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Google S2 Cell

#1589F0 Give a (lat, lon), how to find cellid for it.

What is cell id? Comments from C++ impl -> s2coords.h

//  (id)
//    An S2CellId is a 64-bit encoding of a face and a Hilbert curve position
//    on that face.  The Hilbert curve position implicitly encodes both the
//    position of a cell and its subdivision level (see s2cell_id.h).

You could find similar comments in go's impl -> stuv.go

Step 1: p=(lat, lon) -> (x, y, z)

How lat, lon is generated for a point:

Code from go impl

func PointFromLatLng(ll LatLng) Point {
	phi := ll.Lat.Radians()
	theta := ll.Lng.Radians()
	cosphi := math.Cos(phi)
	return Point{r3.Vector{math.Cos(theta) * cosphi, math.Sin(theta) * cosphi, math.Sin(phi)}}


(Ref from Spherical to Cartesian coordinates Calculator)

θ is the value of longitude, which is phi in the upper code
φ is the value of latitude, which is theta in the upper code

x = r * cos θ * cos φ
y = r * cos θ * sin φ 
z = r * sin θ

Comments from C++ impl -> s2coords.h

//  (x, y, z)
//    Direction vector (Point). Direction vectors are not necessarily unit
//    length, and are often chosen to be points on the biunit cube
//    [-1,+1]x[-1,+1]x[-1,+1]. They can be be normalized to obtain the
//    corresponding point on the unit sphere.
//  (lat, lng)
//    Latitude and longitude (LatLng). Latitudes must be between -90 and
//    90 degrees inclusive, and longitudes must be between -180 and 180
//    degrees inclusive.

Comments from s2cell_hierarchy

(x, y, z)\ Spherical point: The final S2Point is obtained by projecting the 
(face, u, v) coordinates onto the unit sphere. Cells in (x,y,z)-coordinates 
are quadrilaterals bounded by four spherical geodesic edges.

Step 2: (x, y, z) -> (face, u, v)



// xyzToFaceUV converts a direction vector (not necessarily unit length) to
// (face, u, v) coordinates.
func xyzToFaceUV(r r3.Vector) (f int, u, v float64) {
	f = face(r)
	u, v = validFaceXYZToUV(f, r)
	return f, u, v



(face,u,v) 表示一个立方空间坐标系,三个轴的值域都是 [-1,1] 之间。

Comments from s2cell_hierarchy

(face, u, v)\ Cube-space coordinates: To make the cells at each level more 
uniform in size after they are projected onto the sphere, we apply a nonlinear 
transformation of the form u=f(s), v=f(t) before projecting points onto the 
sphere. This function also scales the (u,v)-coordinates so that each face 
covers the biunit square [-1,1]×[-1,1]. Cells in (u,v)-coordinates are 
rectangular, and are not necessarily subdivided around their center point 
(because of the nonlinear transformation “f”).

Step 3: Non-linear transform (face, u, v) -> (face, s, t)



projection size 投影比例不同的问题


在两级的投影比在赤道区域要大. 需要一个转换将上面长的拉短、将下面短的拉长,尽量让区间变相同。 Similar issue also exists in mercator projection, you could find this interesting article from CNN: What's the real size of Africa? How Western states used maps to downplay size of continent



// linear
u = 0.5 * ( u + 1)

// tan() 
u = 2 / pi * (atan(u) + pi / 4) = 2 * atan(u) / pi + 0.5

// Quadratic
u >= 0,u = 0.5 * sqrt(1 + 3*u)
u < 0, u = 1 - 0.5 * sqrt(1 - 3*u)
tan() 变换可以使每个投影以后的矩形的面积更加一致,最大和最小的矩形比例仅仅只差0.414。
但是 tan() 函数的调用时间非常长。如果把所有点都按照这种方式计算的话,性能将会降低3倍。
最后谷歌选择的是二次变换,这是一个近似切线的投影曲线。它的计算速度远远快于 tan() ,
大概是 tan() 计算的3倍速度。生成的投影以后的矩形大小也类似。


