WebSocket protocol is a new HTML5 protocol, which provides full-duplex communication between web browsers and web servers. Connection can be established after one handshake. Web server can then push business logic data to web browsers.Advantages:
Request header is small in size (around 2 bytes) during communication Since there is no need to create and delete TCP connection repeatedly, it saves resources .
We strongly recommend developers to use Websocket API to access market related information and trading depth.
The connection will break automatically when a network problem occurs
url: wss://ws.coinbene.vip/stream/ws
Send format:
{"op":"<value>","args": ["<value1>","<value2>"]}
The op
support the following values
The args
Successful response format:
{"event": "<value>","topic":"<value>"}
In the orderBook topic, the return formats for distinguishing between the first full amount and the subsequent incremental are:
Failure response format:
Users may subscribe to one or more topics
The format:
{"op":"subscribe", "args":["<topic>"]}
the value of op
is subscribe
the array content is topic names
// send
// response
Users can cancel one or more topics
The format:
{"op":"unsubscribe","args": ["<topic>"]}
// send
// response
When subscribe private topic, users need to log in first.
The format:
Parameters | Description | Generating rules |
apiKey | API key | Obtained from the system |
expires | The login expiration time expires after the set time expires. Please ensure that the effective time is greater than five minutes | ISO8601 ISO8601 time format。 Ex: 2019-06-18T01:51:51Z |
signature | Signature | signature = hex(HMAC_SHA256(apiSecret, expires + method + requestPath)) method="GET" requestPath="/login" |
- apiKey applies in API management of CoinBene system
- apiSecret will be generated when applying for apiKey, please keep it in a safe place
- After the login authorization expires, the server will automatically cancel the private Topic subscribed by the client. The client should pay attention to re-login to extend the license period.
- When login please set method="GET" requestPath="/login"
Signature demo code
/* demo(Java): */
// source:2019-07-04T02:19:08ZGET/login
// secret:9daf13ebd76c4f358fc885ca6ede5e27
// signature:3ded9d0113133c9f06cfa50ce99618e6d983a534f5a2219ebbe3ffb02b6fbe16
public static void main(String[] args) {
String secret = "9daf13ebd76c4f358fc885ca6ede5e27";
String method = "GET"; // <1>
String requestPath = "/login"; // <2>
final DateTimeFormatter utcFormatter = DateTimeFormatter.ofPattern("yyyy-MM-dd'T'HH:mm:ssXXX");
String timestamp = utcFormatter.format(ZonedDateTime.now(ZoneOffset.UTC).plusMinutes(10));
String signStr = signForWebSocketApi(timestamp, method, requestPath, secret);
* generate signature
* @param method
* @param requestPath requestPath
* @param secret
private static String signForWebSocketApi(String timestamp, String method, String requestPath, String secret) {
String shaResource = timestamp + method + requestPath;
String signStr = sha256_HMAC(shaResource, secret);
return signStr;
* sha256_HMAC
* @param resource
* @param secret
* @return signature
private static String sha256_HMAC(String resource, String secret) {
String hash = "";
try {
Mac sha256_HMAC = Mac.getInstance("HmacSHA256");
SecretKeySpec secret_key = new SecretKeySpec(secret.getBytes("UTF-8"), "HmacSHA256");
byte[] bytes = sha256_HMAC.doFinal(resource.getBytes("UTF-8"));
hash = byteArrayToHexString(bytes);
} catch (Exception e) {
System.out.println("Error HmacSHA256 ===========" + e.getMessage());
return hash;
* byte array to hex string
* @param bytes
* @return hex string
private static String byteArrayToHexString(byte[] bytes) {
StringBuffer buffer = new StringBuffer();
String stmp;
for (int index = 0; bytes != null && index < bytes.length; index++) {
stmp = Integer.toHexString(bytes[index] & 0XFF);
if (stmp.length() == 1) {
return buffer.toString().toLowerCase();
// send
// response
After connected to CoinBene's Websocket server, the server will send heartbeat periodically (currently at 5s interval) , The literal string 'ping'
. When client receives this heartbeat message, it should response with a literal string 'pong'
After the server sent two consecutive heartbeat messages without receiving at least one "pong" response from a client, then right before server sends the next "ping" heartbeat, the server will disconnect this client
