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Oops, All Arrows Mod

CoolModder edited this page Dec 30, 2023 · 19 revisions

Oops All Arrows Mod Content

Custom Arrow Types

List of custom arrow types and their functions from Oops, All Arrows Mod.

Name Image Description Tower
Ice Arrow IceArrow Creates slippery ice on surfaces. Destroyed by contact with fire. Darkfang
Slime Arrow SlimeArrow Covers surfaces in slime that reduces movement. Explodes on contact with fire. Thornwood
Bait Arrow BaitArrow Summons monsters! Be careful! Moonstone
Prism Trap Arrow PrismTrapArrow Creates a trap that traps unfortunate archers who touch it in a prism. Ascension
Land Mine Arrow LandMineArrow Touch the land mines it creates to explode! Very dangerous in the dark. TowerForge
Rocket Arrow RocketArrow Homes in on a target and explodes! King's Court
Freaky Arrow FreakyArrow Upon being caught, swaps the place of the player who caught it with the owner. Cataclysm
Tornado Arrow TornadoArrow Summons Tornados on impact that target the nearest player. Flight
Mech Arrow MechArrow Splits into three mini arrows mid flight. Mini arrows can not be used, but can still be caught. Can be manually exploded. Backfire
Boomerang Arrows BoomerangArrow How can they even shoot this with bows? Dreadwood


Name Image Description
Infinite Warping Freaky Arrows are not destroyed on catch.
Double Spread Mech Arrows split into six instead of three.
Chaotic Baits Bait arrows summon stronger enemies.
Sonic Boom Boomerangs EXPLODE!!!!
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