp/fermenters/fermenter30m.i3d (682.77 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/pumpsAndHosesPack/data/placeables/stallkamp/tankCorrugatedSteel/tankClosed32m.i3d (22.60 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/pumpsAndHosesPack/data/placeables/2G/bhkw12/bhkw12.i3d (1098.64 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/effects/exhaust/exhaust.i3d (4.63 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/pumpsAndHosesPack/data/placeables/lizard/gasTorch/gasTorch.i3d (132.07 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/pumpsAndHosesPack/data/placeables/bvl/combi2s2d/combi2s2d.i3d (455.03 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/pumpsAndHosesPack/data/shared/bunkerFeedingPipes/feedingPipe.i3d (208.32 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/pumpsAndHosesPack/data/placeables/lizard/driveOnBunker/driveOnBunker.i3d (705.02 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/pumpsAndHosesPack/data/placeables/stallkamp/separatorHall/separatorHall.i3d (223.70 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_sugarbeetProcessing01/FS22_sugarbeetProcessing01.i3d (123.78 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/terraLed/spotlight20W.i3d (18.31 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Toolbox_Portable/Toolbox.i3d (0.70 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/productionPoints/grainMill/grainMill.i3d (95.58 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/sellingStationGeneric/sellingStationGeneric.i3d (10.01 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/productionPoints/grainMill/props.i3d (46.51 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/buildings/industrialWallLight.i3d (8.20 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/productionPoints/sugarMill/sugarMill.i3d (39.58 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/productionPoints/sugarMill/props.i3d (25.47 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/productionPoints/dairyUS/dairyUS.i3d (51.61 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/productionPoints/dairyUS/props.i3d (3.82 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/neuero/nl1622_6000/nl1622_6000.i3d (28.81 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_SteelObjectStorageSheds/steelPalletShed.i3d (17.21 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_ObjectStorage/shared/visibilityNodes/palletVisibilityNodes.i3d (146.76 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Woodstoragebeams/Rungenlager5m.i3d (89.28 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_placeablePackObjects/parkingLines06.i3d (6.85 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_placeablePackObjects/parkingLines02.i3d (0.27 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_EarthFruitStorage/sugarcaneHeap.i3d (14.42 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_ObjectStorage/placeables/warehouseStorage/varikoPalletShed.i3d (23.97 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/placeables/sellingPoints/silverrunMarket/silverrunMarket.i3d (206.29 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/placeables/sellingPoints/silverrunMarket/props.i3d (2.90 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/sellingPoints/supermarket/supermarket.i3d (36.63 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/sellingPoints/supermarket/props.i3d (7.94 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/sellingPoints/fastFoodRestaurant/fastFoodRestaurant.i3d (39.74 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/sellingPoints/fastFoodRestaurant/props.i3d (3.22 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/sellingPoints/bhp/bhp.i3d (39.07 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/fencesFarm/alpsFence03/alpsFence03.i3d (9.58 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_PlaceableStreetLamps/textures/streetLamp06.i3d (22.20 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Stables_with_larger_pastures/barns/cowBarnSmall/cowBarnSmall.i3d (0.79 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Stables_with_larger_pastures/barns/cowBarnSmall/navigationMesh.i3d (0.25 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/waterTanks/level02/waterTankLevel02.i3d (13.05 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/pesslInstruments/imetosIMT300/imetosIMT300.i3d (12.39 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/pumpsAndHosesPack/data/placeables/stallkamp/separatorBox/separatorBox.i3d (145.82 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/pumpsAndHosesPack/data/placeables/decorations/concretePig/concretePig.i3d (34.66 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/floodLights/level03/floodLight03.i3d (11.04 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/floodLights/level01/floodLight01.i3d (8.48 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_PlaceableStreetLamps/textures/streetLamp03.i3d (1.49 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_PlaceableStreetLamps/textures/streetLamp01.i3d (1.17 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_PlaceableStreetLamps/textures/streetLamp02.i3d (1.69 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_PlaceableStreetLamps/textures/streetLamp04.i3d (0.79 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/floodLights/level04/floodLight04.i3d (15.53 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_CustomizableDigitalSigns/DigitalSign.i3d (8.46 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Raisinproductionpack/i3d/oilPlantRPPUS/oilPlantRPPUS.i3d (110.83 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/sellingStationGeneric/sellingStationGenericNoCover.i3d (6.42 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/productionPoints/oilPlant/props.i3d (6.57 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/productionPoints/bakeryUS/bakeryUS.i3d (29.20 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/productionPoints/bakeryUS/props.i3d (3.23 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Raisinproductionpack/i3d/bigraisinfactoryRPP/bigraisinfactoryRPP.i3d (132.52 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/productionPoints/raisinFactory/props.i3d (29.37 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/productionPoints/spinneryUS/spinneryUS.i3d (32.26 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/productionPoints/spinneryUS/props.i3d (9.49 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/productionPoints/tailorShop/tailorShop.i3d (38.39 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/productionPoints/tailorShop/props.i3d (2.55 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/productionPoints/cerealFactory/cerealFactory.i3d (68.40 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/productionPoints/cerealFactory/props.i3d (5.25 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Sawmills/i3d/sawmillEU.i3d (195.25 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/placeables/productionPoints/woodTurner/woodTurner.i3d (301.14 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/placeables/productionPoints/woodTurner/props.i3d (195.77 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/placeables/productionPoints/fancyFurnitureFactory/fancyFurnitureFactory.i3d (175.78 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/placeables/productionPoints/fancyFurnitureFactory/props.i3d (70.97 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/placeables/productionPoints/barrelFactory/barrelFactory.i3d (208.80 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/placeables/productionPoints/barrelFactory/props.i3d (79.80 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/placeables/productionPoints/petAccessoriesFactory/petAccessoriesFactory.i3d (37.74 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/placeables/productionPoints/petAccessoriesFactory/props.i3d (9.36 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/placeables/productionPoints/pictureFrameFactory/pictureFrameFactory.i3d (246.91 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/placeables/productionPoints/pictureFrameFactory/props.i3d (9.62 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/productionPoints/carpenterEU/carpenterEU.i3d (36.71 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/productionPoints/carpenterEU/props.i3d (5.54 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/placeables/productionPoints/flooringFactory/flooringFactory.i3d (189.86 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/placeables/productionPoints/flooringFactory/props.i3d (25.80 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/placeables/productionPoints/paperFactory/paperFactory.i3d (287.74 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/placeables/productionPoints/paperFactory/props.i3d (36.52 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/placeables/productionPoints/ironFurnace/ironFurnace.i3d (194.03 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/placeables/productionPoints/ironFurnace/props.i3d (42.10 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/placeables/productionPoints/shingleFactory/shingleFactory.i3d (172.31 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/placeables/productionPoints/shingleFactory/props.i3d (11.66 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_StationaryWoodchipper/i3d/woodchipper.i3d (99.88 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_PalletStorageLogistic/warehouse02.i3d (34.16 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Raisinproductionpack/i3d/fertiprodRPP/fertiprodRPP.i3d (59.87 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/greenhouses/greenhouseLarge/greenhouseLarge.i3d (48.58 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/greenhouses/lettuce/lettuce.i3d (44.11 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/greenhouses/strawberry/strawberry.i3d (50.45 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/greenhouses/tomatoes/tomatoes.i3d (46.60 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_placeablePackObjects/concreteRoadBlock01.i3d (3.62 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Raisinproductionpack/i3d/sellingpointRPPUS/sellingpointRPPUS.i3d (46.72 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/sellingPoints/farmersMarket/props.i3d (2.42 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_moreHoneyPalletPlaceOptions/honeyPalletSpawners/honeyPalletSpawner74x48.i3d (0.33 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/beeHives/level05/beeHivesLevel05.i3d (14.13 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/electricityGenerators/level05/electricityGenerator05.i3d (13.66 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/electricityGenerators/level02/electricityGenerator02.i3d (15.13 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/agiPack/placeables/agi/sentinelGarage/sentinelGarage.i3d (281.31 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/agiPack/placeables/agi/sentinelGarage/sentinelGarage_door_animation.i3d (2.30 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/agiPack/placeables/agi/sentinelGarage/sentinelGarage_gate_animation.i3d (11.39 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/buildings/garageCeilingLamp.i3d (9.43 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/rudolfHormann/garageSolarPanels/garageSolarPanels.i3d (34.23 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/meridian/flatBottomBin3609/flatBottomBin3609.i3d (37.53 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/meridian/liquidFlatBottomTank1630/liquidFlatBottomTank1630.i3d (16.86 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/grape/grape.i3d (24.16 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/lizard/olive/olive.i3d (35.85 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 Lua memory usage has reached 346254 KB; this is a dangerous level for PS4. 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/rudolfHormann/horseBarnBig/horseBarnBig.i3d (42.15 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 Info (data/placeables/rudolfHormann/horseBarnBig/horseBarnBig.xml): Foliage area decoFoliage 'grassShort' not defined on current map for 'placeable.foliageAreas.foliageArea(0)' 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/rudolfHormann/horseBarnBig/navigationMesh.i3d (1.11 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 Info (data/placeables/rudolfHormann/horseBarnBig/horseBarnBig.xml): Foliage area decoFoliage 'grassShort' not defined on current map for 'placeable.foliageAreas.foliageArea(0)' 2023-04-21 02:54 Info (data/placeables/rudolfHormann/horseBarnBig/horseBarnBig.xml): Foliage area decoFoliage 'grassShort' not defined on current map for 'placeable.foliageAreas.foliageArea(0)' 2023-04-21 02:54 Info (data/placeables/rudolfHormann/horseBarnBig/horseBarnBig.xml): Foliage area decoFoliage 'grassShort' not defined on current map for 'placeable.foliageAreas.foliageArea(0)' 2023-04-21 02:54 data/placeables/unia/farma/farma500/farma500.i3d (13.88 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/quicke/q5M/q5M.i3d (33.35 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/albutt/frontloaderRoundBaleFork/frontloaderRoundBaleFork.i3d (16.86 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/tenwinkel/weight1000/weight1000.i3d (18.97 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/tenwinkel/weight1500/weight1500.i3d (11.62 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/claas/orbis900/orbis900.i3d (51.82 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/hubs/hubSmall01.i3d (9.87 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/T510/R08_T510.i3d (14.24 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/rims/rim001.i3d (10.57 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/claas/directDisc500/directDisc500.i3d (32.93 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/holaras/mes500/mes500.i3d (18.29 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/holaras/stego485Pro/stego485Pro.i3d (25.60 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/effects/wheel/wheelEmitterShape.i3d (0.83 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/frontLight08.i3d (7.18 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/vehicles/volvo/l180HHighTipShovel/l180HHighTipShovel.i3d (52.12 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/fliegl/tmk273/tmk273.i3d (37.01 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/wheelChocks/wheelChockSupport01.i3d (9.20 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/hubs/hubs.i3d (122.02 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/cargoXBibHF/R26_5_cargoXBibHighFlotation.i3d (14.03 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/wheelChocks/wheelChock01.i3d (6.21 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/redTriangle_02.i3d (1.43 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker05Orange.i3d (6.98 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/yellowRound_01.i3d (1.47 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/whiteRound_01.i3d (1.47 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight33.i3d (8.38 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker03.i3d (8.84 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/plateNumberLight02.i3d (4.82 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Poettinger_200VCProMultiBaler_Mplus/i3d/impress200VCPro.i3d (343.29 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/camera_03.i3d (6.50 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/cargoXBibHD/R22_5_heavyDuty.i3d (12.53 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker06Orange.i3d (10.47 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/workingLight09.i3d (7.39 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/workingLight04.i3d (9.54 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker06White.i3d (4.28 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/yellowRound_02.i3d (4.67 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/beaconLights/lizard/beaconLight03.i3d (10.90 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/powerTakeOffs/walterscheidWWZ.i3d (18.25 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/lizard/s710/s710.i3d (16.23 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/AW305/R17_AW305.i3d (12.11 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/T510/R06_T510.i3d (2.56 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/grimme/tc816/tc816.i3d (43.15 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/T510/R03_T510.i3d (1.84 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/grimme/sl8022/sl8022.i3d (37.03 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/wheelChocks/wheelChock03.i3d (6.40 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/AW309/R17_AW309.i3d (11.69 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/jungheinrich/efgS50S/sounds/efgS50S_loop.gls version 14 (0.13 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/valtra/qSeries/qSeries.i3d (195.33 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/nokian/TRI2/R34_TRI2.i3d (12.88 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/nokian/TRI2/R42_TRI2.i3d (3.88 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/valtra/tSeries/sounds/Transmission_loop.gls version 14 (0.06 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/valtra/tSeries/sounds/Cabin_loop.gls version 14 (0.08 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/valtra/tSeries/sounds/tSeries_loop.gls version 14 (0.93 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/valtra/tSeries/sounds/Fan_loop.gls version 14 (0.07 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/redRectangle_01.i3d (1.68 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/beaconLights/lizard/beaconLight09.i3d (10.92 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/upperLinks/walterscheid04.i3d (10.51 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/toolbar.i3d (5.55 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/upperLinks/walterscheid01.i3d (2.17 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/claas/jaguar960TT/jaguar960TT.i3d (165.60 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/extinguisher.i3d (11.11 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/machXbib/R28_machXbib.i3d (13.52 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/claas/jaguar960TT/sounds/jaguar960TT_loop.gls version 14 (0.20 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/crawlers/claas/terraTracJaguar/terraTracJaguar.i3d (40.46 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker11Red.i3d (6.22 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker11Orange.i3d (1.73 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/workingLight02.i3d (13.29 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/redRound_01.i3d (1.39 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/beaconLights/lizard/beaconLight07.i3d (11.68 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/vehicles/volvo/l180H/l180H.i3d (1187.92 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/hubs/volvo/hub01.i3d (9.87 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/shared/wheels/tires/bkt/earthMaxSR35/R29_earthMaxSR35.i3d (39.95 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 pdlc/forestryPack/vehicles/volvo/l120H/sounds/Transmission_loop.gls version 14 (0.01 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 pdlc/forestryPack/vehicles/volvo/l120H/sounds/Cabin_loop.gls version 14 (0.06 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/rims/volvo/rim01.i3d (13.31 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 pdlc/forestryPack/vehicles/volvo/l180H/sounds/l180H_loop.gls version 14 (0.87 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 pdlc/forestryPack/vehicles/volvo/l120H/sounds/Fan_loop.gls version 14 (0.07 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/shared/assets/lights/volvo/frontLight01.i3d (12.14 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/shared/assets/lights/volvo/rearLight01.i3d (8.35 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker16Orange.i3d (5.01 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/shared/assets/lights/volvo/workLight01.i3d (1.66 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/yellowRectangle_01.i3d (1.48 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/grimme/ventor4150/ventor4150.i3d (317.08 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/camera_02.i3d (5.55 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/cereXBib/R38_cereXBib.i3d (15.21 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/mitas/FL02/R12_FL02.i3d (8.54 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/grimme/ventor4150/sounds/ventor4150_loop.gls version 14 (0.33 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/hella/hellaWorkingLightRound_01.i3d (7.03 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/hella/hellaWorkingLightSquare_01.i3d (7.26 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/workingLight03.i3d (6.57 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker05White.i3d (1.61 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/redRound_02.i3d (1.43 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/grimme/rearLight01.i3d (3.00 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/grimme/gl860/gl860.i3d (102.53 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/TM600/R20_TM600.i3d (13.05 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/claas/axion800/axion800.i3d (139.81 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/axioBib/R30_axioBib.i3d (13.33 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/axioBib/R38_axioBib.i3d (5.26 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/claas/axion800/sounds/axion800_loop.gls version 14 (0.25 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/bigTriangle.i3d (6.12 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/beaconLights/lizard/beaconLight06.i3d (1.91 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/upperLinks/walterscheid03.i3d (2.58 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/deutzFahr/series7/series7.i3d (133.15 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/axioBib/R42_axioBib.i3d (3.75 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/deutzFahr/series7/sounds/series7_loop.gls version 14 (0.24 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/workingLight21.i3d (7.82 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/beaconLights/lizard/beaconLight08.i3d (5.89 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/fliegl/ruby/ruby.i3d (18.00 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/hawe/kuw2000/kuw2000.i3d (126.80 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/cargoXBib/R30_5_cargoXBib.i3d (13.89 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker01.i3d (8.54 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/powerTakeOffs/walterscheidW.i3d (2.59 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/strautmann/ps3401/ps3401.i3d (36.13 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/veenhuis/premiumIntegral30000/premiumIntegral30000.i3d (42.89 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/vredestein/flotationTrac/R32_flotationTrac.i3d (11.92 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/redTriangle_01.i3d (2.57 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/workingLight15.i3d (7.08 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker09Orange.i3d (7.25 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker09White.i3d (1.97 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight10.i3d (9.94 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/bomech/multi4XL/multi4XL.i3d (76.30 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/kotte/pq32000/pq32000.i3d (87.33 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight44.i3d (7.77 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/upperLinks/walterscheid02.i3d (2.59 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/claas/quadrant5300/quadrant5300.i3d (61.63 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/cargoXBib/R22_5_cargoXBib.i3d (4.23 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/yellowRound_03.i3d (1.65 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_siloking_trailedLineSystem1000/filename/trailedLineSystem10004535.i3d (62.64 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/lizard/implement/R18.i3d (6.59 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/plateNumberLight01.i3d (7.59 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/mixerWagonHUDTrigger.i3d (1.54 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/kotte/frc65/frc65.i3d (32.76 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/T404/R22_5_T404.i3d (12.66 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight11.i3d (7.56 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_MaizePlus/data/stadeZW4010/StadeZW4010.i3d (61.13 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_MaizePlus/data/stadeZW4010/wheels/rims.i3d (8.79 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/quicke/q7M/q7M.i3d (29.94 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/johnDeere/pickUp1150/pickUp1150.i3d (12.10 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/johnDeere/pickUp1800/pickUp1800.i3d (2.36 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/johnDeere/frontloader643R/frontloader643R.i3d (26.05 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/johnDeere/series6R/series6R.i3d (143.29 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/starfire.i3d (13.92 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/weights/weight003.i3d (11.20 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/johnDeere/series6R/sounds/series6R_loop.gls version 14 (0.33 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/upperLinks/johnDeereUpperlink.i3d (5.95 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/mcCormick/x8VTDrive/x8VTDrive.i3d (125.76 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/axioBib/R34_axioBib.i3d (5.15 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/mcCormick/x8VTDrive/sounds/x8VTDrive_loop.gls version 14 (0.26 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/krone/bigX1180/bigX1180.i3d (133.04 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/cereXBib/R26_cereXBib.i3d (3.95 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/krone/bigX1180/sounds/bigX1180_loop.gls version 14 (0.27 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/beaconLights/lizard/beaconLight01.i3d (2.02 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/krone/collect900_3/collect900_3.i3d (64.03 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/krone/xDisc620/xDisc620.i3d (33.13 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/krone/bigM450/bigM450.i3d (135.39 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/megaXbib/R32_megaXbib.i3d (13.61 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/krone/bigM450/sounds/bigM450_loop.gls version 14 (0.29 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/workingLight01.i3d (4.45 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/beaconLights/lizard/beaconLight02.i3d (1.97 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/newHolland/bigBaler1290HD/bigBaler1290HD.i3d (106.49 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/wheelChocks/wheelChock02.i3d (5.67 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/cargoXBib/R26_5_cargoXBib.i3d (4.01 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_terraDosT4_40/terraDosT4_40/terraDosT4_40.i3d (253.79 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/machXbib/R38_machXbib.i3d (4.63 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_terraDosT4_40/terraDosT4_40/sounds/terraDosT4_40_loop.gls version 14 (0.65 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/lizard/implement/R16.i3d (26.54 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_terraDosT4_40/terraDosT4_40/sounds/terraDosT4_40Cabin_loop.gls version 14 (0.05 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_terraDosT4_40/terraDosT4_40/sounds/terraDosT4_40Transmission_loop.gls version 14 (0.01 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight28.i3d (7.13 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_terraDosT4_40/hr12/hr12.i3d (84.82 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/workingLight08.i3d (6.63 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/frontLight04.i3d (10.16 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_terraDosT4_40/hr12Trailer/hr12Trailer.i3d (26.00 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight08.i3d (6.23 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/ropa/tiger6S/tiger6S.i3d (174.55 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/gps.i3d (5.82 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/ropa/tiger6S/sounds/tiger6S_loop.gls