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CloudZero Agent Helm Chart

Contributor Covenant License GitHub release

A Helm chart for deploying Prometheus in agent mode to send cluster metrics to the CloudZero platform.

For the latest release, see Releases. You can also enable release notifications.


  • Kubernetes 1.23+
  • Helm 3+
  • A CloudZero API key
  • Each Kubernetes cluster must have a route to the internet and a rule that allows egress from the agent to the CloudZero collector endpoint at on port 443
  • A kube-state-metrics exporter running in the cluster, available via Kubernetes Service (see below for details)


Get Helm Repository Info

helm repo add cloudzero
helm repo update

See helm repo for command documentation.

Install Helm Chart

The chart can be installed directly with Helm or any other common Kubernetes deployment tools.

If installing with Helm directly, the following command will install the chart:

helm install <RELEASE_NAME> cloudzero/cloudzero-agent \
    --set existingSecretName=<NAME_OF_SECRET> \
    --set clusterName=<CLUSTER_NAME> \
    --set-string cloudAccountId=<CLOUD_ACCOUNT_ID> \
    --set region=<REGION> \
    # optionally deploy kube-state-metrics if it doesn't exist in the cluster already
    --set kube-state-metrics.enabled=<true|false>

Update Helm Chart

Alternatively, if you are updating an existing installation, pull the latest chart information first:

helm repo update

Next, upgrade the installation to the latest chart version:

helm upgrade <RELEASE_NAME> cloudzero/cloudzero-agent \
    --set existingSecretName=<NAME_OF_SECRET> \
    --set clusterName=<CLUSTER_NAME> \
    --set-string cloudAccountId=<CLOUD_ACCOUNT_ID> \
    --set region=<REGION> \
    --set kube-state-metrics.enabled=<true|false>

Mandatory Values

There are several mandatory values that must be specified for the chart to install properly. Below are the required settings along with strategies for providing custom values during installation:

Key Type Default Description
cloudAccountId string nil Account ID in AWS or Subscription ID in Azure or Project Number in GCP where the cluster is running. Must be a string due to Helm limitations.
clusterName string nil Name of the cluster. Must be RFC 1123 compliant.
host string "" CloudZero host to send metrics to.
apiKey string nil The CloudZero API key to use for exporting metrics. Only used if existingSecretName is not set.
existingSecretName string nil Name of the secret that contains the CloudZero API key. Required if not providing the API key via apiKey.
region string nil Region where the cluster is running (e.g., us-east-1, eastus). For more information, see AWS or Azure documentation.

Overriding Default Values

Default values are specified in the chart's values.yaml file. If you need to change any of these values, it is recommended to create a values-override.yaml file for your customizations.

Using the --values Flag

You can use the --values (or short form -f) flag in your Helm commands to override values in the chart with a new file. Specify the name of the file after the --values flag:

helm install <RELEASE_NAME> cloudzero/cloudzero-agent \
    --set existingSecretName=<NAME_OF_SECRET> \
    --set clusterName=<CLUSTER_NAME> \
    --set-string cloudAccountId=<CLOUD_ACCOUNT_ID> \
    --set region=<REGION> \
    -f values-override.yaml

Ensure values-override.yaml contains only the values you wish to override from values.yaml.

Note it is possible to save values for different environments, or based on other criteria into seperate values files and multiple files using the -f helm parameters.

Using the --set Flag

You can use the --set flag in Helm commands to directly set or override specific values from values.yaml. Use dot notation to specify nested values:

helm install <RELEASE_NAME> cloudzero/cloudzero-agent \
    --set existingSecretName=<NAME_OF_SECRET> \
    --set clusterName=<CLUSTER_NAME> \
    --set-string cloudAccountId=<CLOUD_ACCOUNT_ID> \
    --set region=<REGION> \
    --set server.resources.limits.memory=2048Mi \
    -f values-override.yaml

Metric Exporters

This chart depends on metrics from kube-state-metrics. There are two installation options for providing the kube-state-metrics metrics to the cloudzero-agent. If you don't know which option is right for you, use the second option.

Option 1 (default): Use existing kube-state-metrics

Using an existing kube-state-metrics exporter may be desirable for minimizing cost. By default, the cloudzero-agent will attempt to find an existing kube-state-metrics K8s Service by searching for a K8s Service with the annotation "true". If an existing kube-state-metrics Service exists but does not have that annotation and you do not wish to add it, see the Custom Scrape Configs section below.

In addition to the above, the existing kube-state-metrics Service address should be added in values-override.yaml as shown below so that the cloudzero-agent can validate the connection:

     kubeStateMetrics: <kube-state-metrics>.<example-namespace>.svc.cluster.local:8080

Option 2: Use kube-state-metrics subchart

Alternatively, deploy the kube-state-metrics subchart that comes packaged with this chart. This is done by enabling settings in values-override.yaml as shown:

  enabled: true

In this option, no additional configuration is required in the validator field.

