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# ESP32 低功耗方案概述
-* 使用 ESP32 的 deep sleep 功能, RTC资源和ULP协处理器可以实现各种应用场合的低功耗需求. 当 ESP32 进入 deep sleep 模式时, 所有由 APB_CLK 驱动的外设, CPUs 和 RAM 将掉电. Deep sleep 模式中, RTC_CLK 仍然工作, RTC controller, RTC 外设, ULP 协处理器, RTC fast memory 和R TC slow memory 可以不掉电, 取决于 app 中所设置的唤醒源. 以上提到的资源具体如下:
- * RTC 外设: 包括片上温度传感器, ADC, RTC GPIO 和 touch pad
- * ULP 协处理器: 可用于 deep sleep 时的简单数据采集和 deep sleep唤醒, 只能访问 RTC slow memory和RTC寄存器
- * RTC fast memory: deep sleep 唤醒后不会马上执行 bootloader, 而是先执行 deep sleep wake stubs 对应的函数 esp_wake_deep_sleep, 此函数存放在 RTC Fast memory中
- * RTC slow memory: 存放供 ULP 协处理器和 deep sleep wake stubs 访问的数据
-* Deep sleep 唤醒源:
- * Timer
- * Touchpad
- * Ext(0): RTC IO 中的指定的某个 gpio 满足指定电平
- * Ext(1): RTC IO 中的某些 gpios 同时满足指定电平
+* ESP32 在内置 Deep-sleep 低功耗模式、RTC 外设和 ULP 协处理器的支持下,可以满足多种应用场景下的低功耗需求。当 ESP32 进入 Deep-sleep 模式时,所有由 APB_CLK 驱动的外设、CPU 和 RAM 将掉电;RTC_CLK 继续工作;RTC 控制器、RTC 外设、ULP 协处理器、RTC 快速内存和 RTC 慢速内存可以不掉电,具体取决于 App 中的唤醒源设置。
+* 资源包括:
+ * RTC 外设 – 包括片上温度传感器、ADC、RTC GPIO 和 touchpad;
+ * ULP 协处理器 – 可在 Deep-sleep 模式下,进行简单的数据采集或作为一种唤醒源。协处理器可以访问 RTC 慢速内存和 RTC 寄存器;
+ * RTC 快速内存 – 芯片从 Deep-sleep 模式下唤醒后不会马上执行 bootloader,而是会先执行存放在 RTC 快速内存中的 esp_wake_deep_sleep() 函数;
+ * RTC 慢速内存 – 存放 ULP 协处理器和 wake stub 代码访问的数据。
+* Deep-sleep 模式下支持的唤醒源包括:
+ * 定时器
+ * touchpad
+ * Ext(0):RTC IO 中某个指定 GPIO 满足指定电平即唤醒
+ * Ext(1):RTC IO 中某些指定 GPIO 同时满足指定电平即唤醒
* ULP 协处理器
# 低功耗场景
## 定时数据采集与上报(例如器械状态监控器)
-* 此场景使用 ESP32 定时地采集传感器的数据并上传数据, 此时可使用 deep sleep 的 timer 唤醒源. ESP32 采集数据上传后进入 deep sleep, 设置 timer 唤醒, 唤醒后再采集数据上传, 如此循环. 此场景 ESP32 需要周期性的唤醒, 不能充分利用 ESP32 的低功耗, 但是优势在于此场景可以进行复杂传感器数据采集.
