Device Changelog:
- Safe and Secure USER build.
- Upstreamed kernel to Linux Version 4.4.290.
- Improved audio loudness from speaker.
- Updated audio configs from LA.UM.9.2.r1-03600-SDMxx0.0
- Update qti-telephony from LA.QSSI.11.0.r1-11600-qssi.0
- Build with AOSP surfaceflinger.
- Dirac, Dolby and HotwordEnrolment support have been Dropped.
- More Improvents under the hood.
Device Changelog:
- Safe and Secure USER build.
- Upstreamed kernel to Linux Version 4.4.281.
- Switched to R audio HAL.
- Improved audio output and bass.
- Fixed blur lag completely.
- Fixed bluetooth issue with aptX devices.
- Fixed lag for Dialer with bluetooth.
- Fixed theme reset issue.
- More Improvents under the hood.
Device Changelog:
- Upstreamed kernel to Linux Version 4.4.279.
- Update ril blobs from jasmin latest release.
- Update thermals from stock 438.
- Added ASUS Calculator as prebuilt calculator.
- Fixed black screen stucking issue.
- Fixed Dual 4g and no network issue.
- Fixed Hotword-Enrollment for Ok-google.
- Fixed call recording issue.
- Support unlimited storage for Google Photos.
- More Improvents under the hood.
Device Changelog:
- Safe and Secure USER build.
- Upstreamed kernel to Linux Version 4.4.276.
- Update QTI bluetooth blobs from qssi.
- Dropped CameraGo and Added SnapDragon Camera.
- Revert back to stock thermal configs.
- Removed prebuilt Moto Dolby 3.
- Fixed some Bluetooth issues.
- Fixed WFD (Wifi Display Service).
- More Improvents under the hood.
Device Changelog:
- Safe and Secure USER build.
- Upstreamed kernel to Linux Version 4.4.274.
- Updated ril blobs from jasmin latest release.
- Update thermal config for performance improvement.
- Update MotoDolby3 from latest sofiap_sprout.
- Switch to QTI bluetooth and enabled a2dp offload.
- Fixed Bluetooth for devices using LDAC codec.
- Fixed double-tap to wake for NVT users.
- Fixed Hotspot connection issue.
- Free and Unlimited storage for Google Photos.
- More Improvents under the hood.
Device Changelog:
- Safe and Secure USER build.
- Upstreamed kernel to Linux Version 4.4.273.
- Updated ril and perf blobs from jasmin.
- Update DRM and Widevine blobs from phoenix_sprout
- Update configs and Improve wifi speed and bonding.
- New QTI Thermal HAL 2.0 implementation.
- Fixed low audio glitch after removing headphone.
- Fixed simcard signal issue.
- Fixed Smart Charging.
- Stability and more improvements .