From 855898e72b1aedce8cead0261303949514a065c7 Mon Sep 17 00:00:00 2001 From: amir-zeldes Date: Thu, 16 May 2024 15:53:14 -0400 Subject: [PATCH] update meta --- meta.json | 259 +++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++--------------------- 1 file changed, 157 insertions(+), 102 deletions(-) diff --git a/meta.json b/meta.json index 4473910a..dae310cd 100644 --- a/meta.json +++ b/meta.json @@ -1003,21 +1003,27 @@ "72_Baruch_04": {"annotation": "Frank Feder, So Miyagawa, Elizabeth Platte, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "chapter": "4", "corpus": "sahidic.ot", "document_cts_urn": "", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "automatic", "languages": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY-SA 4.0", "note": "Versification may not always align with traditional Septuagint versification. 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Schroeder", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0"}, - "AP.157.paphnutius.02": {"Coptic_edition": "Cha\u00eene (1960), \u00a7 157 (Fragments de Naples)", "Greek_source": "\u03a0\u03b5\u03c1\u1f76 \u03c4\u03bf\u1fe6 \u1f00\u03b2\u03b2\u1fb6 \u03a0\u03b1\u03c6\u03bd\u03bf\u03c5\u03c4\u03af\u03bf\u03c5 (\u03b2)", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Caroline T. 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Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "book": "Mark", "chapter": "16", "corpus": "sahidica.mark", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.sahidica_ed:16", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "Coptic text (c)2000-2006 by J Warren Wells, for academic use only.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "743", "people": "James the Less; Jesus; Mary Magdalene; Mary, mother of James; Saint Peter; Salome (disciple)", "places": "Galilee", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "David Brakke, Hany Takla, J Warren Wells", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Mark Chapter 16", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0"}, "OCrum_ST_18": {"Coptic_edition": "KYP T344, O. 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Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Ancient Egyptian Collection", "copyist": "Frange", "corpus": "magical.papyri", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticMag:kyprianos.ocrum_st_18.kypt344", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "A.1956.318", "kyprianos_manuscripts": "KYP M135", "kyprianos_texts": "KYP T344", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "Amulet by Frange for the protection of the monastery's monks and animals", "msName": "National Museum of Scotland A.1956.318", "note": "Complete", "objectType": "Ostracon (limestone)", "order": "02", "origDate": "between 701 and 750 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "0750", "origDate_notBefore": "0701", "origDate_precision": "high", "origPlace": "Sheikh Abd el-Qurna West Bank of Luxor", "pages_from": "01", "pages_to": "02", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Abraham; Isaac; Jacob; Jesus", "placeName": "West Bank of Luxor", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Coptic Magical Papyri", "redundant": "no", "repository": "National Museum of Scotland", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "T344", "source_info": "Kyprianos Database of Ancient Ritual Texts", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Amulet by Frange for the protection of the monastery's monks and animals", "translation": "Korshi Dosoo, Edward O. D. Love, Mark\u00e9ta Preininger", "version_date": "2021-03-31", "version_n": "4.1.0", "witness": "unique"}, "PMich_inv_1523": {"Coptic_edition": "KYP T53 and Worrell, William H. &quot;Coptic Magical and Medical Texts.&quot; Orientalia 4 (1935): 3-4, no. 1.", "Trismegistos": "99995", "annotation": "Edward O. D. Love, Lance Martin, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Papyrology", "copyist": "unknown", "corpus": "magical.papyri", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticMag:kyprianos.tm99995.kyp_t_53", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "idno": "P.Mich.inv.1523", "kyprianos_manuscripts": "KYP M71", "kyprianos_texts": "KYP T53", "language": "Lycopolitan Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "Applied curse with judicial features for Theodora against Pjor and his wife", "note": "Complete, some damage along creases, and to bottom left corner. \u201cWritten in a large, clear but somewhat casual/cramped hand with some attachment of the letters.\u201d (Online Catalogue). The lanugage has Akhmimic and Sahidic features", "objectType": "Papyrus", "order": "03", "origDate": "between 301 and 500 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "0500", "origDate_notBefore": "0301", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "South of Assiut (?)", "pages_from": "01", "pages_to": "01", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "none", "placeName": "Lykopolis (Assiut)", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Coptic Magical Papyri", "redundant": "no", "repository": "University of Michigan Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "KYP T53", "source_info": "Kyprianos Database of Ancient Ritual Texts", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Applied curse with judicial features for Theodora against Pjor and his wife", "translation": "Korshi Dosoo, Edward O. D. Love, Mark\u00e9ta Preininger", "version_date": "2021-03-31", "version_n": "4.1.0", "witness": "unique"}, - "Ruth_01": {"annotation": "Frank Feder, So Miyagawa, Elizabeth Platte, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "chapter": "1", "corpus": "sahidic.ruth", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:ot.ruth.coptot:1", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "languages": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY-SA 4.0", "note": "Versification may not always align with traditional Septuagint versification. English translations may be misaligned or missing in places.", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Naomi (biblical figure); Orpah; Ruth (biblical figure)", "places": "Bethlehem; Judea; Moab", "project": "CoptOT, Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, KELLIA", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Crosswire, CoptOT", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Ruth Chapter 1", "translation": "The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament, L.C.L. Brenton, 1851, available at", "version_date": "2021-09-23", "version_n": "4.2.0"}, - "Ruth_02": {"annotation": "Frank Feder, So Miyagawa, Elizabeth Platte, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "chapter": "2", "corpus": "sahidic.ruth", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:ot.ruth.coptot:2", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "languages": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY-SA 4.0", "note": "Versification may not always align with traditional Septuagint versification. English translations may be misaligned or missing in places.", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Boaz; Naomi (biblical figure); Ruth (biblical figure)", "places": "Bethlehem; Moab", "project": "CoptOT, Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, KELLIA", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Crosswire, CoptOT", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Ruth Chapter 2", "translation": "The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament, L.C.L. Brenton, 1851, available at", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0"}, - "Ruth_03": {"annotation": "Frank Feder, So Miyagawa, Elizabeth Platte, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "chapter": "3", "corpus": "sahidic.ruth", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:ot.ruth.coptot:3", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "languages": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY-SA 4.0", "note": "Versification may not always align with traditional Septuagint versification. English translations may be misaligned or missing in places.", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Boaz; Naomi (biblical figure); Ruth (biblical figure)", "places": "none", "project": "CoptOT, Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, KELLIA", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Crosswire, CoptOT", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Ruth Chapter 3", "translation": "The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament, L.C.L. Brenton, 1851, available at", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0"}, - "Ruth_04": {"annotation": "Frank Feder, So Miyagawa, Elizabeth Platte, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "chapter": "4", "corpus": "sahidic.ruth", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:ot.ruth.coptot:4", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "languages": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY-SA 4.0", "note": "Versification may not always align with traditional Septuagint versification. English translations may be misaligned or missing in places.", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Amminadab; Boaz; David; Jesse; Judah (son of Jacob); Leah; Nahshon; Naomi (biblical figure); Obed (biblical figure); Perez (son of Judah); Rachel; Ram (biblical figure); Ruth (biblical figure); Salmon (biblical figure); Tamar (Genesis)", "places": "Bethlehem; Ephrath; Kingdom of Israel (united monarchy); Moab", "project": "CoptOT, Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, KELLIA", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Crosswire, CoptOT", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Ruth Chapter 4", "translation": "The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament, L.C.L. Brenton, 1851, available at", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0"}, + "Ruth_01": {"annotation": "Frank Feder, So Miyagawa, Elizabeth Platte, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "chapter": "1", "corpus": "sahidic.ruth", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:ot.ruth.coptot_ed:1", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "languages": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY-SA 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:ot.ruth.coptot_ed:2", "note": "Versification may not always align with traditional Septuagint versification. English translations may be misaligned or missing in places.", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Naomi (biblical figure); Orpah; Ruth (biblical figure)", "places": "Bethlehem; Judea; Moab", "project": "CoptOT, Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, KELLIA", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Crosswire, CoptOT", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Ruth Chapter 1", "translation": "The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament, L.C.L. Brenton, 1851, available at", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "Ruth_02": {"annotation": "Frank Feder, So Miyagawa, Elizabeth Platte, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "chapter": "2", "corpus": "sahidic.ruth", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:ot.ruth.coptot_ed:2", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "languages": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY-SA 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:ot.ruth.coptot_ed:3", "note": "Versification may not always align with traditional Septuagint versification. English translations may be misaligned or missing in places.", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Boaz; Naomi (biblical figure); Ruth (biblical figure)", "places": "Bethlehem; Moab", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:ot.ruth.coptot_ed:1", "project": "CoptOT, Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, KELLIA", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Crosswire, CoptOT", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Ruth Chapter 2", "translation": "The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament, L.C.L. Brenton, 1851, available at", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "Ruth_03": {"annotation": "Frank Feder, So Miyagawa, Elizabeth Platte, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "chapter": "3", "corpus": "sahidic.ruth", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:ot.ruth.coptot_ed:3", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "languages": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY-SA 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:ot.ruth.coptot_ed:4", "note": "Versification may not always align with traditional Septuagint versification. English translations may be misaligned or missing in places.", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Boaz; Naomi (biblical figure); Ruth (biblical figure)", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:ot.ruth.coptot_ed:2", "project": "CoptOT, Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, KELLIA", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Crosswire, CoptOT", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Ruth Chapter 3", "translation": "The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament, L.C.L. Brenton, 1851, available at", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "Ruth_04": {"annotation": "Frank Feder, So Miyagawa, Elizabeth Platte, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "chapter": "4", "corpus": "sahidic.ruth", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:ot.ruth.coptot_ed:4", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "languages": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY-SA 4.0", "note": "Versification may not always align with traditional Septuagint versification. English translations may be misaligned or missing in places.", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Amminadab; Boaz; David; Jesse; Judah (son of Jacob); Leah; Nahshon; Naomi (biblical figure); Obed (biblical figure); Perez (son of Judah); Rachel; Ram (biblical figure); Ruth (biblical figure); Salmon (biblical figure); Tamar (Genesis)", "places": "Bethlehem; Ephrath; Kingdom of Israel (united monarchy); Moab", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:ot.ruth.coptot_ed:3", "project": "CoptOT, Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, KELLIA", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Crosswire, CoptOT", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Ruth Chapter 4", "translation": "The Septuagint Version of the Old Testament, L.C.L. Brenton, 1851, available at", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, "XH204-216": {"Coptic_edition": "Emile Chassinat, Le Quatri\u00e8me Livre des Entretiens et \u00c9p\u00eetres de Shenouti, 38-50", "Trismegistos": "108162", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes, Lance Martin, David Sriboonreuang, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Copte", "corpus": "", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "idno": "1 ff. 15v-21", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "4", "msContents_title_type": "Discourses", "msItem_title": "Not Because a Fox Barks", "msName": "MONB.XH", "objectType": "codex", "origDate": "between 700 and 799 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "0799", "origDate_notBefore": "0700", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "204", "pages_to": "216", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Cronus; Jesus; Mammon; Nebuchadnezzar II; Ramesses II; Satan", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Institut fran\u00e7ais d'arch\u00e9ologie orientale, Cairo", "segmentation": "gold", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Not Because a Fox Barks: XH 204-216", "translation": "Amir Zeldes", "version_date": "2023-09-29", "version_n": "4.5.0"}, "XJ33-34": {"Coptic_edition": "Am\u00e9lineau 2:45\u201346; Zoega 491 (excerpts)", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Caroline T. Schroeder, David Sriboonreuang, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.eagerness", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.eagerness.monbxj_33_34", "endnote": "This document is the first extant, known fragment of codex MONB.XJ. It runs parallel to MONB.GL 29-30. A lacuna of 14 pages (7 folios) follows. The text picks up again in MONB.XJ 49.", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB5 f.44r-v", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "5", "msContents_title_type": "Discourses", "msItem_title": "I See Your Eagerness", "msName": "MONB.XJ", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.eagerness.monbxj_49_52", "note": "Collated in Naples by David Brakke, March 2009; transcription does not record spaces and paleographic rendition of letters other than ekthetics. David Brakke and Andrew Crislip published a translation of I See Your Eagerness in their book Selected Discourses of Shenoute the Great (Cambridge University Press, 2015), p. 93.", "objectType": "codex", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "33", "pages_to": "34", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Devil; Judas Iscariot", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.eagerness.monbgl_29", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "David Brakke", "tagging": "checked", "title": "I See Your Eagerness: XJ 33-34", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0", "witness": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.eagerness.monbgl_29_30"}, "XJ49-52": {"Coptic_edition": "Am\u00e9lineau 1907\u201314, 2:46\u201349", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.eagerness", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.eagerness.monbxj_49_52", "endnote": "A lacuna of 14 pages (7 folios) exists prior to this document. The text in this document immediately continues in the next digitized document of MONB.XJ 52", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB5 f. 45r-46v", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "5", "msContents_title_type": "Discourses", "msName": "MONB.XJ", "msitem_title": "I See Your Eagerness", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.eagerness.monbxj_52_62", "note": "Collated in Naples by David Brakke, March 2009; transcription does not record spaces and paleographic rendition of letters other than ekthetics. David Brakke and Andrew Crislip published a translation of I See Your Eagerness in their book Selected Discourses of Shenoute the Great (Cambridge University Press, 2015), pp. 94-95.", "objectType": "codex", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "49", "pages_to": "52", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Adam; Eve; Jesus; Satan", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.eagerness.monbxj_33_34", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "David Brakke", "tagging": "checked", "title": "I See Your Eagerness: XJ 49-52", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0", "witness": "No parallel witness"}, "XJ52-62": {"Coptic_edition": "Am\u00e9lineau 1907\u201314, 2:49-57, 161; Zoega 1810, 492 (lines 2b\u20133a = XJ 53:ii.10b\u201313); Zoega 1810, 492 (lines 2b\u201311a = XJ 59:i.1b\u2013ii.20); Ladeuze 1898, 366 (lines 3\u201315a = XJ 59:i.1b\u2013ii.20)", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.eagerness", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.eagerness.monbxj_52_62", "endnote": "Continuation of the text in MONB.XJ 49-52. Parallel to urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.eagerness.monbgl_45_53. A lacuna of 2 pages (1 folio) follows before the next fragment of MONB.XJ; the next document is MONB.GL 53 1.8-54 2.13, which contains text parallel to the XJ lacuna.", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB5 f. 46v-51v", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "5", "msContents_title_type": "Discourses", "msName": "MONB.XJ", "msitem_title": "I See Your Eagerness", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.eagerness.monbgl_53_54", "note": "Collated in Naples by David Brakke, March 2009; transcription does not record spaces and paleographic rendition of letters other than ekthetics. David Brakke and Andrew Crislip published a translation of I See Your Eagerness in their book Selected Discourses of Shenoute the Great (Cambridge University Press, 2015), pp. 95-98.", "objectType": "codex", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "52", "pages_to": "62", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Jesus; Judas Iscariot; Satan", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "Duat; Gehenna", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.eagerness.monbxj_49_52", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "David Brakke", "tagging": "checked", "title": "I See Your Eagerness: XJ 52-62", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0", "witness": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.eagerness.monbgl_45_53"}, "XJ65-76": {"Coptic_edition": "Am\u00e9lineau 1907\u201314, 2:57-63; Zoega 1810, 492-493 (lines 11b\u201315a = XJ 70:i.24b\u2013ii.14, lines 15b\u201319a = XJ 71:ii.8\u201328, lines 19b\u201322 = XJ 72:i.1\u201320a, lines 22b\u201325a = XJ 73:i.27\u2013ii.13, lines 25b\u20134a = XJ 74:i.20\u2013ii.23, lines 4b\u20137a = XJ 75:i.7\u201319, 25b, and i.1b\u20133, lines 7b\u20139a = XJ 76:i.8b\u201317a); Ladeuze 1898, 366-367 (lines 15b\u201319 = XJ 70:i.24b\u2013ii.14, lines 20\u201325a = XJ 71:ii.8\u201328, lines 25b\u20132a = XJ 72:i.1\u201320a, lines 2b\u20136a = XJ 73:i.27\u2013ii.13, lines 6b\u201313a = XJ 74:i.20\u2013ii.23, lines 13b\u201318a = XJ 75:i.7\u201319, 25b, and i.1b\u20133, lines 18b\u201320 = XJ 76:i.8b\u201317a)", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.eagerness", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.eagerness.monbxj_65_76", "endnote": "A lacuna of 2 pages (1 folio) exists between this document and the end of the previous extant fragment of this codex (MONB.XJ 62); the lacuna has a parallel witness in MONB.GL 53 1.8-54 2.13 (published as urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.eagerness.monbgl_53_54). The text in this document immediately continues in MONB.XJ 77.", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB5 ff. 52r-57v", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "5", "msContents_title_type": "Discourses", "msName": "MONB.XJ", "msitem_title": "I See Your Eagerness", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.eagerness.monbxj_77_86", "note": "Collated in Naples by David Brakke, March 2009; transcription does not record spaces and paleographic rendition of letters other than ekthetics. David Brakke and Andrew Crislip published a translation of I See Your Eagerness in their book Selected Discourses of Shenoute the Great (Cambridge University Press, 2015), pp. 98-102.", "objectType": "codex", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "65", "pages_to": "76", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Devil; Eli (biblical figure); Isaac; Jesus; Lot (biblical person); Satan", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "Duat", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.eagerness.monbgl_53_54", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "David Brakke", "tagging": "checked", "title": "I See Your Eagerness: XJ 65-76", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0", "witness": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.eagerness.monbgl_54_60, urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.eagerness.monbgl_61_63, MONB.DD 219-220 (not published by Coptic SCRIPTORIUM)"}, "XJ77-86": {"Coptic_edition": "Am\u00e9lineau 1907\u201314, 2:66-74 n.2; Zoega 1810, 493 (lines 9b\u201311a = XJ 78:ii.10b\u201318; lines 10b-11a=XJ 82:ii.25-28; lines 12b-13a=XJ 83:i.1-7); Ladeuze 1898, 367 (lines 21\u201325a = XJ 78:ii.10b\u201318; lines 23b-24a=XJ 82:ii.25-28; lines 24b-25a=XJ 83:i.1-7)", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.eagerness", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.eagerness.monbxj_77_86", "endnote": "This document is the last fragment in MONB.XJ for the work I See Your Eagerness. A lacuna of 8 pages (4 folios) in XJ follows. A parallel witness to the lacuna appears in codex MONB.GL and contains the end of I See Your Eagerness.", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB5 f. 58-62v", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "5", "msContents_title_type": "Discourses", "msName": "MONB.XJ", "msitem_title": "I See Your Eagerness", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.eagerness.monbgl_70", "note": "Collated in Naples by David Brakke, March 2009; transcription does not record spaces and paleographic rendition of letters other than ekthetics. David Brakke and Andrew Crislip published a translation of I See Your Eagerness in their book Selected Discourses of Shenoute the Great (Cambridge University Press, 2015) pp. 102-105.", "objectType": "codex", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "77", "pages_to": "86", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "God; Jacob; Moses; Samuel; Saul", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.eagerness.monbxj_65_76", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "David Brakke", "tagging": "checked", "title": "I See Your Eagerness: XJ 77-86", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0", "witness": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.eagerness.monbgl_63_70, MONB.DD 219-220 (not published by Coptic SCRIPTORIUM)"}, - "XL93-94": {"Coptic_edition": "none", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, David Sriboonreuang, Amir Zeldes, Caroline T. Schroeder", "arabic_translation": "Philippe Zaher", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.abraham", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbxl:23-24", "document_cts_urn_deprecated": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbxl_93_94", "entities": "gold", "gold": "checked", "identities": "gold", "idno": "IB16 f. 16", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "NA", "msContents_title_type": "florilegium", "msItem_title": "Abraham Our Father", "msName": "MONB.XL", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:21-27", "objectType": "codex", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "93", "pages_to": "94", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "613", "paths_works": "467", "people": "Jesus; Paul the Apostle", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "Duat", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:21-27", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "yes", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "gold", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Abraham Our Father XL 93-94", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0", "witness": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:21-27"}, - "YA518-520": {"Coptic_edition": "Leipoldt vol. 4:26-27, Am\u00e9lineau vol. 1:17-20, Zoega 384", "Trismegistos": "108371", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Amir Zeldes, David Sriboonreuang, Caroline T. Schroeder", "arabic_translation": "Philippe Zaher", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.abraham", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:1-4", "document_cts_urn_deprecated": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya_518_520", "endnote": "The beginning of Abraham Our Father. A lacuna of 4 pages (2 folios) follows, then the next known fragment of Abraham Our Father in urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:10-18", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "idno": "IB2 ff.26v-27", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Abraham Our Father", "msName": "MONB.YA", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:10-18", "objectType": "codex", "order": "1", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "518", "pages_to": "520", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "627", "paths_works": "467", "people": "Abraham; Benjamin; Bilhah; Esau; Isaac; Ishmael; Jacob; Joseph (Genesis); Leah; Rachel; Rebecca; Sarah; Zilpah", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:1451-1453", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "gold", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Abraham Our Father: YA 518-20", "translation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Heike Behlmer", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0", "witness": "no