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Coding guidelines

Colin Duquesnoy edited this page Jan 26, 2015 · 12 revisions

Our coding guidelines are a mix between the Qt coding conventions and the python PEP8 guidlines.

Basically we follow the Qt naming convention (camelCase) but follow the PEP8 guidelines for white-spaces and indentation. For example there should not be any white-spaces arround the parenthesis of an if statement, the continuation indent is the same as the regular indent, we use an underscore to denote private variables (not required if the private variable name does not clash with a public method),...

The following rules must be respected when submitting a pull request:

  • NO TABS, use 4 spaces per indentation.
  • Documentation should be written in the headers, not in the source files!
  • There should never be more than one blank line between any line!
  • Text cannot exceed column 79.
  • There should be a separation mark between method implementations (in the source files): //---------------------------------------------------------