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Embedding the Cognigy Webchat

Basic Implementation

To integrate the Webchat into a Website, you need to

  1. load the webchat.js bundle via a <script> tag
  2. initialize the Webchat towards a Cognigy Endpoint using initWebchat()

See it in action:
Edit Basic Implementation

Using File Compression

The Webchat Widget offers compressed file versions that can be used to reduce the amount of data that is delivered to the user and reduce site loading time.

To use file compression you need to

  1. build the files using npm run build
  2. copy the .js.gz files for Gzip compression and for Brotli compression to the same folder you store your .js files in
  3. enable compression on your webserver

compression can be enabled for most common web servers but the implementation depends on your used software, middleware and implementation.

Content-Security-Policy (CSP)

When embedding Webchat within a website implementing a stricter security environment, the CSP should be extended to allow connections to the Cognigy AI Endpoint host. (Note: Endpoint URL is the first parameter to the initWebchat function)

webchat.js, plugins and webchat initialization code need to be allowed to execute. Note: Webchat plugins can have their own CSP requirements.

Using Webchat Plugins

To make use of Webchat Plugins, you have to load them via <script> tags AFTER loading the webchat.js / webchat.legacy.js and BEFORE calling initWebchat()

See it in action:
Edit Using Webchat Plugins

Client-Side Configuration

You can pass Webchat Options as an additional argument to the initWebchat() function which can customize the way the Webchat connects to Cognigy as well as override the Settings from your Endpoint.

Webchat Options

Name Type Default Description
userId string random string1 The user's id
sessionId string random string The session's id
channel string "webchat-client" The name of your client. Can be useful for analytics
reconnection boolean true If true, will try to re-establish the connection after losing it
reconnectionLimit number 5 Limit the maximum number of reconnection attempts, 0 means no limit
interval number 10000 Interval time in miliseconds the webchat will wait inbetween polls when falling back to HTTP polling.
forceWebsockets boolean auto-determined by runtime-environment If true, the client will only use websockets and not fall back to http polling (wins over disableWebsockets)
disableWebsockets boolean false If true, the client will only use http polling and will not try to upgrade to websockets
enableInnerSocketHandshake boolean false If true, the client will pass userId, sessionId and URLToken through a socket handshake instead of via URL params
settings object, see Endpoint Settings - Can be used to (partially) override certain Settings from the Webchat Endpoint

1 The userId will be randomly generated on first page load and then persisted user via LocalStorage. When that user reloads the page, the Webchat will re-use the userId from LocalStorage.

See it in action:
Edit Custom Webchat Options

Endpoint Settings

See the Settings Interface for full reference.

Name Type Default Description
layout object see Layout Define general look & feel of the Webchat
colors object see Colors Set a new primary color or set other highlight colors
behavior object see Behavior Configure Webchat behavior, e.g. to disable the typing indicator
startBehavior object see Start Behavior Configure the start behavior
fileStorageSettings object see File Storage Settings Adjust some of the file storage settings. (Note: To work, file storage must be generally configured through your Cognigy.AI Endpoint)
businessHours object see Business Hours Business hours will prevent the user from using the bot if he loads the embedding page out of business hours
unreadMessages object see Unread Messages Configure Webchat behavior for unread message indication
homeScreen object see Home Screen Configure the Home Screen of your Webchat, shown after opening
teaserMessage object see Teaser Message Configure the Teaser Message, shown to users while the Webchat is still minimized
chatOptions object see Chat Options Configure the Chat Options, providing further options to your users
privacyNotice object see Privacy Notice Configure the privacy notice, optionally shown to be accepted by users before any message is sent
fileAttachmentMaxSize number 10485760 The max size for file attachments uploaded by users in bytes, set to 10MB as default
maintenance object see Maintenance Configures the maintenance mode to prevent the user from using the Webchat during maintenance
demoWebchat object see Demo Webchat Configure the Cognigy.AI demo webchat. Only relevant if you copy the Demo Webchat implementation.
embeddingConfiguration object see Embedding Configuration Settings related to the Webchat browser embedding. Not configurable via Endpoint Editor
widgetSettings object see Widget Settings Additional Settings to configure the webchat widget behavior. Not configurable via Endpoint Editor