known parallel manuscript witness"}, - "YA525-530": {"Coptic_edition": "Leipoldt vol. 4:28-31, Am\u00e9lineau vol. 1:20-25", "Trismegistos": "108371", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Amir Zeldes, David Sriboonreuang, Caroline T. Schroeder", "arabic_translation": "Philippe Zaher", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.abraham", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:10-18", "document_cts_urn_deprecated": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya_525_530", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB2 ff. 28-30", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Abraham Our Father", "msName": "MONB.YA", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbzh:18-22", "objectType": "codex", "order": "2", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "525", "pages_to": "530", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "627", "paths_works": "467", "people": "Anna the Prophetess; Deborah; Elizabeth (biblical figure); Hannah (biblical figure); Isaiah; John the Baptist; Josiah; Phanuel; Rachel; Rebecca; Samson; Sarah", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:1-4", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Abraham Our Father: YA 525-30", "translation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Heike Behlmer", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0", "witness": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbzh:18-22"}, - "YA535-540": {"Coptic_edition": "Leipoldt vol. 4:33-37, Am\u00e9lineau vol. 1:28-33", "Trismegistos": "108371", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Amir Zeldes, David Sriboonreuang, Caroline T. Schroeder", "arabic_translation": "Philippe Zaher", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.abraham", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:21-27", "document_cts_urn_deprecated": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya_535_540", "endnote": "A 6 folio (3 page) lacuna follows.", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB2 ff. 31-33", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Abraham Our Father", "msName": "MONB.YA", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:37-42", "objectType": "codex", "order": "4", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "535", "pages_to": "540", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "627", "paths_works": "467", "people": "Beelzebub; Jesus; Paul the Apostle", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "Garden of Eden", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbzh:18-22", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Abraham Our Father: YA 535-40", "translation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Heike Behlmer", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0", "witness": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbzh:18-22"}, - "YA547-550": {"Arabic_translation": "Philippe Zaher", "Coptic_edition": "Young 2000", "Trismegistos": "108371", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Amir Zeldes, David Sriboonreuang, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Manuscrits coptes", "corpus": "shenoute.abraham", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:37-42", "document_cts_urn_deprecated": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya_547_550", "endnote": "Lacuna of 6 pages precedes this document. Text continues after this document immediately in urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:42-47", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "130(5) ff. 21-22", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Abraham Our Father", "msName": "MONB.YA", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:42-47", "objectType": "codex", "order": "5", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "547", "pages_to": "550", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "627", "paths_works": "467", "people": "Abraham; Antichrist; Ezekiel; Isaiah; Jeremiah; Jesus; Joshua; Moses; Satan", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:21-27", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioth\u00e8que Nationale de France", "segmentation": "checked", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Abraham Our Father: YA 547-50", "translation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Heike Behlmer", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0", "witness": "No known parallel witnesses"}, - "YA551-554": {"Arabic_translation": "Philippe Zaher", "Coptic_edition": "Young, 2000", "Trismegistos": "108371", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Amir Zeldes, David Sriboonreuang, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Manuscrits coptes", "corpus": "shenoute.abraham", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:42-47", "document_cts_urn_deprecated": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya_551_554", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "130(4) ff. 110-111", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Abraham Our Father", "msName": "MONB.YA", "objectType": "codex", "order": "6", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "551", "pages_to": "554", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "627", "paths_works": "467", "people": "Judas Iscariot; Satan", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:37-42", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioth\u00e8que Nationale de France", "segmentation": "checked", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Abraham Our Father YA 551-54", "translation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Heike Behlmer", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0", "witness": "No known extant parallel manuscript witnesses"}, - "ZH_fragments_1a-d": {"Coptic_edition": "Leipoldt vol. 4:31-34, Am\u00e9lineau vol. 1:24-28", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Amir Zeldes, David Sriboonreuang, Caroline T. Schroeder", "arabic_translation": "Philippe Zaher", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "MS.Clarendon Press", "corpus": "shenoute.abraham", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbzh:18-22", "document_cts_urn_deprecated": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbzh_frg1_a_d", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "b4.ff.54-57 (outdated cataloguing system)", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Abraham Our Father", "msName": "MONB.ZH", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:21-27", "objectType": "codex", "order": "3", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "frg.1a", "pages_to": "frg.1d", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "688", "paths_works": "467", "people": "Jesus; Paul the Apostle", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:10-18", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Bodleian Library, Oxford", "segmentation": "checked", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Abraham Our Father: ZH fragments 1a-d", "translation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Heike Behlmer", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0", "witness": "Beginning has parallel with urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:10-18. End has parallel with urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:21-27"}, - "a22.YA293-300": {"Coptic_edition": "Leipoldt Vol. 4:114-118", "Trismegistos": "108370", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.a22", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:901-914", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB17 ff. 63-67", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Acephalous Work 22", "msName": "MONB.YA", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:921-926", "objectType": "codex", "order": "02", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "293", "pages_to": "300", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "645", "paths_works": " 465", "people": "Jesus; Satan", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:801-827", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Acephalous Work 22: YA 293-300", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2023-09-01", "version_n": "4.5.0", "witness": "Fragment MONB.YB 329-330 is a parallel witness to part of this manuscript. MONB.YB 329-30 has not yet been published by Coptic Scriptorium."}, - "a22.YA303-04": {"Coptic_edition": "Leipoldt, Vol. 4:118-19", "Trismegistos": "108370", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.a22", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:921-926", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB17 f. 67", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Acephalous Work 22", "msName": "MONB.YA", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:941-952", "objectType": "codex", "order": "03", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "303", "pages_to": "304", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "645", "paths_works": " 465", "people": "none", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:901-914", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Acephalous Work 22: YA 303-04", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2023-09-01", "version_n": "4.5.0", "witness": "A parallel witness exists in MONB.ZC 283-84, which has not been published by Coptic SCRIPTORIUM"}, - "a22.YA309-310": {"Coptic_edition": "Leipoldt, Vol. 4:120-21", "Trismegistos": "108370", "annotation": "Caroline T. 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Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.a22", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:953-967", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB17 ff. 69-71", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Acephalous Work 22", "msName": "MONB.YA", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbzc:1001-1006", "objectType": "codex", "order": "05", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "309", "pages_to": "310", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "645", "paths_works": " 465", "people": "Ananias and Sapphira; Cain", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:941-952", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Acephalous Work 22: YA 311-316", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2023-09-01", "version_n": "4.5.0"}, - "a22.YA421-428": {"Coptic_edition": "Leipoldt vol. 4: 124-129", "Trismegistos": "108371", "annotation": "Elizabeth Platte, Elizabeth Davidson, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.a22", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:1251-1258", "document_cts_urn_deprecated": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya_421_428", "endnote": "A lacuna of 88 pages exists between this fragment and the next extant section of Acephalous Work 22 (MONB.YA 517-18).", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "idno": "IB17 ff. 72-75", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Acephalous Work 22", "msName": "MONB.YA", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:1451-1453", "objectType": "codex", "order": "07", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "421", "pages_to": "428", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "627", "paths_works": "465", "people": "Devil; Jesus; Satan", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "New Jerusalem", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbzc:1001-1006", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "gold", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Acephalous 22: YA 421-28", "translation": "Anthony Alcock", "version_date": "2023-09-01", "version_n": "4.5.0"}, - "a22.YA517-518": {"Coptic_edition": "Leipoldt vol. 4:26-27, Zoega p. 384, Am\u00e9lineau vol. 1:17-18", "Trismegistos": "108371", "annotation": "Elizabeth Platte, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.a22", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:1451-1453", "document_cts_urn_deprecated": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya_517_518", "endnote": "This is the end of Acephalous Work 22. Abraham Our Father begins on this same manuscript page and has been digitized separately. Go to the 'next' file to begin Abraham Our Father.", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "idno": "IB 2 f. 26", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Acephalous Work 22", "msName": "MONB.YA", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:1-4", "objectType": "codex", "order": "08", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "517", "pages_to": "518", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "627", "paths_works": " 465", "people": "Satan", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:1251-1258", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Acephalous 22: YA 517-518", "translation": "Amir Zeldes", "version_date": "2023-09-01", "version_n": "4.5.0"}, - "a22.YB307-320": {"Coptic_edition": "none", "Trismegistos": "108370", "annotation": "Elizabeth Platte, Rebecca Krawiec, Caroline T. 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Additionally, there are several lacunae and several undigitized extant fragments between this fragment and the next digitized fragment of Acephalous Work 22 in our corpus.", "entities": "automatic", "facsimile_graphic_url": "", "identities": "checked", "idno": "FR-BN 130/2 ff. 51-57", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Acephelous Work 22", "msName": "MONB.YB", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:901-914", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "between 700 and 899 C.E", "origDate_notAfter": "0899", "origDate_notBefore": "0700", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "307", "pages_to": "320", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "681", "paths_works": " 465", "people": "Abel; David; Jesus; Satan; Solomon; Zechariah ben Jehoiada", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, KOMeT", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioth\u00e8que nationale de France", "segmentation": "checked", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Acephelous 22 YB 307-20", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2023-09-01", "version_n": "4.5.0"}, - "a22.ZC301-308": {"Coptic_edition": "Leipoldt 4:204-8; Zoega 483-6; Am\u00e9lineau 1:478-82", "Trismegistos": "108370", "annotation": "Elizabeth Platte, Rebecca Krawiec, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.a22", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbzc:1001-1006", "document_cts_urn_deprecated": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbzc_301_308", "endnote": "Two long lacunae and one known, extant undigitized fragment exist between this digitized fragment and the next digitized fragment in Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's Acephalous Work 22 corpus.", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB5 ff. 13-16", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Acephelous Work 22", "msName": "MONB.ZC", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:1251-1258", "objectType": "codex", "order": "06", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "301", "pages_to": "308", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "645", "paths_works": " 465", "people": "Jesus; Satan", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:953-967", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Acephelous 22: ZC 301-308", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2023-09-01", "version_n": "4.5.0"}, - "": {"Coptic_edition": "Cha\u00eene (1960), \u00a710 (Fragments de Naples)", "Greek_source": "none", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Marina Ghaly, Christine Luckritz Marquis, Caroline T. 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Schroeder", "arabic_translation": "Philippe Zaher", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.abraham", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbxl:23-24", "document_cts_urn_deprecated": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbxl_93_94", "entities": "gold", "gold": "checked", "identities": "gold", "idno": "IB16 f. 16", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "NA", "msContents_title_type": "florilegium", "msItem_title": "Abraham Our Father", "msName": "MONB.XL", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:21-27", "note": "Krawiec added notes from viewing manuscript Naples 2024", "objectType": "codex", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "93", "pages_to": "94", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "613", "paths_works": "467", "people": "Jesus; Paul the Apostle", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "Duat", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:21-27", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "yes", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "gold", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Abraham Our Father XL 93-94", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0", "witness": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:21-27"}, + "YA518-520": {"Coptic_edition": "Leipoldt vol. 4:26-27, Am\u00e9lineau vol. 1:17-20, Zoega 384", "Trismegistos": "108371", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Amir Zeldes, David Sriboonreuang, Caroline T. Schroeder", "arabic_translation": "Philippe Zaher", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.abraham", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:1-4", "document_cts_urn_deprecated": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya_518_520", "endnote": "The beginning of Abraham Our Father. A lacuna of 4 pages (2 folios) follows, then the next known fragment of Abraham Our Father in urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:10-18", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "idno": "IB2 ff.26v-27", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Abraham Our Father", "msName": "MONB.YA", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:10-18", "note": "Originally transcribed by Krawiec from digital images. Collated by Schroeder and Krawiec in Naples 2024.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "1", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "518", "pages_to": "520", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "627", "paths_works": "467", "people": "Abraham; Benjamin; Bilhah; Esau; Isaac; Ishmael; Jacob; Joseph (Genesis); Leah; Rachel; Rebecca; Sarah; Zilpah", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:1451-1453", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "gold", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Abraham Our Father: YA 518-20", "translation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Heike Behlmer", "version_date": "2024-04-01", "version_n": "5.0.0", "witness": "no known parallel manuscript witness"}, + "YA525-530": {"Coptic_edition": "Leipoldt vol. 4:28-31, Am\u00e9lineau vol. 1:20-25", "Trismegistos": "108371", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Amir Zeldes, David Sriboonreuang, Caroline T. Schroeder", "arabic_translation": "Philippe Zaher", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.abraham", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:10-18", "document_cts_urn_deprecated": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya_525_530", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB2 ff. 28-30", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Abraham Our Father", "msName": "MONB.YA", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbzh:18-22", "objectType": "codex", "order": "2", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "525", "pages_to": "530", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "627", "paths_works": "467", "people": "Anna the Prophetess; Deborah; Elizabeth (biblical figure); Hannah (biblical figure); Isaiah; John the Baptist; Josiah; Phanuel; Rachel; Rebecca; Samson; Sarah", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:1-4", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Abraham Our Father: YA 525-30", "translation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Heike Behlmer", "version_date": "2024-04-01", "version_n": "5.0.0", "witness": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbzh:18-22"}, + "YA535-540": {"Coptic_edition": "Leipoldt vol. 4:33-37, Am\u00e9lineau vol. 1:28-33", "Trismegistos": "108371", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Amir Zeldes, David Sriboonreuang, Caroline T. Schroeder", "arabic_translation": "Philippe Zaher", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.abraham", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:21-27", "document_cts_urn_deprecated": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya_535_540", "endnote": "A 6 folio (3 page) lacuna follows.", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB2 ff. 31-33", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Abraham Our Father", "msName": "MONB.YA", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:37-42", "objectType": "codex", "order": "4", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "535", "pages_to": "540", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "627", "paths_works": "467", "people": "Beelzebub; Jesus; Paul the Apostle", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "Garden of Eden", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbzh:18-22", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Abraham Our Father: YA 535-40", "translation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Heike Behlmer", "version_date": "2024-04-01", "version_n": "5.0.0", "witness": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbzh:18-22"}, + "YA547-550": {"Arabic_translation": "Philippe Zaher", "Coptic_edition": "Young 2000", "Trismegistos": "108371", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Amir Zeldes, David Sriboonreuang, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Manuscrits coptes", "corpus": "shenoute.abraham", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:37-42", "document_cts_urn_deprecated": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya_547_550", "endnote": "Lacuna of 6 pages precedes this document. Text continues after this document immediately in urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:42-47", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "130(5) ff. 21-22", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Abraham Our Father", "msName": "MONB.YA", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:42-47", "objectType": "codex", "order": "5", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "547", "pages_to": "550", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "627", "paths_works": "467", "people": "Abraham; Antichrist; Ezekiel; Isaiah; Jeremiah; Jesus; Joshua; Moses; Satan", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:21-27", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioth\u00e8que Nationale de France", "segmentation": "checked", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Abraham Our Father: YA 547-50", "translation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Heike Behlmer", "version_date": "2024-04-01", "version_n": "5.0.0", "witness": "No known parallel witnesses"}, + "YA551-554": {"Arabic_translation": "Philippe Zaher", "Coptic_edition": "Young, 2000", "Trismegistos": "108371", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Amir Zeldes, David Sriboonreuang, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Manuscrits coptes", "corpus": "shenoute.abraham", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:42-47", "document_cts_urn_deprecated": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya_551_554", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "130(4) ff. 110-111", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Abraham Our Father", "msName": "MONB.YA", "objectType": "codex", "order": "6", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "551", "pages_to": "554", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "627", "paths_works": "467", "people": "Judas Iscariot; Satan", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:37-42", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioth\u00e8que Nationale de France", "segmentation": "checked", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Abraham Our Father YA 551-54", "translation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Heike Behlmer", "version_date": "2019-09-30", "version_n": "3.0.0", "witness": "No known extant parallel manuscript witnesses"}, + "ZH_fragments_1a-d": {"Coptic_edition": "Leipoldt vol. 4:31-34, Am\u00e9lineau vol. 1:24-28", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Amir Zeldes, David Sriboonreuang, Caroline T. Schroeder", "arabic_translation": "Philippe Zaher", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "MS.Clarendon Press", "corpus": "shenoute.abraham", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbzh:18-22", "document_cts_urn_deprecated": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbzh_frg1_a_d", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "b4.ff.54-57 (outdated cataloguing system)", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Abraham Our Father", "msName": "MONB.ZH", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:21-27", "objectType": "codex", "order": "3", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "frg.1a", "pages_to": "frg.1d", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "688", "paths_works": "467", "people": "Jesus; Paul the Apostle", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:10-18", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Bodleian Library, Oxford", "segmentation": "checked", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Abraham Our Father: ZH fragments 1a-d", "translation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Heike Behlmer", "version_date": "2024-04-01", "version_n": "5.0.0", "witness": "Beginning has parallel with urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:10-18. End has parallel with urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:21-27"}, + "a22.YA293-300": {"Coptic_edition": "Leipoldt Vol. 4:114-118", "Trismegistos": "108370", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.a22", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:901-914", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB17 ff. 63-67", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Acephalous Work 22", "msName": "MONB.YA", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:921-926", "objectType": "codex", "order": "04", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "293", "pages_to": "300", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "645", "paths_works": " 465", "people": "Jesus; Satan", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:801-827", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Acephalous Work 22: YA 293-300", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0", "witness": "Fragment MONB.YB 329-330 is a parallel witness to part of this manuscript. MONB.YB 329-30 has not yet been published by Coptic Scriptorium."}, + "a22.YA303-04": {"Coptic_edition": "Leipoldt, Vol. 4:118-19", "Trismegistos": "108370", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Caroline T. 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Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.a22", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:941-952", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB17 f. 68", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Acephalous Work 22", "msName": "MONB.YA", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:953-967", "objectType": "codex", "order": "06", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "309", "pages_to": "310", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "645", "paths_works": " 465", "people": "none", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "Athribis (Upper Egypt)", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:921-926", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Acephalous Work 22: YA 309-10", "translation": "Amir Zeldes", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "a22.YA311-316": {"Coptic_edition": "Leipoldt Vol. 4:121-124", "Trismegistos": "108370", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Caroline T. 