-* 逻辑流程图:
+* 此场景使用 ESP32 定时采集传感器的数据并上传数据,可使用 Deep-sleep 定时器作为唤醒源。ESP32 采集数据并上传后,设置唤醒源为定时器并进入 Deep-sleep 模式,而后唤醒后再采集数据并上传,如此循环。
+* 逻辑流程图:
-* 程序流程:
- * 芯片 boot 后读取传感器数据, 将数据上传
- * 调用 esp_deep_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(sleep_time_us) 设置 deep sleep 时间
- * 调用 esp_deep_sleep_start() 进入 deep sleep 模式
-## 支持gpio触发的异常数据采集(例如烟雾报警器)
-* 此场景中不需要周期性的采集传感器数据, 当传感器采集到异常数据时会主动向 ESP32 输出 gpio 触发电平. 此时, ESP32 可以进入支持 RTC IO 唤醒的 deep sleep 模式, 如果传感器没有采集到异常数据, ESP32 将持续睡眠, 只有在传感器采集到异常数据并将提示 GPIO 置为指定电平时 ESP32 才会从 deep sleep 唤醒, 然后发出警报或者上传数据. 此场景充分利用了ESP32 的低功耗, 但是对传感器要求较高, 需要具有 gpio 触发功能.
-* 逻辑流程图:
+* 程序流程:
+ 1. 芯片 boot 后读取传感器数据,并将数据上传;
+ 2. 调用 esp_deep_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(sleep_time_us) 函数,设置 Deep-sleep 时间;
+ 3. 调用 esp_deep_sleep_start() 函数,进入 Deep-sleep 模式。
+* 此场景需要周期性唤醒 ESP32,不能充分利用 ESP32 的低功耗性能,但优势在于可以进行复杂的传感器数据采集。
+## 支持 GPIO 触发的异常数据采集(例如烟雾报警器)
+* 此场景无需周期性采集传感器数据。当传感器采集到异常数据时,会主动向 ESP32 输出 GPIO 触发电平。此场景支持使用 RTC IO 为 ESP32 的 Deep-sleep 模式唤醒源:
+ * 当传感器没有采集到异常数据,ESP32 将持续睡眠;
+ * 当且仅当传感器采集到异常数据,并将指定 GPIO 置为指定电平时,ESP32 才会从 Deep-sleep 模式中唤醒,然后发出警报或者上传数据。
+* 逻辑流程图:
-* 程序流程:
- * 首先确定 deep_sleep 唤醒方式. 根据唤醒方案, 配置 RTC IO 上下拉模式(如果是电平唤醒, 需要上拉, 如果是高电平唤醒, 需要下拉. 可以通过程序配置或外接上下拉电阻. 建采用外部上下拉, 功耗会更低.)
- * 芯片 boot 后读取传感器数据, 发出警报或者上报异常
- * 调用 `esp_deep_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup(MY_RTC_WAKEUP_IO, WAKEUP_IO_LEVEL)` 或者 `esp_deep_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup(WAKEUP_PIN_MASK, WAKEUP_TYPE)` 设置芯片唤醒电压条件. *注: 由于 esp_deep_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup() 在 deep sleep 时需要打开 RTC 外设, 相对 EXT1 唤醒方式来说, 电流会稍微偏高. 而 esp_deep_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup() 不需要打开 RTC 外设*
- * 调用 esp_deep_sleep_start() 进入 deep sleep 模式
+* 程序流程:
+ 1. 芯片 boot 后读取传感器数据,发出警报或者上传数据;
+ 2. 调用 rtc_gpio_pulldown_en(MY_RTC_WAKEUP_IO) 函数或 rtc_gpio_pullup_en(MY_RTC_WAKEUP_IO) 函数,设置内部下拉或上拉类型;
+ 3. 调用 esp_deep_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup(MY_RTC_WAKEUP_IO, WAKEUP_IO_LEVEL) 函数或 esp_deep_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup(WAKEUP_PIN_MASK, WAKEUP_TYPE) 函数,设置从 Deep-sleep 模式下唤醒的 RTC GPIO 电压条件;[^1]
+ 4. 调用 esp_deep_sleep_start() 函数进入 Deep-sleep 模式。
+* 此场景充分利用了 ESP32 的低功耗,但是对传感器要求较高,需要具有 GPIO 触发功能。
-## 数据采集或异常检测(不支持 gpio 触发, 不需要频繁上传数据)
-* 此场景中传感器不具有 gpio 触发功能, 需要 cpu 和片上外设进行轮询式数据采集或者异常检测, ESP32 的 ULP 协处理器可以进行简单的数据采集, 并在指定条件下唤醒 ESP32 进行进一步的处理, 此过程中采集的数据可存放在 RTC slow memory 中, 供 ESP32 唤醒时读取, 目前 ULP 协处理只支持片上温度传感器和 ADC 数据的采. 此场景的优势在于可以在低功耗情况下频繁地采集数据, 降低了对传感器的要求.
