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"337d8026-41b4-5cde-a456-74a10e5b31d1" -version = "1.10.1+0" - -[[deps.nghttp2_jll]] -deps = ["Artifacts", "Libdl"] -uuid = "8e850ede-7688-5339-a07c-302acd2aaf8d" -version = "1.52.0+1" - -[[deps.oneTBB_jll]] -deps = ["Artifacts", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl"] -git-tree-sha1 = "7d0ea0f4895ef2f5cb83645fa689e52cb55cf493" -uuid = "1317d2d5-d96f-522e-a858-c73665f53c3e" -version = "2021.12.0+0" - -[[deps.p7zip_jll]] -deps = ["Artifacts", "Libdl"] -uuid = "3f19e933-33d8-53b3-aaab-bd5110c3b7a0" -version = "17.4.0+2" - -[[deps.prrte_jll]] -deps = ["Artifacts", "Hwloc_jll", "JLLWrappers", "Libdl", "PMIx_jll", "libevent_jll"] -git-tree-sha1 = "5adb2d7a18a30280feb66cad6f1a1dfdca2dc7b0" -uuid = "eb928a42-fffd-568d-ab9c-3f5d54fc65b9" -version = "3.0.2+0" diff --git a/Project.toml b/Project.toml index 88ec8b7..c7c3482 100644 --- a/Project.toml +++ b/Project.toml @@ -10,11 +10,14 @@ julia = "^1.6" Adapt = "79e6a3ab-5dfb-504d-930d-738a2a938a0e" ArgParse = "c7e460c6-2fb9-53a9-8c5b-16f535851c63" CUDA = "052768ef-5323-5732-b1bb-66c8b64840ba" +CairoMakie = "13f3f980-e62b-5c42-98c6-ff1f3baf88f0" +GLMakie = "e9467ef8-e4e7-5192-8a1a-b1aee30e663a" Glob = "c27321d9-0574-5035-807b-f59d2c89b15c" Interpolations = "a98d9a8b-a2ab-59e6-89dd-64a1c18fca59" JLD2 = "033835bb-8acc-5ee8-8aae-3f567f8a3819" KernelAbstractions = "63c18a36-062a-441e-b654-da1e3ab1ce7c" Logging = "56ddb016-857b-54e1-b83d-db4d58db5568" +MathTeXEngine = "0a4f8689-d25c-4efe-a92b-7142dfc1aa53" NCDatasets = "85f8d34a-cbdd-5861-8df4-14fed0d494ab" NLsolve = "2774e3e8-f4cf-5e23-947b-6d7e65073b56" Oceananigans = "9e8cae18-63c1-5223-a75c-80ca9d6e9a09" diff --git a/idealized/analyze_resolution_three_layer_simulations.jl b/idealized/analyze_resolution_three_layer_simulations.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..d13d0fc --- /dev/null +++ b/idealized/analyze_resolution_three_layer_simulations.jl @@ -0,0 +1,153 @@ +using Oceananigans +using CairoMakie +using MathTeXEngine + +basedir = "/Users/gregorywagner/Projects/LESbrary.jl/data" +suite = "6_hour_suite" +resolutions = ["1m", "2m", "4m"] + +labels = Dict( + #"0.75m" => "0.75 meter", + "1m" => "1 meter", + "2m" => "2 meter", + "4m" => "4 meter", +) + +cases = [ + "free_convection", + #"weak_wind_strong_cooling", + #"strong_wind_weak_cooling", + "med_wind_med_cooling", + "strong_wind", + #"strong_wind_no_rotation", + #"strong_wind_weak_cooling", + "strong_wind_and_sunny", +] + +titles = Dict( + "free_convection" => "Free \n convection", + "strong_wind" => "Strong wind", + "strong_wind_no_rotation" => "Strong wind \n no rotation", + "weak_wind_strong_cooling" => "Weak wind \n strong cooling", + "med_wind_med_cooling" => "Mid wind \n mid cooling", + "strong_wind_weak_cooling" => "Strong wind \n weak cooling", + "strong_wind_and_sunny" => "Strong wind \n and sunny", +) + +# case = "free_convection" + +fonts = (; regular=texfont()) +set_theme!(Theme(fontsize=24, linewidth=3; fonts)) +fig = Figure(size=(1200, 500)) +axc = [] + +for (c, case) in enumerate(cases) + colors = Makie.wong_colors() + colors = reverse(colors) + + if c == length(cases) + yaxisposition = :right + else + yaxisposition = :left + end + + x = 1:9 + xticks = (x .* 1e-4, [string(i) for i in x]) + + # if c == 1 || c == 2 + # xticks = ([1, 2, 3, 4] .* 1e-4, ["1", "2", "3", "4"]) + # else + # xticks = ([1, 3, 5, 7] .