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DSB Maintenance Iteration 3 Review of changes Agenda & Meeting Notes (4th June 2020)

CDR API Stream edited this page Jun 4, 2020 · 2 revisions

DSB Maintenance Iteration 3 - Review of changes and status update - Agenda & Meeting Notes (2020-06-04)

Date and time: 04/06/2020, 2pm - 3pm AEST Location: WebEx

Chair: Mark Verstege, DSB
Maintenance overview: Further information
Maintenance project board: See here


Please note this meeting provides an update on the work done for Maintenance Iteration 3 represented by Decision Proposal 3.

Meeting notes


  • Allow time for participants to join
  • Housekeeping
  • Overview, purpose and intended outcomes of the meeting


  • None

Release 1.3.1

Release 1.3.1 was published 25th May 2020.

Decision Proposals

The list of decision proposals created in iteration 3:

DP # Issue
#119 Decision Proposal 119 - Enhanced Error Handling Payload Conventions
#120 Decision Proposal 120 - CDR Error Codes for Enhanced Error Handling
#121 Decision Proposal 121 - Application of existing HTTP Error Response Codes to Enhanced Error Handling
#122 Decision Proposal 122 - Extension of Supported HTTP Response Codes for Enhanced Error Handling
#127 Decision Proposal 127 - Consumer Experience for Enhanced Error Handling

Change Requests

Proposed recommendations

The list of change requests considered in iteration 3:

Issue # Issue Proposed decision
Align how audience is set for 'Data Recipients calling Data Holders’



The URL of the end point being invoked.


The Token Endpoint URL.
#168 New Product Fee Type - CALCULATED (to address issue #161) Introduction of a ProductFee.feeType = 'VARIABLE' with the amount, balanceRate, transactionRate and accruedRate properties becoming optional. The additionalInfo and additionalInfoUri should be used to describe the at-cost fee
Urgent documentation change required: content of ID Token What claims are required for the Authorisation endpoint vs Token endpoint
Alignment with OIDC on auth_time Should auth_time be required in ID Token and UserInfo
Service field in the Get Transaction Details API Incorporating NPP schema updates X2P1.01 -> X2P1.02 & X2P1.03

Carried over to next iteration

Issue # Issue Proposed decision
#10 Tiered fees in Product Reference data Pending agreement on outcome for #168


  • TBA

Other business TBA

Next Steps


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