Reactist is a Command Line Interface tool that automates React-based project's workflow. This project is composed of:
Trnaspiler & bundler
- Webpack: Module Bundler
- Babel: The compiler for writing next generation JavaScript
Flux Implements
- Redux: Predictable state container for JavaScript apps
- flux-utils: coming soon
Test Framework
- Mocha: Simple, flexible, fun javascript test framework for node.js
- Karma: Spectacular Test Runner for Javascript
Test Utilities
It is highly recommended that you install npm package globally.
npm install reactist -g
Just enter react init [app-name]
in a console, then Reactist will create a react project [app-name] directory and set up react + redux + babel + webpack. If you answer "Will you write unit tests?" with Y(default is Y), mocha + karma + enzyme installed.
$ react init my-app
? Will you write unit tests? (Y/n) Y
Let's be a reactist...!
Please wait for a second.
Wrote to /Users/KimCoding/Workspace/my-app/package.json:
It may take a long time to get npm dependenceis. When it's completed, you will see the project created.
npm WARN [email protected] No description
npm WARN [email protected] No repository field.
It has been finished, enjoy your react <environment를 적으면 어떨까 싶네요>...!!
$~/> cd mya-pp
$~/my-app> ls
dev-server node_modules src webpack.config.js
karma.conf.js package.json test-helper
A project created by Reactist uses npm scripts to manage tasks. The followings are descriptions about each task.
Run webpack-dev-server with the following npm command:
$ npm run start
$ open http://localhost:8080/webpack-dev-server/
You can see a sample react app like this.
You can build bundle.js into '/dist' directory.
$ npm run build # build development
$ npm run build:watch # build in watch mode
Run unit tests powered by Mocha and Karma with the following npm command:
$ npm test
Karma runs all unit tests with phantomjs as default. If you want to run tests on browser(default is chrome) environment, you can use this command.
$ npm run test-debug
Get coverage report at '/coverage' with the following npm command:
$ npm run coverage
Get coverage and build to product code at once with the following npm command:
$ npm run deploy
coming soon...
- KimCoding - Initial work
- add flux-utils
- add jest, jasmine
- fix scaffolds structure
- add redux-devtools setting
- init
This project is licensed under the MIT License - see the file for details