-* 逻辑流程图:
+## 数据采集或异常检测(不支持 GPIO 触发、不需要频繁上传数据)
+* 此场景下的传感器不具有 GPIO 触发功能,需要 CPU 和片上外设进行轮询式数据采集或者异常检测。在此场景下,ESP32 的 ULP 协处理器可以进行简单的数据采集,并在指定条件下唤醒 ESP32 进行进一步的处理。此过程中采集的数据可存放在 RTC 慢速内存中,供 ESP32 唤醒时读取。
+* 逻辑流程图:
-* 用户可以自己根据 ULP 指令集写汇编程序用于 deep sleep 时, ULP 协处理器执行, 流程如下:
- * 芯片 boot 后从 RTC_SLOW_MEMORY 读取 deep sleep 时 ULP 协处理采集的数据, 上传数据
- * 调用 ulp_process_macros_and_load() 将汇编代码拷贝到 RTC_SLOW_MEMORY
- * 调用 ulp_run(ADDRESS) 启动协处理器, 执行 RTC_SLOW_MEMORY 中的代码
- * 调用 esp_deep_sleep_start() 开始 deep sleep
-* 为了使用户更方便地使用协处理器进行数据采集与存储, 我们在 Iot Solution 中增加了 ulp_monitor 模块, 用户可直接调用 c 函数运行协处理器. ulp_monitor 模块使用按如下流程(具体可查看 ulp_monitor 模块的 readme.md 和 ulp_monitor_test.c 文件):
- * 芯片 boot 后从 RTC_SLOW_MEMORY 读取 deep sleep 时 ULP 协处理采集的数据, 上传数据
- * 调用 iot_ulp_monitor_init(ULP_PROGRAM_ADDR, ULP_DATA_ADDR) 设置协处理器程序运行地址与数据保存地址
- * 调用 iot_ulp_add_adc_monitor 或 iot_ulp_add_temprature_monitor 添加协处理器采集的数据类型和唤醒条件(可同时添加)
- * 调用 iot_ulp_monitor_start 设置测量频率并启动协处理器
- * 调用 esp_deep_sleep_start() 开始 deep sleep
-## 用户交互场景, 使用 touchpad 触摸(gpio 按键)唤醒(例如控制面板)
-* 此场景一般用于一些用户交互设备如控制面板等. 当用户长时间没有操作面板(例如触摸 touchpad, 按 gpio 按键)时, 可使 ESP32 进入 deep sleep 模式, 并设置 touchpad(gpio)唤醒. 支持 touchpad 唤醒的 deep sleep 模式下, 芯片的电流大约为 30uA .
