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AzureDevops: azuredevops_branch_policy_min_reviewers
Manages a minimum reviewer branch policy within Azure DevOps project.


Branch policy for reviewers on pull requests. Includes the minimum number of reviewers and other conditions.

Example Usage

resource "azuredevops_project" "p" {
  name = "Sample Project"

resource "azuredevops_git_repository" "r" {
  project_id =
  name       = "Sample Repo"
  initialization {
    init_type = "Clean"

resource "azuredevops_branch_policy_min_reviewers" "p" {
  project_id =

  enabled  = true
  blocking = true

  settings {
    reviewer_count     = 7
    submitter_can_vote = false
    last_pusher_cannot_approve = true
    allow_completion_with_rejects_or_waits = false
    on_push_reset_approved_votes = true # OR on_push_reset_all_votes = true
    on_last_iteration_require_vote = false

    scope {
      repository_id  =
      repository_ref = azuredevops_git_repository.r.default_branch
      match_type     = "Exact"

    scope {
      repository_id  = null               # All repositories in the project
      repository_ref = "refs/heads/releases"
      match_type     = "Prefix"

Argument Reference

The following arguments are supported:

  • project_id - (Required) The ID of the project in which the policy will be created.
  • enabled - (Optional) A flag indicating if the policy should be enabled. Defaults to true.
  • blocking - (Optional) A flag indicating if the policy should be blocking. Defaults to true.
  • settings - (Required) Configuration for the policy. This block must be defined exactly once.

A settings block supports the following:

  • reviewer_count - (Required) The number of reviewrs needed to approve.
  • submitter_can_vote - (Optional) Allow requestors to approve their own changes. Defaults to false.
  • last_pusher_cannot_approve(Optional) Prohibit the most recent pusher from approving their own changes. Defaults to false.
  • allow_completion_with_rejects_or_waits (Optional) Allow completion even if some reviewers vote to wait or reject. Defaults to false.
  • on_push_reset_approved_votes (Optional) When new changes are pushed reset all approval votes (does not reset votes to reject or wait). Defaults to false.
  • on_push_reset_all_votes (Optional) When new changes are pushed reset all code reviewer votes. Defaults to false.
  • on_last_iteration_require_vote (Optional) On last iteration require vote. Defaults to false.

Only one of on_push_reset_all_votes or on_push_reset_approved_votes may be specified.

  • scope (Required) Controls which repositories and branches the policy will be enabled for. This block must be defined at least once.

A settings scope block supports the following:

  • repository_id - (Optional) The repository ID. Needed only if the scope of the policy will be limited to a single repository.
  • repository_ref - (Optional) The ref pattern to use for the match. If match_type is Exact, this should be a qualified ref such as refs/heads/master. If match_type is Prefix, this should be a ref path such as refs/heads/releases.
  • match_type (Optional) The match type to use when applying the policy. Supported values are Exact (default) or Prefix.

Attributes Reference

In addition to all arguments above, the following attributes are exported:

  • id - The ID of branch policy configuration.

Relevant Links


Azure DevOps Branch Policies can be imported using the project ID and policy configuration ID:

$ terraform import azuredevops_branch_policy_min_reviewers.p 00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000/0