Connection limit:1 times/s
Subscription limit:240 times/hour
Public topic list (don't require login)
Description | Format | Example |
depth information | btc/orderBook.{symbol}.{depth} | btc/orderBook.BTCUSDT.10 |
trade information | btc/tradeList.{symbol} | btc/tradeList.BTCUSDT |
ticker information | btc/ticker.{symbol} | btc/ticker.BTCUSDT |
1mins kline information | btc/kline.{symbol} | btc/kline.BTCUSDT |
Prive topic list (require login)
Description | Name |
user's account information | btc/user.account |
user's position information | btc/user.position |
user's order information | btc/user.order |
Format: btc/orderBook.{symbol}.{depth}
: contract name
: support 5、10、50、100
// send
{"op": "subscribe", "args": ["btc/orderBook.BTCUSDT.10"]}
// full data
"topic": "btc/orderBook.BTCUSDT",
"action": "insert",
"data": [{
"asks": [
["5621.7", "58"],
["5621.8", "125"],
["5621.9", "100"],
["5622", "84"],
["5623.5", "90"],
["5624.2", "1540"],
["5625.1", "300"],
["5625.9", "350"],
["5629.3", "200"],
["5650", "1000"]
"bids": [
["5621.3", "287"],
["5621.2", "41"],
["5621.1", "2"],
["5621", "26"],
["5620.8", "194"],
["5620", "2"],
["5618.8", "204"],
["5618.4", "30"],
["5617.2", "2"],
["5609.9", "100"]
"timestamp": 1584412740809
// incremental data
"topic": "btc/orderBook.BTCUSDT",
"action": "update",
"data": [{
"asks": [
["5621.7", "50"],
["5621.8", "0"],
["5621.9", "30"]
"bids": [
["5621.3", "10"],
["5621.2", "20"],
["5621.1", "80"],
["5621", "0"],
["5620.8", "10"]
"timestamp": 1584412740809
Full data
action = insert
incremental dataaction = update
["5621.3", "10"] [String,String] 5621.3 is the price, 10 is the quantity of the price. version The data version is strictly incremented. The client can judge whether the data is continuous according to the version.
Parameter | Parameter Type | Description |
symbol | string | Contract name |
asks | string | Selling side |
bids | string | Buying side |
version | number | Data version |
timestamp | string | System time stamp |
manage a local order book correctly
- subscribe
get full data first. - receive incremental data resolve as following rule.
- If price level not exists insert into order book
- If price level exists and new quantity not equals 0, replace old.
- If the quantity is 0, remove the price level
- subscribe
topic format: btc/tradeList.{symbol}
// send
{"op": "subscribe", "args": ["btc/tradeList.BTCUSDT"]}
// response
"topic": "btc/tradeList.BTCUSDT",
"data": [
// array [price,side,quantity,timestamp]
Parameter | Parameter Type | Description |
price | string | Filled price |
quantity | string | Filled quantity |
side | string | Filled side (b/s) s: taker sell base |
timestamp | number | Filled time |
To capture the latest traded price, best-bid price, best-ask price, and 24-hour trading volume of contracts on the platform.
topic format: btc/ticker.{symbol}
// send
{"op": "subscribe", "args": ["btc/ticker.BTCUSDT","btc/ticker.ETHUSDT"]}
// response
"topic": "btc/ticker.BTCUSDT",
"data": [
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"lastPrice": "8548.0",
"markPrice": "8548.0",
"bestAskPrice": "8601.0",
"bestBidPrice": "8600.0",
"bestAskVolume": "1222",
"bestBidVolume": "56505",
"high24h": "8600.0000",
"low24h": "242.4500",
"volume24h": "4994",
"timestamp": 1584412736365
Parameter | Parameter Type | Description |
symbol | string | Contract name |
bestAskPrice | string | Best ask price |
bestAskSize | string | Best ask quantity |
bestBidPrice | string | Best bid price |
bestBidSize | string | Best bid quantity |
lastPrice | string | Last traded price |
markPrice | string | Mark price |
high24h | string | 24h最高价 |
low24h | string | 24 hour low price |
volume24h | string | 24 hour trading volume |
1mins kline information
topic format: btc/kline.{symbol}
// send
{"op": "subscribe", "args": ["btc/kline.BTCUSDT","btc/kline.ETHUSDT"]}
// response
"topic": "btc/kline.BTCUSDT",
"data": [
"c": 7513.01,
"h": 7513.37,
"l": 7510.02,
"o": 7510.24,
"m": 7512.03,
"v": 60.5929,
"t": 1578278880
Parameter | Parameter Type | Description |
c | number | Close price |
h | number | Highest price |
l | number | Lowest price |
o | number | Open price |
v | number | Trading quantity |
t | number | Create time |
When subscribe following topics, users need to log in first.