-* 逻辑流程图:
+* 用户可根据 ULP 指令集,自行编写需要 ULP 协处理器在 Deep-sleep 模式下执行的汇编代码,完整流程如下:
+ 1. 芯片 boot 后,从 RTC_SLOW_MEMORY 读取芯片在 Deep-sleep 模式期间,ULP 协处理器采集的数据,并上传数据;
+ 2. 调用 ulp_process_macros_and_load() 函数,将汇编程序代码拷贝至 RTC_SLOW_MEMORY;
+ 3. 调用 ulp_run(ADDRESS) 函数启动 ULP 协处理器,执行 RTC_SLOW_MEMORY 中的代码;
+ 4. 调用 esp_deep_sleep_start() 函数,进入 Deep-sleep 模式。
+* 为了使用户更方便地使用 ULP 协处理器进行数据采集与存储,我们专门在 IoT Solution 中增加了 ulp_monitor 模块,用户可直接调用 C 函数运行协处理器。ulp_monitor 模块的使用流程如下:[^2]
+ 1. 芯片 boot 后,从 RTC_SLOW_MEMORY 读取 ULP 协处理器在芯片 Deep-sleep 模式期间采集的数据,并上传数据;
+ 2. 调用 ulp_monitor_init(ULP_PROGRAM_ADDR, ULP_DATA_ADDR) 函数,设置 ULP 协处理器的程序运行地址与数据保存地址;
+ 3. 调用 ulp_add_adc_monitor 函数或 ulp_add_temprature_monitor 函数,添加 ULP 协处理器采集的数据类型和唤醒条件(可同时添加);
+ 4. 调用 ulp_monitor_start 函数设置测量频率,并启动 ULP 协处理器;
+ 5. 调用 esp_deep_sleep_start() 函数,进入 Deep-sleep 模式。目前,ULP 协处理只支持片上温度传感器和 ADC 数据的采集。
+* 此场景的优势在于可以在低功耗情况下频繁地采集数据,从而降低对传感器的要求。
+## 使用 Touchpad 触摸/GPIO 按键唤醒的用户交互场景(如控制面板)
+* 此场景多用于一些用户交互设备,如控制面板等。当用户长时间没有操作面板(例如 Touchpad 触摸/GPIO 按键)时,ESP32 将进入 Deep-sleep 模式,并设置为 Touchpad 触摸/GPIO 按键唤醒。在 Deep-sleep 模式下,当设置唤醒源为 touchpad 唤醒时,芯片的平均电流大约为 30 uA。
+* 逻辑流程图:
-* 程序流程:
- * 芯片 boot 后运行用户交互与控制程序
- * 配置需要用于唤醒的 touchpad (包括初始化与设置阈值, 可查看 iot-solution 中的 touchpad 方案)
- * 调用 esp_deep_sleep_enable_touchpad_wakeup() 使能 touchpad 唤醒 , 然后调用 esp_deep_sleep_start() 开始 deep sleep
+* 程序流程:
+ 1. 芯片 boot 后运行用户交互与控制程序;
+ 2. 设置作为唤醒源的 touchpad;[^3]
+ 3. 调用 esp_deep_sleep_enable_touchpad_wakeup() 函数使能 touchpad 唤醒 ,然后调用 esp_deep_sleep_start() 函数进入 Deep-sleep 模式。
-# deep sleep支持不同唤醒源时电流情况
-* 正常工作, ESP32 作为 station 时, 平均电流约为 115mA
+# Deep-sleep 支持不同唤醒源时的功耗情况
+* 正常工作下,ESP32 作为 Station 时,平均电流约为 115 mA:
-* 支持定时唤醒时, deep sleep 期间的平均电流约为 6uA:
+* 支持定时器唤醒时,Deep-sleep 模式下的平均电流约为 6 uA:
-* 支持 rtc io 唤醒时, deep sleep 期间的平均电流约为 6uA
+* 支持 RTC IO 唤醒时,Deep-sleep 模式下的平均电流约为 6 uA;[^4]
-* deep sleep 期间, 协处理器周期性运行数据采集程序(每秒采集 10 次, 所以图中的尖峰是协处理器工作时的电流)
+* Deep-sleep 期间,协处理器周期性运行数据采集程序(本例中的采集频率为每秒 10 次,所以图中的尖峰是协处理器工作时的瞬时电流):
-* 支持 touchpad 唤醒时, deep sleep 期间的平均电流约为 13uA 左右
+* 支持 touchpad 唤醒时,Deep-sleep 期间的平均电流约为 13 uA 左右:
关于 deep_sleep 唤醒方式的配置, 可以参考 IOT-Solution 中 Test Case 或 [电流测试板使用简介](./esp32_ulp_eb.md)
关于 deep_sleep 电流测试可以参考 RTC IO 和 TouchPad 覆盖[测试结果](./coverage_test.md)
+[^1]: 由于在 Deep-sleep 模式下调用 esp_deep_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup() 函数需要打开 RTC 外设,这会额外产生 100 mA 左右的电流消耗,而调用 esp_deep_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup() 函数则不需要打开 RTC 外设,所以建议全部使用 esp_deep_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup()。
+[^2]: 具体可查看 ulp_monitor 模块的 readme.md 和 ulp_monitor_test.c 文件。
+[^3]: 包括初始化与设置阈值,具体可查看 IoT Solution 中的 Touchpad 方案。
+[^4]: 这里采用了 esp_deep_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup() 函数。
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* Resource involved:
* RTC peripherals – include on-chip temperature sensors, ADCs, RTC GPIOs and touchpads;
* ULP co-processor – can be used for simple data acquisition in Deep-sleep mode, or as a wake-up source to wake up the chip from Deep-sleep mode. ULP co-processor can access the RTC slow memory and the RTC registers;
- * RTC fast memory – ESP32, coming out of deep sleep, runs immediately the wake stubs code for ESP-IDF, which is the esp_wake_deep_sleep() function stored in RTC fast memory, before bootloader;