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Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.a22", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:1251-1258", "document_cts_urn_deprecated": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya_421_428", "endnote": "A lacuna of 88 pages exists between this fragment and the next extant section of Acephalous Work 22 (MONB.YA 517-18).", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "idno": "IB17 ff. 72-75", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Acephalous Work 22", "msName": "MONB.YA", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:1451-1453", "objectType": "codex", "order": "09", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "421", "pages_to": "428", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "627", "paths_works": "465", "people": "Devil; Jesus; Satan", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "New Jerusalem", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbzc:1001-1006", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "gold", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Acephalous 22: YA 421-28", "translation": "Anthony Alcock", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "a22.YA517-518": {"Coptic_edition": "Leipoldt vol. 4:26-27, Zoega p. 384, Am\u00e9lineau vol. 1:17-18", "Trismegistos": "108371", "annotation": "Elizabeth Platte, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.a22", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:1451-1453", "document_cts_urn_deprecated": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya_517_518", "endnote": "This is the end of Acephalous Work 22. Abraham Our Father begins on this same manuscript page and has been digitized separately. Go to the 'next' file to begin Abraham Our Father.", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "idno": "IB 2 f. 26", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Acephalous Work 22", "msName": "MONB.YA", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.abraham.monbya:1-4", "note": "Krawiec added notes from viewing manuscript Naples 2024", "objectType": "codex", "order": "10", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "517", "pages_to": "518", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "627", "paths_works": " 465", "people": "Satan", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:1251-1258", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Acephalous 22: YA 517-518", "translation": "Amir Zeldes", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "a22.YB245-46": {"Coptic_edition": "none", "Trismegistos": "108370", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Caroline T. 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Schroeder", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.a22", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbzc:1001-1006", "document_cts_urn_deprecated": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbzc_301_308", "endnote": "Two long lacunae and one known, extant undigitized fragment exist between this digitized fragment and the next digitized fragment in Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's Acephalous Work 22 corpus.", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB5 ff. 13-16", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "3", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "Acephelous Work 22", "msName": "MONB.ZC", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:1251-1258", "note": "Krawiec added notes from viewing manuscript Naples 2024", "objectType": "codex", "order": "08", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "301", "pages_to": "308", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "645", "paths_works": " 465", "people": "Jesus; Satan", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.a22.monbya:953-967", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Acephelous 22: ZC 301-308", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.1Cor_01": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Nina Speranskaja, Nicholas Wagner, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Paul the apostle", "book": "1Cor", "chapter": "01", "corpus": "bohairic.1corinthians", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:1", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Coptic text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:2", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "693", "people": "none", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Bohairic 1 Corinthians 1 (digital edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.1Cor_02": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Nicholas Wagner, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Paul the apostle", "book": "1Cor", "chapter": "02", "corpus": "bohairic.1corinthians", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:2", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Text is in public domain. 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English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "693", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:1", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Bohairic 1 Corinthians 2 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.1Cor_03": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Nicholas Wagner, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Paul the apostle", "book": "1Cor", "chapter": "03", "corpus": "bohairic.1corinthians", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:3", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:4", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "693", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:2", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Bohairic 1 Corinthians 3", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.1Cor_04": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Nicholas Wagner, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Paul the apostle", "book": "1Cor", "chapter": "04", "corpus": "bohairic.1corinthians", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:4", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Text is in public domain. 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English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "693", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:3", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Bohairic 1 Corinthians 4 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.1Cor_05": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Nicholas Wagner, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Paul the apostle", "book": "1Cor", "chapter": "05", "corpus": "bohairic.1corinthians", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:5", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:6", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "693", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:4", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Bohairic 1 Corinthians 5 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.1Cor_06": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Nicholas Wagner, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Paul the apostle", "book": "1Cor", "chapter": "06", "corpus": "bohairic.1corinthians", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:6", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:7", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "693", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:5", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Bohairic 1 Corinthians 6 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.1Cor_07": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Nicholas Wagner, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Paul the apostle", "book": "1Cor", "chapter": "07", "corpus": "bohairic.1corinthians", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:7", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:8", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "693", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:6", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Bohairic 1 Corinthians 7 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.1Cor_08": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Nicholas Wagner, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Paul the apostle", "book": "1Cor", "chapter": "08", "corpus": "bohairic.1corinthians", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:8", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:9", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "693", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:7", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Bohairic 1 Corinthians 8 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.1Cor_09": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Nicholas Wagner, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Paul the apostle", "book": "1Cor", "chapter": "09", "corpus": "bohairic.1corinthians", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:9", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:10", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "693", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:8", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Bohairic 1 Corinthians 9 (Digital Editions)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.1Cor_10": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Nicholas Wagner, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Paul the apostle", "book": "1Cor", "chapter": "10", "corpus": "bohairic.1corinthians", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:10", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Text is in public domain. 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English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "693", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:9", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Bohairic 1 Corinthians 10 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.1Cor_11": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Nicholas Wagner, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Paul the apostle", "book": "1Cor", "chapter": "11", "corpus": "bohairic.1corinthians", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:11", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:12", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "693", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:10", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Bohairic 1 Corinthians 11 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.1Cor_12": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Nicholas Wagner, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Paul the apostle", "book": "1Cor", "chapter": "12", "corpus": "bohairic.1corinthians", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:12", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:13", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "693", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:11", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Bohairic 1 Corinthians 12 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.1Cor_13": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Nicholas Wagner, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Paul the apostle", "book": "1Cor", "chapter": "13", "corpus": "bohairic.1corinthians", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:13", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Text is in public domain. 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English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "693", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:12", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Bohairic 1 Corinthians 13 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.1Cor_14": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Nicholas Wagner, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Paul the apostle", "book": "1Cor", "chapter": "14", "corpus": "bohairic.1corinthians", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:14", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Text is in public domain. 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English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "693", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:13", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Bohairic 1 Corinthians 14 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.1Cor_15": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Nicholas Wagner, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Paul the apostle", "book": "1Cor", "chapter": "15", "corpus": "bohairic.1corinthians", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:15", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:16", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "693", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:14", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Bohairic 1 Corinthians 15 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.1Cor_16": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Nicholas Wagner, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Paul the apostle", "book": "1Cor", "chapter": "16", "corpus": "bohairic.1corinthians", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:16", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "693", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.1cor.bohairic_ed:15", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Bohairic 1 Corinthians 16 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.Mark_01": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes", "book": "Mark", "chapter": "01", "corpus": "bohairic.mark", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:1", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Coptic text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:2", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "743", "people": "none", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Bohairic Gospel of Mark 1 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.Mark_02": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes", "book": "Mark", "chapter": "02", "corpus": "bohairic.mark", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:2", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Coptic text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:3", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "743", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:1", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Bohairic Gospel of Mark 2 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.Mark_03": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes", "author": "Paul the apostle", "book": "Mark", "chapter": "03", "corpus": "bohairic.mark", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:3", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Coptic text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:4", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "743", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:2", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Bohairic Gospel of Mark 3 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.Mark_04": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes", "book": "Mark", "chapter": "04", "corpus": "bohairic.mark", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:4", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Coptic text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:5", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "743", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:3", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Bohairic Gospel of Mark 4 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.Mark_05": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes", "book": "Mark", "chapter": "05", "corpus": "bohairic.mark", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:5", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Coptic text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:6", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "743", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:4", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Bohairic Gospel of Mark 5 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.Mark_06": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes", "book": "Mark", "chapter": "06", "corpus": "bohairic.mark", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:6", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Coptic text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:7", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "743", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:5", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Bohairic Gospel of Mark 6 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.Mark_07": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes", "book": "Mark", "chapter": "07", "corpus": "bohairic.mark", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:7", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Coptic text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:8", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "743", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:6", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Bohairic Gospel of Mark 7 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.Mark_08": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes", "book": "Mark", "chapter": "08", "corpus": "bohairic.mark", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:8", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Coptic text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:9", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "743", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:7", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Bohairic Gospel of Mark 8 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.Mark_09": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes", "book": "Mark", "chapter": "09", "corpus": "bohairic.mark", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:9", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Coptic text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:10", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "743", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:8", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Bohairic Gospel of Mark 9 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.Mark_10": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes", "book": "Mark", "chapter": "10", "corpus": "bohairic.mark", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:10", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Coptic text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:11", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "743", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:9", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Bohairic Gospel of Mark 10 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.Mark_11": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes", "book": "Mark", "chapter": "11", "corpus": "bohairic.mark", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:11", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Coptic text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:12", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "743", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:10", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Bohairic Gospel of Mark 11 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.Mark_12": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes", "book": "Mark", "chapter": "12", "corpus": "bohairic.mark", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:12", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Coptic text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:13", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "743", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:11", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Bohairic Gospel of Mark 12 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.Mark_13": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes", "book": "Mark", "chapter": "13", "corpus": "bohairic.mark", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:13", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Coptic text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:14", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "743", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:12", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Bohairic Gospel of Mark 13 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.Mark_14": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes", "book": "Mark", "chapter": "14", "corpus": "bohairic.mark", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:14", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Coptic text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:15", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "743", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:13", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Bohairic Gospel of Mark 14 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.Mark_15": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes", "book": "Mark", "chapter": "15", "corpus": "bohairic.mark", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:15", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Coptic text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:16", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "743", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:14", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Bohairic Gospel of Mark 15 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairic.Mark_16": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes", "book": "Mark", "chapter": "16", "corpus": "bohairic.mark", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:16", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Coptic text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive. English translation from the World English Bible was translated from the Greek New Testament and is provided for general context.", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "743", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:15", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Hany Takla, Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Bohairic Gospel of Mark 16 (Digital Edition)", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairica.1Cor_01": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Nicholas Wagner, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Paul the apostle", "book": "1Cor", "chapter": "01", "corpus": "bohairic-nt.1corinthians", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "", "entities": "-", "identities": "-", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Coptic text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "693", "people": "none", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "gold", "title": "1 Corinthians 1", "translation": "-required-", "version_date": "2024-04-01", "version_n": "5.0"}, + "bohairica.1Cor_02": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Nicholas Wagner, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Paul the apostle", "book": "1Cor", "chapter": "02", "corpus": "bohairic-nt.1corinthians", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "", "entities": "-", "identities": "-", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "693", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "gold", "title": "1 Corinthians 2", "translation": "-required-", "version_date": "2024-04-01", "version_n": "5.0"}, + "bohairica.1Cor_03": {"chapter": "03", "document_cts_urn": null, "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "none", "places": "none", "segmentation": "gold", "tagging": "gold", "title": "07_I Corinthians_03"}, + "bohairica.Mark_01": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes", "book": "Mark", "chapter": "01", "corpus": "bohairic.nt", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:1", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Coptic text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:2", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "743", "people": "none", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Gospel of Mark 1", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-04-01", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairica.Mark_02": {"Coptic_edition": "Horner 1898", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes", "book": "Mark", "chapter": "02", "corpus": "bohairic.nt", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:2", "entities": "none", "identities": "none", "language": "Bohairic Coptic", "license": "Coptic text is in public domain. Annotations and complete files are licensed CC-BY 4.0", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:3", "note": "Digital text of the Bohairic New Testament provided by the Marcion project. Text likely ultimately derives from George William Horner's The Coptic Version of the New Testament in the Northern Dialect (Clarendon Press 1898). Coptic Scriptorium has not consulted the original edition or the original manuscripts. See Horner edition on the Internet Archive", "objectType": "digital edition", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "743", "people": "none", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:nt.mark.bohairic_ed:1", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Gospel of Mark 2", "translation": "World English Bible (WEB)", "version_date": "2024-04-01", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "bohairica.Mark_03": {"chapter": "03", "corpus": "bohairic.nt", "document_cts_urn": null, "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "none", "places": "none", "segmentation": "gold", "tagging": "gold", "title": "02_Mark_03"}, + "bohairica.Mark_04": {"chapter": "04", "corpus": "bohairic.nt", "document_cts_urn": null, "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "none", "places": "none", "segmentation": "gold", "tagging": "gold", "title": "02_Mark_04"}, + "bohairica.Mark_05": {"chapter": "05", "corpus": "bohairic.nt", "document_cts_urn": null, "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "none", "places": "none", "segmentation": "gold", "tagging": "gold", "title": "02_Mark_05"}, + "bohairica.Mark_08": {"chapter": "08", "corpus": "bohairic.nt", "document_cts_urn": null, "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "none", "places": "none", "segmentation": "checked", "tagging": "checked", "title": "02_Mark_08"}, "canaanite": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1910", "Greek_source": "Migne, Patrologiae, Ser. Graec, tom, lii, coll. 449-460.", "Trismegistos": "107789", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes", "attributed_author": "Eusebius of Caesarea, John Chrysostom", "author": "Pseudo-Chrysostom", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "pseudo.chrysostom", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:pschrysostom.canaanite.budge:1-51", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 5001 ff. 162b-175a", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0 -", "msItem_title": "On the Canaanite Woman", "msName": "CMCL.AW", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., corrected mistranslated numbers.) As Budge notes, the text is identical to a Greek text attributed to John Chrysostom (Migne, Patrologiae, Ser. Graec, torn, lii, coll. 449-460) and was not composed by Eusebius.", "objectType": "codex", "origDate": "0651", "origDate_notAfter": "0601", "origDate_notBefore": "0700", "origDate_precision": "medium", "pages_from": "117", "pages_to": "141", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "53", "paths_manuscripts": "22", "paths_works": "147", "people": "Daniel (biblical figure); David; Eusebius; Isaiah; Jeremiah; Jesse; Jesus; Jews; Job (biblical figure); Lazarus of Bethany; Paul the Apostle; Saint Peter; Seraph", "placeName": "Upper Egypt", "places": "Canaan; Cappadocia; Duat; Judea; Kayseri; Tyre, Lebanon", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "On the Canaanite Woman", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0"}, "cpr.2.237": {"Coptic_edition": "CPR 2 237", "Trismegistos": "82127", "annotation": "Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Zaleh", "collection": "Papyrussammlung", "corpus": "doc.papyri", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticDoc:papyri_info.tm82127.cpr_2_237", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "idno": "K 02572", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "objectType": "papyrus", "origDate": "between 700 and 799 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "0799", "origDate_notBefore": "0700", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "unknown", "pages_from": "1", "pages_to": "2", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "none", "placeName": "unknown", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "\u00d6sterreichische Nationalbibliothek", "segmentation": "gold", "source": ";2;237", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Letter of Zaleh", "translation": "Alain Delattre, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0"}, "cpr.31.14": {"Coptic_edition": "CPR 31 14", "Trismegistos": "140873", "annotation": "Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Pachomo son of Theodore", "collection": "Papyrussammlung", "corpus": "doc.papyri", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticDoc:papyri_info.tm82149.cpr_31_14", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "idno": "K 10356", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "objectType": "papyrus", "origDate": "between 800 and 1099 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1099", "origDate_notBefore": "0800", "origDate_precision": "medium", "pages_from": "1", "pages_to": "2", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "none", "placeName": "Hermopolis", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "\u00d6sterreichische Nationalbibliothek", "segmentation": "gold", "source": ";31;14", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Letter about wheat", "translation": "Amir Zeldes", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0"}, @@ -1203,10 +1251,10 @@ "life.aphou.02": {"Coptic_edition": "Rossi (1885) fasc. 3:5-22", "Trismegistos": "108414", "annotation": "Julian Bogdani, Caroline T. Schroeder, Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes", "author": "unknown", "corpus": "life.aphou", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.aphou.paths_ed:62-132", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "63000 ff. 31-46r", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0", "msItem_title": "The Life of Apa Aphou", "msName": "GIOV.AC", "note": "Digital, TEI-XML encoded text from the PATHS GitHub Repository September 2019. Dates for codex are based on the palaeographical and codicological criteria of PATHS. Chapter divisions based on ekthesis documented in Rossi's edition", "objectType": "codex", "order": "2", "origDate": "701", "origDate_notAfter": "750", "origDate_notBefore": "651", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "unknown", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscript": "47", "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "407", "people": "Devil; Isaiah; Jesus; Jethro (biblical figure); Moses; Pope Theophilus of Alexandria", "placeName": "This", "places": "Midian; Oxyrhynchus", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.aphou.paths_ed:0-61", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, PATHS", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Egyptian Museum Turin", "segmentation": "automatic", "source": "PATHS, CMCL", "source_info": "PATHS, PATHS GitHub Repository", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Life of Apa Aphou part 2", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0"}, "life.cyrus.01": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1914", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes, Lance Martin, Caroline T. Schroeder", "attributed_author": "Pambo of Scetis", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "copyist": "Victor son of Mercurius", "corpus": "life.cyrus", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.cyrus.budge:1-9", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "idno": "OR. 6783 ff. 23a-27a", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "The Life of Apa Cyrus", "msName": "MERC.AT", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.cyrus.budge:10-17", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., numbers mistranslated.) Our origDates are taken from PAThs.