// stToUV converts an s or t value to the corresponding u or v value.
// This is a non-linear transformation from [-1,1] to [-1,1] that
// attempts to make the cell sizes more uniform.
// This uses what the C++ version calls 'the quadratic transform'.
func stToUV(s float64) float64 {
	if s >= 0.5 {
		return (1 / 3.) * (4*s*s - 1)
	return (1 / 3.) * (1 - 4*(1-s)*(1-s))

// uvToST is the inverse of the stToUV transformation. Note that it
// is not always true that uvToST(stToUV(x)) == x due to numerical
// errors.
func uvToST(u float64) float64 {
	if u >= 0 {
		return 0.5 * math.Sqrt(1+3*u)
	return 1 - 0.5*math.Sqrt(1-3*u)

Comments from s2cell_hierarchy

(face, s, t)\ Cell-space coordinates: “s” and “t” are real numbers in the range
 [0,1] that identify a point on the given face. For example, the point 
 (s, t) = (0.5, 0.5) corresponds to the center of the cell at level 0. 
 Cells in (s, t)-coordinates are perfectly square and subdivided around 
 their center point, just like the Hilbert curve construction.


Step 4: (face, s, t) -> (face, i, j)




// stToIJ converts value in ST coordinates to a value in IJ coordinates.
func stToIJ(s float64) int {
	return clampInt(int(math.Floor(maxSize*s)), 0, maxSize-1)

// clampInt returns the number closest to x within the range min..max.
func clampInt(x, min, max int) int {
	if x < min {
		return min
	if x > max {
		return max
	return x

// caller
// cellIDFromFaceIJ(f, stToIJ(0.5*(u+1)), stToIJ(0.5*(v+1)))

Comments from s2cell_hierarchy

(face, i, j)\ Leaf-cell coordinates: The leaf cells are the subsquares that 
result after 30 levels of Hilbert curve subdivision, consisting of a 230 × 230 
array on each face. “i” and “j” are integers in the range [0, 230-1] that 
identify a particular leaf cell. The (i, j) coordinate system is right-handed 
on every face, and the faces are oriented such that Hilbert curves connect 
continuously from one face to the next.

Step 5: Generate Cell id

Comments from s2cell_hierarchy

Cell id: A 64-bit encoding of a face and a Hilbert curve parameter on that face, 
as discussed above. The Hilbert curve parameter implicitly encodes both the 
position of a cell and its subdivision level.




You could think the problem as, for given `(i, j)`, how could you find corresponding s2 cell.

Code from cellid.go

Part1: Definition

// Constants related to the bit mangling in the Cell ID.
const (
	lookupBits = 4
	swapMask   = 0x01
	invertMask = 0x02

// The following lookup tables are used to convert efficiently between an
// (i,j) cell index and the corresponding position along the Hilbert curve.
// lookupPos maps 4 bits of "i", 4 bits of "j", and 2 bits representing the
// orientation of the current cell into 8 bits representing the order in which
// that subcell is visited by the Hilbert curve, plus 2 bits indicating the
// new orientation of the Hilbert curve within that subcell. (Cell
// orientations are represented as combination of swapMask and invertMask.)
// lookupIJ is an inverted table used for mapping in the opposite
// direction.
// We also experimented with looking up 16 bits at a time (14 bits of position
// plus 2 of orientation) but found that smaller lookup tables gave better
// performance. (2KB fits easily in the primary cache.)
var (
	ijToPos = [4][4]int{
		{0, 1, 3, 2}, // canonical order
		{0, 3, 1, 2}, // axes swapped
		{2, 3, 1, 0}, // bits inverted
		{2, 1, 3, 0}, // swapped & inverted
	posToIJ = [4][4]int{
		{0, 1, 3, 2}, // canonical order:    (0,0), (0,1), (1,1), (1,0)
		{0, 2, 3, 1}, // axes swapped:       (0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)
		{3, 2, 0, 1}, // bits inverted:      (1,1), (1,0), (0,0), (0,1)
		{3, 1, 0, 2}, // swapped & inverted: (1,1), (0,1), (0,0), (1,0)
	posToOrientation = [4]int{swapMask, 0, 0, invertMask | swapMask}
	lookupIJ         [1 << (2*lookupBits + 2)]int
	lookupPos        [1 << (2*lookupBits + 2)]int
  • From the flash of order 2 generation, you could find order 2 curve could be generated by 4 order 1 curve with shifting.