Secret Management

The chart requires a CloudZero API key to send metric data. Admins can retrieve API keys here.

The API key can be supplied as an existing secret (default) or created by the chart. Ensure the Secret is in the same namespace as the chart and follows this format:


  value: <API_KEY>

Example of creating a secret:

kubectl create secret -n example-namespace generic example-secret-name --from-literal=value=<example-api-key-value>

The secret can then be used with existingSecretName.

Memory Sizing

Please see the sizing guide in the docs directory.

Passing Values to Subcharts

Values can be passed to subcharts like kube-state-metrics by adding entries in values-override.yaml as per their specifications.

A common addition may be to pull the container images from custom image registries/repositories:


  enabled: true
    repository: my-custom-kube-state-metrics/kube-state-metrics

Custom Scrape Configs

If running without the default kube-state-metrics exporter subchart and your existing kube-state-metrics deployment does not have the required "true", adjust the Prometheus scrape configs as shown:


      enabled: false # this disables the default kube-state-metrics scrape job, which will be replaced by an entry in additionalScrapeJobs
    - job_name: custom-kube-state-metrics
      honor_timestamps: true
      scrape_interval: 1m
      scrape_timeout: 10s
      metrics_path: /metrics
        - targets:
          - 'my-kube-state-metrics-service.default.svc.cluster.local:8080'
      - separator: ;
        regex: __meta_kubernetes_service_label_(.+)
        replacement: $1
        action: labelmap
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_namespace]
        separator: ;
        regex: (.*)
        target_label: namespace
        replacement: $1
        action: replace
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_service_name]
        separator: ;
        regex: (.*)
        target_label: service
        replacement: $1
        action: replace
      - source_labels: [__meta_kubernetes_pod_node_name]
        separator: ;
        regex: (.*)
        target_label: node
        replacement: $1
        action: replace

Exporting Pod Labels

Pod labels can be exported as metrics using kube-state-metrics. To customize the labels for export, modify the values-override.yaml file as shown below:

Example: Exporting only the pod labels named foo and bar:

     - --metric-labels-allowlist=pods=[foo,bar]

This is preferable to including all labels with * because the performance and memory impact is reduced. Regular expression matching is not currently supported. See the kube-state-metrics documentation for more details.

⚠️ Important: If you are running an existing kube-state-metrics instance, ensure that the labels you want to use are whitelisted. kube-state-metrics version 2.x and above will not export the kube_pod_labels metrics unless they are explicitly allowed. This prevents the use of those labels for cost allocation and other purposes. Make sure you have configured the labels at the appropriate level using the --metric-labels-allowlist parameter:

eg: - --metric-labels-allowlist=namespaces=[*],pods=[*],deployments=[*,k8s.*]


Repository Name Version kube-state-metrics 5.15.*

Enabling Release Notifications

To receive a notification when a new version of the chart is released, you can watch the repository:

  1. Navigate to the repository main page.
  2. Select Watch > Custom.
  3. Check the Releases box.
  4. Select Apply.



I've deployed the chart, but I don't see Kubernetes data in CloudZero.


This can happen for a number of reasons; see below for solutions to the most common problems

Ensure kube-state-metrics is deployed correctly

  1. Review the Metric Exporters section.
  2. If opting for Option 1
  • Is kube-state-metrics installed?
kubectl get services --all-namespaces | grep kube-state-metrics

If the above command does not return any services, install a kube-state-metrics exporter, or use Option 2 in the Metric Exporters section.

  1. If opting for Option 2, ensure that kube-state-metrics.enabled=true is set as an annotation on the Service.
  2. Ensure the cloudzero-agent pod can find the kube-state-metrics Service. Run the following command:
    kubectl get services -A -o jsonpath='{range .items[?(@.metadata.annotations.prometheus\.io/scrape=="true")]}{}{" in "}{.metadata.namespace}{"\n"}{end}'
    If this does not return a kube-state-metrics Service, then either annotate the existing Service found in Step 2 with "true", or following the instructions in the Custom Scrape Configs section above.
  3. Ensure connectivity between the cloudzero-agent pod and the kube-state-metrics Service.
SERVER_POD=$(kubectl get pod -l -o jsonpath='{.items[0]}')
kubectl exec -it -n <NAMESPACE> $SERVER_POD -- wget -qO- <KSM_SERVICE_NAME>.<KSM_NAMESPACE>.svc.cluster.local:8080/metrics

The request should return a 200 response with a list of metrics prefixed with kube_, i.e., kube_pod_info. If not, ensure that the kube-state-metrics deployment is configured correctly.


I have Kubernetes data in CloudZero, but I don't see Kubernetes labels as Dimensions.


Note that

  1. Only labels on Pods are currently supported, and
  2. Labels are "opt-in"; see the Exporting Pod Labels section for details.

Useful References