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "1051", "origDate_notAfter": "1100", "origDate_notBefore": "1003", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "St. Mercurius Monastery", "pages_from": "45", "pages_to": "53", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": "80", "paths_manuscripts": "195", "paths_works": "246", "people": "Anthony the Great; Arcadius; Daniel (biblical figure); Esau; Habakkuk; Honorius (emperor); Jacob; Jesus; Joseph (Genesis); Laban (Bible); Pambo; Paul of Thebes; Theodosius I; Zeno (emperor)", "placeName": "Edfu", "places": "Syria (region); Wadi El Natrun", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Life of Cyrus in Budge ed. part 1", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0"}, "life.cyrus.02": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1914", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes, Lance Martin, Caroline T. Schroeder", "attributed_author": "Pambo of Scetis", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "copyist": "Victor son of Mercurius", "corpus": "life.cyrus", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.cyrus.budge:10-17", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "OR. 6783 ff. 27a-30a", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "The Life of Apa Cyrus", "msName": "MERC.AT", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., numbers mistranslated.) Our origDates are taken from PAThs.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "02", "origDate": "1051", "origDate_notAfter": "1100", "origDate_notBefore": "1003", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "St. Mercurius Monastery", "pages_from": "53", "pages_to": "59", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "80", "paths_manuscripts": "195", "paths_works": "246", "people": "Jacob; Mary, mother of Jesus; Pambo; Saint Peter; Shenoute", "placeName": "Edfu", "places": "Wadi El Natrun", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.cyrus.budge:1-9", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion, PAThs", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Life of Cyrus in Budge ed. part 2", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0"}, - "life.eustathius.theopiste.01": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1914", "Greek_source": "BHG 641", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Lance Martin", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "life.eustathius.theopiste", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.eustathius.budge:1-30", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "OR. 6783 ff. 1a-12a", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "The History of Eustathius and Theopiste ", "msName": "MERC.AT", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.eustathius.budge:31-56", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications. Our origDates are taken from PAThs. The Coptic is a translation of a now lost Greek version. Three Greek recensions exist, BHG 641 is the closest to the Coptic text.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "1051", "origDate_notAfter": "1100", "origDate_notBefore": "1003", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "St. Mercurius Monastery", "pages_from": "01", "pages_to": "23", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "195", "paths_works": "273", "people": "Devil; Jesus; Job (biblical figure); Paul the Apostle; Saint Eustace; Saint Peter; Trajan", "placeName": "Edfu", "places": "Egypt; Rome", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "History of Eustathius and Theopiste part 1 ", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2023-09-29", "version_n": "4.5.0"}, - "life.eustathius.theopiste.02": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1914", "Greek_source": "BHG 641", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Lance Martin", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "life.eustathius.theopiste", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "-", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "OR. 6783 ff. 12a-22b", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "The History of Eustathius and Theopiste", "msName": "MERC.AT", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications. Our origDates are taken from PAThs. The Coptic is a translation of a now lost Greek version. Three Greek recensions exist, BHG 641 is the closest to the Coptic text.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "02", "origDate": "1051", "origDate_notAfter": "1100", "origDate_notBefore": "1003", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "St. Mercurius Monastery", "pages_from": "-", "pages_to": "-", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "195", "paths_works": "273", "people": "Hadrian; Jesus; Saint Eustace; Trajan", "placeName": "Edfu", "places": "Egypt; Rome", "previous": "-", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "History of Eustathius and Theopiste, part 2", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "-", "version_n": "-"}, + "life.eustathius.theopiste.01": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1914", "Greek_source": "BHG 641", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Lance Martin", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "life.eustathius.theopiste", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.eustathius.budge:1-30", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "OR. 6783 ff. 1a-12a", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "The History of Eustathius and Theopiste ", "msName": "MERC.AT", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.eustathius.budge:31-56", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications. Our origDates are taken from PAThs. The Coptic is a translation of a now lost Greek version. Three Greek recensions exist, BHG 641 is the closest to the Coptic text.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "1051", "origDate_notAfter": "1100", "origDate_notBefore": "1003", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "St. Mercurius Monastery", "pages_from": "01", "pages_to": "23", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "195", "paths_works": "273", "people": "Devil; Jesus; Job (biblical figure); Paul the Apostle; Saint Eustace; Saint Peter; Trajan", "placeName": "Edfu", "places": "Egypt; Rome", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion, PATHS", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "History of Eustathius and Theopiste part 1 ", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2023-09-29", "version_n": "4.5.0"}, + "life.eustathius.theopiste.02": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1914", "Greek_source": "BHG 641", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Lance Martin", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "life.eustathius.theopiste", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.eustathius.budge:31-56", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "OR. 6783 ff. 12a-22b", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "The History of Eustathius and Theopiste", "msName": "MERC.AT", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications. Our origDates are taken from PAThs. The Coptic is a translation of a now lost Greek version. Three Greek recensions exist, BHG 641 is the closest to the Coptic text.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "02", "origDate": "1051", "origDate_notAfter": "1100", "origDate_notBefore": "1003", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "St. Mercurius Monastery", "pages_from": "23", "pages_to": "44", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "195", "paths_works": "273", "people": "Hadrian; Jesus; Saint Eustace; Trajan", "placeName": "Edfu", "places": "Egypt; Rome", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.eustathius.budge:1-30", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion, PATHS", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "History of Eustathius and Theopiste part 2", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2024-04-01", "version_n": "4.6.0"}, "life.john_kal.01": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1914", "Greek_source": "Patrologiae Cursus, Ser. Graec., tom. 114, col. 568-582", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Tamara Siuda, Caroline T. Schroeder", "attributed_author": "unknown", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "life.john.kalybites", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.john_kalybites.budge:1-45", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "idno": "Or. 6783 ff. 67b-75a", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0 -", "msItem_title": "The Life of John the Monk", "msName": "MERC.AT", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.john_kalybites.budge:46-90", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., mistranslated numbers corrected.) Dated colophon (date: 1003); other colophon dated on paleographical grounds to the 11th century.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "1050", "origDate_notAfter": "1100", "origDate_notBefore": "1003", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "St. Mercurius Monastery", "pages_from": "134", "pages_to": "149", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "195", "paths_works": "204", "people": "John Calybite", "placeName": "Edfu", "places": "Jerusalem; Rome", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "gold", "title": "The Life of John the Kalybites part 1", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0"}, - "life.john_kal.02": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1914", "Greek_source": " Patrologiae Cursus, Ser. Graec., tom. 114, col. 568-582", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Caroline T. Schroeder", "attributed_author": "unknown", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "life.john.kalybites", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.john_kalybites.budge:46-90", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 6783 ff. 75a-83b", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0 -", "msItem_title": "The Life of John the Monk", "msName": "MERC.AT", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., mistranslated numbers corrected.) Dated colophon (date: 1003); other colophon dated on paleographical grounds to the 11th century.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "02", "origDate": "1050", "origDate_notAfter": "1100", "origDate_notBefore": " 1003", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "St. Mercurius Monastery", "pages_from": "149", "pages_to": "166", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "195", "paths_works": "204", "people": "Abraham; Devil; Isaac; Jacob; Jesus; John Calybite; Macarius of Egypt; Pachomius the Great; Satan; Shenoute; Theodorus of Tabennese", "placeName": "Edfu", "places": "Monastery of Saint Macarius the Great", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.john_kalybites.budge:1-45", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "The Life of John the Kalybites part 2", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0"}, + "life.john_kal.02": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1914", "Greek_source": "Patrologiae Cursus, Ser. Graec., tom. 114, col. 568-582", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Caroline T. Schroeder", "attributed_author": "unknown", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "life.john.kalybites", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.john_kalybites.budge:46-90", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 6783 ff. 75a-83b", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0 -", "msItem_title": "The Life of John the Monk", "msName": "MERC.AT", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., mistranslated numbers corrected.) Dated colophon (date: 1003); other colophon dated on paleographical grounds to the 11th century.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "02", "origDate": "1050", "origDate_notAfter": "1100", "origDate_notBefore": "1003", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "St. Mercurius Monastery", "pages_from": "149", "pages_to": "166", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "195", "paths_works": "204", "people": "Abraham; Devil; Isaac; Jacob; Jesus; John Calybite; Macarius of Egypt; Pachomius the Great; Satan; Shenoute; Theodorus of Tabennese", "placeName": "Edfu", "places": "Monastery of Saint Macarius the Great", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.john_kalybites.budge:1-45", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "The Life of John the Kalybites part 2", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0"}, "life.longinus.lucius.01": {"Coptic_edition": "Tito Orlandi, A. Campagnano, Vite dei monaci Phif e Longino. Milano, Cisalpino Goliardica, 1975, pp. 47-93 (Vita Longinis)", "annotation": "Julian Bogdani, Caroline T. Schroeder, Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes", "author": "unknown", "corpus": "life.longinus.lucius", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.longinus_lucius.paths_ed:0-9", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0", "msItem_title": "The Life of Longinus and Lucius", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.longinus_lucius.paths_ed:10-16", "note": "Digital, TEI-XML encoded text from the PATHS GitHub Repository September 2019.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "1", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": "418", "people": "John the Apostle; Paul the Apostle; Saint Peter; Solomon", "places": "Alexandria; Jerusalem; Lycia", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, CMCL, PATHS", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "PATHS, CMCL", "source_info": "PATHS, PATHS GitHub Repository", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Life of Longinus and Lucius part 1", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0"}, "life.longinus.lucius.02": {"Coptic_edition": "Tito Orlandi, A. Campagnano, Vite dei monaci Phif e Longino. Milano, Cisalpino Goliardica, 1975, pp. 47-93 (Vita Longinis)", "annotation": "Julian Bogdani, Caroline Schroeder, Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes", "author": "unknown", "corpus": "life.longinus.lucius", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.longinus_lucius.paths_ed:10-16", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0", "msItem_title": "The Life of Longinus and Lucius", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.longinus_lucius.paths_ed:17-23", "note": "Digital, TEI-XML encoded text from the PATHS GitHub Repository September 2019.", "order": "2", "origDate_precision": "accurate", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "237", "paths_works": "418", "people": "Anthony the Great; Lazarus of Bethany; Paul of Thebes", "places": "Alexandria", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.longinus_lucius.paths_ed:0-9", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, CMCL, PATHS", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "PATHS, CMCL", "source_info": "PATHS, PATHS GitHub Repository", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Life of Longinus and Lucius part 2", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0"}, "life.longinus.lucius.03": {"Coptic_edition": "Tito Orlandi, A. Campagnano, Vite dei monaci Phif e Longino. Milano, Cisalpino Goliardica, 1975, pp. 47-93 (Vita Longinis)", "annotation": "Julian Bogdani, Caroline Schroeder, Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes", "author": "unknown", "corpus": "life.longinus.lucius", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.longinus_lucius.paths_ed:17-23", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC BY-NC-SA 4.0", "msItem_title": "The Life of Longinus and Lucius", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.longinus_lucius.paths_ed:24-29", "note": "Digital, TEI-XML encoded text from the PATHS GitHub Repository September 2019.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "3", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "237", "paths_works": "418", "people": "David; Jacob; Jesus; Paul the Apostle", "places": "Alexandria; Egypt; Lycia", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:lives.longinus_lucius.paths_ed:10-16", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, CMCL, PATHS", "redundant": "no", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "PATHS, CMCL", "source_info": "PATHS, PATHS GitHub Repository", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Life of Longinus and Lucius part 3", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0"}, @@ -1231,48 +1279,48 @@ "martyrdom.victor.06": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1914", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "martyrdom.victor", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:martyrdoms.victor.budge:49-66", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 7022 9b-13a", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "The Martyrdom of Saint Victor the General", "msName": "MERC.AS", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:martyrdoms.victor.budge", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., numbers mistranslated.)", "objectType": "codex", "order": "6", "origDate": "951", "origDate_notAfter": "1000", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "St. Mercurius Monastery", "pages_from": "33", "pages_to": "41", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "194", "paths_works": "537", "people": "Devil; Jesus", "placeName": "Edfu", "places": "Alexandria; Cilicia; New Jerusalem", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:martyrdoms.victor.budge:33-48", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Martyrdom of Victor part 6", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0"}, "martyrdom.victor.07": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1914", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "martyrdom.victor", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:martyrdoms.victor.budge:67-85", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 7022 9b-13a", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "The Martyrdom of Saint Victor the General", "msName": "MERC.AS", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:martyrdoms.victor.budge:86-90", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., numbers mistranslated.)", "objectType": "codex", "order": "7", "origDate": "951", "origDate_notAfter": "1000", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "St. Mercurius Monastery", "pages_from": "41", "pages_to": "49", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "194", "paths_works": "537", "people": "Abel; Abraham; Apollo; Artemis; Daniel (biblical figure); David; Devil; Enoch (ancestor of Noah); Esau; Isaac; Jacob; Jesse; Jesus; Job (biblical figure); Joseph (Genesis); Laban (Bible); Nebuchadnezzar II; Noah; Paul the Apostle; Saint Peter", "placeName": "Edfu", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:martyrdoms.victor.budge:49-66", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Martyrdom of Victor part 7", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2023-09-29", "version_n": "4.5.0"}, "martyrdom.victor.08": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1914", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Elizabeth Davidson, Lance Martin, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "martyrdom.victor", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:martyrdoms.victor.budge:86-90", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 7022 9b-13a", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "The Martyrdom of Saint Victor the General", "msName": "MERC.AS", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., numbers mistranslated.)", "objectType": "codex", "order": "8", "origDate": "951", "origDate_notAfter": "1000", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "St. Mercurius Monastery", "pages_from": "49", "pages_to": "51", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "194", "paths_works": "537", "people": "Jesus", "placeName": "Edfu", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:martyrdoms.victor.budge:67-85", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Martyrdom of Victor part 8", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2020-03-13", "version_n": "3.1.0"}, - "matthew20": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1910", "Trismegistos": "107789", "annotation": "Elizabeth Davidson, Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes", "attributed_author": "Athanasius of Alexandria", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "pseudo.athanasius.discourses", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:psathanasius.matthew20.budge:1-56", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 5001 ff. 105b-116a", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "Homily on Matthew 20", "msName": "CMCL.AW", "note": "The page numbers in the manuscript contain errors, skipping pages 32 and 34. Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., numbers mistranslated.) Chapters are based on ekthesis in Budge's edition. The pb xml ids correspond to numbered pages in the ms as provided by Budge; if Budge\u2019s edition omits the number we have extrapolated based on the provided page number; Budge notes on p XV of his edition that the pagination in this codex is sometimes irregular. Budge's title for the work is: &quot;The Discourse which Saint Athanasius, Archbishop of Rakote, pronounced concerning the passage in the Gospel of Saint Matthew, 'The kingdom which is in the heavens is like unto a rich man who came out in the morning to hire labourers for his vineyard.'&quot;", "objectType": "codex", "origDate": "Between 601 and 700 CE", "origDate_notAfter": "0700", "origDate_notBefore": "0601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "Upper Egypt", "pages_from": "105a", "pages_to": "116a", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "22", "paths_works": "60", "people": "Aaron; Ahitophel; Andrew the Apostle; Athanasius of Alexandria; Cain; David; Devil; Ezra; Gehazi; Heavenly host; Jeroboam; Jesus; Joab; John the Baptist; Joshua; Judas Iscariot; Moses; Paul the Apostle; Ramesses II; Saint Peter; Samuel; Saul", "places": "Alexandria; Duat; Jerusalem; Judea; Midian; New Jerusalem; Tartarus", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Homily on Matthew 20", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0"}, - "mercy_judgment": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1910", "Trismegistos": "107789", "annotation": "Michael Hensley, Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes", "attributed_author": "Athanasius of Alexandria", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "pseudo.athanasius.discourses", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:psathanasius.mercy_judgment.budge:1-41", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "idno": "Or. 5001 ff. 76a-86b", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "On Mercy and Judgement.", "msName": "CMCL.AW", "note": "The page numbers in the manuscript contain errors, skipping pages 32 and 34. Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., numbers mistranslated.) The pb xml ids correspond to numbered pages in the ms as provided by Budge; if Budge\u2019s edition omits the number we have extrapolated based on the provided page number; Budge notes on p XV of his edition that the pagination in this codex is sometimes irregular. Budge's title is, &quot;The Discourse of Saint Athanasius, Archbishop of Eakote, on Mercy and Judgement.&quot;", "objectType": "codex", "origDate": "Between 601 and 700", "origDate_notAfter": "0700", "origDate_notBefore": "0601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "Upper Egypt", "pages_from": "76b", "pages_to": "86b", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "22", "paths_works": "79", "people": "Athanasius of Alexandria; Isaiah; Jesus; Malachi; Zacchaeus", "places": "Alexandria", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "gold", "title": "On Mercy and Judgment", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0"}, + "matthew20": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1910", "Trismegistos": "107789", "annotation": "Elizabeth Davidson, Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes", "attributed_author": "Athanasius of Alexandria", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "pseudo.athanasius.discourses", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:psathanasius.matthew20.budge:1-56", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 5001 ff. 105b-116a", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "Homily on Matthew 20", "msName": "CMCL.AW", "note": "The page numbers in the manuscript contain errors, skipping pages 32 and 34. Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., numbers mistranslated.) Chapters are based on ekthesis in Budge's edition. The pb xml ids correspond to numbered pages in the ms as provided by Budge; if Budge\u2019s edition omits the number we have extrapolated based on the provided page number; Budge notes on p XV of his edition that the pagination in this codex is sometimes irregular. Budge's title for the work is: 'The Discourse which Saint Athanasius, Archbishop of Rakote, pronounced concerning the passage in the Gospel of Saint Matthew, 'The kingdom which is in the heavens is like unto a rich man who came out in the morning to hire labourers for his vineyard.''", "objectType": "codex", "origDate": "Between 601 and 700 CE", "origDate_notAfter": "0700", "origDate_notBefore": "0601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "Upper Egypt", "pages_from": "105a", "pages_to": "116a", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "22", "paths_works": "60", "people": "Aaron; Ahitophel; Andrew the Apostle; Athanasius of Alexandria; Cain; David; Devil; Ezra; Gehazi; Heavenly host; Jeroboam; Jesus; Joab; John the Baptist; Joshua; Judas Iscariot; Moses; Paul the Apostle; Ramesses II; Saint Peter; Samuel; Saul", "places": "Alexandria; Duat; Jerusalem; Judea; Midian; New Jerusalem; Tartarus", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Homily on Matthew 20", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0"}, + "mercy_judgment": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1910", "Trismegistos": "107789", "annotation": "Michael Hensley, Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes", "attributed_author": "Athanasius of Alexandria", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "pseudo.athanasius.discourses", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:psathanasius.mercy_judgment.budge:1-41", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "idno": "Or. 5001 ff. 76a-86b", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "On Mercy and Judgement.", "msName": "CMCL.AW", "note": "The page numbers in the manuscript contain errors, skipping pages 32 and 34. Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., numbers mistranslated.) The pb xml ids correspond to numbered pages in the ms as provided by Budge; if Budge\u2019s edition omits the number we have extrapolated based on the provided page number; Budge notes on p XV of his edition that the pagination in this codex is sometimes irregular. Budge's title is, 'The Discourse of Saint Athanasius, Archbishop of Eakote, on Mercy and Judgement.'", "objectType": "codex", "origDate": "Between 601 and 700", "origDate_notAfter": "0700", "origDate_notBefore": "0601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "Upper Egypt", "pages_from": "76b", "pages_to": "86b", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "22", "paths_works": "79", "people": "Athanasius of Alexandria; Isaiah; Jesus; Malachi; Zacchaeus", "places": "Alexandria", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "gold", "title": "On Mercy and Judgment", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, "mysteries.john.01": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1913", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Mitchell Abrams, Lance Martin, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "copyist": "Victor the Deacon", "corpus": "mysteries.john", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:misc.mysteries_john.budge:1-12", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 7026 ff. 1a-10a", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0 -", "msItem_title": "The Mysteries of John the Evangelist", "msName": "MERC.AQ", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:misc.mysteries_john.budge:13-28", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., mistranslated numbers corrected.) The manuscript date is based off a colophon.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "1005", "origDate_notAfter": "1006", "origDate_notBefore": "1004", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "St. Mercurius Monastery", "pages_from": "1", "pages_to": "19", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "192", "paths_works": "41", "people": "John the Apostle; Michael (archangel)", "placeName": "Edfu", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Mysteries of John the Evangelist part 1", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2022-05-03", "version_n": "4.3.0"}, "mysteries.john.02": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1913", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Tamara Siuda, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "copyist": "Victor the Deacon", "corpus": "mysteries.john", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:misc.mysteries_john.budge:13-28", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 7026 ff. 10a-20a", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0 -", "msItem_title": "The Mysteries of John the Evangelist", "msName": "MERC.AQ", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., mistranslated numbers corrected.) The manuscript date is based off a colophon.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "02", "origDate": "1005", "origDate_notAfter": "1006", "origDate_notBefore": "1004", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "St. Mercurius Monastery", "pages_from": "19", "pages_to": "38", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "192", "paths_works": "41", "people": "John the Apostle; Michael (archangel)", "placeName": "Edfu", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:misc.mysteries_john.budge:1-12", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Mysteries of John the Evangelist part 2", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2021-03-31", "version_n": "4.1.0"}, - "on_abbaton.01": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1914", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Elizabeth Davidson, Lance Martin, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "attributed_author": "Timothy Archbishop of Alexandria", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "copyist": "Theophistus", "corpus": "pseudo.timothy", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:pstimothy.abbaton.budge:1-21", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 7025 ff. 0b-17b", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0 -", "msItem_title": "The Discourse on Abbaton", "msName": "MERC.AU", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:pstimothy.abbaton.budge:22-54", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., numbers mistranslated.) The origDates are taken from PAThs. The dating is based on a colophon in the manuscript.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "0982", "origDate_notAfter": "0983", "origDate_notBefore": "0981", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "St. Mercurius Monastery", "pages_from": "00", "pages_to": "39", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "106", "paths_manuscripts": "196", "paths_works": "405", "people": "Abaddon; Abraham; Adam; David; Devil; Eve; Gabriel; Jehoshaphat; Jesus; John the Apostle; Mary, mother of Jesus; Michael (archangel); Muriel (angel); Philip the Apostle; Pope Timothy I of Alexandria; Saint Peter", "placeName": "Edfu", "places": "Alexandria; Garden of Eden; Jerusalem", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Discourse on Abbaton part 1", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0"}, - "on_abbaton.02": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1914", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Elizabeth Davidson, Lance Martin, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "attributed_author": "Timothy Archbishop of Alexandria", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "copyist": "Theophistus", "corpus": "pseudo.timothy", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:pstimothy.abbaton.budge:22-54", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 7025 ff. 17b-32b", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "The Discourse on Abbaton", "msName": "MERC.AU", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., numbers mistranslated.) The origDates are taken from PAThs. The dating is based on a colophon in the manuscript.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "02", "origDate": "0982", "origDate_notAfter": "0983", "origDate_notBefore": "0981", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "St. Mercurius Monastery", "pages_from": "39", "pages_to": "70", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "106", "paths_manuscripts": "196", "paths_works": "405", "people": "Abaddon; Adam; Devil; Eve; Gabriel; Jehoshaphat; Jesus; John the Apostle; Macarius of Egypt; Mary, mother of Jesus; Michael (archangel); Muriel (angel); Paul the Apostle; Pontius Pilate; Satan", "placeName": "Edfu", "places": "Duat; Edfu; Jerusalem; Kingdom of Israel (united monarchy)", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:pstimothy.abbaton.budge:1-21", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Discourse on Abbaton part 2", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2021-03-31", "version_n": "4.1.0"}, + "on_abbaton.01": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1914", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Elizabeth Davidson, Lance Martin, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "attributed_author": "Timothy Archbishop of Alexandria", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "copyist": "Theophistus", "corpus": "pseudo.timothy", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:pstimothy.abbaton.budge:1-21", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 7025 ff. 0b-17b", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0 -", "msItem_title": "The Discourse on Abbaton", "msName": "MERC.AU", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:pstimothy.abbaton.budge:22-54", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., numbers mistranslated.) The origDates are taken from PAThs. The dating is based on a colophon in the manuscript.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "0982", "origDate_notAfter": "0983", "origDate_notBefore": "0981", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "St. Mercurius Monastery", "pages_from": "00", "pages_to": "39", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "106", "paths_manuscripts": "196", "paths_works": "405", "people": "Abaddon; Abraham; Adam; David; Devil; Eve; Gabriel; Jehoshaphat; Jesus; John the Apostle; Mary, mother of Jesus; Michael (archangel); Muriel (angel); Philip the Apostle; Pope Timothy I of Alexandria; Saint Peter", "placeName": "Edfu", "places": "Alexandria; Garden of Eden; Jerusalem", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Discourse on Abbaton part 1", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "on_abbaton.02": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1914", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Elizabeth Davidson, Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes", "attributed_author": "Timothy, Archbishop of Alexandria", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "copyist": "Theophistus", "corpus": "timothy.discourse", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:timothy.discourses.on_abbaton:22-54", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 7025 ff. 17b-32b", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "The Discourse on Abbaton", "msName": "MERC.AU", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., numbers mistranslated.) The origDates are taken from PAThs.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "02", "origDate": "0983", "origDate_notAfter": "0983", "origDate_notBefore": "1100", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "St. Mercurius Monastery", "pages_from": "39", "pages_to": "70", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "106", "paths_manuscripts": "196", "paths_works": "405", "people": "Abaddon; Adam; Devil; Eve; Gabriel; Jehoshaphat; Jesus; John the Apostle; Macarius of Egypt; Mary, mother of Jesus; Michael (archangel); Muriel (angel); Paul the Apostle; Pontius Pilate; Satan", "placeName": "Edfu", "places": "Duat; Edfu; Jerusalem; Kingdom of Israel (united monarchy)", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:timothy.discourses.on_abbaton:1-21", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Discourse on Abbaton, part 2", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, "on_lack_of_food": {"Coptic_edition": "Kuhn (1956), [Fragment 15] (On Lack of Food), p. 41", "Trismegistos": "108395", "annotation": "So Miyagawa, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Besa", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "besa.letters", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "idno": "IB 6 f. 54r", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "On Lack of Food", "msName": "MONB.BB", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:besa.thieving.monbba", "objectType": "codex", "order": "15", "origDate": "between 500 and 799 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "0799", "origDate_notBefore": "0500", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "583", "pages_to": "583", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "none", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:besa.aphthonia.monbba", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, KELLIA, SFB 1136 Bildung und Religion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "gold", "tagging": "gold", "title": "On Lack of Food", "translation": "So Miyagawa", "version_date": "2023-09-29", "version_n": "4.5.0"}, - "on_susanna": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1910", "Trismegistos": "107789", "annotation": "Elizabeth Davidson, Mitchell Abrams, Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes", "attributed_author": "John Chrysostom, John of Constantinople", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "john.constantinople", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:pschrysostom.susanna.budge:1-63", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 5001 ff. 60b-76b", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0 -", "msItem_title": "On Susanna", "msName": "CMCL.AW", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., corrected mistranslated numbers.) The numbers in the codex are erratic. Sometimes the scribes skips numbers or assigns two different pages the same number. Authorship is attributed to 'John Archbishop of Constantinople' whom most readers likely assumed to be John Chrysostom. It is possible that the original scribe meant to attribute authorship to John IV of Constantinople.", "objectType": "codex", "origDate": "651", "origDate_notAfter": "700", "origDate_notBefore": "601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "pages_from": "314", "pages_to": "347", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "53", "paths_manuscripts": "22", "paths_works": "178", "people": "Abraham; Daniel (biblical figure); David; Eve; Hilkiah; Isaac; Jesus; John IV of Constantinople; Joseph (Genesis); Satan; Susanna (Book of Daniel)", "placeName": "Upper Egypt", "places": "Canaan; Constantinople; Judea", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "On Susanna", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0"}, + "on_susanna": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1910", "Trismegistos": "107789", "annotation": "Elizabeth Davidson, Mitchell Abrams, Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes", "attributed_author": "John Chrysostom, John of Constantinople", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "john.constantinople", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:pschrysostom.susanna.budge:1-63", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 5001 ff. 60b-76b", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0 -", "msItem_title": "On Susanna", "msName": "CMCL.AW", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., corrected mistranslated numbers.) The numbers in the codex are erratic. Sometimes the scribes skips numbers or assigns two different pages the same number. Authorship is attributed to 'John Archbishop of Constantinople' whom most readers likely assumed to be John Chrysostom. It is possible that the original scribe meant to attribute authorship to John IV of Constantinople.", "objectType": "codex", "origDate": "651", "origDate_notAfter": "700", "origDate_notBefore": "601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "pages_from": "314", "pages_to": "347", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "53", "paths_manuscripts": "22", "paths_works": "178", "people": "Abraham; Daniel (biblical figure); David; Eve; Hilkiah; Isaac; Jesus; John IV of Constantinople; Joseph (Genesis); Satan; Susanna (Book of Daniel)", "placeName": "Upper Egypt", "places": "Canaan; Constantinople; Judea", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "On Susanna", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, "on_vigilance": {"Coptic_edition": "Kuhn (1956), [Fragment 1] (On Vigilance), pp. 1-3", "Trismegistos": "108394", "annotation": "So Miyagawa, Julien Delhez, Heike Behlmer, Amir Zeldes, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Besa", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "besa.letters", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:besa.vigilance.monbba", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "idno": "IB 6,378 ff. 1-4", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "On Vigilance", "msName": "MONB.BA", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:besa.exhortations.monbba", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "between 500 and 799 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "0800", "origDate_notBefore": "0500", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "49", "pages_to": "56", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Devil; Jesus", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "project": "SFB 1136 Bildung und Religion, Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, KELLIA", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "automatic", "source": "So Miyagawa, SFB 1136 &quot;Bildung und Religion&quot;", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "On Vigilance", "translation": "Heike Behlmer", "version_date": "2023-09-29", "version_n": "4.5.0"}, "p_CtYBR_1800": {"Coptic_edition": "KYP T483 and Meyer, Marvin W., and Richard Smith. Ancient Christian Magic: Coptic Texts of Ritual Power. Princeton (New Jersey): Princeton University Press, 1999, p. 215-216, no. 106, Appendix 4, p. 353-355.", "Trismegistos": "99993", "annotation": "Korshi Dosoo, Edward O. D. Love, Lance Martin, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Coptic Documentary Papyri", "copyist": "unknown", "corpus": "magical.papyri", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticMag:kyprianos.tm99993.kypt483", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "P. CtYBR inv. 1800 qua", "kyprianos_manuscripts": "KYP M294", "kyprianos_texts": "KYP T483", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "Curse to bring suffering, pain, and disease", "msName": "P. CtYBR inv. 1800 qua", "note": "Complete with bottom right-hand corner missing and damage along folds.", "objectType": "Papyrus", "order": "04", "origDate": "between 701 and 800 CE", "origDate_notAfter": "0800", "origDate_notBefore": "0701", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "Unknown", "pages_from": "01", "pages_to": "01", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Asmodeus", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Coptic Magical Papyri", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Beinecke Library Yale University", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "KYP T483", "source_info": "Kyprianos Database of Ancient Ritual Texts", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Curse to bring suffering, pain, and disease", "translation": "Korshi Dosoo, Edward O. D. Love, Mark\u00e9ta Preininger", "version_date": "2021-03-31", "version_n": "4.1.0", "witness": "unique"}, - "pachomius.instructions.01": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1913", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes, Lance Martin", "attributed_author": "Pachomius", "author": "Pachomian Community", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "pachomius.instructions", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:pachomius.instructions.budge:1-34", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "OR. 7024", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "The Instructions of Apa Pachomius", "msName": "MERC.AR", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:pachomius.instructions.budge:35-69", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., numbers mistranslated.) According to Budge's introduction, a colophon states that the MS was copied in the era of the martyrs 701, or AD 985. Although it circulated as one work, the Instructions is composite, consisting of at least two originally separate texts that were edited into one by a Pachomian community. The first part is considered to be an original composition of Pachomius. The second part is elsewhere attributed to Athanasius of Alexandria (BL, Or. 8802). In her monograph, The Text of a Monastic Discourse ([Cistercian Publications/Liturgical Press, 2017], p. 10-15), Carolyn Schneider argues that the second part was not written by the Alexandrian archbishop, but a late fourth-century Pachomian production.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "1", "origDate": "0985", "origDate_notAfter": "0986", "origDate_notBefore": "0984", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "Edfu", "pages_from": "18a", "pages_to": "34a", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "193", "paths_works": "241", "people": "Abraham; Adam; Amorites; Daniel (biblical figure); David; Devil; Elijah; Elisha; Enoch (ancestor of Noah); Eve; God; Habakkuk; Holofernes; Isaac; Jacob; Jesus; Job (biblical figure); John the Apostle; Joseph (Genesis); Judah (son of Jacob); Judas Iscariot; Lot (biblical person); Mary, mother of Jesus; Moses; Nebuchadnezzar II; Pachomius the Great; Paul the Apostle; Saint Peter; Samuel; Susanna (Book of Daniel)", "placeName": "Hagr Edfu", "places": "Duat; Nile; Tartarus", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Instructions of Apa Pachomius in MERC.AR in Budge ed. - part 1", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0"}, - "pachomius.instructions.02": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1913", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes, Lance Martin", "attributed_author": "Pachomius", "author": "Pachomian Community", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "pachomius.instructions", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:pachomius.instructions.budge:35-69", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "OR. 7024", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "The Instructions of Apa Pachomius", "msName": "MERC.AR", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., numbers mistranslated.) According to Budge's introduction, a colophon states that the MS was copied in the era of the martyrs 701, or AD 985. Although it circulated as one work, the Instructions is composite, consisting of at least two originally separate texts that were edited into one by a Pachomian community. The first part is considered to be an original composition of Pachomius. The second part is elsewhere attributed to Athanasius of Alexandria (BL, Or. 8802). In her monograph, The Text of a Monastic Discourse ([Cistercian Publications/Liturgical Press, 2017], p. 10-15), Carolyn Schneider argues that the second part was not written by the Alexandrian archbishop, but a late fourth-century Pachomian production. Lance Martin translated the colophon.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "2", "origDate": "0985", "origDate_notAfter": "0986", "origDate_notBefore": "0984", "origDate_precision": "medium", "pages_from": "34a", "pages_to": "49b", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "193", "paths_works": "241", "people": "Abraham; Cain; Devil; Elijah; Goliath; James the Great; Jeremiah; Jesus; John the Baptist; Lot (biblical person); Moses; Pachomius the Great; Ramesses II; Saint Timothy", "placeName": "Hagr Edfu", "places": "Chorath; Duat; Esna; Gilead; New Jerusalem; Sodom and Gomorrah", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:pachomius.instructions.budge:1-34", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Instructions of Apa Pachomius in MERC.AR in Budge ed. - part 2", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge, Lance Martin", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0"}, - "penitence.01": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1910", "Greek_source": "Patrologiae Cursus, Ser. Graec., tom. 88, col. 1889", "Trismegistos": "107789", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Mitchell Abrams, Amir Zeldes", "attributed_author": "John of Constantinople", "author": "John IV of Constantinople", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "john.constantinople", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:johnconst.penitence.budge:1-119", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 5001 ff. 1a-31a", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0 -", "msItem_title": "On Penitence and Abstinence", "msName": "CMCL.AW", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:johnconst.penitence.budge:120-241", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., corrected mistranslated numbers.) The numbers in the codex are erratic. Sometimes the scribes skips numbers or assigns two different pages the same number. The text attributes authorship to 'John, archbishop of Constantinople,' which likely refers to to John IV of Constantinople but was later assumed to be John Chrysostom by later commentators. Portions of the text are taken from John Chrysostom's works.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "651", "origDate_notAfter": "700", "origDate_notBefore": "601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "pages_from": "181", "pages_to": "255", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "55", "paths_manuscripts": "22", "paths_works": "182", "people": "Abraham; Ahab; Daniel (biblical figure); David; Devil; Jeremiah; Jesus; John IV of Constantinople; John the Apostle; Moses; Nebuchadnezzar II; Noah; Paul the Apostle; Saint Peter; Satan; Solomon", "placeName": "Upper Egypt", "places": "Constantinople; Duat; Gehenna; Jerusalem; Nineveh", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "On Penitence and Abstinence, part 1", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2023-09-29", "version_n": "4.5.0"}, - "penitence.02": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1910", "Greek_source": "Patrologiae Cursus, Ser. Graec., tom. 88, col. 1889", "Trismegistos": "107789", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes", "attributed_author": "John of Constantinople", "author": "John IV of Constantinople", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "john.constantinople", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:johnconst.penitence.budge:120-241", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 5001 ff. 31a-60b", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0 -", "msItem_title": "On Penitence and Abstinence", "msName": "CMCL.AW", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., corrected mistranslated numbers.) The numbers in the codex are erratic. Sometimes the scribes skips numbers or assigns two different pages the same number. The text attributes authorship to 'John, archbishop of Constantinople,' which likely refers to to John IV of Constantinople but was later assumed to be John Chrysostom by later commentators. Portions of the text are taken from John Chrysostom's works.