  • Hilbert curve has four kind of shape for each 4 grid


  • The value of i's range is [0,1], the value of j's range is [0,1]. Both i, j just need 1 bit to represent. We will use i as high-order bit and j as low-order bit to generate a value with 2 bits, like ij
    • ij's combination is 00, 01, 10, 11, in binary, its 0, 1, 2, 3
    • For canonical order, follow the sequence of curve, the value of pos is 0, 1, 3, 2
    • For axes swapped, follow the sequence of curve, the value of pos is 0, 3, 1, 2
    • For canonical order, follow the sequence of curve, the value of pos is 2, 3, 1, 0
    • For canonical order, follow the sequence of curve, the value of pos is 2, 1, 3, 0
    • Thats how ijToPos is defined for


  • posToIJ is the reverse of ijToPos. For each shape, each position, what is related ij.
	posToIJ = [4][4]int{
		{0, 1, 3, 2}, // canonical order:    (0,0), (0,1), (1,1), (1,0)
		{0, 2, 3, 1}, // axes swapped:       (0,0), (1,0), (1,1), (0,1)
		{3, 2, 0, 1}, // bits inverted:      (1,1), (1,0), (0,0), (0,1)
		{3, 1, 0, 2}, // swapped & inverted: (1,1), (0,1), (0,0), (1,0)
  • Just from shape's perspective, you could find each of them could be converted from previous one by rotating clockwise by 90 degree.

    • Some people may say by rotating Counterclockwise, that's because they define coordinate origin upper left. We have the same meaning just different shape of hilbert curve.
    • We could consider using bit to represent each shape/rotation, thus a sequence of rotation could be represented by bit operation
  • What's the rule of further divide one kind of curve to next level? We want to find parent->child relationship.

    • If current curve is canonical order, the process of further divide could be imagine as
      • duplicate canonical order into four
      • for first one in the original curve(pos 0), shift that one clockwise for 90 degrees. canonical order changed to axes swapped
      • for last one in the original curve(pos 3), shift that one counterclockwise for 90 degrees. canonical order changed to swapped & inverted
    • If current curve is axes swapped, the process of further divide could be imagine as
      • duplicate axes swapped into four,
      • for first one in the original curve(pos 0), shift that one counterclockwise for 90 degrees, axes swapped changed to canonical order
      • for last one in the original curve(pos 3), shift that one clockwise for 90 degrees, axes swapped changed to bits inverted
    • If current curve is bits inverted, the process of further divide could be imagine as
      • duplicate bits inverted into four,
      • for first one in the original curve(pos 0), shift that one clockwise for 90 degrees, bits inverted changed to swapped & inverted
      • for last one in the original curve(pos 3), shift that one counterclockwise for 90 degrees, bits inverted changed to axes swapped
    • If current curve is swapped & inverted, the process of further divide could be imagine as
      • duplicate swapped & inverted into four,
      • for first one in the original curve(pos 0), shift that one counterclockwise for 90 degrees, swapped & inverted changed to bits inverted
      • for last one in the original curve(pos 3), shift that one clockwise for 90 degrees, swapped & inverted changed to canonical order
  • That is the usage of posToOrientation = [4]int{swapMask, 0, 0, invertMask | swapMask}

    • The actual value is: posToOrientation = [4]int{1, 0, 0, 3}
    • Given the definition: canonical order = 0x00, axes swapped = 0x01, bits inverted = 0x10,swapped & inverted = 0x11
    • The value of posToOrientation record relation of canonical order(0x00) and its children:0x01, 0x00, 0x00, 0x11
    • If parent is axes swapped = 0x01, its children are: 0x00, 0x01, 0x01, 0x10
    • If parent is bits inverted = 0x10, its children are: 0x11, 0x10, 0x10, 0x01
    • If parent is swapped & inverted = 0x11, its children are: 0x10, 0x11, 0x11, 0x00
    • We found that XOR operation is perfect fit if given parent value and posToOrientation
0x00 ^ 0x01 = 0x01
0x00 ^ 0x00 = 0x00
0x00 ^ 0x00 = 0x00
0x00 ^ 0x11 = 0x11