version 14 (0.18 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/hella/hellaRear2ChamberLightLED_01.i3d (6.74 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/ropa/rrXL9/rrXL9.i3d (75.97 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/ropa/rrXLTrailer/rrXLTrailer.i3d (35.55 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/continental/contiCrossTracHS3/R22_5_contiCrossTracHS3.i3d (14.67 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/grimme/rexor6300/rexor6300.i3d (228.15 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/wheelChocks/wheelChock04.i3d (6.68 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/cereXBib/R32_cereXBib.i3d (5.80 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/cereXBib2/R32_cereXBib2.i3d (13.33 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/SK800/R12_SK800.i3d (12.13 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/grimme/rexor6300/sounds/rexor6300_loop.gls version 14 (0.27 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/workingLight05.i3d (6.36 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/redRound_03.i3d (1.32 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/samsonAgro/pgII35m/pgII35m.i3d (77.12 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight21Orange.i3d (6.75 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight21Red.i3d (1.91 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/samsonAgro/sbh4_36/sbh4_36.i3d (78.56 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight13.i3d (6.05 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/poettinger/hit1618T/hit1618T.i3d (68.04 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/vredestein/flotationTrac/R17_flotationTrac.i3d (3.31 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/claas/liner4900/liner4900.i3d (100.35 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/cargoXBibHF/R22_5_cargoXBibHighFlotation.i3d (3.08 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight42.i3d (9.36 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/bergmann/rrw500/rrw500.i3d (103.23 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/caseIH/maxxum145CVX/maxxum145CVX.i3d (181.94 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/nokian/TRI2/R28_TRI2.i3d (9.07 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/nokian/TRI2/R38_TRI2.i3d (5.63 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/caseIH/maxxum145CVX/sounds/maxxum145CVX_loop.gls version 14 (0.38 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_TGA_pc/TGA.i3d (98.50 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_DondiDiscovitis/i3d/DondiDiscovitis.i3d (68.09 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Lizard_GD4_30HS/gd4-30hs.i3d (139.52 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Lizard_GD4_30HS/wheels/trailXBib/R22_5.i3d (15.11 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker24.i3d (5.87 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/deutzFahr/series8/series8.i3d (96.66 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/nokian/groundKing/R30_groundKing.i3d (12.93 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/deutzFahr/series8/sounds/series8_loop.gls version 14 (0.24 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/nokian/groundKing/R42_groundKing.i3d (5.76 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/newHolland/t7/t7.i3d (139.39 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/nokian/groundKing/R34_groundKing.i3d (6.66 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/newHolland/t7/sounds/t7_loop.gls version 14 (0.34 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/fuhrmann/trailer14500L/trailer14500L.i3d (29.76 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight31.i3d (8.89 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/newHolland/braud9070L/braud9070L.i3d (150.25 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/omniBib/R24_omniBib.i3d (14.26 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/multibib/R28_multibib.i3d (14.71 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/newHolland/braud9070L/sounds/braud9070L_loop.gls version 14 (0.27 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/turnLight03.i3d (7.44 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/newHolland/braud9090X/braud9090X.i3d (126.74 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/rottne/h21D/h21D.i3d (138.27 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/shared/wheels/tires/nokian/forestKingF2/_26_5_.i3d (17.19 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 data/vehicles/claas/torion1914/sounds/torion1914_loop.gls version 14 (0.27 ms) 2023-04-21 02:54 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/shared/ropes/targetTreeMarker.i3d (8.35 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/vehicles/volvo/l200H/l200H.i3d (1067.08 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/vehicles/volvo/l180HGrapple/l180HGrapple.i3d (30.72 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/albutt/wheelLoaderLogFork/wheelLoaderLogFork.i3d (19.86 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/tmcCancela/tfk200/tfk200.i3d (41.45 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/damcon/pl75/pl75.i3d (29.31 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/T421/R15_5_T421.i3d (10.69 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight26Orange.i3d (5.87 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/vehicles/kotschenreuther/k300R/k300R.i3d (988.52 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/extinguisherSmall.i3d (7.03 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 pdlc/forestryPack/vehicles/kotschenreuther/k300R/sounds/Transmission_loop.gls version 14 (0.15 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 pdlc/forestryPack/vehicles/kotschenreuther/k300R/sounds/cabin_loop.gls version 14 (0.18 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 pdlc/forestryPack/vehicles/kotschenreuther/k300R/sounds/k300R_loop.gls version 14 (0.65 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 pdlc/forestryPack/vehicles/kotschenreuther/k300R/sounds/Fan_loop.gls version 14 (0.07 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/workingLight19.i3d (6.33 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/shared/ropes/physicsRopes.i3d (25.18 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/shared/ropes/treeHook03.i3d (2.22 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/masseyFerguson/series7720S/series7720S.i3d (128.65 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/masseyFerguson/series7720S/sounds/series7720S_loop.gls version 14 (0.42 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/albutt/frontloaderLogFork/frontloaderLogFork.i3d (18.52 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/quicke/q6M/q6M.i3d (28.04 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/masseyFerguson/series8S/series8S.i3d (136.85 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/axioBib2/R30_axioBib2.i3d (14.64 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/axioBib2/R42_axioBib2.i3d (5.55 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/masseyFerguson/series8S/sounds/series8S_loop.gls version 14 (0.33 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/claas/axion900/axion900.i3d (134.91 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/hubs/claas_n12x02.i3d (9.65 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/axioBib/R46_axioBib.i3d (3.50 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/claas/axion900/sounds/axion900_loop.gls version 14 (0.37 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/claas/axion960TT/axion960TT.i3d (119.41 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/crawlers/claas/axion960Crawler/axion960Crawler.i3d (27.89 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/fendt/mt900/mt900.i3d (108.61 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/fendt/mt900/sounds/mt900_loop.gls version 14 (0.33 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/crawlers/fendt/mt900Crawler/mt900Crawler.i3d (31.86 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/fendt/vario1000/vario1000.i3d (150.10 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/fendt/vario1000/sounds/vario1000_loop.gls version 14 (0.31 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_JohnDeere8Series2020/series8RT.i3d (177.01 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/johnDeere/series8R/sounds/series8R_loop.gls version 14 (0.29 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/crawlers/johnDeere/series8RTCrawler/series8RTCrawler.i3d (34.99 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/workingLight16.i3d (7.29 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_JohnDeere8Series2020/series8RX.i3d (136.11 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/crawlers/johnDeere/series8RXCrawler/series8RXCrawler_EU_front.i3d (32.93 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/crawlers/johnDeere/series8RXCrawler/series8RXCrawler_EU_back.i3d (20.60 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Demco_Sidequest_Tanks/sidequest_tanks.i3d (118.72 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_JohnDeere_ExactRate_Tanks/exactRate_tanks.i3d (63.62 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/newHolland/t8/t8.i3d (163.46 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/newHolland/t8/sounds/t8_loop.gls version 14 (0.34 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/caseIH/magnumT4B/magnumT4B.i3d (141.71 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/caseIH/magnumT4B/sounds/magnumT4B_loop.gls version 14 (0.38 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/mack/anthem/anthem.i3d (169.60 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/hubs/hubTrucks.i3d (42.31 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/man/tgx26640/sounds/tgx26640_loop.gls version 14 (0.24 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/continental/contiHybridHD3/R22_5_contiHybridHD3.i3d (18.92 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight26Red.i3d (2.70 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight26White.i3d (1.97 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/forestryPack/vehicles/volvo/vnx300/vnx300.i3d (801.61 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/continental/offRoadHCS/R22_5_offRoadHCS.i3d (12.59 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 pdlc/forestryPack/vehicles/volvo/f16/sounds/Transmission_loop.gls version 14 (0.06 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/continental/contiCrossTracHD3/R22_5_contiCrossTracHD3.i3d (15.82 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 pdlc/forestryPack/vehicles/volvo/f16/sounds/Cabin_loop.gls version 14 (0.04 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/mack/superliner1979/sounds/superliner1979_loop.gls version 14 (0.23 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 pdlc/forestryPack/vehicles/volvo/f16/sounds/turbo_loop.gls version 14 (0.16 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/plateNumberLight03.i3d (6.19 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/beaconLights/lizard/beaconLight10.i3d (6.20 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_JD_x9_1100/x9_1100.i3d (283.75 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_JD_x9_1100/wheels/X9_drive.i3d (9.84 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/megaXbib/R26_megaXbib.i3d (8.93 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/johnDeere/t560/sounds/t560_loop.gls version 14 (0.21 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/johnDeere/headerHD50F/headerHD50F.i3d (125.49 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/T421/R12_T421.i3d (2.67 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/hd50FLight.i3d (5.67 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/nardi/n60_45/n60_45.i3d (37.89 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/hubs/hubImperador.i3d (6.44 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/AW305/R15_3_AW305.i3d (2.38 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/johnDeere/headerC16F/headerC16F.i3d (60.52 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/hella/hellaWorkingLightSquare_02.i3d (8.83 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_JohnDeere_9R_9RT_9RX_series_2019/series9RT.i3d (193.28 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/johnDeere/series9RX/sounds/seriesrx9_loop.gls version 14 (0.34 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/crawlers/johnDeere/series9RTCrawler/series9RTCrawler.i3d (45.52 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/fendt/mt1100/mt1100.i3d (394.58 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/fendt/mt1100/sounds/mt1100_loop.gls version 14 (0.26 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/crawlers/fendt/mt1100Crawler/mt1100Crawler.i3d (28.30 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_JohnDeere_9RX_2022/series9RX.i3d (301.33 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_JohnDeere_9RX_2022/series9RXCrawler/series9RXCrawler.i3d (51.76 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/versatile/wd4/wd4.i3d (117.90 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/newHolland/t9/sounds/t9_loop.gls version 14 (0.33 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/rims/dual001.i3d (20.04 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/newHolland/t9/t9.i3d (118.87 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_CaseIH_AFS_Steiger_Series/steiger4WD.i3d (343.36 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/caseIH/steiger4WD/sounds/steiger4WD_loop.gls version 14 (0.24 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_CaseIH_AFS_Steiger_Series/sounds/Steiger_turbo_loop.gls version 14 (0.51 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_CaseIH_AFS_Steiger_Series/wheels/steigerRims.i3d (178.81 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_CaseIH_AFS_Steiger_Series/sounds/Steiger_exhaust_loop.gls version 14 (0.47 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/rims/rim012.i3d (23.92 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_CaseIH_AFS_Steiger_Series/sounds/Steiger_tubro_inside_loop.gls version 14 (0.41 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/claas/xerion5000/xerion5000.i3d (224.13 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/wheelChocks/wheelChock05.i3d (30.53 