See it in action:
Edit Override Endpoint Settings


Name Type Default Description
title string "" The text that will be shown as header title of the Webchat
logoUrl string "" The Logo shown in the header of the Webchat
useOtherAgentLogo boolean false Enables setting specific names and logos for bot and agent avatars. By default title and logoUrl will be used for the avatars.
botAvatarName string "" Name for the AI Agent avatar which will be displayed above each AI Agent message. Please note that specified name will be used for the AI Agent avatar, only if 'useOtherAgentLogo' is set to 'true'.
botLogoUrl string "" AI Agent avatar which will be displayed above each AI Agent message. Recommended img size: 28px x 28px. Please note that specified avatar will be used for the AI Agent, only if 'useOtherAgentLogo' is set to 'true'.
agentAvatarName string "" Name for the Human Agent avatar which will be displayed above each Human Agent message. Please note that specified name will be used for the Human Agent avatar, only if 'useOtherAgentLogo' is set to 'true'.
agentLogoUrl string "" Human Agent avatar which will be displayed above each Human Agent message. Recommended img size: 28px x 28px. Please note that specified avatar will be used for the Human Agent, only if 'useOtherAgentLogo' is set to 'true'.
inputAutogrowMaxRows number 4 Maximum Number of Input Rows
enableInputCollation boolean false If enabled, messages will be combined into a single message, dependent on the time set with inputCollationTimeout
enablePersistentMenu boolean false If enabled, persistent menu will be displayed left to the chat message input box
persistentMenu object see Persistent Menu The Persistent Menu ensures quick access to different conversation stages, guides users, offers features, shares information, and enhances the overall user experience.
inputCollationTimeout number 1000 timeout value for input collation
dynamicImageAspectRatio boolean false Use to disable forced aspect ratio for images in chat elements
disableInputAutocomplete boolean false Use to disable browser autocomplete for the input field
enableGenericHTMLStyling boolean false If this is active, additional generic styling will be applied to HTML content inside regular text messages.
disableHtmlContentSanitization boolean false By default, potentially malicious HTML content like 'onclick' or 'onload' attributes are removed before rendering.
disableUrlButtonSanitization boolean false By default, 'JavaScript URLs' starting with javascript: will get removed.
watermark string "default" Allowed values: "default" | "custom" | "none"
watermarkText string "Powered by Cognigy.AI" This will be used if watermark is set to custom
watermarkUrl string "" URL to which the watermark links if a custom watermark is set.
disableBotOutputBorder boolean false Enabling this will hide the chat bubble around AI Agent text Messages
botOutputMaxWidthPercentage number 73 Use to set a number that will be used as a percentage value for the max-width of AI Agent text Messages
chatWindowWidth number 460 Configure the width of the Webchat in px

Persistent Menu

Name Type Default Descrption
title string "" The title for your Persistent Menu. This title will be displayed to the users.
menuItems array of Peristent Menu Items [] Items to be displayed inside the menu

Persistent Menu Items

Name Type Default Descrption
title string "" The text that you want users to see in the Persistent Menu. This text should be descriptive and clear, indicating the function or action associated with the menu item.
payload string "" The payload text that will be sent to your AI Agent flow when the user selects this menu item. This payload can be a simple word or phrase, or it can be a more complex query depending on your AI Agent's functionality.


Name Type Default Description
primaryColor string "#2455E6" Primary color
secondaryColor string "#1A1A1A" Secondary color
chatInterfaceColor string "#FFFFFF" Chat interface background color
botMessageColor string "#FFFFFF" AI Agent messages background color
userMessageColor string "#E8EBFF" User messages background color
textLinkColor string "#6688ED" Text link color


Name Type Default Description
enableTypingIndicator boolean true Enables a typing indicator while the AI Agent is replying
messageDelay number 500 Wait time between AI Agent messages in miliseconds
inputPlaceholder string "Type something here…" Placeholder for the input field
enableSTT boolean false Enable speech-to-text
enableTTS boolean false Enable text-to-speech. If chatOptions.showTTSToggle set to true, TTS activation additionally depends on chatOptions.activateTTSToggle to be true` (or the user expected to manually enable it.)
focusInputAfterPostback boolean false Input field will receive focus after a Postback button or quick reply button is clicked
enableConnectionStatusIndicator boolean true Shows a warning if the connection is lost during a conversation. The warning will disappear when the connection is re-established.
enableAIAgentNotice boolean true Shows a notice at the beginning of the chat regarding talking to a non-human Agent.
AIAgentNoticeText string You are now talking to an AI agent. A string to show as an AI Agent Notice
collateStreamedOutputs boolean false This setting enables collation of streamed messages into one message bubble.
progressiveMessageRendering boolean false Enables output messages to appear progressively.
renderMarkdown boolean false Render markdown in text messages.
scrollingBehavior string "alwaysScroll" Allowed values: "scrollUntilLastInputAtTop" | "alwaysScroll". Decide how scrolling should behave if scrolled to bottom and a new message comes in.

