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CoinBene-Contract-WebSocket API



WebSocket protocol is a new HTML5 protocol, which provides full-duplex communication between web browsers and web servers. Connection can be established after one handshake. Web server can then push business logic data to web browsers.Advantages:

Request header is small in size (around 2 bytes) during communication Since there is no need to create and delete TCP connection repeatedly, it saves resources .

We strongly recommend developers to use Websocket API to access market related information and trading depth.

The connection will break automatically when a network problem occurs

url: wss://

Command Format

Send format:

{"op":"<value>","args": ["<value1>","<value2>"]}

The op support the following values

  • subscribe
  • unsubscribe
  • login

The args array,.

Successful response format:

{"event": "<value>","topic":"<value>"}

In the orderBook topic, the return formats for distinguishing between the first full amount and the subsequent incremental are:


Failure response format:



Users may subscribe to one or more topics

The format:

{"op":"subscribe", "args":["<topic>"]}

the value of op is subscribe

args the array content is topic names


// send

// response


Users can cancel one or more topics

The format:

{"op":"unsubscribe","args": ["<topic>"]}


// send

// response


When subscribe private topic, users need to log in first.

The format:

Parameters Description Generating rules
apiKey API key Obtained from the system
expires The login expiration time expires after the set time expires. Please ensure that the effective time is greater than five minutes ISO8601 ISO8601 time format。 Ex: 2019-06-18T01:51:51Z
signature Signature signature = hex(HMAC_SHA256(apiSecret, expires + method + requestPath)) method="GET" requestPath="/login"
  • apiKey applies in API management of CoinBene system
  • apiSecret will be generated when applying for apiKey, please keep it in a safe place
  • After the login authorization expires, the server will automatically cancel the private Topic subscribed by the client. The client should pay attention to re-login to extend the license period.
  • When login please set method="GET" requestPath="/login"

Signature demo code

/*              demo(Java):              */

// source:2019-07-04T02:19:08ZGET/login
// secret:9daf13ebd76c4f358fc885ca6ede5e27
// signature:3ded9d0113133c9f06cfa50ce99618e6d983a534f5a2219ebbe3ffb02b6fbe16

   public static void main(String[] args) {
        String secret = "9daf13ebd76c4f358fc885ca6ede5e27";
        String method = "GET"; // <1>
        String requestPath = "/login"; // <2>
        final DateTimeFormatter utcFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX");
        String timestamp = utcFormatter.format(;
        String signStr = signForWebSocketApi(timestamp, method, requestPath, secret);

     * generate signature
     * @param method      
     * @param requestPath requestPath
     * @param secret     
    private static String signForWebSocketApi(String timestamp, String method, String requestPath, String secret) {
        String shaResource = timestamp + method + requestPath;
        String signStr = sha256_HMAC(shaResource, secret);
        return signStr;
   * sha256_HMAC
   * @param resource
   * @param secret   
   * @return signature
  private static String sha256_HMAC(String resource, String secret) {
    String hash = "";
    try {
      Mac sha256_HMAC = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
      SecretKeySpec secret_key = new SecretKeySpec(secret.getBytes("UTF-8"), "HmacSHA256");
      byte[] bytes = sha256_HMAC.doFinal(resource.getBytes("UTF-8"));
      hash = byteArrayToHexString(bytes);
    } catch (Exception e) {
      System.out.println("Error HmacSHA256 ===========" + e.getMessage());
    return hash;

   * byte array to hex string
   * @param bytes 
   * @return hex string
  private static String byteArrayToHexString(byte[] bytes) {
    StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
    String stmp;
    for (int index = 0; bytes != null && index < bytes.length; index++) {
      stmp = Integer.toHexString(bytes[index] & 0XFF);
      if (stmp.length() == 1) {
    return buffer.toString().toLowerCase();


// send

// response

Connect limit


After connected to CoinBene's Websocket server, the server will send heartbeat periodically (currently at 5s interval) , The literal string 'ping'. When client receives this heartbeat message, it should response with a literal string 'pong'.