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/hubs/claas_n12x01.i3d (271.79 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data//shared/wheels/rims/dual01.i3d (11.21 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/claas/xerion5000/sounds/xerion5000Engine_loop.gls version 14 (0.47 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/claas/xerion5000/sounds/xerion5000Exhaust_loop.gls version 14 (0.43 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/claas/xerion5000/sounds/xerion5000TransmissionSlow_loop.gls version 14 (0.20 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/claas/xerion5000/sounds/xerion5000Transmission5000ms_loop.gls version 14 (0.21 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/claas/xerion5000/sounds/xerion5000Cabin_loop.gls version 14 (0.22 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight54.i3d (7.43 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_BigTurtleSaddleTanks/BigTurtleSaddleTanks.i3d (49.75 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_JohnDeere_9R_9RT_9RX_series_2019/series9R.i3d (128.46 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/rims/rim008.i3d (13.44 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/rims/rim009.i3d (8.38 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/hubs/dual003.i3d (9.09 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/meridian/conveyAllCST1550/conveyAllCST1550.i3d (88.16 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/continental/contiUrbanHA3/R22_5_contiUrbanHA3.i3d (13.18 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/demco/series2200/series2200.i3d (59.45 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/crawlers/demco/series2200Crawler/series2200Crawler.i3d (22.07 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight23Orange_blink.i3d (7.90 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight23Red.i3d (1.62 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/caseIH/moduleExpress635/moduleExpress635.i3d (178.38 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/rims/dual002.i3d (3.80 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/caseIH/moduleExpress635/sounds/moduleExpress635_loop.gls version 14 (0.26 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight27Orange.i3d (13.15 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/johnDeere/cp690/cp690.i3d (128.95 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/megaXbib/R42_megaXbib.i3d (4.86 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/omniBib/R34_omniBib.i3d (3.57 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/johnDeere/cp690/sounds/cp690_loop.gls version 14 (0.21 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_CaseIH_Trident5550/trident.i3d (473.44 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/michelin/yieldBib/R50_yieldBib.i3d (13.08 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_CaseIH_Trident5550/wheels/rims.i3d (71.85 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_CaseIH_Trident5550/liquidFunction.i3d (189.48 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_CaseIH_Trident5550/dryBox.i3d (75.53 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_bourgaultSeries3320/series3320/series3320.i3d (312.28 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_bourgaultSeries3320/shared/wheels/lizard/bourgault/bourgault.i3d (6.04 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_bourgaultSeries3320/shared/wheels/lizard/imp1/R13_5.i3d (17.47 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_bourgaultSeries3320/shared/wheels/lizard/sureGripTraction/R16_1.i3d (20.27 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight22Orange.i3d (2.78 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight22Red.i3d (2.57 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_bourgaultSeries3320/series7950b/series7950b.i3d (404.63 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_bourgaultSeries3320/shared/wheels/hubs/hubs.i3d (2.32 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_bourgaultSeries3320/shared/wheels/lizard/optitrac/R38_optitrac.i3d (20.96 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight19Orange.i3d (6.55 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight19Red.i3d (2.54 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_bourgaultSeries3320/series7950b/series7950bHoses.i3d (1.96 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_bourgaultSeries3420/series3420/series3420.i3d (391.53 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_bourgaultSeries3420/shared/wheels/lizard/bourgault/bourgault.i3d (5.84 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_bourgaultSeries3420/shared/wheels/lizard/sureGripTraction/R16_1.i3d (20.15 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_bourgaultSeries3420/shared/wheels/lizard/muckMaster/R22_5.i3d (18.38 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_bourgaultSeries3420/shared/wheels/lizard/fs24/D17.i3d (15.28 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_bourgaultSeries3420/shared/wheels/lizard/fs24/R16_5.i3d (0.52 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_bourgaultSeries3420/series71300/series71300.i3d (161.19 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_bourgaultSeries3420/shared/wheels/hubs/hubs.i3d (1.79 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_bourgaultSeries3420/shared/wheels/lizard/optitrac/R42_optitrac.i3d (24.11 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_bourgaultSeries3420/series71300/series71300HosesLeft.i3d (0.81 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_bourgaultSeries3420/series71300/series71300HosesRight.i3d (0.55 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/lodeKing/distinctionSuperB/distinctionSuperB_front.i3d (62.84 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight20_blink.i3d (9.11 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight20.i3d (2.92 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker21Orange.i3d (10.84 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/lodeKing/distinctionSuperB/distinctionSuperB_back.i3d (23.42 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker21Red.i3d (1.57 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_CP02_Tipper_Container_Trailer/i3d/basculante_40FT_45FT.i3d (183.47 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/bkt/ridemaxFL693M/R22_5_ridemaxFL693M.i3d (19.57 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_CP02_Tipper_Container_Trailer/wheels/hubs_rims.i3d (4.42 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight32.i3d (15.56 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/reflectors/lizard/whiteRectangle_01.i3d (1.45 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_CP04_Titan_Grain_Containers/i3d/Grano_40FT_45FT.i3d (246.00 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/krampe/dolly10L/dolly10L.i3d (34.14 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_CP05_Tank_Containers/i3d/Cisterna_20FT_25FT.i3d (139.18 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_CP02_Tipper_Container_Trailer/i3d/basculante_20FT_25FT.i3d (93.58 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_JD_1775NT_2022/1775NT_2022.i3d (556.35 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/lizard/destinationFarmRadial/R22_5.i3d (9.86 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Lizard_MegaRoll2430_multiRoller/megaRoll2430_multiRoller.i3d (172.59 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker04.i3d (3.27 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_TigerMate255/tigermate255.i3d (185.25 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_TigerMate255/parts/parts.i3d (20.78 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_JohnDeere2410/JohnDeere2410.i3d (173.22 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_JohnDeere2410/Rim/rim.i3d (41.21 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/agiPack/vehicles/agiStorm/stormFX/stormFX.i3d (313.80 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/SK800/R15_SK800.i3d (2.74 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 pdlc/agiPack/vehicles/agiStorm/stormFX/sounds/stormFX_loop.gls version 14 (0.04 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/meridian/conveyAll1690/conveyAll1690.i3d (69.63 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/continental/terrainContactHT/R16_terrainContactHT.i3d (14.37 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 F:/SteamLibrary/steamapps/common/Farming Simulator 22/pdlc/agiPack/objects/pallets/liquidSeedTreatmentPallet/liquidSeedTreatmentPallet.i3d (23.78 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/walkabout/motherBin6000/motherBin6000.i3d (78.43 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_TLX3500_Series/tlx3500_sc.i3d (307.83 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_TLX3500_Series/wheels/beadlocks.i3d (8.61 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_TLX3500_Series/wheels/drum_hubs.i3d (5.41 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_TLX3500_Series/wheels/work_wheels.i3d (57.48 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_TLX3500_Series/wheels/heavyduty.i3d (36.04 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_TLX3500_Series/locals/cablight2.i3d (2.73 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_TLX3500_Series/locals/hid_light.i3d (8.68 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_TLX3500_Series/locals/led_light.i3d (8.71 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_TLX3500_Series/attachments/xl_flatbed3500.i3d (85.95 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_TLX3500_Series/locals/rearLight25.i3d (3.12 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_TLX3500_Series/locals/strobeBar.i3d (13.87 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_TLX3500_Series/locals/strobeBar2.i3d (2.62 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_TLX3500_Series/attachments/xl_abiTanker3500.i3d (118.88 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_TLX3500_Series/attachments/xl_tipper3500.i3d (78.67 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight29.i3d (5.41 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Unimog_U1X00/i3d/UnimogU1600.i3d (415.85 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/continental/offRoadHCS/R20_offRoadHCS.i3d (4.21 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Unimog_U1X00/wheels/MB_rim_old.i3d (4.37 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Seed_Runner_3755_XL/seedRunner3755xl.i3d (116.48 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/bkt/ridemaxFL693M/R17_5_ridemaxFL693M.i3d (4.00 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight50.i3d (6.74 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/thunderCreek/fst990/fst990.i3d (24.82 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/nokian/TRI2/R16_TRI2.i3d (4.37 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/rims/rimsPickup.i3d (39.66 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight25.i3d (2.83 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_flatBedTrailerCombo_AutoPack_crossplay/flatBedTrailer_Auto.i3d (494.38 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker07Orange.i3d (7.33 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker10Orange.i3d (1.81 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/sideMarker10Red.i3d (1.90 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_flatBedTrailerCombo_AutoPack_crossplay/lights/ledStrobeLight01.i3d (4.94 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_flatBedTrailerCombo_AutoPack_crossplay/lights/ledStrobeLight02.i3d (2.61 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_CP05_Tank_Containers/i3d/Cisterna_40FT_45FT.i3d (110.10 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_dropdeckTrailer53Ft_AutoPack_crossplay/dropDeckTrailer_Auto.i3d (170.78 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_dropdeckTrailer53Ft_AutoPack_crossplay/wheels/R22_5_DS.i3d (6.00 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_dropdeckTrailer53Ft_AutoPack_crossplay/lights/ledStrobeLight01.i3d (0.64 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_dropdeckTrailer53Ft_AutoPack_crossplay/lights/ledStrobeLight02.i3d (0.51 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 UniversalAutoload - valid vehicle: Lizard 53' Dropdeck-Anhänger Lädt Automatisch Ballen - Tieflader (1) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_UniversalAutoload/triggers/UniversalAutoloadTriggers.i3d (1.79 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_bourgaultCD872/cd872.i3d (324.42 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/lizard/imp1/R13_5.i3d (11.87 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/claas/w1800/w1800.i3d (9.69 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Jacto_Hover_500/Jacto_Hover_500.i3d (500.56 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Jacto_Hover_500/som/planter_loop.gls version 14 (1.56 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_Jacto_Hover_500/crawer.i3d (86.64 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/gessner/twoRow/twoRow.i3d (77.79 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/AW305/R16_AW305.i3d (3.41 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/valtra/tSeries/tSeries.i3d (124.99 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/weights/valtra/valtraWheelWeight001.i3d (9.15 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/objects/pallets/honeyBoxPallet/honeyBoxPallet.i3d (12.87 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_CP01_Lizard_Cranes_SMV_4531_TC5/i3d/lizardcrane.i3d (250.06 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/vehicles/claas/torion1511/sounds/torion1511_loop.gls version 14 (0.25 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_CP01_Lizard_Cranes_SMV_4531_TC5/wheels/ruedas.i3d (71.73 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/lights/lizard/rearLight40.i3d (8.88 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_CP01_Lizard_Cranes_SMV_4531_TC5/lights/hellaTurnlight_01.i3d (4.75 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/assets/beaconLights/lizard/beaconLight11.i3d (9.04 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_JohnDeere_9x20_9x30/JohnDeere9030.i3d (238.72 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_JohnDeere_9x20_9x30/wheels/wheels.i3d (24.54 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 data/shared/wheels/weights/weight005.i3d (11.22 ms) 2023-04-21 02:55 C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/FS22_JohnDeere_9X30T/JohnDeere9X30T.i3d (231.51 ms) 2023-04-21 02:56 Setting 'Radio Volume': 0.500 2023-04-21 02:56 Setting 'Vehicle Volume': 1.000 2023-04-21 02:56 Setting 'Environment Volume': 0.700 2023-04-21 02:56 Setting 'GUI Volume': 0.500 2023-04-21 02:56 Info: Savegame Setting 'dirtInterval': 3 2023-04-21 02:56 Info: Savegame Setting 'snowEnabled': true 2023-04-21 02:56 Info: Savegame Setting 'growthMode': 1 2023-04-21 02:56 Info: Savegame Setting 'fuelUsage': 3 2023-04-21 02:56 Info: Savegame Setting 'plowingRequiredEnabled': true 2023-04-21 02:56 Info: Savegame Setting 'weedsEnabled': true 2023-04-21 02:56 Info: Savegame Setting 'limeRequired': true 2023-04-21 02:56 Info: Savegame Setting 'stonesEnabled': false 2023-04-21 02:56 Info: Savegame Setting 'economicDifficulty': 3 2023-04-21 02:56 Info: Savegame Setting 'fixedSeasonalVisuals': nil 2023-04-21 02:56 Info: Savegame Setting 'plannedDaysPerPeriod': 4 2023-04-21 02:56 dataS/character/humans/player/player01.i3d (90.57 ms) 2023-04-21 02:56 Info: [AD] Info: g_server table: 0x020117467550 g_client table: 0x02011f807268 g_dedicatedServer nil g_dedicatedServerInfo nil getUserProfileAppPath C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/ getIsClient true getIsServer true isMasterUser true 2023-04-21 02:56 dataS/character/player01/beards/facialHair01.i3d (208.54 ms) 2023-04-21 02:56 dataS/character/player01/heads/maleHead01.i3d (190.91 ms) 2023-04-21 02:56 dataS/character/player01/clothes/footwear/footwearWorkboot01.i3d (43.93 ms) 2023-04-21 02:56 dataS/character/player01/hairStyles/hairStyleMidParted01.i3d (14.77 ms) 2023-04-21 02:56 dataS/character/player01/attachments/goatee.i3d (62.52 ms) 2023-04-21 02:56 dataS/character/player01/brands/brand08/engelbertStraussMotion2020PantsVariant.i3d (220.75 ms) 2023-04-21 02:57 data/vehicles/fendt/vario200/vario200.i3d (142.95 ms) 2023-04-21 02:57 data/vehicles/fendt/vario200/sounds/vario200_loop.gls version 14 (0.16 ms) 2023-04-21 02:57 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/TM700/R16_TM700.i3d (44.88 ms) 2023-04-21 02:57 data/shared/wheels/tires/trelleborg/TM700/R24_TM700.i3d (10.90 ms) 2023-04-21 02:57 data/vehicles/salek/mul1000/mul1000.i3d (28.50 ms) 2023-04-21 03:00 :23 [info lp39706] Scanning field 23 on Gnadenthal, prefer custom fields false 2023-04-21 03:00 :23 [dbg13 lp39706] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldScanner: -1678.7/-283.9 is not on a field, can't start scanning here 2023-04-21 03:00 :45 [info lp40939] Scanning field 23 on Gnadenthal, prefer custom fields false 2023-04-21 03:00 :45 [dbg13 lp40939] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldScanner: -1678.7/-283.9 is not on a field, can't start scanning here 2023-04-21 03:00 :49 [info lp41185] Scanning field 23 on Gnadenthal, prefer custom fields false 2023-04-21 03:00 :49 [dbg13 lp41185] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldScanner: -1678.7/-283.9 is not on a field, can't start scanning here 2023-04-21 03:01 :00 [info lp41749] Scanning field 23 on Gnadenthal, prefer custom fields false 2023-04-21 03:01 :00 [dbg13 lp41749] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldScanner: Start scanning field 23 at -1519.1/-141.2 2023-04-21 03:01 :00 [dbg13 lp41749] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldScanner: Field edge found at -1472.6/-44.5 after 537 steps 2023-04-21 03:01 :00 [dbg13 lp41749] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (41, -89.4°), -2.4 ahead of the last 2023-04-21 03:01 :00 [dbg13 lp41749] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (87, -37.8°), -0.2 ahead of the last 2023-04-21 03:01 :00 [dbg13 lp41749] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (114, -36.7°), -0.3 ahead of the last 2023-04-21 03:01 :00 [dbg13 lp41749] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (130, -35.5°), -0.7 ahead of the last 2023-04-21 03:01 :00 [dbg13 lp41749] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (137, -17.2°), 4.3 ahead of the last 2023-04-21 03:01 :00 [dbg13 lp41749] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (145, -35.5°), 0.0 ahead of the last 2023-04-21 03:01 :00 [dbg13 lp41749] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (150, 35.5°), 0.0 ahead of the last 2023-04-21 03:01 :00 [dbg13 lp41749] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (160, -17.2°), -0.3 ahead of the last 2023-04-21 03:01 :00 [dbg13 lp41749] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (168, 35.5°), 0.2 ahead of the last 2023-04-21 03:01 :00 [dbg13 lp41749] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (187, 51.6°), 1.4 ahead of the last 2023-04-21 03:01 :00 [dbg13 lp41749] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (190, -17.2°), 4.3 ahead of the last 2023-04-21 03:01 :00 [dbg13 lp41749] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldScanner: Inserted a corner waypoint (239, -89.4°), -3.2 ahead of the last 2023-04-21 03:01 :00 [dbg13 lp41749] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldScanner: Field contour with 276 points generated, total rotation -364.4° 2023-04-21 03:01 :00 [dbg13 lp41749] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldScanner: Field contour simplified, has now 276 points 2023-04-21 03:01 :00 [dbg13 lp41749] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldScanner: Intermediate points added, has now 276 points 2023-04-21 03:01 Warning: Performing emergency garbage collection pass - memory went from 660515 KB to 1373446 KB in less than one frame 2023-04-21 03:01 Usage is now 660411 KB; full GC took 1277.669300ms 2023-04-21 03:01 Warning: Performing emergency garbage collection pass - memory went from 660411 KB to 1353780 KB in less than one frame 2023-04-21 03:01 Usage is now 660443 KB; full GC took 1239.178700ms 2023-04-21 03:01 Warning: Performing emergency garbage collection pass - memory went from 660443 KB to 1539349 KB in less than one frame 2023-04-21 03:01 Usage is now 1162575 KB; full GC took 1202.260300ms 2023-04-21 03:02 Warning: Performing emergency garbage collection pass - memory went from 1162575 KB to 2421602 KB in less than one frame 2023-04-21 03:02 Usage is now 2421602 KB; full GC took 990.534400ms 2023-04-21 03:03 Warning: Performing emergency garbage collection pass - memory went from 2421602 KB to 4939977 KB in less than one frame 2023-04-21 03:04 Usage is now 4939977 KB; full GC took 6429.540200ms 2023-04-21 03:07 Error: Running LUA method 'mouseEvent'. not enough memory 2023-04-21 03:08 :30 [dbg16 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Finding turn radius: 2023-04-21 03:08 :30 [dbg16 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: turnRadius set to 2.7 2023-04-21 03:08 :30 [dbg16 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000: no Giants turn radius, not towed, do not use turn radius 2023-04-21 03:08 :30 [dbg16 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000: max tool radius now is 0.0 2023-04-21 03:08 :30 [dbg16 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario: no Giants turn radius, not towed, do not use turn radius 2023-04-21 03:08 :30 [dbg16 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario: max tool radius now is 0.0 2023-04-21 03:08 :30 [dbg16 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: getTurningRadius: 2.7 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :30 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Generating course, clockwise 1, width 1.4 m, turn radius 2.7 m, headlands 0, startOnHeadland 1 2023-04-21 03:08 :30 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: headland corner 1, headland overlap 7, center mode 1 2023-04-21 03:08 :30 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: row direction 5, rows to skip 0, rows per land 6 2023-04-21 03:08 :30 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: multiTools 1, pipe on left true 2023-04-21 03:08 :30 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: ####### COURSE GENERATOR START ########################################################## 2023-04-21 03:08 :30 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Headland mode none, corner smooth, number of passes 0, center mode up/down, min headland turn angle 150.0 2023-04-21 03:08 :30 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Width 1.4, headland first true, clockwise true. Skip rows 0 2023-04-21 03:08 :30 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Generating headland track (or field margin) with offset 0.00, clockwise true, inward true 2023-04-21 03:08 :30 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Added 278 (of 278) waypoints to headland 1 (add full round), starting at 11 2023-04-21 03:08 :30 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Added 278 (of 556) waypoints to headland 1 (add straight section), starting at 289 2023-04-21 03:08 :30 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: ROW ANGLE: FINDING THE OPTIMUM ANGLE 2023-04-21 03:08 :31 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Last two rows too close, removing one 2023-04-21 03:08 :31 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Last two rows too close, removing one 2023-04-21 03:08 :31 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Last two rows too close, removing one 2023-04-21 03:08 :31 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Last two rows too close, removing one 2023-04-21 03:08 :31 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Last two rows too close, removing one 2023-04-21 03:08 :31 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Last two rows too close, removing one 2023-04-21 03:08 :31 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Last two rows too close, removing one 2023-04-21 03:08 :31 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Last two rows too close, removing one 2023-04-21 03:08 :32 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Last two rows too close, removing one 2023-04-21 03:08 :32 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Last two rows too close, removing one 2023-04-21 03:08 :32 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Last two rows too close, removing one 2023-04-21 03:08 :32 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Best angle=10, nBlocks=4, nTracks=237, smallBlockScore=0, score=277.5 2023-04-21 03:08 :32 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Block 1 has 162 tracks 2023-04-21 03:08 :32 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Generated 162 tracks for this block 2023-04-21 03:08 :32 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Block 2 has 35 tracks 2023-04-21 03:08 :32 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Generated 35 tracks for this block 2023-04-21 03:08 :32 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Block 3 has 35 tracks 2023-04-21 03:08 :32 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Generated 35 tracks for this block 2023-04-21 03:08 :32 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Block 4 has 40 tracks 2023-04-21 03:08 :32 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Generated 40 tracks for this block 2023-04-21 03:08 :32 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 2 1(1)-4(1)-2(1)-3(1)- f = 20.3, d = 491.9 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :32 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 3 1(1)-4(1)-2(4)-3(1)- f = 29.3, d = 341.9 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :32 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 4 1(1)-4(1)-2(4)-3(1)- f = 29.3, d = 341.9 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :32 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 5 1(1)-4(1)-2(4)-3(1)- f = 29.3, d = 341.9 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :32 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 6 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(4)- f = 30.8, d = 325.1 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :32 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 7 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(4)- f = 30.8, d = 325.1 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :32 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 8 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(4)- f = 30.8, d = 325.1 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :33 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 9 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(4)- f = 30.8, d = 325.1 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :33 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 10 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(4)- f = 30.8, d = 325.1 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :33 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 11 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(4)- f = 30.8, d = 325.1 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :33 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 12 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :33 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 13 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :33 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 14 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :33 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 15 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :33 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 16 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :33 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 17 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :33 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 18 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :33 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 19 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :34 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 20 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :34 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 21 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :34 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 22 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :34 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 23 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :34 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 24 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :34 