Start Behavior

Name Type Default Description
startBehavior string "none" Allowed values: "none" | "button" | "injection"
getStartedButtonText string "" The label of the "get started button" if startBehavior is set to "button"
getStartedData object {} The invisible data of the generated message if startBehavior is set to "button" or "injection"
getStartedPayload string "" The actual text payload of the generated message if startBehavior is set to "button" or "injection"
getStartedText string "" The visible text of the generated message if startBehavior is set to "button" or "injection"

File Storage Settings

Storage provider settings have to be configured in the connected Cognigy Endpoint

Name Type Default Description
enabled boolean false Enable file upload
dropzoneText string "" Configure the info text for the file dropzone

Business Hours

All business hours settings require the setting embeddingConfiguration.awaitEndpointConfig as prerequisite.

Name Type Default Description
enabled boolean false Enable business hours
mode "hide", "disable", "inform" "inform" Choose to either "hide" the Webchat Widget, "disable" it or "inform" the user when using the Webchat Widget out of business hours
text string "" Text that is displayed to users out of business hours
title string "" Title that is displayed to the user out of business hours if mode is set to "inform". Leave empty for no header
timeZone string "Europe/Berlin" A timezone from the list of supported time zones
times array of Busines Hours Items [] An array of business hours during which the bot will be available

Business Hours Item

Name Type Default Description
startTime string "" The starting time of the business hours, e.g. 08:00
endTime string "" The end time of the business hours e.g. 17:00
weekDay string "monday", "tuesday", "wednesday", "thursday", "friday", "saturday", "sunday" The day of the week when the business hours will be active

Unread Messages

Name Type Default Description
enableIndicator boolean false Enable to indicate the amount of unread messages in the page title (updated once every second)
enableBadge boolean false Enable to show a badge with the number of unread messages on the Webchat toggle button
enablePreview boolean false Enable to show a message bubble with the latest retrieved bot message
enableSound boolean false Enable to play a notification sound for each incoming unread message
unreadMessageTitleText string "New Message" The website title that is displayed when the user retrieved one new message
unreadMessageTitleTextPlural string "New Messages" The website title that is displayed when the user retrieved more than one new message

Home Screen

Name Type Default Description
enabled boolean true Enables the Home Screen feature
welcomeText string "Welcome! How can we help you?" Welcome text on the home screen
background object Home Screen Background Configure the Home Screen background
startConversationButtonText string "Start conversation" Configure the text shown on the "Start Conversation" button
previousConversations object Previous Conversations Configure the Previous Conversations feature
conversationStarters object Conversation Starters Configure Conversation Starters on the Home Screen
Home Screen Background
Name Type Default Description
imageUrl string "" Background image for the home screen. Can be used together with color, the image will be rendered on top.
color string "" CSS color code or gradient
Previous Conversations
Name Type Default Description
enabled boolean true If enabled, the "Previous Conversations" button is shown on the Home Screen
buttonText string "Previous conversations" Configure the "Previous Conversations" button
title string "" Configure the Header of the "Previous Conversations" page
Conversation Starters
Name Type Default Description
enabled boolean true
starters array of Action Buttons [] Configure action buttons to show on the Home Screen
Action Button
Name Type Example Description
type string "web_url" Allowed types: "postback" | "web_url" | "phone_number"
title string "Open Homepage" Button title
url? string "" Button opens this url in a new tab. Provide url if type is web_url
payload? string - If type is postback: Button sends the payload as an input.
If type is phone_number: Button triggers the browsers "tel:" link function.