Get the user's account information , require login.
topic name: btc/user.account
// send
{"op": "subscribe", "args": ["btc/user.account"]}
// response
"topic": "btc/user.account",
"data": [{
"asset": "BTC",
"availableBalance": "20.3859",
"frozenBalance": "0.7413",
"balance": "21.1272",
"timestamp": "2019-05-22T03:11:22.0Z"
Parameter | Parameter Type | Description |
asset | string | Asset name |
availableBalance | string | Avaliable balance |
frozenBalance | string | Frozen balance |
balance | string | Total balance |
Get the information of holding positions of a contract. require login
topic name: btc/user.position
// send
{"op": "subscribe", "args": ["btc/user.position"]}
// response
"topic": "btc/user.position",
"data": [{
"availableQuantity": "100",
"avgPrice": "7778.1",
"leverage": "20",
"liquidationPrice": "5441.0",
"markPrice": "8086.5",
"positionMargin": "0.0285",
"quantity": "507",
"realisedPnl": "0.0069",
"side": "long",
"symbol": "BTCUSDT",
"marginMode": "1",
"createTime": "2019-05-22T03:11:22.0Z"
Parameter | Parameter Type | Description |
availableQuantity | string | Avaliable close quantity |
avgPrice | string | Average open price |
leverage | string | Leverage |
liquidationPrice | string | Liquidation price |
markPrice | string | Mark price |
postionMargin | string | Margin |
quantity | string | Total quantity |
realisedPnl | string | Realized PnL |
side | string | Side long or short |
symbol | string | Contract name |
marginMode | string | Margin mode 1:crossed 0:fixed |
createTime | string | Create time |
Get user's order information , require login
Name: btc/user.order
// send
{"op": "subscribe", "args": ["btc/user.order"]}
// response
"topic": "btc/user.order",
"data": [{
"orderId": "580721369818955776",
"direction": "openLong",
"leverage": "20",
"symbol": "ETHUSDT",
"orderType": "limit",
"quantity": "7",
"orderPrice": "146.30",
"orderValue": "0.0010",
"fee": "0.0000",
"filledQuantity": "0",
"averagePrice": "0.00",
"orderTime": "2019-05-22T03:39:24.0Z",
"status": "new",
"lastFillQuantity": "0",
"lastFillPrice": "0",
"lastFillTime": ""
Parameter | Parameter Type | Description |
orderId | string | order id |
direction | string | Direction |
leverage | string | Leverage |
orderType | string | order type limit or market |
quantity | string | Quantity |
orderPrice | string | order price |
orderValue | string | Order value |
fee | string | Fees |
filledQuantity | string | Filled quantity |
averagePrice | string | Average price |
orderTime | string | order Time |
lastFillPrice | string | Last transaction price (if none, push 0)) |
lastFillQuantity | string | Last transaction amount (if none, push 0) |
lastFillTime | string | Last transaction time (if none, push "") |
status | string | order status new,filled,canceled,partiallyFilled |
Code | Description |
429 | API rate limit exceeded |
10501 | ping check timeout |
10502 | unrecognized request |
10503 | unsupported topic |
10504 | user not logged in |
10505 | invalid signature |
10506 | invalid args |
10507 | invalid expires |
10508 | Invalid apiKey |
10509 | unsupported depth |
10500 | Internal system error |