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 25 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :34 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 26 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :34 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 27 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :34 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 28 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :34 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 29 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :34 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 30 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :35 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 31 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :35 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 32 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :35 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 33 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :35 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 34 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :35 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 35 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :35 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 36 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :35 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 37 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :35 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 38 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :35 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 39 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :35 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: generation 40 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :35 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: 1(2)-3(3)-2(2)-4(1)- f = 47.6, d = 210.0 m 2023-04-21 03:08 :35 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Connecting track to block 1 has 27 points 2023-04-21 03:08 :35 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: 1. block 1, entry corner 2, direction to next = -1, on the bottom = true, on the left = false 2023-04-21 03:08 :35 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Connecting track to block 2 has 10 points 2023-04-21 03:08 :35 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: 2. block 3, entry corner 3, direction to next = -1, on the bottom = false, on the left = false 2023-04-21 03:08 :35 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Connecting track to block 3 has 3 points 2023-04-21 03:08 :35 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: 3. block 2, entry corner 2, direction to next = -1, on the bottom = true, on the left = false 2023-04-21 03:08 :35 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Connecting track to block 4 has 0 points 2023-04-21 03:08 :35 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: 4. block 4, entry corner 1, direction to next = 0, on the bottom = true, on the left = true 2023-04-21 03:08 :35 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: ####### COURSE GENERATOR END ########################################################### 2023-04-21 03:08 :36 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Course with 13692 waypoints generated. 2023-04-21 03:08 :36 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Course generator returned status true, ok true 2023-04-21 03:08 :36 [dbg13 lp43950] 211 V Vario/2359: Course with 13692 waypoints created/updated, 67591.1 meters, 269 turns 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg1 lp46326] 211 V Vario/2359: Start/stop cp helper 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg1 lp46326] 211 V Vario/2359: Cp helper started. 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg1 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: CP drive to task started 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg16 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000/- has no wheels, check if anything attached to it 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg16 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000/- has nothing attached, see what else is attached to 211 V Vario/2359 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg16 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: Finding turn radius: 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg16 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: turnRadius set to 2.7 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg16 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000: no Giants turn radius, not towed, do not use turn radius 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg16 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000: max tool radius now is 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg16 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario: no Giants turn radius, not towed, do not use turn radius 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg16 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario: max tool radius now is 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg16 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: getTurningRadius: 2.7 m 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg16 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000/- has no wheels, check if anything attached to it 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg16 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000/- has nothing attached, see what else is attached to 211 V Vario/2359 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg9 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: No towed implement found. 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg9 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: AIReverseDriver created. 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg12 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: proximity controller initialized 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg16 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000 front distance -1 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg16 lp46327] Unknown: 211 V Vario 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg12 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: Creating wide forward proximity sensor 2.0m 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg12 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.9, angle 10.0, angle to root 25.7 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg12 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.7, angle 8.0, angle to root 19.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg12 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.4, angle 5.0, angle to root 13.5 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg12 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.2, angle 3.0, angle to root 6.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg12 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.0, angle 0.0, angle to root 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg12 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.2, angle -3.0, angle to root 6.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg12 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.4, angle -5.0, angle to root 13.5 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg12 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.7, angle -8.0, angle to root 19.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg12 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.9, angle -10.0, angle to root 25.7 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg16 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000/- has no wheels, check if anything attached to it 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg16 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000/- has nothing attached, see what else is attached to 211 V Vario/2359 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg16 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000 back distance -2 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg16 lp46327] Unknown: -2.8089904785156 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg12 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: Creating wide backward proximity sensor 2.5m 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg12 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 1.1, angle -190.0, angle to root 158.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg12 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.8, angle -188.0, angle to root 163.5 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg12 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.6, angle -185.0, angle to root 168.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg12 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.3, angle -183.0, angle to root 174.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg12 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.0, angle 180.0, angle to root 180.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg12 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.3, angle 183.0, angle to root 174.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg12 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.6, angle 185.0, angle to root 168.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg12 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.8, angle 188.0, angle to root 163.5 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg12 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -1.1, angle 190.0, angle to root 158.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg1 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Single vehicle fieldwork course 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg1 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Vehicle has a fieldwork course, figure out where to start 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg1 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Starting course at the closest waypoint in the right direction 11370 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg1 lp46327] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Closer than 20 m to start waypoint (11370), start fieldwork directly 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg1 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Work start location reached 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg1 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: CP drive to task stopped 2023-04-21 03:09 :26 [dbg1 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: This is a CP field work job, start the CP AI driver, setting up drive strategies... 2023-04-21 03:09 dataS/character/humans/npc/pedestrians/generic/npcCommon06_f.i3d (366.12 ms) 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg1 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Found a vine course, install CP vine fieldwork drive strategy for it 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000/- has no wheels, check if anything attached to it 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000/- has nothing attached, see what else is attached to 211 V Vario/2359 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Finding turn radius: 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: turnRadius set to 2.7 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000: no Giants turn radius, not towed, do not use turn radius 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000: max tool radius now is 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario: no Giants turn radius, not towed, do not use turn radius 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario: max tool radius now is 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: getTurningRadius: 2.7 m 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000/- has no wheels, check if anything attached to it 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000/- has nothing attached, see what else is attached to 211 V Vario/2359 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg9 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: No towed implement found. 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg9 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: AIReverseDriver created. 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg12 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: proximity controller initialized 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg12 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Creating wide forward proximity sensor 2.0m 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg12 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.9, angle 10.0, angle to root 25.7 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg12 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.7, angle 8.0, angle to root 19.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg12 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.4, angle 5.0, angle to root 13.5 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg12 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.2, angle 3.0, angle to root 6.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg12 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.0, angle 0.0, angle to root 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg12 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.2, angle -3.0, angle to root 6.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg12 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.4, angle -5.0, angle to root 13.5 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg12 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.7, angle -8.0, angle to root 19.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg12 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.9, angle -10.0, angle to root 25.7 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg12 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Creating wide backward proximity sensor 2.5m 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg12 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 1.1, angle -190.0, angle to root 158.