After the server sent two consecutive heartbeat messages without receiving at least one "pong" response from a client, then right before server sends the next "ping" heartbeat, the server will disconnect this client

The limits

Connection limit:1 times/s

Subscription limit:240 times/hour


Public topic list (don't require login)

Description Format Example
depth information btc/orderBook.{symbol}.{depth} btc/orderBook.BTCUSDT.10
trade information btc/tradeList.{symbol} btc/tradeList.BTCUSDT
ticker information btc/ticker.{symbol} btc/ticker.BTCUSDT
1mins kline information btc/kline.{symbol} btc/kline.BTCUSDT

Prive topic list (require login)

Description Name
user's account information btc/user.account
user's position information btc/user.position
user's order information btc/user.order

Public Topics


Format: btc/orderBook.{symbol}.{depth}

symbol: contract name depth : support 5、10、50、100


// send 
{"op": "subscribe", "args": ["btc/orderBook.BTCUSDT.10"]}

// full data
    "topic": "btc/orderBook.BTCUSDT", 
    "action": "insert",
    "data": [{
        "asks": [
            ["5621.7", "58"], 
            ["5621.8", "125"],
            ["5621.9", "100"],
            ["5622", "84"],
            ["5623.5", "90"],
            ["5624.2", "1540"],
            ["5625.1", "300"],
            ["5625.9", "350"],
            ["5629.3", "200"],
            ["5650", "1000"]
        "bids": [
            ["5621.3", "287"],
            ["5621.2", "41"],
            ["5621.1", "2"],
            ["5621", "26"],
            ["5620.8", "194"],
            ["5620", "2"],
            ["5618.8", "204"],
            ["5618.4", "30"],
            ["5617.2", "2"],
            ["5609.9", "100"]
        "timestamp": 1584412740809
 // incremental data
    "topic": "btc/orderBook.BTCUSDT", 
    "action": "update", 
    "data": [{
        "asks": [
            ["5621.7", "50"],
            ["5621.8", "0"],
            ["5621.9", "30"]
        "bids": [
            ["5621.3", "10"],
            ["5621.2", "20"],
            ["5621.1", "80"],
            ["5621", "0"],
            ["5620.8", "10"]
        "timestamp": 1584412740809

Full data action = insert incremental data action = update ["5621.3", "10"] [String,String] 5621.3 is the price, 10 is the quantity of the price. version The data version is strictly incremented. The client can judge whether the data is continuous according to the version.

Parameter Parameter Type Description
symbol string Contract name
asks string Selling side
bids string Buying side
version number Data version
timestamp string System time stamp
  • manage a local order book correctly

    1. subscribe orderBook.{symbol}.{depth} get full data first.
    2. receive incremental data resolve as following rule.
      • If price level not exists insert into order book
      • If price level exists and new quantity not equals 0, replace old.
      • If the quantity is 0, remove the price level

Trade List

topic format: btc/tradeList.{symbol}


// send
{"op": "subscribe", "args": ["btc/tradeList.BTCUSDT"]}

// response
    "topic": "btc/tradeList.BTCUSDT",
    "data": [  
// array [price,side,quantity,timestamp]


Parameter Parameter Type Description
price string Filled price
quantity string Filled quantity
side string Filled side (b/s) s: taker sell base
timestamp number Filled time


To capture the latest traded price, best-bid price, best-ask price, and 24-hour trading volume of contracts on the platform.

topic format: btc/ticker.{symbol}


// send
{"op": "subscribe", "args": ["btc/ticker.BTCUSDT","btc/ticker.ETHUSDT"]}

// response
    "topic": "btc/ticker.BTCUSDT",
    "data": [
          "symbol": "BTCUSDT",
          "lastPrice": "8548.0", 
          "markPrice": "8548.0", 
          "bestAskPrice": "8601.0", 
          "bestBidPrice": "8600.0",
          "bestAskVolume": "1222", 
          "bestBidVolume": "56505",
          "high24h": "8600.0000", 
          "low24h": "242.4500", 
          "volume24h": "4994", 
          "timestamp": 1584412736365
Parameter Parameter Type Description
symbol string Contract name
bestAskPrice string Best ask price
bestAskSize string Best ask quantity
bestBidPrice string Best bid price
bestBidSize string Best bid quantity
lastPrice string Last traded price
markPrice string Mark price
high24h string 24h最高价
low24h string 24 hour low price
volume24h string 24 hour trading volume