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "02", "origDate": "651", "origDate_notAfter": "700", "origDate_notBefore": "601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "pages_from": "255", "pages_to": "314", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "55", "paths_manuscripts": "22", "paths_works": "182", "people": "Abraham; Daniel (biblical figure); David; Devil; Jacob; Job (biblical figure); John IV of Constantinople; John the Baptist; Judas Iscariot; Lazarus of Bethany; Moses; Noah; Paul the Apostle", "placeName": "Upper Egypt", "places": "Duat; Gehenna", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:johnconst.penitence.budge:1-119", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "On Penitence and Abstinence, part 2", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2023-09-29", "version_n": "4.5.0"}, - "pistis.sophia_Postscript_part1": {"Coptic_edition": "J. H. Petermann (1851), Carl Schmidt & Violet MacDermot (1978)", "Trismegistos": "107926", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Additional Manuscripts", "corpus": "pistis.sophia", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.2.petermann:145-146", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "5114", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0 -", "msItem_title": "Pistis Sophia", "msName": "CMCL.AQ", "note": "Text republished from Marcion Project, which used the Petermann edition. English translation can be found at Coptic Scriptorium editorial changes limited to replacing missing text and moving the Zetas that indicated text segmentations to the beginning of words.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "28", "origDate": "301-500", "origDate_notAfter": "500", "origDate_notBefore": "301", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "unknown", "pages_from": "693", "pages_to": "693", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "17", "paths_works": "684", "people": "none", "places": "Israelites", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.2.petermann:140-144", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "automatic", "source": "Marcion project,", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Pistis Sophia Postscript", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0"}, - "pistis.sophia_book_1_part1": {"Coptic_edition": "J. H. Petermann (1851), Carl Schmidt & Violet MacDermot (1978)", "Trismegistos": "107926", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes, Tamara Siuda, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Additional Manuscripts", "corpus": "pistis.sophia", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:1-13", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "5114", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "Pistis Sophia", "msName": "CMCL.AQ", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:13-25", "note": "Text republished from Marcion Project, which used the Petermann edition. English translation can be found at Coptic Scriptorium editorial changes limited to replacing missing text and moving the Zetas that indicated text segmentations to the beginning of words.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "301-500", "origDate_notAfter": "500", "origDate_notBefore": "301", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "unknown", "pages_from": "1", "pages_to": "32", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "17", "paths_works": "684", "people": "Elijah; Elizabeth (biblical figure); Gabriel; God; Heavenly host; Jesus; John the Baptist; Mary, mother of Jesus", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,, Horner (1924) on", "source_info": "Marcion Project, edition of Legge and Horner (1924) translation", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Pistis Sophia Book 1 Part 1", "translation": "Horner (1924)", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0"}, - "pistis.sophia_book_1_part2": {"Coptic_edition": "J. H. Petermann (1851), Carl Schmidt & Violet MacDermot (1978)", "Trismegistos": "107926", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Tamara Siuda, Amir Zeldes, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Additional Manuscripts", "corpus": "pistis.sophia", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:13-25", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "5114", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "Pistis Sophia", "msName": "CMCL.AQ", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:25-35", "note": "Text republished from Marcion Project, which used the Petermann edition. English translation can be found at Coptic Scriptorium editorial changes limited to replacing missing text and moving the Zetas that indicated text segmentations to the beginning of words.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "02", "origDate": "301-500", "origDate_notAfter": "500", "origDate_notBefore": "301", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "unknown", "pages_from": "32", "pages_to": "62", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "17", "paths_works": "684", "people": "Heavenly host; Isaiah; Jesus; Mary Magdalene; Mary, mother of Jesus; Philip the Apostle", "places": "Egypt", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:1-13", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,, Horner (1924) on", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Pistis Sophia Book 1 Part 2", "translation": "Horner (1924)", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0"}, - "pistis.sophia_book_1_part3": {"Coptic_edition": "J. H. Petermann (1851), Carl Schmidt & Violet MacDermot (1978)", "Trismegistos": "107926", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Additional Manuscripts", "corpus": "pistis.sophia", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:25-35", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "5114", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "-usually CC-BY 4.0 -", "msItem_title": "Pistis Sophia", "msName": "CMCL.AQ", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:35-50", "note": "Text republished from Marcion Project, which used the Petermann edition. 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English translation can be found at Coptic Scriptorium editorial changes limited to replacing missing text and moving the Zetas that indicated text segmentations to the beginning of words.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "27", "origDate": "301-500", "origDate_notAfter": "500", "origDate_notBefore": "301", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "unknown", "pages_from": "687", "pages_to": "692", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "17", "paths_works": "684", "people": "Aphrodite; Ares; Cronus; Heavenly host; Jesus; John the Apostle; Mary, mother of Jesus; Zeus", "places": "Duat", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.2.petermann:129-139", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "automatic", "source": "Marcion project,", "source_info": "Marcion Project", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Pistis Sophia Book 4 Part 3", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0"}, + "pachomius.instructions.01": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1913", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes, Lance Martin", "attributed_author": "Pachomius", "author": "Pachomian Community", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "pachomius.instructions", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:pachomius.instructions.budge:1-34", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "OR. 7024", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "The Instructions of Apa Pachomius", "msName": "MERC.AR", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:pachomius.instructions.budge:35-69", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., numbers mistranslated.) According to Budge's introduction, a colophon states that the MS was copied in the era of the martyrs 701, or AD 985. Although it circulated as one work, the Instructions is composite, consisting of at least two originally separate texts that were edited into one by a Pachomian community. The first part is considered to be an original composition of Pachomius. The second part is elsewhere attributed to Athanasius of Alexandria (BL, Or. 8802). In her monograph, The Text of a Monastic Discourse ([Cistercian Publications/Liturgical Press, 2017], p. 10-15), Carolyn Schneider argues that the second part was not written by the Alexandrian archbishop, but a late fourth-century Pachomian production.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "1", "origDate": "0985", "origDate_notAfter": "0986", "origDate_notBefore": "0984", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "Edfu", "pages_from": "18a", "pages_to": "34a", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "193", "paths_works": "241", "people": "Abraham; Adam; Amorites; Daniel (biblical figure); David; Devil; Elijah; Elisha; Enoch (ancestor of Noah); Eve; God; Habakkuk; Holofernes; Isaac; Jacob; Jesus; Job (biblical figure); John the Apostle; Joseph (Genesis); Judah (son of Jacob); Judas Iscariot; Lot (biblical person); Mary, mother of Jesus; Moses; Nebuchadnezzar II; Pachomius the Great; Paul the Apostle; Saint Peter; Samuel; Susanna (Book of Daniel)", "placeName": "Hagr Edfu", "places": "Duat; Nile; Tartarus", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Instructions of Apa Pachomius in MERC.AR in Budge ed. - part 1", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0"}, + "pachomius.instructions.02": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1913", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes, Lance Martin", "attributed_author": "Pachomius", "author": "Pachomian Community", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "pachomius.instructions", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:pachomius.instructions.budge:35-69", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "OR. 7024", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "The Instructions of Apa Pachomius", "msName": "MERC.AR", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., numbers mistranslated.) According to Budge's introduction, a colophon states that the MS was copied in the era of the martyrs 701, or AD 985. Although it circulated as one work, the Instructions is composite, consisting of at least two originally separate texts that were edited into one by a Pachomian community. The first part is considered to be an original composition of Pachomius. The second part is elsewhere attributed to Athanasius of Alexandria (BL, Or. 8802). In her monograph, The Text of a Monastic Discourse ([Cistercian Publications/Liturgical Press, 2017], p. 10-15), Carolyn Schneider argues that the second part was not written by the Alexandrian archbishop, but a late fourth-century Pachomian production. Lance Martin translated the colophon.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "2", "origDate": "0985", "origDate_notAfter": "0986", "origDate_notBefore": "0984", "origDate_precision": "medium", "pages_from": "34a", "pages_to": "49b", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "193", "paths_works": "241", "people": "Abraham; Cain; Devil; Elijah; Goliath; James the Great; Jeremiah; Jesus; John the Baptist; Lot (biblical person); Moses; Pachomius the Great; Ramesses II; Saint Timothy", "placeName": "Hagr Edfu", "places": "Chorath; Duat; Esna; Gilead; New Jerusalem; Sodom and Gomorrah", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:pachomius.instructions.budge:1-34", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Instructions of Apa Pachomius in MERC.AR in Budge ed. - part 2", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge, Lance Martin", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0"}, + "penitence.01": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1910", "Greek_source": "Patrologiae Cursus, Ser. Graec., tom. 88, col. 1889", "Trismegistos": "107789", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Mitchell Abrams, Amir Zeldes", "attributed_author": "John of Constantinople", "author": "John IV of Constantinople", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "john.constantinople", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:johnconst.penitence.budge:1-119", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 5001 ff. 1a-31a", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0 -", "msItem_title": "On Penitence and Abstinence", "msName": "CMCL.AW", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:johnconst.penitence.budge:120-241", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., corrected mistranslated numbers.) The numbers in the codex are erratic. Sometimes the scribes skips numbers or assigns two different pages the same number. The text attributes authorship to 'John, archbishop of Constantinople,' which likely refers to to John IV of Constantinople but was later assumed to be John Chrysostom by later commentators. Portions of the text are taken from John Chrysostom's works.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "651", "origDate_notAfter": "700", "origDate_notBefore": "601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "pages_from": "181", "pages_to": "255", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "55", "paths_manuscripts": "22", "paths_works": "182", "people": "Abraham; Ahab; Daniel (biblical figure); David; Devil; Jeremiah; Jesus; John IV of Constantinople; John the Apostle; Moses; Nebuchadnezzar II; Noah; Paul the Apostle; Saint Peter; Satan; Solomon", "placeName": "Upper Egypt", "places": "Constantinople; Duat; Gehenna; Jerusalem; Nineveh", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "On Penitence and Abstinence, part 1", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "penitence.02": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1910", "Greek_source": "Patrologiae Cursus, Ser. Graec., tom. 88, col. 1889", "Trismegistos": "107789", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes", "attributed_author": "John of Constantinople", "author": "John IV of Constantinople", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "john.constantinople", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:johnconst.penitence.budge:120-241", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 5001 ff. 31a-60b", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0 -", "msItem_title": "On Penitence and Abstinence", "msName": "CMCL.AW", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., corrected mistranslated numbers.) The numbers in the codex are erratic. Sometimes the scribes skips numbers or assigns two different pages the same number. The text attributes authorship to 'John, archbishop of Constantinople,' which likely refers to to John IV of Constantinople but was later assumed to be John Chrysostom by later commentators. Portions of the text are taken from John Chrysostom's works.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "02", "origDate": "651", "origDate_notAfter": "700", "origDate_notBefore": "601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "pages_from": "255", "pages_to": "314", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "55", "paths_manuscripts": "22", "paths_works": "182", "people": "Abraham; Daniel (biblical figure); David; Devil; Jacob; Job (biblical figure); John IV of Constantinople; John the Baptist; Judas Iscariot; Lazarus of Bethany; Moses; Noah; Paul the Apostle", "placeName": "Upper Egypt", "places": "Duat; Gehenna", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:johnconst.penitence.budge:1-119", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "On Penitence and Abstinence, part 2", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "pistis.sophia_Postscript_part1": {"Coptic_edition": "J. H. Petermann (1851), Carl Schmidt & Violet MacDermot (1978)", "Trismegistos": "107926", "annotation": "Randy Komforty, Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Additional Manuscripts", "corpus": "pistis.sophia", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.2.petermann:145-146", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "5114", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0 -", "msItem_title": "Pistis Sophia", "msName": "CMCL.AQ", "note": "Text republished from Marcion Project, which used the Petermann edition. Coptic Scriptorium editorial changes limited to replacing missing text and moving the Zetas that indicated text segmentations to the beginning of words. In addition to the Mead (1896) English translation published here see also Horner (1924) translation on", "objectType": "codex", "order": "28", "origDate": "301-500", "origDate_notAfter": "500", "origDate_notBefore": "301", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "unknown", "pages_from": "693", "pages_to": "693", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "17", "paths_works": "684", "people": "none", "places": "Israelites", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.2.petermann:140-144", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "automatic", "source": "Marcion project,", "source_info": "Marcion project, Petermann (1851) edition on, Mead (1896) translation on", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Pistis Sophia Postscript", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "pistis.sophia_book_1_part1": {"Coptic_edition": "J. H. Petermann (1851), Carl Schmidt & Violet MacDermot (1978)", "Trismegistos": "107926", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes, Tamara Siuda, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Additional Manuscripts", "corpus": "pistis.sophia", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:1-13", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "5114", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "Pistis Sophia", "msName": "CMCL.AQ", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:13-25", "note": "Text republished from Marcion Project, which used the Petermann edition. Coptic Scriptorium editorial changes limited to replacing missing text and moving the Zetas that indicated text segmentations to the beginning of words.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "301-500", "origDate_notAfter": "500", "origDate_notBefore": "301", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "unknown", "pages_from": "1", "pages_to": "32", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "17", "paths_works": "684", "people": "Elijah; Elizabeth (biblical figure); Gabriel; God; Heavenly host; Jesus; John the Baptist; Mary, mother of Jesus", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion project, Petermann (1851) edition on, Horner (1924) translation on, Mead (1896) translation on", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Pistis Sophia Book 1 Part 1", "translation": "Mead (1896), Horner (1924)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "pistis.sophia_book_1_part2": {"Coptic_edition": "J. H. Petermann (1851), Carl Schmidt & Violet MacDermot (1978)", "Trismegistos": "107926", "annotation": "Randy Komforty, Lance Martin, Tamara Siuda, Amir Zeldes, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Additional Manuscripts", "corpus": "pistis.sophia", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:13-25", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "5114", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "Pistis Sophia", "msName": "CMCL.AQ", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:25-35", "note": "Text republished from Marcion Project, which used the Petermann edition. Coptic Scriptorium editorial changes limited to replacing missing text and moving the Zetas that indicated text segmentations to the beginning of words.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "02", "origDate": "301-500", "origDate_notAfter": "500", "origDate_notBefore": "301", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "unknown", "pages_from": "32", "pages_to": "62", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "17", "paths_works": "684", "people": "Heavenly host; Isaiah; Jesus; Mary Magdalene; Mary, mother of Jesus; Philip the Apostle", "places": "Egypt", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:1-13", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion project, Petermann (1851) edition on, Horner (1924) translation on, Mead (1896) translation on", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Pistis Sophia Book 1 Part 2", "translation": "Mead (1896), Horner (1924)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "pistis.sophia_book_1_part3": {"Coptic_edition": "J. H. Petermann (1851), Carl Schmidt & Violet MacDermot (1978)", "Trismegistos": "107926", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Additional Manuscripts", "corpus": "pistis.sophia", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:25-35", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "5114", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "-usually CC-BY 4.0 -", "msItem_title": "Pistis Sophia", "msName": "CMCL.AQ", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:35-50", "note": "Text republished from Marcion Project, which used the Petermann edition. Coptic Scriptorium editorial changes limited to replacing missing text and moving the Zetas that indicated text segmentations to the beginning of words.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "03", "origDate": "301-500", "origDate_notAfter": "500", "origDate_notBefore": "301", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "unknown", "pages_from": "62", "pages_to": "89", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "17", "paths_works": "684", "people": "Jesus; Mary Magdalene; Melchizedek", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:13-25", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion project, Petermann (1851) edition on, Horner (1924) translation on, Mead (1896) translation on", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Pistis Sophia Book 1 Part 3", "translation": "Mead (1896), Horner (1924)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "pistis.sophia_book_1_part4": {"Coptic_edition": "J. H. Petermann (1851), Carl Schmidt & Violet MacDermot (1978)", "Trismegistos": "107926", "annotation": "Randy Komforty, Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Additional Manuscripts", "corpus": "pistis.sophia", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:35-50", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "5114", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0 -", "msItem_title": "Pistis Sophia", "msName": "CMCL.AQ", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:50-66", "note": "Text republished from Marcion Project, which used the Petermann edition. Coptic Scriptorium editorial changes limited to replacing missing text and moving the Zetas that indicated text segmentations to the beginning of words. In addition to the Mead (1896) English translation published here see also Horner (1924) translation on", "objectType": "codex", "order": "04", "origDate": "301-500", "origDate_notAfter": "500", "origDate_notBefore": "301", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "unknown", "pages_from": "89", "pages_to": "119", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "17", "paths_works": "684", "people": "David; Jesus; Martha; Mary Magdalene; Saint Peter", "places": "Judea; Zion", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:25-35", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "automatic", "source": "Marcion Project", "source_info": "Marcion project, Petermann (1851) edition on, Mead (1896) translation on", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Pistis Sophia Book 1 Part 4", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "pistis.sophia_book_1_part5": {"Coptic_edition": "J. H. Petermann (1851), Carl Schmidt & Violet MacDermot (1978)", "Trismegistos": "107926", "annotation": "Randy Komforty, Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Additional Manuscripts", "corpus": "pistis.sophia", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:50-66", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "5114", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0 -", "msItem_title": "Pistis Sophia", "msName": "CMCL.AQ", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:66-75", "note": "Text republished from Marcion Project, which used the Petermann edition. Coptic Scriptorium editorial changes limited to replacing missing text and moving the Zetas that indicated text segmentations to the beginning of words. In addition to the Mead (1896) English translation published here see also Horner (1924) translation on", "objectType": "codex", "order": "05", "origDate": "301-500", "origDate_notAfter": "500", "origDate_notBefore": "301", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "unknown", "pages_from": "119", "pages_to": "145", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "17", "paths_works": "684", "people": "Andrew the Apostle; David; Jesus; John the Apostle; Mary Magdalene; Matthew the Apostle; Moses; Philip the Apostle; Thomas the Apostle", "places": "Duat; Jerusalem; Zion", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:35-50", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "automatic", "source": "Marcion project,", "source_info": "Marcion project, Petermann (1851) edition on, Mead (1896) translation on", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Pistis Sophia Book 1 Part 5", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "pistis.sophia_book_1_part6": {"Coptic_edition": "J. H. Petermann (1851), Carl Schmidt & Violet MacDermot (1978)", "Trismegistos": "107926", "annotation": "Randy Komforty, Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Additional Manuscripts", "corpus": "pistis.sophia", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:66-75", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "5114", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "Pistis Sophia", "msName": "CMCL.AQ", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:75-84", "note": "Text republished from Marcion Project, which used the Petermann edition. Coptic Scriptorium editorial changes limited to replacing missing text and moving the Zetas that indicated text segmentations to the beginning of words. In addition to the Mead (1896) English translation published here see also Horner (1924) translation on", "objectType": "codex", "order": "6", "origDate": "301-500", "origDate_notAfter": "500", "origDate_notBefore": "301", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "unknown", "pages_from": "145", "pages_to": "174", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": "17", "paths_works": "684", "people": "David; James the Great; Jesus; Mary Magdalene; Thomas the Apostle", "places": "Duat", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:50-66", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "automatic", "source": "Marcion project,", "source_info": "Marcion project, Petermann (1851) edition on, Mead (1896) translation on", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Pistis Sophia Book 1 Part 6", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0"}, + "pistis.sophia_book_1_part7": {"Coptic_edition": "J. H. Petermann (1851), Carl Schmidt & Violet MacDermot (1978)", "Trismegistos": "107926", "annotation": "Randy Komforty, Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Additional Manuscripts", "corpus": "pistis.sophia", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:75-84", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "5114", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0 -", "msItem_title": "Pistis Sophia", "msName": "CMCL.AQ", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:pistissophia.1.petermann:84-96", "note": "Text republished from Marcion Project, which used the Petermann edition. Coptic Scriptorium editorial changes limited to replacing missing text and moving the Zetas that indicated text segmentations to the beginning of words. 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The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., numbers mistranslated.)", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "951", "origDate_notAfter": "1000", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "St. Mercurius Monastery", "pages_from": "25", "pages_to": "38", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": "88", "paths_manuscripts": "22", "paths_works": "318", "people": "Abel; Anthemius of Tralles; Cherub; David; Devil; Isaiah; Jesus; Jews; Manasseh of Judah; Moses; Naboth; Nestorius; Paul the Apostle; Proclus of Constantinople; Seraph; Zechariah ben Jehoiada", "placeName": "Edfu", "places": "Constantinople; Cyzicus; Duat", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion, PATHS", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Proclus Homily 13 on Easter in Budge ed.", "translation": "E. A. 