The purpose of this guide is to show how to configure the production domain in Vercel and the Cloudflare Turnstile service.
Go to the domain management panel, where you or your team has the domain registered, and then DNS Settings. And add a new CNAME record. Fill up with the values from the previous step. Name -> Host and Value -> Value .
Go back to the project in Settings/Vercel Domains and wait for it to look like this.
In your Cloudflare dashboard. Go to Turnstile and fill it in as follows.
Go to the project on Vercel, then Settings / Environment variables and update the variable NEXT_PUBLIC_CLOUDFLARE_TURNSTILE_SITE_KEY
Go to Deployments and click on the three points of the last deployment and then click on redeploy.
That's it, the produccion domain and the Cloudfare Human Verification is ready now. 🎉