1mins kline information

topic format: btc/kline.{symbol}


// send
{"op": "subscribe", "args": ["btc/kline.BTCUSDT","btc/kline.ETHUSDT"]}

// response
    "topic": "btc/kline.BTCUSDT",
    "data": [
          "c": 7513.01,
          "h": 7513.37,
          "l": 7510.02,
          "o": 7510.24,
          "m": 7512.03,
          "v": 60.5929,
          "t": 1578278880
Parameter Parameter Type Description
c number Close price
h number Highest price
l number Lowest price
o number Open price
v number Trading quantity
t number Create time

Private Topics

When subscribe following topics, users need to log in first.

User Account

Get the user's account information , require login.

topic name: btc/user.account


// send
{"op": "subscribe", "args": ["btc/user.account"]}

// response
    "topic": "btc/user.account",
    "data": [{
        "asset": "BTC",
        "availableBalance": "20.3859", 
        "frozenBalance": "0.7413",
        "balance": "21.1272", 
        "timestamp": "2019-05-22T03:11:22.0Z"
Parameter Parameter Type Description
asset string Asset name
availableBalance string Avaliable balance
frozenBalance string Frozen balance
balance string Total balance

User Position

Get the information of holding positions of a contract. require login topic name: btc/user.position


// send
{"op": "subscribe", "args": ["btc/user.position"]}

// response
    "topic": "btc/user.position",
    "data": [{
      "availableQuantity": "100", 
      "avgPrice": "7778.1", 
      "leverage": "20", 
      "liquidationPrice": "5441.0", 
      "markPrice": "8086.5", 
      "positionMargin": "0.0285",  
      "quantity": "507", 
      "realisedPnl": "0.0069", 
      "side": "long", 
      "symbol": "BTCUSDT",
      "marginMode": "1",
      "createTime": "2019-05-22T03:11:22.0Z"
Parameter Parameter Type Description
availableQuantity string Avaliable close quantity
avgPrice string Average open price
leverage string Leverage
liquidationPrice string Liquidation price
markPrice string Mark price
postionMargin string Margin
quantity string Total quantity
realisedPnl string Realized PnL
side string Side long or short
symbol string Contract name
marginMode string Margin mode 1:crossed 0:fixed
createTime string Create time

User Order

Get user's order information , require login Name: btc/user.order


// send
{"op": "subscribe", "args": ["btc/user.order"]}

// response
    "topic": "btc/user.order",
    "data": [{
      "orderId": "580721369818955776", 
      "direction": "openLong", 
      "leverage": "20", 
      "symbol": "ETHUSDT", 
      "orderType": "limit", 
      "quantity": "7", 
      "orderPrice": "146.30", 
      "orderValue": "0.0010", 
      "fee": "0.0000", 
      "filledQuantity": "0", 
      "averagePrice": "0.00", 
      "orderTime": "2019-05-22T03:39:24.0Z", 
      "status": "new",
      "lastFillQuantity": "0",
      "lastFillPrice": "0",
      "lastFillTime": ""
Parameter Parameter Type Description
orderId string order id
direction string Direction
leverage string Leverage
orderType string order type limit or market
quantity string Quantity
orderPrice string order price
orderValue string Order value
fee string Fees
filledQuantity string Filled quantity
averagePrice string Average price
orderTime string order Time
lastFillPrice string Last transaction price (if none, push 0))
lastFillQuantity string Last transaction amount (if none, push 0)
lastFillTime string Last transaction time (if none, push "")
status string order status new,filled,canceled,partiallyFilled

Error Codes

Code Description
429 API rate limit exceeded
10501 ping check timeout
10502 unrecognized request
10503 unsupported topic
10504 user not logged in
10505 invalid signature
10506 invalid args
10507 invalid expires
10508 Invalid apiKey
10509 unsupported depth
10500 Internal system error