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The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., numbers mistranslated.)", "objectType": "codex", "order": "02", "origDate": "951", "origDate_notAfter": "1000", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "St. Mercurius Monastery", "pages_from": "39", "pages_to": "54", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "88", "paths_manuscripts": "22", "paths_works": "317", "people": "Aaron; Abel; Abraham; Adam; Balaam; Daniel (biblical figure); David; Elijah; Jesus; Jews; Joseph (Genesis); Joshua; Moses; Nestorius; Noah; Proclus of Constantinople; Rahab", "placeName": "Edfu", "places": "Constantinople; Cyzicus; Duat; Egypt", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:proclus.homily13.budge", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion, PATHS", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Proclus Homily 23 On the Nativity in Budge ed.", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0"}, "pscelestinus.encomium.01": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge 1914", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Mitchell Abrams", "attributed_author": "Celestinus of Rome", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "pseudo.celestinus", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:pscelestinus.encomium.budge:1-31", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 7022 ff. 26b-36b", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0 -", "msItem_title": "Encomium on Victor", "msName": "MERC.AS", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:pscelestinus.encomium.budge:32-55", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. 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The manuscript dates are taken from PAThs.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "1051", "origDate_notAfter": "1100", "origDate_notBefore": "1003", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "St. Mercurius Monastery", "pages_from": "60", "pages_to": "75", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": "50", "paths_manuscripts": "195", "paths_works": "155", "people": "David; Goliath; Jeremiah; Jesus; Jews; Joseph (Genesis); Mark the Evangelist; Moses; Peter I of Alexandria; Pope Demetrius I of Alexandria; Pope Julian of Alexandria", "placeName": "Edfu", "places": "Alexandria; Antioch; Ephesus; New Jerusalem", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "gold", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "gold", "title": "Encomium on Demetrius Archbishop of Alexandria part 1", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0"}, "psflavianus.encomium.02": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge 1914", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Mitchell Abrams, Amir Zeldes", "attributed_author": "Flavianus of Ephesus", "author": "unknown", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "pseudo.flavianus", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:psflavianus.encomium.budge:24-42", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 6783 ff. 38a-45b", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "Encomium on Demetrius Archbishop of Alexandria", "msName": "MERC.AT", "note": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications. The dates for the manuscript are taken from PAThs..", "objectType": "codex", "order": "02", "origDate": "1051", "origDate_notAfter": "1100", "origDate_notBefore": "1003", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "St. Mercurius Monastery", "pages_from": "75", "pages_to": "90", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "50", "paths_manuscripts": "195", "paths_works": "155", "people": "Adam; David; Devil; Diocletian; Jesus; Joseph (Genesis); Mary, mother of Jesus; Peter I of Alexandria; Pope Demetrius I of Alexandria", "placeName": "Edfu", "places": "Alexandria; Antioch; Duat; East; Egypt", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:psflavianus.encomium.budge:1-23", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Encomium on Demetrius Archbishop of Alexandria part 2", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2021-09-23", "version_n": "4.2.0"}, "shenoute.considering.BV283-284": {"Coptic_edition": "Am\u00e9lineau Oeuvres de Schenoudi 1:8-11", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Nina Speransky, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.considering", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.considering.amelineau:1-2", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB2 f. 23", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "9", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "I Have Been Considering", "msName": "MONB.BV", "note": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi. Transcription faithful to Am\u00e9lineau's edition, modifying text only to account for Am\u00e9lineau's own errata.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "between 901 and 1100 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "0901", "origDate_notBefore": "1100", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "283", "pages_to": "284", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "307", "paths_works": "851", "people": "Shenoute", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Stephen Emmel", "source_info": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi. Reproduced with permission from Emmel.", "tagging": "checked", "title": "I Have Been Considering BV 283-284", "version_date": "2023-09-01", "version_n": "4.5.0", "witness": "no known extant parallel witnesses"}, - "shenoute.crushed.FL105-106": {"Coptic_edition": "Am\u00e9lineau Oeuvres de Schenoudi 2:93-95", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Adeline Harrington, Lydia Bremer-McCollum, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.crushed", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.crushed.amelineau:25-26", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB 5 f. 75", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "8", "msContents_title_type": "canons", "msItem_title": "My Heart Is Crushed", "msName": "MONB.FL", "note": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi. Converted to unicode by Coptic Scriptorium. Chapter divisions follow the paragraph breaks of Anne Boud'hors edition of MONB.XO (Le canon 8 de Ch\u00e9nout\u00e9 vol. 2 pp. 394-95 [Cairo: IFAO 2013]). Verse divisions mostly follow Boud'hors sentence divisions.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "03", "origDate": "between 601 and 800 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "800", "origDate_notBefore": "601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "105", "pages_to": "106", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "385", "paths_works": "794", "people": "none", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "Hades; Sodom and Gomorrah", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.crushed.amelineau:18-20", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Stephen Emmel", "source_info": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Reproduced with permission from Emmel", "tagging": "checked", "title": "My Heart Is Crushed MONB.FL 105-106", "version_date": "2023-09-29", "version_n": "4.5.0", "witness": "Known extant witness in MONB.XO 89-91. Coptic Scriptorium has not published the parallel witness. It is in Boud'hors edition of MONB.XO in Le canon 8 de Ch\u00e9nout\u00e9 [Cairo: IFAO 2013]"}, - "shenoute.crushed.FL83-86": {"Coptic_edition": "Am\u00e9lineau Oeuvres de Schenoudi 2:89-92", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Adeline Harrington, Caroline T. Schroeder, Lydia Bremer-McCollum", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.crushed", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.crushed.amelineau:8-12", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB 5 ff. 72-73", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "8", "msContents_title_type": "canons", "msItem_title": "My Heart Is Crushed", "msName": "MONB.FL", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.crushed.amelineau:18-20", "note": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi. Converted to unicode by Coptic Scriptorium. Chapter divisions follow the paragraph breaks of Anne Boud'hors edition of MONB.XO (Le canon 8 de Ch\u00e9nout\u00e9 vol. 2 pp. 388-89 [Cairo: IFAO 2013]). Verse divisions mostly follow Boud'hors sentence divisions.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "between 601 and 800 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "800", "origDate_notBefore": "601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "83", "pages_to": "86", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "385", "paths_works": "794", "people": "Jesus", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Stephen Emmel", "source_info": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Reproduced with permission from Emmel", "tagging": "checked", "title": "My Heart Is Crushed MONB.FL 83-86", "version_date": "2023-09-01", "version_n": "4.5.0", "witness": "Known extant witness in MONB.XO 69-73. Coptic Scriptorium has not published the parallel witness. It is in Boud'hors edition of MONB.XO in Le canon 8 de Ch\u00e9nout\u00e9 [Cairo: IFAO 2013]"}, - "shenoute.crushed.FL95-96": {"Coptic_edition": "Am\u00e9lineau Oeuvres de Schenoudi 2:92-93", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Adeline Harrington, Caroline T. Schroeder, Lydia Bremer-McCollum", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.crushed", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.crushed.amelineau:18-20", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB 5 f. 74", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "8", "msContents_title_type": "canons", "msItem_title": "My Heart Is Crushed", "msName": "MONB.FL", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.crushed.amelineau:25-26", "note": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi. Converted to unicode by Coptic Scriptorium. Chapter divisions follow the paragraph breaks of Anne Boud'hors edition of MONB.XO (Le canon 8 de Ch\u00e9nout\u00e9 vol. 2 pp. 391-92 [Cairo: IFAO 2013]). Verse divisions mostly follow Boud'hors sentence divisions.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "02", "origDate": "between 601 and 800 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "800", "origDate_notBefore": "601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "95", "pages_to": "96", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "385", "paths_works": "794", "people": "Esau; Jesus", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.crushed.amelineau:8-12", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Stephen Emmel", "source_info": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Reproduced with permission from Emmel", "tagging": "checked", "title": "My Heart Is Crushed MONB.FL 95-96", "version_date": "2023-09-29", "version_n": "4.5.0", "witness": "A parallel witness to this fragment appears in MONB.XO 80-82. It has not been published in Coptic Scriptorium but is in Boud'hors edition of MONB.XO in Le canon 8 de Ch\u00e9nout\u00e9 [Cairo: IFAO 2013]"}, + "shenoute.crushed.FL105-106": {"Coptic_edition": "Am\u00e9lineau Oeuvres de Schenoudi 2:93-95", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Adeline Harrington, Lydia Bremer-McCollum, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.crushed", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.crushed.amelineau:25-26", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB 5 f. 75", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "8", "msContents_title_type": "canons", "msItem_title": "My Heart Is Crushed", "msName": "MONB.FL", "note": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi. Converted to unicode by Coptic Scriptorium. Chapter divisions follow the paragraph breaks of Anne Boud'hors edition of MONB.XO (Le canon 8 de Ch\u00e9nout\u00e9 vol. 2 pp. 394-95 [Cairo: IFAO 2013]). Verse divisions mostly follow Boud'hors sentence divisions.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "03", "origDate": "between 601 and 800 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "800", "origDate_notBefore": "601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "105", "pages_to": "106", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "385", "paths_works": "794", "people": "none", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "Hades; Sodom and Gomorrah", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.crushed.amelineau:18-20", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Stephen Emmel", "source_info": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Reproduced with permission from Emmel", "tagging": "checked", "title": "My Heart Is Crushed MONB.FL 105-106 (Am\u00e9lineau edition)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0", "witness": "Known extant witness in MONB.XO 89-91. Coptic Scriptorium has not published the parallel witness. It is in Boud'hors edition of MONB.XO in Le canon 8 de Ch\u00e9nout\u00e9 [Cairo: IFAO 2013]"}, + "shenoute.crushed.FL125-132": {"Coptic_edition": "Am\u00e9lineau Oeuvres de Schenoudi 2:95-100", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Adeline Harrington, Caroline T. Schroeder, Lydia Bremer-McCollum", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.crushed", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.crushed.amelineau:36-39", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB 5 ff. 76-79", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "8", "msContents_title_type": "canons", "msItem_title": "My Heart Is Crushed", "msName": "MONB.FL", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.crushed.amelineau:39-43", "note": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi. Converted to unicode by Coptic Scriptorium. Some manuscript information added by Schroeder in Naples 2024. Chapter divisions based on paragraph divisions in Anne Boud'hors French translation (IFAO 2013). Verse divisions mostly follow Boud'hors sentence divisions.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "04", "origDate": "between 601 and 800 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "800", "origDate_notBefore": "601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "125", "pages_to": "132", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "385", "paths_works": "794", "people": "none", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "Hades", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.crushed.amelineau:25-26", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "yes", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Stephen Emmel", "source_info": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Reproduced with permission from Emmel", "tagging": "checked", "title": "My Heart Is Crushed MONB.FL 125-132 (Am\u00e9lineau edition)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0", "witness": "This document has a parallel witness in MONB.XO 108-115 and also a partial parallel in MONB.YE 107-8. Coptic Scriptorium has not published either of those parallels. XO is in in Boud'hors edition of MONB.XO in Le canon 8 de Ch\u00e9nout\u00e9 [Cairo: IFAO 2013]. The Am\u00e9lineau edition follows MONB.FL as the primary witness."}, + "shenoute.crushed.FL133-140": {"Coptic_edition": "Am\u00e9lineau Oeuvres de Schenoudi 2:100-106", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Adeline Harrington, Lydia Bremer-McCollum, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.crushed", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.crushed.amelineau:39-43", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB 5 ff. 80-83", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "8", "msContents_title_type": "canons", "msItem_title": "My Heart Is Crushed", "msName": "MONB.FL", "note": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi. Converted to unicode by Coptic Scriptorium. Some manuscript information added by Schroeder in Naples 2024. Chapter divisions based on paragraph divisions in Anne Boud'hors French translation (IFAO 2013). Verse divisions mostly follow Boud'hors sentence divisions.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "05", "origDate": "between 601 and 800 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "800", "origDate_notBefore": "601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "133", "pages_to": "140", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "385", "paths_works": "794", "people": "none", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.crushed.amelineau:36-39", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "yes", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "automatic", "source": "Stephen Emmel", "source_info": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Reproduced with permission from Emmel", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "My Heart Is Crushed MONB.FL 133-140 (Am\u00e9lineau edition)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0", "witness": "This document has a parallel witness in MONB.XO 115-123 and also a partial parallel in MONB.YE 115-118. Coptic Scriptorium has not published either of those parallels. XO is in Boud'hors edition in Le canon 8 de Ch\u00e9nout\u00e9 [Cairo: IFAO 2013] The Am\u00e9lineau edition follows MONB.FL as the primary witness."}, + "shenoute.crushed.FL83-86": {"Coptic_edition": "Am\u00e9lineau Oeuvres de Schenoudi 2:89-92", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Adeline Harrington, Caroline T. Schroeder, Lydia Bremer-McCollum", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.crushed", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.crushed.amelineau:8-12", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB 5 ff. 72-73", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "8", "msContents_title_type": "canons", "msItem_title": "My Heart Is Crushed", "msName": "MONB.FL", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.crushed.amelineau:18-20", "note": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi. Converted to unicode by Coptic Scriptorium. Chapter divisions follow the paragraph breaks of Anne Boud'hors edition of MONB.XO (Le canon 8 de Ch\u00e9nout\u00e9 vol. 2 pp. 388-89 [Cairo: IFAO 2013]). Verse divisions mostly follow Boud'hors sentence divisions.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "between 601 and 800 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "800", "origDate_notBefore": "601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "83", "pages_to": "86", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "385", "paths_works": "794", "people": "Jesus", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Stephen Emmel", "source_info": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Reproduced with permission from Emmel", "tagging": "checked", "title": "My Heart Is Crushed MONB.FL 83-86 (Am\u00e9lineau edition)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0", "witness": "Known extant witness in MONB.XO 69-73. Coptic Scriptorium has not published the parallel witness. It is in Boud'hors edition of MONB.XO in Le canon 8 de Ch\u00e9nout\u00e9 [Cairo: IFAO 2013]"}, + "shenoute.crushed.FL95-96": {"Coptic_edition": "Am\u00e9lineau Oeuvres de Schenoudi 2:92-93", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Adeline Harrington, Caroline T. Schroeder, Lydia Bremer-McCollum", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.crushed", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.crushed.amelineau:18-20", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB 5 f. 74", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "8", "msContents_title_type": "canons", "msItem_title": "My Heart Is Crushed", "msName": "MONB.FL", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.crushed.amelineau:25-26", "note": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi. Converted to unicode by Coptic Scriptorium. Chapter divisions follow the paragraph breaks of Anne Boud'hors edition of MONB.XO (Le canon 8 de Ch\u00e9nout\u00e9 vol. 2 pp. 391-92 [Cairo: IFAO 2013]). Verse divisions mostly follow Boud'hors sentence divisions.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "02", "origDate": "between 601 and 800 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "800", "origDate_notBefore": "601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "95", "pages_to": "96", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "385", "paths_works": "794", "people": "Esau; Jesus", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.crushed.amelineau:8-12", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Stephen Emmel", "source_info": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Reproduced with permission from Emmel", "tagging": "checked", "title": "My Heart Is Crushed MONB.FL 95-96 (Am\u00e9lineau edition)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0", "witness": "A parallel witness to this fragment appears in MONB.XO 80-82. It has not been published in Coptic Scriptorium but is in Boud'hors edition of MONB.XO in Le canon 8 de Ch\u00e9nout\u00e9 [Cairo: IFAO 2013]"}, "shenoute.dirt.GF113-120": {"Coptic_edition": "none", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Christine Luckritz Marquis, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Manuscrits coptes", "corpus": "shenoute.dirt", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.dirt.monbgf:41-51", "endnote": "This fragment of the work Some Kind of People Sift Dirt appears after a lacunae of approximately 11 folios (22 pages).", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IT-NB IB3 ff. 56-63", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "5", "msContents_title_type": "Discourses", "msItem_title": "Some Kinds of People Sift Dirt", "msName": "MONB.GF", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.dirt.monbgf:51-58", "note": "Collated in Naples by David Brakke, March 2009; transcription does not record spaces and paleographic rendition of letters other than ekthetics. English translation published in David Brakke's and Andrew Crislip's Selected Discourses of Shenoute the Great (Cambridge University Press, 2015).", "objectType": "codex", "order": "03", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "low", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "113", "pages_to": "120", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Abihu; Cronus; Daniel (biblical figure); Esau; Jacob; Jesus; Nadab (son of Aaron); Rebecca; Saul", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.dirt.monbgl:5-7", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioth\u00e8que nationale de France", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "David Brakke", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Some Kinds of People Sift Dirt: GF 113-120", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2023-09-29", "version_n": "4.5.0", "witness": "no extant parallel witness"}, "shenoute.dirt.GF121-128": {"Coptic_edition": "none", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Christine Luckritz Marquis, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Manuscrits coptes", "corpus": "shenoute.dirt", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.dirt.monbgf:51-58", "endnote": "A long lacuna follows in this codex (MONB.GF). The text picks up in another manuscript witness, codex MONB.CZ, after a lacuna of about 11 pages (not yet published in Coptic Scriptorium). It is likely the next work in Discourses Volume 5 (Whoever Seeks God Will Find) begins in the lacuna following this fragment.", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IT-NB IB3 ff. 56-63", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "5", "msContents_title_type": "Discourses", "msItem_title": "Some Kinds of People Sift Dirt", "msName": "MONB.GF", "note": "Collated in Naples by David Brakke, March 2009; transcription does not record spaces and paleographic rendition of letters other than ekthetics. English translation published in David Brakke's and Andrew Crislip's Selected Discourses of Shenoute the Great (Cambridge University Press, 2015). It is likely the next work in Discourses Volume 5 (Whoever Seeks God Will Find) begins in the lacuna following this fragment.