0x01 ^ 0x01 = 0x00
0x01 ^ 0x00 = 0x01
0x01 ^ 0x00 = 0x01
0x01 ^ 0x11 = 0x10

0x10 ^ 0x01 = 0x11
0x10 ^ 0x00 = 0x10
0x10 ^ 0x00 = 0x10
0x10 ^ 0x11 = 0x01

0x11 ^ 0x01 = 0x10
0x11 ^ 0x00 = 0x11
0x11 ^ 0x00 = 0x11
0x11 ^ 0x11 = 0x00
  • The most important summary is, we could calculate the curve if we decide quad divide one grid based on parent's curve, pos in the curve and posToOrientation

  • Google design the query as 4 bits from i, 4 bits from j, and combine them, so pre-calculate a table for all kinds of combination of ij comes out following code:

    // lookupPos maps 4 bits of "i", 4 bits of "j", and 2 bits representing the
    // orientation of the current cell into 8 bits representing the order in which
    // that subcell is visited by the Hilbert curve, plus 2 bits indicating the
    // new orientation of the Hilbert curve within that subcell. (Cell
    // orientations are represented as combination of swapMask and invertMask.)
	lookupIJ         [1 << (2*lookupBits + 2)]int
	lookupPos        [1 << (2*lookupBits + 2)]int

Part2: Init

func init() {
	initLookupCell(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
	initLookupCell(0, 0, 0, swapMask, 0, swapMask)
	initLookupCell(0, 0, 0, invertMask, 0, invertMask)
	initLookupCell(0, 0, 0, swapMask|invertMask, 0, swapMask|invertMask)

// initLookupCell initializes the lookupIJ table at init time.
func initLookupCell(level, i, j, origOrientation, pos, orientation int) {
	if level == lookupBits {
		ij := (i << lookupBits) + j
		lookupPos[(ij<<2)+origOrientation] = (pos << 2) + orientation
		lookupIJ[(pos<<2)+origOrientation] = (ij << 2) + orientation

	i <<= 1
	j <<= 1
	pos <<= 2
	r := posToIJ[orientation]
	initLookupCell(level, i+(r[0]>>1), j+(r[0]&1), origOrientation, pos, orientation^posToOrientation[0])
	initLookupCell(level, i+(r[1]>>1), j+(r[1]&1), origOrientation, pos+1, orientation^posToOrientation[1])
	initLookupCell(level, i+(r[2]>>1), j+(r[2]&1), origOrientation, pos+2, orientation^posToOrientation[2])
	initLookupCell(level, i+(r[3]>>1), j+(r[3]&1), origOrientation, pos+3, orientation^posToOrientation[3])
  • Let's just take a look at one time call of initLookupCell().
    • Basically, the function use recursion to generate all combination of i[0000, 1111] and j[0000, 1111] in order 4 hilbert curve.(why order 4? 1 bit of i,j could be represented by order 1 hilbert curve, 2 bit of i,j could be represented by order 2 hilbert curve). Level guarantees all bits has been full-filled
    • Let's first simplify our problem, we want to pre-calculate query table for i and j with just 1 bit for each of them. ijToPos is your dish, you are welcome!
    • Let's assume we want to pre-calculate query table for i and j with 2 bits for each of them. i's range is [00, 11], j's range is [00, 11]. We could pick high-order one bit from i and another high-order one bit from j to generate order 1 hilbert curve, and then use low-order one bit from i and another low-order one bit from j to further dived each cell from order 1. If i's high level bit is 0, then final value could only exists in grid 0 and 1, by high level bit from j we could specify the grid. Then based on previous steps's analysis we know how to further divide this grid, so we got a curve for it, and then based on low-order bit from i and j we could specify final grid, thus we got a position from hilbert curve.
    • Generate query table for i and j with 4 bits for each of them is nothing hard but continue the recursion.
    • For function initLookupCell(), parameter orientation specify the curve for this round
    • Based on r := posToIJ[orientation] you will know how i and j goes in this specific round\
    • r[]>>1 will get higher level bits, r[]&1 will get lower level bits
    • pos <<= 2 guarantees each grid has proper start value
    • orientation^posToOrientation generate curve for next level
  • If our target is just order 4's hilbert curve, then then following code is enough.
	lookupIJ         [1 << (2*lookupBits)]int
	lookupPos        [1 << (2*lookupBits)]int