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg12 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.8, angle -188.0, angle to root 163.5 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg12 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.6, angle -185.0, angle to root 168.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg12 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.3, angle -183.0, angle to root 174.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg12 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.0, angle 180.0, angle to root 180.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg12 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.3, angle 183.0, angle to root 174.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg12 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.6, angle 185.0, angle to root 168.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg12 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.8, angle 188.0, angle to root 163.5 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg12 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -1.1, angle 190.0, angle to root 158.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg1 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Finding AI markers of 211 V Vario/2359 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario/2359: has no AI markers, try work areas 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario/2359: has no work areas, giving up 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg1 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Finding AI markers of MUL-1000/- 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] MUL-1000/-: MUL-1000/-: AI markers set 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] MUL-1000/-: MUL-1000: ref to attacher joint -0.7, att to implement root 0.1, impl root to ref -0.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] MUL-1000/-: MUL-1000: ref to attacher joint -0.7, att to implement root 0.1, impl root to ref -0.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] MUL-1000/-: MUL-1000: ref to attacher joint -0.7, att to implement root 0.7, impl root to ref -1.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg1 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: MUL-1000/-: left = -0.8, right = -0.8, back = -1.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg1 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: front marker: -0.8, back marker: -1.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Lowering duration: 1 ms 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Lowering duration (MUL-1000): 1 ms 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Lowering duration (MUL-1000 attacher joint): 2500 ms 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Final lowering duration: 2500 ms 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg1 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Single vehicle fieldwork course 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg1 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Vehicle has a fieldwork course, figure out where to start 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg1 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Starting course at the closest waypoint in the right direction 11370 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg1 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Starting field work at waypoint 11370: work width 1.4, turning radius 2.7, front marker -0.8, back marker -1.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg1 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: - map: Gnadenthal, field 23 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg1 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: - MUL-1000/- 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg1 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Start waypoint is far (11.0 m), use alignment course to get there. 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg1 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Generate alignment course to waypoint 11370 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg10 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: (AlignmentCourse): creating alignment course to waypoint 11370, zOffset = -1.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg10 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: (AlignmentCourse): Alignment course with 23 waypoints created. 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg13 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Course with 23 waypoints created/updated, 22.1 meters, 0 turns 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg13 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Last waypoint of the course created from analytical path: angle set to -100.0° 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg10 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Turn context: start ix = 11370, back marker = -1.4, front marker = -0.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Finding turn radius: 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: turnRadius set to 2.7 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000: no Giants turn radius, not towed, do not use turn radius 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000: max tool radius now is 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario: no Giants turn radius, not towed, do not use turn radius 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario: max tool radius now is 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: getTurningRadius: 2.7 m 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000/- has no wheels, check if anything attached to it 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg16 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000/- has nothing attached, see what else is attached to 211 V Vario/2359 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg10 lp46328] appendEndingTurnCourse: dzVehicleAtTurnEnd: -1.8, dzWorkStart: -1.0, extra 6.0) 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg13 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: Course with 30 waypoints created/updated, 29.1 meters, 0 turns 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg11 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: 211 V Vario-relevantWpNode waypoint index 1 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg11 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: 211 V Vario-nextWpNode waypoint index 1 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg11 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: 211 V Vario-currentWpNode waypoint index 1 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg11 lp46328] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: initialized to waypoint 1 of 30 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg11 lp46329] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: common case, ix=3, q1=2.0, q2=2.9 la=2.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg11 lp46329] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: 211 V Vario-currentWpNode waypoint index 4 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg10 lp46329] 211 V Vario/2359: StartRow state: TURNING onWaypointChange 2 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg10 lp46329] 211 V Vario/2359: StartRow state: TURNING onWaypointChange 3 2023-04-21 03:09 :27 [dbg10 lp46329] 211 V Vario/2359: StartRow state: TURNING onWaypointChange 4 2023-04-21 03:09 :28 [dbg1 lp46332] 211 V Vario/2359: DRIVING_TO_WORK_START_WAYPOINT: speed 8.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :28 [dbg12 lp46332] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldWorkerProximityController: Recorded new trail point (1) 2023-04-21 03:09 :28 [dbg11 lp46333] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: waypoint 1 passed, dz: 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :28 [dbg11 lp46333] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: relevant waypoint: 1, next waypoint 2, crosstrack: 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :28 [dbg10 lp46333] 211 V Vario/2359: StartRow state: TURNING onWaypointPassed 1 2023-04-21 03:09 :28 [dbg12 lp46360] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldWorkerProximityController: minimum distance to others inf, maximum convoy distance from others 75.0, speed = 8.0, slow down factor = 1.00 2023-04-21 03:09 :29 [dbg1 lp46384] 211 V Vario/2359: DRIVING_TO_WORK_START_WAYPOINT: speed 8.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :29 [dbg11 lp46399] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: 211 V Vario-currentWpNode waypoint index 5 2023-04-21 03:09 :29 [dbg10 lp46399] 211 V Vario/2359: StartRow state: TURNING onWaypointChange 5 2023-04-21 03:09 :29 [dbg11 lp46400] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: waypoint 2 passed, dz: 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :29 [dbg11 lp46400] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: relevant waypoint: 2, next waypoint 3, crosstrack: -0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :29 [dbg10 lp46400] 211 V Vario/2359: StartRow state: TURNING onWaypointPassed 2 2023-04-21 03:09 :30 [dbg11 lp46420] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: 211 V Vario-currentWpNode waypoint index 6 2023-04-21 03:09 :30 [dbg10 lp46420] 211 V Vario/2359: StartRow state: TURNING onWaypointChange 6 2023-04-21 03:09 :30 [dbg11 lp46421] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: waypoint 3 passed, dz: 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :30 [dbg11 lp46421] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: relevant waypoint: 3, next waypoint 4, crosstrack: -0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :30 [dbg10 lp46421] 211 V Vario/2359: StartRow state: TURNING onWaypointPassed 3 2023-04-21 03:09 :30 [dbg12 lp46436] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldWorkerProximityController: minimum distance to others inf, maximum convoy distance from others 75.0, speed = 8.0, slow down factor = 1.00 2023-04-21 03:09 :30 [dbg11 lp46441] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: 211 V Vario-currentWpNode waypoint index 7 2023-04-21 03:09 :30 [dbg10 lp46441] 211 V Vario/2359: StartRow state: TURNING onWaypointChange 7 2023-04-21 03:09 :30 [dbg11 lp46442] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: waypoint 4 passed, dz: 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :30 [dbg11 lp46442] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: relevant waypoint: 4, next waypoint 5, crosstrack: 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :30 [dbg10 lp46442] 211 V Vario/2359: StartRow state: TURNING onWaypointPassed 4 2023-04-21 03:09 :31 [dbg11 lp46464] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: 211 V Vario-currentWpNode waypoint index 8 2023-04-21 03:09 :31 [dbg10 lp46464] 211 V Vario/2359: StartRow state: TURNING onWaypointChange 8 2023-04-21 03:09 :31 [dbg11 lp46465] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: waypoint 5 passed, dz: 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :31 [dbg11 lp46465] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: relevant waypoint: 5, next waypoint 6, crosstrack: 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :31 [dbg10 lp46465] 211 V Vario/2359: StartRow state: TURNING onWaypointPassed 5 2023-04-21 03:09 :31 [dbg11 lp46485] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: 211 V Vario-currentWpNode waypoint index 9 2023-04-21 03:09 :31 [dbg10 lp46485] 211 V Vario/2359: StartRow state: TURNING onWaypointChange 9 2023-04-21 03:09 :31 [dbg16 lp46485] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000/- has no wheels, check if anything attached to it 2023-04-21 03:09 :31 [dbg16 lp46485] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000/- has nothing attached, see what else is attached to 211 V Vario/2359 2023-04-21 03:09 :31 [dbg11 lp46486] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: waypoint 6 passed, dz: 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :31 [dbg11 lp46486] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: relevant waypoint: 6, next waypoint 7, crosstrack: -0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :31 [dbg10 lp46486] 211 V Vario/2359: StartRow state: TURNING onWaypointPassed 6 2023-04-21 03:09 :31 [dbg12 lp46492] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldWorkerProximityController: Recorded new trail point (2) 2023-04-21 03:09 :32 [dbg12 lp46512] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldWorkerProximityController: minimum distance to others inf, maximum convoy distance from others 75.0, speed = 8.0, slow down factor = 1.00 2023-04-21 03:09 :34 [dbg1 lp46588] 211 V Vario/2359: DRIVING_TO_WORK_START_WAYPOINT: speed 8.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :34 [dbg12 lp46588] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldWorkerProximityController: minimum distance to others inf, maximum convoy distance from others 75.0, speed = 8.0, slow down factor = 1.00 2023-04-21 03:09 :34 [dbg1 lp46616] 211 V Vario/2359: Start/stop cp helper 2023-04-21 03:09 :34 [dbg1 lp46616] 211 V Vario/2359: stop message: Helfer %s wurde manuell gestoppt! 2023-04-21 03:09 :34 [dbg1 lp46616] 211 V Vario/2359: finished: nil, event: nil 2023-04-21 03:09 :34 [info lp46616] 211 V Vario/2359: The driver stopped after: 7s, time passed without standing still: 3s, first prediction was: 0s 2023-04-21 03:09 :34 [dbg1 lp46616] 211 V Vario/2359: DRIVING_TO_WORK_START_WAYPOINT: Best return to fieldwork waypoint is 11367 2023-04-21 03:09 :34 [dbg1 lp46616] 211 V Vario/2359: Stopped current helper. 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47234] 211 V Vario/2359: Start/stop cp helper 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47234] 211 V Vario/2359: Cp helper started. 