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "04", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "low", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "121", "pages_to": "128", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Cronus; Devil; Ezekiel; Jesus; Satan", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "Duat", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.dirt.monbgf:41-51", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioth\u00e8que nationale de France", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "David Brakke", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Some Kinds of People Sift Dirt: GF 121-128", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0", "witness": "no extant parallel witness"}, "shenoute.dirt.GL71-74": {"Coptic_edition": "Am\u00e9lineau 1907\u201314, 2:74-77", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Christine Luckritz Marquis, Amir Zeldes, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Manuscrits coptes", "corpus": "shenoute.dirt", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.dirt.monbgl:0-5", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "130(3) 81r-82v", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "5", "msContents_title_type": "Discourses", "msItem_title": "Some Kinds of People Sift Dirt", "msName": "MONB.GL", "note": "Transcribed in Paris by David Brakke, March 2010; transcription does not record spaces and paleographic rendition of letters other than ekthetics. English translation published in David Brakke's and Andrew Crislip's Selected Discourses of Shenoute the Great (Cambridge University Press, 2015).", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "71", "pages_to": "74", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Jacob; Jesus; Lot (biblical person); Moses", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioth\u00e8que Nationale de France", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "David Brakke", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Some Kinds of People Sift Dirt: GL71-74", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0", "witness": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.dirt.monbxj:3-5"}, "shenoute.dirt.GL75-76": {"Coptic_edition": "none", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Christine Luckritz Marquis, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Manuscrits coptes", "corpus": "shenoute.dirt", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.dirt.monbgl:5-7", "endnote": "A lacuna of approximately 50 manuscript folios (100 pages) in codex MONB.GL follows. The next fragment of the work Some Kind of People Sift Dirt appears after a lacunae of approximately 11 folios (22 pages) in codex MONB.GF and is published in Coptic Scriptorium urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.dirt.monbgf:41-51.", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "131(4) 111r-111v", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "5", "msContents_title_type": "Discourses", "msItem_title": "Some Kinds of People Sift Dirt", "msName": "MONB.GL", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.dirt.monbgf:41-51", "note": "MONB.GL 75 transcribed in Paris by David Brakke, March 2010; MONB.GL 76 transcribed from microfilm by Bentley Layton, Spring 2005, collated in Paris by David Brakke, March 2010; transcription does not record spaces and paleographic rendition of letters other than ekthetics. English translation published in David Brakke's and Andrew Crislip's Selected Discourses of Shenoute the Great (Cambridge University Press, 2015).", "objectType": "codex", "order": "02", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "75", "pages_to": "76", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Devil; Satan", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.dirt.monbgl:0-5", "project": "KELLIA, Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioth\u00e8que Nationale de France", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "David Brakke", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Some Kinds of People Sift Dirt: GL 75-76", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0", "witness": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.dirt.monbxj:5-7"}, "shenoute.dirt.XJ95-97_par_GL73-74": {"Coptic_edition": "Zoega 1810, 493 (lines 13b\u201314 = XJ 95:i.15b\u201322; (lines 15\u20133 = XJ 96:i.8\u2013ii.9); Ladeuze 1898, 367 (lines 25b\u201327a = XJ 95:i.15b\u201322; lines 27b\u201333 = XJ 96:i.8\u2013ii.9); Am\u00e9lineau 1907\u201314, 2:76\u201378", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Amir Zeldes, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.dirt", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.dirt.monbxj:3-5", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IT-NB IB5 ff. 63r-64r", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "5", "msContents_title_type": "Discourses", "msName": "MONB.XJ", "msitem_title": "Some Kinds of People Sift Dirt", "note": "Collated in Naples by David Brakke, March 2009; transcription does not record spaces and paleographic rendition of letters other than ekthetics. David Brakke and Andrew Crislip published a translation of Some Kinds of People Sift Dirt in their book Selected Discourses of Shenoute the Great (Cambridge University Press, 2015) pp. 106-114..", "objectType": "codex", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "95", "pages_to": "97", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Jacob; Lot (biblical person); Moses", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "yes", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "David Brakke", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Some Kinds of People Sift Dirt: XJ 95-97", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0", "witness": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.dirt.monbgl:0-5"}, "shenoute.dirt.XJ97-98_par_GL75-76": {"Coptic_edition": "Ladeuze 1898, 367; Am\u00e9lineau 1907\u201314, 2:77\u201379.", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.dirt", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.dirt.monbxj:5-7", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IT-NB IB5 f. 64", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "5", "msContents_title_type": "Discourses", "msName": "MONB.XJ", "msitem_title": "Some Kinds of People Sift Dirt", "note": "Collated in Naples by David Brakke, March 2009; transcription does not record spaces and paleographic rendition of letters other than ekthetics. David Brakke and Andrew Crislip published a translation of Some Kinds of People Sift Dirt in their book Selected Discourses of Shenoute the Great (Cambridge University Press, 2015) pp. 106-114..", "objectType": "codex", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "97", "pages_to": "98", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "none", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "yes", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "David Brakke", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Some Kinds of People Sift Dirt: XJ 97-98", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0", "witness": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.dirt.monbgl:5-7"}, + "shenoute.errs.XG336-343": {"Coptic_edition": "Am\u00e9lineau Oeuvres de Schenoudi 1:307-315", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Lydia Bremer-McCollum, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.errs", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.errs.amelineau:1-20", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB 4 ff. 3-6", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_type": "canons", "msName": "MONB.XG", "msitem_title": "If Everyone Errs", "note": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi. Converted into unicode characters by Coptic Scriptorium. Through XG 340 collated by Schroeder in Naples; the rest collated based on photographs taken by Schroeder in Naples. Corrections and annotations based on original manuscript have not yet been published", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "between 601 and 800 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "0800", "origDate_notBefore": "0601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "336", "pages_to": "343", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "608", "paths_works": "765", "people": "-", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "Kingdom of Israel (united monarchy)", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Stephen Emmel", "source_info": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi. Reproduced with permission from Emmel", "tagging": "checked", "title": "If Everyone Errs MONB.XG 336-343 (Am\u00e9lineau edition)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0", "witness": "The beginning of this document has a parallel in MONB.XL 281, MONB.DG 344. Pages 339-340 of this document have a parallel in MONB.XU 490-491. This entire document has a parallel in MONB.GN 396-403. Pages 340-343 of this document have a parallel in MONB.GO 378-382. Am\u00e9lineau's edition published here follows XG primarily; Coptic Scriptorium has not published any of the other witnesses."}, + "": {"Coptic_edition": "Am\u00e9lineau Oeuvres de Schenoudi 1:303-307", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Lydia Bremer-McCollum, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB 4 ff. 1-2", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_type": "canons", "msName": "MONB.XG", "msitem_title": "This Great House", "note": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi. Converted into unicode characters by Coptic Scriptorium.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "02", "origDate": "0601-0800", "origDate_notAfter": "0800", "origDate_notBefore": "0601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "frg1a-recto", "pages_to": "frg1b-verso", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "608", "paths_works": "663", "people": "none", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Stephen Emmel", "source_info": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi. Reproduced with permission from Emmel", "tagging": "checked", "title": "This Great House MONB.XG Fragment 1 (Am\u00e9lineau edition)", "version_date": "2024-05-07", "version_n": "5.0.1", "witness": "The recto side of fragment 1a and first column plus first few lines of column two of the verso side are parallel to XU 423 column 2 line 6 through the end of 425. Coptic Scriptorium has not published an edition of that section of XU; the Am\u00e9lineau edition published here uses XG frg 1 as the primary witness."}, + "": {"Coptic_edition": "Am\u00e9lineau Oeuvres de Schenoudi 1:299-303", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Lydia Bremer-McCollum, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "", "endnote": "Text continues immediately on in", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB 5 ff. 34-36", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_type": "canons", "msName": "MONB.XU", "msitem_title": "This Great House", "next": "", "note": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi. Text from Am\u00e9lineau's edition runs from the beginning of XU 418 through to the first few lines of column 2 of XU 423.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "601-800 CE", "origDate_notAfter": "800", "origDate_notBefore": "601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "418", "pages_to": "423", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "621", "paths_works": "663", "people": "Phinehas", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Stephen Emmel", "source_info": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi. Reproduced with permission from Emmel", "tagging": "checked", "title": "This Great House MONB.XU 418-423 (Am\u00e9lineau edition)", "version_date": "2024-05-07", "version_n": "5.0.1", "witness": "none"}, + "shenoute.listen.FL15-28": {"Coptic_edition": "Am\u00e9lineau Oeuvres de Schenoudi 2:80-89", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Lydia Bremer-McCollum, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.listen", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.listen.amelineau:5-10", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB 5 ff. 65-71", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "8", "msContents_title_type": "canons", "msItem_title": "So Listen", "msName": "MONB.FL", "note": "Krawiec added notes from viewing manuscript Naples 2024", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "between 600 and 800 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "0800", "origDate_notBefore": "0600", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "15", "pages_to": "28", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "385", "paths_works": "793", "people": "Canaanites; Jesus; Micah; Zechariah", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "Jerusalem; Judea", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Stephen Emmel, Am\u00e9lineau Oeuvres de Schenoudi 1907", "source_info": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi. Reproduced with permission from Emmel", "tagging": "checked", "title": "So Listen FL15-28", "version_date": "2024-05-07", "version_n": "5.0.1", "witness": "The beginning of this document has a paralle in MONB.XL. Pages 20-22 of MONB.FL in this document have a parallel witness in MONB.XO 17-18. Am\u00e9lineau's edition published here follows FL; Coptic Scriptorium has not published the XL or XO witnesses."}, "shenoute.night.BV278-282": {"Coptic_edition": "Amelineau, Vol. 1:3-8", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "attributed_author": "Shenoute", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.night", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.night.monbbv:1-7", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB 2 ff. 20-23", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0 -", "msContents_title_n": "09", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "In the Night", "msName": "MONB.BV", "note": "Dating based on colophons of other codices from the Monastery of Shenoute. Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi and may contain edits and corrections made by Stephen Emmel", "objectType": "codex", "order": "1", "origDate": "between 901 and 1050", "origDate_notAfter": "1050", "origDate_notBefore": "0901", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "278", "pages_to": "282", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "307", "paths_works": "850", "people": "Jesus; Satan; Shenoute", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Stephen Emmel", "source_info": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi and may contain edits and corrections made by Stephen Emmel. Reproduced with permission from Emmel", "tagging": "checked", "title": "In the Night: BV278-282", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0", "witness": "Parallel fragment in MONB.XL 394-397 not yet published by Coptic Scriptorium"}, "": {"Coptic_edition": "Am\u00e9lineau Oeuvres de Schenoudi 1:1-3", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB.02.20-23", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "9", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msItem_title": "So Concerning the Little Place", "msName": "MONB.BV", "note": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi. Transcription faithful to Am\u00e9lineau's edition, modifying text only to account for Am\u00e9lineau's own errata. Reproduced with permission from Emmel.", "objectType": "codex", "origDate": "between 901 and 1100 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "0901", "origDate_notBefore": "1100", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "277", "pages_to": "278", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "307", "paths_works": "802", "people": "none", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Stephen Emmel, Am\u00e9lineau Oeuvres de Schenoudi 1907", "source_info": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi. Transcription faithful to Am\u00e9lineau's edition, modifying text only to account for Am\u00e9lineau's own errata. Reproduced with permission from Emmel", "tagging": "checked", "title": "So Concerning the Little Place BV 277-278", "translation": "Amir Zeldes", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0", "witness": "no known extant parallel witnesses"}, "shenoute.prince.XH185-194": {"Coptic_edition": "Chassinat (1911) pp. 19-28", "Trismegistos": "108162", "annotation": "Tamara Siuda, Caroline T. Schroeder, Philippe Zaher", "attributed_author": "Shenoute", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Copte", "corpus": "shenoute.prince", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.prince.chassinat_ed:1-28", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "1 ff. 6-10", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "4", "msContents_title_type": "Discourses", "msItem_title": "Because of You Too O Prince of Evil", "msName": "MONB.XH", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.prince.chassinat_ed:28-55", "note": "David Brakke and Andrew Crislip published a translation of Because of You Too O Prince of Evil in their book Selected Discourses of Shenoute the Great (Cambridge University Press, 2015).", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "low", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "185", "pages_to": "194", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "609", "paths_works": "354", "people": "Jesus", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "Duat", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Institut fran\u00e7ais d'arch\u00e9ologie orientale Cairo", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Chassinat edition, OCR via So Miyagawa", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "Because of You Too O Prince of Evil XH 185-194", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0"}, @@ -1317,8 +1371,9 @@ "shenoute.uncertain.XR461-476": {"Coptic_edition": "Am\u00e9lineau Oeuvres de Schenoudi 1:285-298", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Adeline Harrington, Caroline T. Schroeder, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.uncertain.xr", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.uncertain_xr.amelineau:1401-1410", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB3 ff. 105-112", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_type": "Canons", "msName": "MONB.XR", "msitem_title": "Uncertain Canons in MONB.XR", "note": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi. The only edits are from Am\u00e9lineau's own errata. Chapter and versification based on content not manuscript ekthesis since manuscript not consulted. Since MONB.XR has not been identified as a particular volume of Shenoute's Canons for monks, chapter numbers are estimated, beginning with 1 on page 1 of the codex.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "1", "origDate": "between 601 and 800 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "0800", "origDate_notBefore": "0601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "461", "pages_to": "476", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "619", "paths_works": null, "people": "Aaron; Abel; Abraham; Cain; Devil; Enoch (ancestor of Noah); Isaac; Jacob; Jesus; Lot (biblical person); Mary, mother of Jesus; Moses; Noah; Satan", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "Sodom and Gomorrah", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Stephen Emmel", "source_info": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi. Reproduced with permission from Emmel", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Uncertain Canons XR 461-476", "version_date": "2023-09-01", "version_n": "4.5.0", "witness": "none"}, "shenoute.unknown5_1.GF359-360": {"Coptic_edition": "none", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Caroline T. Schroeder, Christine Luckritz Marquis, Amir Zeldes", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Manuscrits coptes", "corpus": "shenoute.unknown5_1", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.unknown5_1.monbgf:101-102", "endnote": "A lacuna of 20 pages (10 folios) follows. The next known, extant manuscript fragment is urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.unknown5_1.monbgf:131-139.", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "131(2) f. 137", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "5", "msContents_title_type": "Discourses", "msItem_title": "Unknown Work 5.1", "msName": "MONB.GF", "next": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.unknown5_1.monbgf:131-139", "note": "Transcribed from microfilm by Paul Dilley, Spring 2005; collated in Paris by David Brakke, March 2010. This text either belongs to the end of God Says through those who are His or it belongs to a separate, unknown work. Because of uncertainty, chapter numbering begins at 101. Chapter divisions follow David Brakke's.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "low", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "359", "pages_to": "360", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "403", "paths_works": null, "people": "none", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioth\u00e8que nationale de France", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "David Brakke, Paul Dilley", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Unknown Work 5-1: GF 359-60", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2020-08-31", "version_n": "4.0.0", "witness": "none"}, "shenoute.unknown5_1.GF381-388": {"Coptic_edition": "Am\u00e9lineau (1907\u201314) 1:276\u2013277", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Rebecca Krawiec, Caroline T. Schroeder, Christine Luckritz Marquis", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.unknown5_1", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.unknown5_1.monbgf:131-139", "endnote": "A lacuna of 20 pages (10 folios) precedes this document.", "idno": "IB3 f. 89", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "5", "msContents_title_type": "Discourses", "msItem_title": "Unknown Work 5.1", "msName": "MONB.GF", "note": "Collated in Naples by Stephen Emmel, March 2005. This text either belongs to the end of God Says through those who are His or it belongs to a separate, unknown work. Chapter divisions based on David Brakke's. Chapter numbering begins at 131 to account for lacuna.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "02", "origDate": "between 900 and 1200 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "1200", "origDate_notBefore": "0900", "origDate_precision": "low", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "381", "pages_to": "388", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "403", "paths_works": null, "people": "none", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.unknown5_1.monbgf:101-102", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "David Brakke, Stephen Emmel", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Unknown Work 5-1: GF 381-88", "translation": "none", "version_date": "2020-03-13", "version_n": "3.1.0", "witness": "none"}, - "soul_body": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1910", "Trismegistos": "107789", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes", "attributed_author": "Athanasius", "author": "Melito", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "pseudo.athanasius.discourses", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:psathanasius.soul_body.budge:1-91", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 5001 ff. 142b-162a", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "On the Soul and the Body.", "msName": "CMCL.AW", "note": "The page numbers in the manuscript contain errors, skipping pages 32 and 34. Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., numbers mistranslated.) Chapter divisions are based on ekthesis in Budge. The pb xml ids correspond to numbered pages in the ms as provided by Budge; if Budge\u2019s edition omits the number we have extrapolated based on the provided page number; Budge notes on p XV of his edition that the pagination in this codex is sometimes irregular. Budge's title is, &quot;The Discourse which the holy Patriarch, Apa Athanasius, Archbishop of Rakote, pronounced concerning the Soul and the Body.&quot;", "objectType": "codex", "origDate": "Between 601 and 700 CE", "origDate_notAfter": "0700", "origDate_notBefore": "0601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "Upper Egypt", "pages_from": "142b", "pages_to": "162a", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "72", "paths_manuscripts": "22", "paths_works": "223", "people": "Adam; Athanasius of Alexandria; Devil; Jesus; Jews; Ramesses II", "places": "Alexandria; Duat; Jerusalem; Jordan River; New Jerusalem", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "On the Soul and Body", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2022-09-26", "version_n": "4.4.0"}, + "shenoute.witness.FL185-186": {"Coptic_edition": "Am\u00e9lineau Oeuvres de Schenoudi 2:106-108", "Trismegistos": "none", "annotation": "Adeline Harrington, Lydia Bremer-McCollum, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Shenoute", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "shenoute.witness", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:shenoute.witness.amelineau:44-47", "entities": "checked", "identities": "checked", "idno": "IB 5 f. 84", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msContents_title_n": "8", "msContents_title_type": "canons", "msItem_title": "Who But God Is the Witness", "msName": "MONB.FL", "note": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Typed transcription of Am\u00e9lineau's Oeuvres de Schenoudi. Converted to unicode by Coptic Scriptorium. Collated in Naples by Schroeder in 2024; full information from collation not yet published.", "objectType": "codex", "order": "01", "origDate": "601-800 CE", "origDate_notAfter": "800", "origDate_notBefore": "601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "185", "pages_to": "186", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "95", "paths_manuscripts": "385", "paths_works": "795", "people": "none", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Stephen Emmel", "source_info": "Digital text provided by Stephen Emmel. Reproduced with permission from Emmel", "tagging": "checked", "title": "Who but God is the Witness MONB.FL 185-186 (Am\u00e9lineau edition)", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0", "witness": "MONB.XO 160-62 is parallel to this document; it has not been published by Coptic Scriptorium. Am\u00e9lineau's edition published here follows FL as the primary witness."}, + "soul_body": {"Coptic_edition": "Budge, 1910", "Trismegistos": "107789", "annotation": "Lance Martin, Amir Zeldes", "attributed_author": "Athanasius", "author": "Melito", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "pseudo.athanasius.discourses", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:psathanasius.soul_body.budge:1-91", "entities": "automatic", "identities": "checked", "idno": "Or. 5001 ff. 142b-162a", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "On the Soul and the Body.", "msName": "CMCL.AW", "note": "The page numbers in the manuscript contain errors, skipping pages 32 and 34. Coptic SCRIPTORIUM's edition includes only Budge's transcription of the manuscript. It is not a diplomatic transcription based on reading and collation of the original manuscript. The translation is Budge's with very slight modifications (e.g., numbers mistranslated.) Chapter divisions are based on ekthesis in Budge. The pb xml ids correspond to numbered pages in the ms as provided by Budge; if Budge\u2019s edition omits the number we have extrapolated based on the provided page number; Budge notes on p XV of his edition that the pagination in this codex is sometimes irregular. Budge's title is, &quot;The Discourse which the holy Patriarch, Apa Athanasius, Archbishop of Rakote, pronounced concerning the Soul and the Body.&quot;", "objectType": "codex", "origDate": "Between 601 and 700 CE", "origDate_notAfter": "0700", "origDate_notBefore": "0601", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "Upper Egypt", "pages_from": "142b", "pages_to": "162a", "parsing": "automatic", "paths_authors": "72", "paths_manuscripts": "22", "paths_works": "223", "people": "Adam; Athanasius of Alexandria; Devil; Jesus; Jews; Ramesses II", "places": "Alexandria; Duat; Jerusalem; Jordan River; New Jerusalem", "project": "Coptic SCRIPTORIUM, Marcion", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "checked", "source": "Marcion project,", "tagging": "automatic", "title": "On the Soul and Body", "translation": "E. A. Wallis Budge", "version_date": "2021-08-31", "version_n": "4.2.0"}, "to_aphthonia": {"Coptic_edition": "Kuhn (1956), [Fragment 13] (To Aphthonia), pp. 37-39", "Trismegistos": "108394", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes, David Sriboonreuang, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Besa", "collection": "Borgia Collection", "corpus": "besa.letters", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:besa.aphthonia.monbba", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "idno": "IB 6 ff. 28v.-31r", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "To Aphthonia", "msName": "MONB.BA", "next": "", "objectType": "codex", "order": "13", "origDate": "between 500 and 799 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "0799", "origDate_notBefore": "0500", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "244", "pages_to": "249", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Devil; Eve; Satan", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "none", "previous": "urn:cts:copticLit:besa.exhortations.monbba", "project": "KOMeT, SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "Biblioteca Nazionale di Napoli", "segmentation": "gold", "tagging": "gold", "title": "To Aphthonia", "translation": "Amir Zeldes", "version_date": "2023-09-29", "version_n": "4.5.0"}, - "to_thieving_nuns": {"Coptic_edition": "Kuhn (1956), [Fragment 25] (To Thieving Nuns), pp. 72-73", "Trismegistos": "108394", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes, David Sriboonreuang, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Besa", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "besa.letters", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:besa.thieving.monbba", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "idno": "Or. 8810 ff. 37- 39r", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "To Thieving Nuns", "msName": "MONB.BA", "objectType": "codex", "order": "25", "origDate": "between 500 and 799 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "0799", "origDate_notBefore": "0500", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "309", "pages_to": "313", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Jesus; Satan", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "Jerusalem; Kingdom of Israel (united monarchy)", "previous": "", "project": "KOMeT, Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "gold", "tagging": "gold", "title": "To Thieving Nuns", "translation": "Amir Zeldes", "version_date": "2023-09-29", "version_n": "4.5.0" + "to_thieving_nuns": {"Coptic_edition": "Kuhn (1956), [Fragment 25] (To Thieving Nuns), pp. 72-73", "Trismegistos": "108394", "annotation": "Amir Zeldes, David Sriboonreuang, Caroline T. Schroeder", "author": "Besa", "collection": "Oriental Manuscripts", "corpus": "besa.letters", "country": "Egypt", "document_cts_urn": "urn:cts:copticLit:besa.thieving.monbba", "entities": "gold", "identities": "gold", "idno": "Or. 8810 ff. 37- 39r", "language": "Sahidic Coptic", "license": "CC-BY 4.0", "msItem_title": "To Thieving Nuns", "msName": "MONB.BA", "objectType": "codex", "order": "25", "origDate": "between 500 and 799 C.E.", "origDate_notAfter": "0799", "origDate_notBefore": "0500", "origDate_precision": "medium", "origPlace": "White Monastery", "pages_from": "309", "pages_to": "313", "parsing": "gold", "paths_authors": null, "paths_manuscripts": null, "paths_works": null, "people": "Jesus; Satan", "placeName": "Atripe", "places": "Jerusalem; Kingdom of Israel (united monarchy)", "previous": "", "project": "KOMeT, Coptic SCRIPTORIUM", "redundant": "no", "repository": "British Library", "segmentation": "gold", "tagging": "gold", "title": "To Thieving Nuns", "translation": "Amir Zeldes", "version_date": "2024-05-06", "version_n": "5.0.0" } } \ No newline at end of file