func init() {
	initLookupCell(0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
  • But as our analysis shows for 1 bit of ij and 2 bits of ij, with more bits means we will further divide the grid. That gave us two additional requirements:
    • Order 4 is not the end of divide, its just the end of one round. So we need information of current position in hilbert curve and orientation to guide if we want to further divide what is the curve looks like.
    • Since we want to generate pre-calculated table to speed up query, the curve from previous iteration could be any of the four, we must calculate all the condition for canonical order, axes swapped, bits inverted, swapped & inverted. That's why initLookupCell() be called for four times in Init().

Part3: Query

// cellIDFromFaceIJ returns a leaf cell given its cube face (range 0..5) and IJ coordinates.
func cellIDFromFaceIJ(f, i, j int) CellID {
	// Note that this value gets shifted one bit to the left at the end
	// of the function.
	n := uint64(f) << (posBits - 1)
	// Alternating faces have opposite Hilbert curve orientations; this
	// is necessary in order for all faces to have a right-handed
	// coordinate system.
	bits := f & swapMask
	// Each iteration maps 4 bits of "i" and "j" into 8 bits of the Hilbert
	// curve position.  The lookup table transforms a 10-bit key of the form
	// "iiiijjjjoo" to a 10-bit value of the form "ppppppppoo", where the
	// letters [ijpo] denote bits of "i", "j", Hilbert curve position, and
	// Hilbert curve orientation respectively.
	for k := 7; k >= 0; k-- {
		mask := (1 << lookupBits) - 1
		bits += ((i >> uint(k*lookupBits)) & mask) << (lookupBits + 2)
		bits += ((j >> uint(k*lookupBits)) & mask) << 2
		bits = lookupPos[bits]
		n |= uint64(bits>>2) << (uint(k) * 2 * lookupBits)
		bits &= (swapMask | invertMask)
	return CellID(n*2 + 1)

Give an example for how this part works, let's say we make a call with:

f, i, j
k = 7
mask = 1111
bits+x = 0
bits+y = 100
bits-query = 1110
n = 10001100000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
bits = 10

k = 6
mask = 1111
bits+x = 100000010
bits+y = 100100010
bits-query = 1101000001
n = 10001111010000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000000
bits = 1

k = 5
mask = 1111
bits+x = 11000001
bits+y = 11100001
bits-query = 1110010110
n = 10001111010000111001010000000000000000000000000000000000000000
bits = 10

k = 4
mask = 1111
bits+x = 111000010
bits+y = 111111110
bits-query = 1110101001
n = 10001111010000111001011110101000000000000000000000000000000000
bits = 1

k = 3
mask = 1111
bits+x = 100000001
bits+y = 100110001
bits-query = 1100101011
n = 10001111010000111001011110101011001010000000000000000000000000
bits = 11

k = 2
mask = 1111
bits+x = 11
bits+y = 111
bits-query = 1010100111
n = 10001111010000111001011110101011001010101010010000000000000000
bits = 11

k = 1
mask = 1111
bits+x = 1111000011
bits+y = 1111100011
bits-query = 1010110
n = 10001111010000111001011110101011001010101010010001010100000000
bits = 10

k = 0
mask = 1111
bits+x = 100000010
bits+y = 100001010
bits-query = 1001110000
n = 10001111010000111001011110101011001010101010010001010110011100
bits = 0

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