Teaser Message

Name Type Default Description
text string "" Message displayed above Webchat icon for user engagement
teaserMessageDelay number 5000 Configure the delay for the Teaser Message appearing (in miliseconds)
showInChat boolean false Enable to also show the Teaser Message text in the chat window
conversationStarters object Conversation Starters Configure Conversation Starters, each will be an action button below the Teaser Message

Chat Options

Name Type Default Description
enabled boolean false Enable Chat Options Feature
title string "Chat options" Chat Options header title
quickReplyOptions object Quick Reply Options Configure the Quick Reply section in the Chat Options
showTTSToggle boolean false Enable to show the Text-to-Speech Toggle
activateTTSToggle boolean true Activate Text-to-Speech Toggle by default. It also requires behavior.enableTTS setting to be true to make TTS active.
labelTTSToggle string "Enable text-to-speech" Label for the Text-to-Speech toggle
rating object Rating Section Configure the Rating Section
footer object Footer Configure the Footer
Quick Reply Options
Name Type Default Description
enabled boolean true Enable quick replies in the Chat Options
sectionTitle string "People are also interested in" Configure the title for the Quick Reply Section
quickReplies array of Action Buttons [] Configure action buttons to show as quick replies
Chat Options Rating Section
Name Type Default Description
enabled string "once" Allowed values: "no" | "once" | "always". Decide how often a user can give feedback from this section. Hidden not enabled.
title string "Please rate your chat experience" Configure the title for the Rating Section
commentPlaceholder string "Type something here..." Placeholder text that will be displayed in the rating comment field
submitButtonText string "Send feedback" Text on the rating submit button
eventBannerText string "Your feedback was submitted" Event Banner text after user sent feedback
Chat Options Footer
Name Type Default Description
enabled boolean false Enable the footer section
items array of Footer Items [] Configure up to two Footer items with links, e.g. a link to an Imprint
Footer Item
Name Type Example Description
title string "Imprint" Title for the Footer Item
url string "" URL Link for the Footer Item

Privacy Notice

Name Type Default Description
enabled boolean false If enabled, the user needs to accept a privacy policy before a conversation is started
title string "Privacy notice" Header title of the Privacy Notice screen
text string Please accept our privacy policy to start your chat. Configure a Privacy Notice Text to be shown
submitButtonText string "Submit" Configure the "submit" button text on the Privacy Notice screen
urlText string "Privacy policy" Text on the link button, linking to your full Privacy Notice
url string "" The URL to your full Privacy Notice


All maintenance settings require the setting embeddingConfiguration.awaitEndpointConfig as prerequisite.

Name Type Default Description
enabled boolean false Enable maintenance mode
mode string "inform" Allowed values: "hide" | "disable" | "inform"
Choose to either "hide" the Webchat Widget, "disable" it or "inform" the user about maintenance mode
text string "" Text that is displayed to users during maintenance mode
title string "" Title that is displayed to the user during maintenance mode if mode is set to "inform". Leave empty for no header

Demo Webchat

Name Type Default Description
enabled boolean true Enables the Demo Webchat
backgroundImageUrl string "" URL to load a background image for the demo webchat
position string "centered" Allowed values: "centered" | "bottomRight"
Set position of the Demo Webchat Widget

Embedding Configuration

Settings related to the webchat browser embedding.
These settings are NOT configurable via the Endpoint Editor in Cognigy.AI

Name Type Default Description
_endpointTokenUrl string "" Internal duplicate of WebchatURL, do not change
awaitEndpointConfig boolean false Await the loading of the endpoint configuration. This setting is a necessary precondition for the settings maintenance, businessHours and connectivity
disableLocalStorage boolean false If true, disables storing any information in browsers storage like persistent history and userId. This flag has a higher priority than useSessionStorage - setting this to true also disables SessionStorage.
disablePersistentHistory boolean false If true, disables storing of the chat history into LocalStorage (used for persistence)
useSessionStorage boolean false If true, to store chat history and userId sessionStorage is used instead of localStorage. Note: This means the userId will not be persisted after closing and re-opening a browser tab.
connectivity object Connectivity Enabling the connectivity handler will prevent the user from using the Webchat Widget if it's unable to load the endpoint configuration within a specified time frame

All connectivity settings require the setting embeddingConfiguration.awaitEndpointConfig as prerequisite.