+ * RTC fast memory – ESP32, coming out of deep sleep, runs immediately the wake stubs code for ESP-IDF, which is the esp_wake_deep_sleep() function stored in RTC fast memory, before bootloader;
* RTC slow memory – stores data for the ULP co-processor and wake stubs code (i.e. esp_wake_deep_sleep()).
* ESP32 supported wake-up sources in Deep-sleep mode include:
* timers
* touchpads
* Ext(0): wakes up the chip when a specified GPIO pad meets certain requirement regarding electrical level
- * Ext(1): wakes up the chip when a set of specified GPIO pads all meet certain requirements regarding electrical level
+ * Ext(1): wakes up the chip when a set of specified GPIO pads all meet certain requirements regarding electrical level
* ULP co-processor
# Low-Power Application Scenarios
@@ -23,11 +23,11 @@
* Logical flow:
1. ESP32 collects and uploads sensor data after booting;
- 2. Call function esp_deep_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(sleep_time_us) to set the sleep time in Deep-sleep mode;
- 3. Call function esp_deep_sleep_start() to enter Deep-sleep mode.
-* Due to the periodical wakeups, ESP32 can not achieve minimal power consumption in this scenario, but can still be used to collect and upload sensor data in some complex situations.
-## GPIO triggered exception collection (e.g., smoke alarms)
-* In this scenario, ESP32 will not collect and upload sensor data periodically. Instead, the sensor will automatically trigger specific GPIO(s), when detecting any abnormal data, to report exceptions. In this scenario, the RTC IO can be enabled as the wake-up source for ESP32:
+ 2. Call function esp_deep_sleep_enable_timer_wakeup(sleep_time_us) to set the sleep time in Deep-sleep mode;
+ 3. Call function esp_deep_sleep_start() to enter Deep-sleep mode.
+* Due to the periodical wakeups, ESP32 can not achieve minimal power consumption in this scenario, but can still be used to collect and upload sensor data in some complex situations.
+## GPIO triggered exception collection (e.g., smoke alarms)
+* In this scenario, ESP32 will not collect and upload sensor data periodically. Instead, the sensor will automatically trigger specific GPIO(s), when detecting any abnormal data, to report exceptions. In this scenario, the RTC IO can be enabled as the wake-up source for ESP32:
* when no exception is reported, ESP32 will stay in Deep-sleep mode;
* only when the sensor collects abnormal data and the specified GPIO(s) is set to the specified electrical level(s), ESP32 will wake up from the Deep-sleep mode, and trigger an alarm or upload data.
* Logical flow chart:
@@ -35,42 +35,42 @@
* Logical flow:
- 1. ESP32 will read the abnormal data collected by the sensors, and trigger an alarm or upload data accordingly;
- 2. Call function rtc_gpio_pulldown_en(MY_RTC_WAKEUP_IO) or rtc_gpio_pullup_en(MY_RTC_WAKEUP_IO) and complete the pull-up or pull-down settings for the RTC GPIO;
- 3. Call function esp_deep_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup(MY_RTC_WAKEUP_IO, WAKEUP_IO_LEVEL) or esp_deep_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup(WAKEUP_PIN_MASK, WAKEUP_TYPE) and set the specific RTC GPIO, which functions as the wake-up source of ESP32 during deep sleep, to be high-level triggered or low-level triggered;[^1]
- 4. Call function esp_deep_sleep_start() to enter Deep-sleep mode.