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: CP drive to task started 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000/- has no wheels, check if anything attached to it 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000/- has nothing attached, see what else is attached to 211 V Vario/2359 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: Finding turn radius: 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: turnRadius set to 2.7 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000: no Giants turn radius, not towed, do not use turn radius 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000: max tool radius now is 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario: no Giants turn radius, not towed, do not use turn radius 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario: max tool radius now is 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: getTurningRadius: 2.7 m 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000/- has no wheels, check if anything attached to it 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000/- has nothing attached, see what else is attached to 211 V Vario/2359 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg9 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: No towed implement found. 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg9 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: AIReverseDriver created. 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: proximity controller initialized 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: Creating wide forward proximity sensor 2.0m 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.9, angle 10.0, angle to root 25.7 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.7, angle 8.0, angle to root 19.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.4, angle 5.0, angle to root 13.5 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.2, angle 3.0, angle to root 6.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.0, angle 0.0, angle to root 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.2, angle -3.0, angle to root 6.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.4, angle -5.0, angle to root 13.5 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.7, angle -8.0, angle to root 19.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.9, angle -10.0, angle to root 25.7 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: Creating wide backward proximity sensor 2.5m 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 1.1, angle -190.0, angle to root 158.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.8, angle -188.0, angle to root 163.5 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.6, angle -185.0, angle to root 168.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.3, angle -183.0, angle to root 174.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.0, angle 180.0, angle to root 180.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.3, angle 183.0, angle to root 174.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.6, angle 185.0, angle to root 168.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.8, angle 188.0, angle to root 163.5 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -1.1, angle 190.0, angle to root 158.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Single vehicle fieldwork course 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Vehicle has a fieldwork course, figure out where to start 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Starting course at the closest waypoint in the right direction 10127 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47235] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Closer than 20 m to start waypoint (10127), start fieldwork directly 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Work start location reached 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: CP drive to task stopped 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: This is a CP field work job, start the CP AI driver, setting up drive strategies... 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Found a vine course, install CP vine fieldwork drive strategy for it 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000/- has no wheels, check if anything attached to it 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000/- has nothing attached, see what else is attached to 211 V Vario/2359 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Finding turn radius: 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: turnRadius set to 2.7 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000: no Giants turn radius, not towed, do not use turn radius 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000: max tool radius now is 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario: no Giants turn radius, not towed, do not use turn radius 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario: max tool radius now is 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: getTurningRadius: 2.7 m 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000/- has no wheels, check if anything attached to it 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: MUL-1000/- has nothing attached, see what else is attached to 211 V Vario/2359 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg9 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: No towed implement found. 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg9 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: AIReverseDriver created. 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: proximity controller initialized 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Creating wide forward proximity sensor 2.0m 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.9, angle 10.0, angle to root 25.7 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.7, angle 8.0, angle to root 19.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.4, angle 5.0, angle to root 13.5 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.2, angle 3.0, angle to root 6.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.0, angle 0.0, angle to root 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.2, angle -3.0, angle to root 6.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.4, angle -5.0, angle to root 13.5 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.7, angle -8.0, angle to root 19.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.9, angle -10.0, angle to root 25.7 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Creating wide backward proximity sensor 2.5m 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 1.1, angle -190.0, angle to root 158.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.8, angle -188.0, angle to root 163.5 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.6, angle -185.0, angle to root 168.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.3, angle -183.0, angle to root 174.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx 0.0, angle 180.0, angle to root 180.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.3, angle 183.0, angle to root 174.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.6, angle 185.0, angle to root 168.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -0.8, angle 188.0, angle to root 163.5 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Proximity sensor dx -1.1, angle 190.0, angle to root 158.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Finding AI markers of 211 V Vario/2359 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario/2359: has no AI markers, try work areas 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario/2359: has no work areas, giving up 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Finding AI markers of MUL-1000/- 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47236] MUL-1000/-: MUL-1000/-: AI markers set 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47236] MUL-1000/-: MUL-1000: ref to attacher joint -0.8, att to implement root 0.1, impl root to ref -0.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47236] MUL-1000/-: MUL-1000: ref to attacher joint -0.8, att to implement root 0.1, impl root to ref -0.8 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47236] MUL-1000/-: MUL-1000: ref to attacher joint -0.8, att to implement root 0.7, impl root to ref -1.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: MUL-1000/-: left = -0.8, right = -0.8, back = -1.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: front marker: -0.8, back marker: -1.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Lowering duration: 1 ms 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Lowering duration (MUL-1000): 1 ms 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Lowering duration (MUL-1000 attacher joint): 2500 ms 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg16 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: Final lowering duration: 2500 ms 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Single vehicle fieldwork course 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Vehicle has a fieldwork course, figure out where to start 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Starting course at the closest waypoint in the right direction 10127 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Starting field work at waypoint 10127: work width 1.4, turning radius 2.7, front marker -0.8, back marker -1.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: - map: Gnadenthal, field 23 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: - MUL-1000/- 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Close enough to start waypoint 10127, no alignment course needed 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: INITIAL: Starting a course, at waypoint 10127 (of 13692). 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg11 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: 211 V Vario-relevantWpNode waypoint index 10127 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg11 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: 211 V Vario-nextWpNode waypoint index 10127 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg11 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: 211 V Vario-currentWpNode waypoint index 10127 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg11 lp47236] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: initialized to waypoint 10127 of 13692 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg11 lp47237] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: common case, ix=10127, q1=2.3, q2=7.2 la=3.4 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg11 lp47237] 211 V Vario/2359: PPC: 211 V Vario-currentWpNode waypoint index 10128 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg1 lp47240] 211 V Vario/2359: WAITING_FOR_LOWER: speed 0.0 2023-04-21 03:09 :49 [dbg12 lp47240] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldWorkerProximityController: Recorded new trail point (1) 2023-04-21 03:09 dataS/character/humans/npc/pedestrians/generic/npcCommon06_f.i3d (285.58 ms) 2023-04-21 03:09 :50 [dbg12 lp47272] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldWorkerProximityController: minimum distance to others inf, maximum convoy distance from others 75.0, speed = 0.0, slow down factor = 1.00 2023-04-21 03:09 :51 [dbg1 lp47332] 211 V Vario/2359: WAITING_FOR_LOWER: all tools ready, start working 2023-04-21 03:09 :52 [dbg12 lp47348] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldWorkerProximityController: minimum distance to others inf, maximum convoy distance from others 75.0, speed = 12.0, slow down factor = 1.00 2023-04-21 03:09 :54 [dbg12 lp47424] 211 V Vario/2359: FieldWorkerProximityController: minimum distance to others inf, maximum convoy distance from others 75.0, speed = 12.0, slow down factor = 1.00 2023-04-21 03:09 :54 [dbg1 lp47439] 211 V Vario/2359: Start/stop cp helper 2023-04-21 03:09 :54 [dbg1 lp47439] 211 V Vario/2359: stop message: Helfer %s wurde manuell gestoppt! 2023-04-21 03:09 :54 [dbg1 lp47439] 211 V Vario/2359: finished: nil, event: nil 2023-04-21 03:09 :54 [info lp47439] 211 V Vario/2359: The driver stopped after: 4s, time passed without standing still: 1s, first prediction was: 2h:26m 2023-04-21 03:09 :54 [dbg1 lp47439] 211 V Vario/2359: WORKING: Best return to fieldwork waypoint is 10124 2023-04-21 03:09 :54 [dbg1 lp47439] 211 V Vario/2359: Stopped current helper. 2023-04-21 03:13 :36 [dbg16 lp56864] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario/2359: getting working width... 2023-04-21 03:13 :36 [dbg16 lp56864] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario/2359: has NO work areas 2023-04-21 03:13 :36 [dbg16 lp56864] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario/2359: could not determine working width 2023-04-21 03:13 :36 [dbg16 lp56864] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario/2359: could not determine offset, using 0 2023-04-21 03:13 :36 [dbg16 lp56864] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario/2359: getting working width... 2023-04-21 03:13 :36 [dbg16 lp56864] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario/2359: has NO work areas 2023-04-21 03:13 :36 [dbg16 lp56864] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario/2359: could not determine working width 2023-04-21 03:13 :36 [dbg16 lp56864] 211 V Vario/2359: 211 V Vario/2359: could not determine offset, using 0 2023-04-21 03:13 Info - GrowthInfo: Exiting 2023-04-21 03:13 Application restart (soft restart) 2023-04-21 03:13 Used Start Parameters: 2023-04-21 03:13 exe F:\SteamLibrary\steamapps\common\Farming Simulator 22\x64\FarmingSimulator2022Game.exe 2023-04-21 03:13 restart 2023-04-21 03:13 Platform: loading defaults 2023-04-21 03:13 Setting 'Master Volume': 0.500 2023-04-21 03:13 Setting 'Is Train Tabbable': false 2023-04-21 03:13 Setting 'Radio Vehicle Only': false 2023-04-21 03:13 Setting 'Radio Active': false 2023-04-21 03:13 Setting 'Use Colorblind Mode': false 2023-04-21 03:13 Setting 'Easy Arm Control': true 2023-04-21 03:13 Setting 'Show Trigger Marker': true 2023-04-21 03:13 Setting 'Show Help Trigger': false 2023-04-21 03:13 Setting 'Show Field-Info': true 2023-04-21 03:13 Setting 'Invert Y-Look': false 2023-04-21 03:13 Setting 'Show Help Icons': true 2023-04-21 03:13 Setting 'Radio Volume': 0.500 2023-04-21 03:13 Setting 'Vehicle Volume': 1.000 2023-04-21 03:13 Setting 'Environment Volume': 0.700 2023-04-21 03:13 Setting 'GUI Volume': 0.500 2023-04-21 03:13 Setting 'Master Volume': 0.500 2023-04-21 03:13 Setting 'Music Volume': 0.000 2023-04-21 03:13 Farming Simulator 22 (Steam) 2023-04-21 03:13 Version: b22767 2023-04-21 03:13 Available Languages: en de jp pl cz fr es ru it pt hu nl cs ct br tr ro kr ea da fi no sv fc 2023-04-21 03:13 Language: de 2023-04-21 03:13 Time: 2023-04-21 03:13:43 2023-04-21 03:13 ModDesc Version: 73 2023-04-21 03:13 Mod Directory: C:/Users/Jutta/Documents/My Games/FarmingSimulator2022/mods/