Name Type Default Description
enabled boolean false Enable connectivity issue handling
mode 'hide', 'disable', 'inform' 'inform' Choose to either 'hide' the Webchat Widget, 'disable' it or 'inform' the user when the configuration can't be loaded from the endpoint
text string "" Text that is displayed to users during connectivity issues
title string "" Title that is displayed to the user during connectivity issues if mode is set to 'inform'. Leave empty for no header
timeout number 2000 The maximum time in milliseconds to wait for successful loading of the endpoint configuration before activating connectivity issue handling

Widget Settings

Additional Settings to configure the webchat widget behavior
These settings are NOT configurable via the Endpoint Editor in Cognigy.AI

Name Type Default Description
disableDefaultReplyCompatiblityMode boolean false If set to true, the webchat will not try to look for messenger content in data._data._cognigy. This can lead to issues with structured content in Intent Default Replies.
enableStrictMessengerSync boolean false If set to true, will NOT render the message from the "Messenger" tab in the SAY node unless "Use Facebook Channel" is checked in the "Webchat" tab.
disableHtmlInput boolean false If true, strips all html tags out from the input of the user.
disableInputAutofocus boolean false By default, the input will automatically focus when a user opens the widget. If you set this to true, the input will no longer focus when opening the widget.
disableRenderURLsAsLinks boolean false If true, disables the automatic replacement of URLs in message elements with clickable HTML link elements.
disableTextInputSanitization boolean false By default, text inputs from the user will be sanitized for HTML with scripting. If you set this to true, users can send any kind of HTML text, including script-tags and onload-attributes etc.
disableToggleButton boolean false Disable the Webchat Toggle Button
disableTeaserMarkdownRemoval boolean false Disable the automatic removal of Markdown in the Teaser Message.
enableAutoFocus boolean false If true, focus will be automatically moved to the first focusable element within the latest incoming message. Ths focus will only be moved when the focus is currently on an element within the chat log.
enableInjectionWithoutEmptyHistory boolean false If true, will not prevent the auto-inject start behavior from being triggered if the history is not empty
enableFocusTrap boolean false If true, elements outside the chat window will not be focusable during keyboard navigation when the chat window is open
enableDefaultPreview boolean false Enable default preview for Adaptive cards plugin
ignoreLineBreaks boolean false Enable to ignore line breaks in the Messenger Generic Templates, Gallery Cards Subtitle
STTLanguage string "" Set the STTLanguage
sourceDirectionMapping object Source Direction Mapping Configure source direction mapping
sourceColorMapping object Source Color Mapping Configure source color mapping

Source Direction Mapping

Name Type Value
agent string "incoming" | "outgoing"
bot string "incoming" | "outgoing"
engagement string "incoming" | "outgoing"
user string "incoming" | "outgoing"

Source Color Mapping

Name Type Value
agent string "bot" | "user"
bot string "bot" | "user"
user string "bot" | "user"

Settings Interface

The full interface for the Webchat Settings. Note: All settings can be optionally loaded, a full object is not required.