+ 1. ESP32 will read the abnormal data collected by the sensors, and trigger an alarm or upload data accordingly;
+ 2. Call function rtc_gpio_pulldown_en(MY_RTC_WAKEUP_IO) or rtc_gpio_pullup_en(MY_RTC_WAKEUP_IO) and complete the pull-up or pull-down settings for the RTC GPIO;
+ 3. Call function esp_deep_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup(MY_RTC_WAKEUP_IO, WAKEUP_IO_LEVEL) or esp_deep_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup(WAKEUP_PIN_MASK, WAKEUP_TYPE) and set the specific RTC GPIO, which functions as the wake-up source of ESP32 during deep sleep, to be high-level triggered or low-level triggered;[^1]
+ 4. Call function esp_deep_sleep_start() to enter Deep-sleep mode.
-* In this scenario, ESP32 can achieve minimal power consumption, but will impose a higher requirement on sensors, i.e., the sensors must support GPIO trigger function.
+* In this scenario, ESP32 can achieve minimal power consumption, but will impose a higher requirement on sensors, i.e., the sensors must support GPIO trigger function.
## Data acquisition or abnormal detection (GPIO trigger is not supported and frequent data uploading is not needed)
-* In this scenario, the data acquisition or anomaly detection will be initiated by the CPU or the on-chip peripherals, instead of the sensor, because GPIO trigger is not supported by the sensor in this case. The ULP co-processor, integrated in ESP32, can perform some simple data acquisition, and wake ESP32 up for further processing if specific conditions are met. The data collected during this process can be stored in the RTC slow memory for future reading when ESP32 is awake.
+* In this scenario, the data acquisition or anomaly detection will be initiated by the CPU or the on-chip peripherals, instead of the sensor, because GPIO trigger is not supported by the sensor in this case. The ULP co-processor, integrated in ESP32, can perform some simple data acquisition, and wake ESP32 up for further processing if specific conditions are met. The data collected during this process can be stored in the RTC slow memory for future reading when ESP32 is awake.
* Logical flow diagram:
-* Users can write tailored assembly codes that will be executed by the ULP co-processor during ESP32's deep sleep, according to the instruction set for ULP co-processor. The process is as follows:
- 1. ESP32 will read the data collected by the ULP co-processor during deep sleep from the RTC slow memory after booting, and upload these data;
+* Users can write tailored assembly codes that will be executed by the ULP co-processor during ESP32's deep sleep, according to the instruction set for ULP co-processor. The process is as follows:
+ 1. ESP32 will read the data collected by the ULP co-processor during deep sleep from the RTC slow memory after booting, and upload these data;
2. Call function ulp_process_macros_and_load() to copy the assembly codes into the RTC slow memory;
3. Call function ulp_run(ADDRESS) to start the ULP co-processor and execute the assembly codes stored in the RTC slow memory;
- 4. Call function esp_deep_sleep_start() to enter Deep-sleep mode.
-* ULP co-processor enables more convenient data acquisition and data storage. In this IoT Solution, we have specifically added a ulp_monitor module, with which the user can easily start the ULP co-processor by directly calling a .c function:[^2]
- 1. ESP32 will read the data collected by the ULP co-processor during deep sleep from the RTC slow memory after booting, and upload them;
+ 4. Call function esp_deep_sleep_start() to enter Deep-sleep mode.