interface IWebchatSettings {
	// Settings that are also configurable via the Endpoint Editor in Cognigy.AI
	layout: {
		title: string;
		logoUrl: string;
		useOtherAgentLogo: boolean;
		botAvatarName: string;
		botLogoUrl: string;
		agentAvatarName: string;
		agentLogoUrl: string;
		inputAutogrowMaxRows: number;
		enableInputCollation: boolean;
		inputCollationTimeout: number;
		dynamicImageAspectRatio: boolean;
		disableInputAutocomplete: boolean;
		enableGenericHTMLStyling: boolean;
		enablePeristentMenu: boolean;
		persistentMenu: {
			title: string;
			menuItems: {
				title: string;
				payload: string;
		disableHtmlContentSanitization: boolean;
		disableUrlButtonSanitization: boolean;
		watermark: "default" | "custom" | "none";
		watermarkText: string;
		watermarkUrl: string;
		disableBotOutputBorder: boolean;
		botOutputMaxWidthPercentage: number;
		chatWindowWidth: number;
	colors: {
		primaryColor: string;
		secondaryColor: string;
		chatInterfaceColor: string;
		botMessageColor: string;
		userMessageColor: string;
		textLinkColor: string;
	behavior: {
		enableTypingIndicator: boolean;
		messageDelay: number;
		inputPlaceholder: string;
		enableSTT: boolean;
		enableTTS: boolean;
		focusInputAfterPostback: boolean;
		enableConnectionStatusIndicator: boolean;
		collateStreamedOutputs: boolean;
		progressiveMessageRendering: boolean;
		renderMarkdown: boolean;
		scrollingBehavior: "alwaysScroll" | "scrollUntilLastInputAtTop";
	startBehavior: {
		startBehavior: "none" | "button" | "injection";
		getStartedPayload: string;
		getStartedData: object;
		getStartedText: string;
		getStartedButtonText: string;
	fileStorageSettings: {
		enabled: boolean;
		dropzoneText: string;
	businessHours: {
		enabled: boolean;
		mode: "inform" | "hide" | "disable";
		text: string;
		title: string;
		timeZone: string;
		times: {
			startTime: string;
			endTime: string;
			weekDay: string;
	unreadMessages: {
		enableIndicator: boolean;
		enableBadge: boolean;
		enablePreview: boolean;
		enableSound: boolean;
		unreadMessageTitleText: string;
		unreadMessageTitleTextPlural: string;
	homeScreen: {
		enabled: boolean;
		welcomeText: string;
		background: {
			imageUrl: string;
			color: string;
		startConversationButtonText: string;
		previousConversations: {
			enabled: boolean;
			buttonText: string;
			title: string;
		conversationStarters: {
			enabled: boolean;
			starters: {
				type: "postback" | "web_url" | "phone_number";
				title: string;
				url: string;
				payload: string;
	teaserMessage: {
		text: string;
		teaserMessageDelay: number;
		showInChat: boolean;
		conversationStarters: {
			enabled: boolean;
			starters: {
				type: "postback" | "web_url" | "phone_number";
				title: string;
				url: string;
				payload: string;
	chatOptions: {
		enabled: boolean;
		title: string;
		quickReplyOptions: {
			enabled: boolean;
			sectionTitle: string;
			quickReplies: {
				type: "postback" | "web_url" | "phone_number";
				title: string;
				url: string;
				payload: string;
		showTTSToggle: boolean;
		activateTTSToggle: boolean;
		labelTTSToggle: string;
		rating: {
			enabled: "no" | "once" | "always";
			title: string;
			commentPlaceholder: string;
			submitButtonText: string;
			eventBannerText: string;
		footer: {
			enabled: boolean;
			items: {
				title: string;
				url: string;
	privacyNotice: {
		enabled: boolean;
		title: string;
		text: string;
		submitButtonText: string;
		urlText: string;
		url: string;
	fileAttachmentMaxSize: number;
	maintenance: {
		enabled: boolean;
		mode: "inform" | "hide" | "disable";
		text: string;
		title: string;
	demoWebchat: {
		enabled: boolean;
		backgroundImageUrl: string;
		position: "centered" | "bottomRight";

	// Settings related to the webchat browser embedding
	// These settings are NOT configurable via the Endpoint Editor in Cognigy.AI
	embeddingConfiguration: {
		_endpointTokenUrl: string;
		awaitEndpointConfig: boolean;
		disableLocalStorage: boolean;
		disablePersistentHistory: boolean;
		useSessionStorage: boolean;
		connectivity: {
			enabled: boolean;
			mode: string;
			text: string;
			timeout: number;
			title: string;

	// Additional Settings to configure the webchat widget behavior
	// These settings are NOT configurable via the Endpoint Editor in Cognigy.AI
	widgetSettings: {
		disableDefaultReplyCompatiblityMode: boolean;
		enableStrictMessengerSync: boolean;
		disableHtmlInput: boolean;
		disableInputAutofocus: boolean;
		disableRenderURLsAsLinks: boolean;
		disableTextInputSanitization: boolean;
		disableToggleButton: boolean;
		disableTeaserMarkdownRemoval: boolean;
		enableAutoFocus: boolean;
		enableInjectionWithoutEmptyHistory: boolean;
		enableFocusTrap: boolean;
		enableDefaultPreview: boolean;
		ignoreLineBreaks: boolean;
		STTLanguage: string;
		sourceDirectionMapping: {
			agent: TSourceDirection;
			bot: TSourceDirection;
			user: TSourceDirection;
		sourceColorMapping: {
			agent: TSourceColor;
			bot: TSourceColor;
			user: TSourceColor;