+* ULP co-processor enables more convenient data acquisition and data storage. In this IoT Solution, we have specifically added a ulp_monitor module, with which the user can easily start the ULP co-processor by directly calling a .c function: [^2]
+ 1. ESP32 will read the data collected by the ULP co-processor during deep sleep from the RTC slow memory after booting, and upload them;
2. Call function iot_ulp_monitor_init(ULP_PROGRAM_ADDR, ULP_DATA_ADDR) to set the addresses for ULP co-processor's program execution and data storage;
3. Call function iot_ulp_add_adc_monitor or iot_ulp_add_temprature_monitor to set the type of the data collected by the ULP co-processor and the wake-up conditions (these settings can be added at the same time);
4. Call function iot_ulp_monitor_start() to set the sampling frequency and start the ULP co-processor;
- 5. Call function esp_deep_sleep_start() to enter Deep-sleep mode. Currently, the ULP co-processor can only support data acquisition enabled by on-chip temperature sensor and ADC.
+ 5. Call function esp_deep_sleep_start() to enter Deep-sleep mode. Currently, the ULP co-processor can only support data acquisition enabled by on-chip temperature sensor and ADC.
* In this scenario, ESP32 can collect data frequently with limited power consumption, thus reducing the requirement on sensors.
## User interaction scenario supported by touchpad trigger and GPIO trigger (e.g., control panels)
-* In this scenario, ESP32 is mostly used for some user interaction devices, such as control panels. When there is no user operations (such as Touchpad trigger/ GPIO trigger) for a long time, ESP32 will enter Deep-sleep mode and enable the touchpad/GPIO as the wake-up source. In Deep-sleep mode, the average current consumption of the chip is about 30 uA, with the touchpad enabled as the wake-up source.
+* In this scenario, ESP32 is mostly used for some user interaction devices, such as control panels. When there is no user operations (such as Touchpad trigger/ GPIO trigger) for a long time, ESP32 will enter Deep-sleep mode and enable the touchpad/GPIO as the wake-up source. In Deep-sleep mode, the average current consumption of the chip is about 30 uA, with the touchpad enabled as the wake-up source.
* Logical flow diagram:
* Logical flow:
1. ESP32 executes the user interaction and control programs after booting;
- 2. Configure the specified touchpad enabled as the wake-up source;[^3]
- 3. Call function esp_deep_sleep_enable_touchpad_wakeup() to enable the touchpad as the wake-up source, and then call function esp_deep_sleep_start() to enter Deep-sleep mode.
+ 2. Configure the specified touchpad enabled as the wake-up source;[^3]
+ 3. Call function esp_deep_sleep_enable_touchpad_wakeup() to enable the touchpad as the wake-up source, and then call function esp_deep_sleep_start() to enter Deep-sleep mode.
# Power consumption of ESP32 in Deep-sleep mode with different wake-up sources enabled
* In Active mode, the average current of ESP32, working as a Station, is about 115 mA:
@@ -85,15 +85,15 @@
-* In Deep-sleep mode, the ULP co-processor will perform data acquisition periodically (the sampling frequency is 10 times per second in this example and the spikes in the chart below reflect the instantaneous current when the ULP co-processor is working):
+* In Deep-sleep mode, the ULP co-processor will perform data acquisition periodically (the sampling frequency is 10 times per minute in this example and the spikes in the chart below reflect the instantaneous current when the ULP co-processor is working):
-* In Deep-sleep mode, the average current of ESP32, with the touchpad enabled as the wake-up source, is about 30 uA:
+* In Deep-sleep mode, the average current of ESP32, with the touchpad enabled as the wake-up source, is about 13 uA:
-[^1]: During deep sleep, the use of esp_deep_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup() requires the support of RTC peripherals, which consumes additional 100 mA, while esp_deep_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup() needs no RTC peripherals. In this case, esp_deep_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup() is recommended at all times.
+[^1]: During deep sleep, the use of esp_deep_sleep_enable_ext0_wakeup() requires the support of RTC peripherals, which consumes additional 100 mA, while esp_deep_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup() needs no RTC peripherals. In this case, esp_deep_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup() is recommended at all times.
[^2]: For details on how to use the ulp_monitor module, please see the related readme.md and ulp_monitor_test.c files.
[^3]: Such as the initialization and threshold settings. For details, please see the Touchpad chapter in this IoT Solution.
[^4]: Function esp_deep_sleep_enable_ext1_wakeup() is used in the test.