* 1e-4, ["1", "3", "5", "7", "9"]) + # end + ax = Axis(fig[2, c], xlabel="Buoyancy \n (10⁻⁴ × m s⁻²)", ylabel=L"z \, \mathrm{(m)}"; yaxisposition, xticks) + title = titles[case] + Label(fig[1, c], title, tellwidth=false) + push!(axc, ax) + + if c != 1 && c != length(cases) + hideydecorations!(ax, grid=false) + end + + if c == 1 + hidespines!(ax, :t, :r) + elseif c == 4 + hidespines!(ax, :t, :l) + else + hidespines!(ax, :t, :l, :r) + end + + #res = "1m" + for res in resolutions + + #for waves in ("", "_no_stokes") + #filename = string(case, waves, "_instantaneous_statistics.jld2") + + #try + filename = string(case, "_with_tracer_instantaneous_statistics.jld2") + datadir = joinpath(basedir, suite, res) + filepath = joinpath(datadir, filename) + bt = FieldTimeSeries(filepath, "b") + bn = interior(bt[end], 1, 1, :) .- bt[1][1, 1, 1] + @show length(bt) + z = znodes(bt) + + # if waves == "" + # label = "with \nStokes drift" + # else + # label = "without" + # end + + label = labels[res] + if res == "1m" + #if waves == "" + linewidth = 5 + color = (:black, 0.8) + linestyle = :solid + else + linewidth = 3 + linestyle = :dash + color = pop!(colors) + end + lines!(ax, bn, z; label, linewidth, linestyle, color) + #catch + #end + end + + ylims!(ax, -200, 5) +end + +Nc = length(cases) +#Legend(fig[2, Nc+1], first(axc)) +axislegend(axc[1], position=(0, 0.9)) + +# For Stokes drift comparison +#xlims!(axc[1], 1.7e-4, 3.7e-4) +#xlims!(axc[2], 1.7e-4, 4.8e-4) +#xlims!(axc[3], 1.7e-4, 6e-4) +#xlims!(axc[4], 1.7e-4, 7.1e-4) + +# For 12 hour suite resolution comparison +if suite == "6_hour_suite" + xlims!(axc[1], 1e-4, 3.3e-4) + xlims!(axc[2], 1e-4, 3.9e-4) + xlims!(axc[3], 1e-4, 5.5e-4) + xlims!(axc[4], 1e-4, 7.0e-4) +elseif suite == "24_hour_suite" + xlims!(axc[1], 1.7e-4, 3.3e-4) + xlims!(axc[2], 1.7e-4, 3.9e-4) + xlims!(axc[3], 1.7e-4, 5.5e-4) + xlims!(axc[4], 1.7e-4, 9.3e-4) +else + xlims!(axc[1], 1.7e-4, 3.3e-4) + xlims!(axc[2], 1.7e-4, 3.9e-4) + xlims!(axc[3], 1.7e-4, 5.5e-4) + xlims!(axc[4], 1.7e-4, 8.0e-4) +end + +for ax in axc + ylims!(ax, -160, 0) +end + +display(fig) +save("les_resolution_dependence_$suite.pdf", fig) + diff --git a/idealized/analyze_stokes_three_layer_simulations.jl b/idealized/analyze_stokes_three_layer_simulations.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..41fc6b9 --- /dev/null +++ b/idealized/analyze_stokes_three_layer_simulations.jl @@ -0,0 +1,125 @@ +using Oceananigans +using CairoMakie +using MathTeXEngine + +basedir = "/Users/gregorywagner/Projects/LESbrary.jl/data" +suite = "12_hour_suite" +resolutions = ["1m", "2m", "4m"] + +labels = Dict( + "1m" => "1 meter", + "2m" => "2 meter", + "4m" => "4 meter", +) + +cases = [ + #"free_convection", + "weak_wind_strong_cooling", + "med_wind_med_cooling", + "strong_wind_weak_cooling", + "strong_wind", + #"strong_wind_no_rotation", + #"strong_wind_weak_cooling", +] + +titles = Dict( + "free_convection" => "Free \n convection", + "strong_wind" => "Strong wind", + "strong_wind_no_rotation" => "Strong wind \n no rotation", + "weak_wind_strong_cooling" => "Weak wind \n strong cooling", + "med_wind_med_cooling" => "Mid wind \n mid cooling", + "strong_wind_weak_cooling" => "Strong wind \n weak cooling", +) + +# case = "free_convection" + +fonts = (; regular=texfont()) +set_theme!(Theme(fontsize=24, linewidth=3; fonts)) +fig = Figure(size=(1200, 500)) +axc = [] + +for (c, case) in enumerate(cases) + colors = Makie.wong_colors() + colors = reverse(colors) + + if c == length(cases) + yaxisposition = :right + else + yaxisposition = :left + end + + x = 1:9 + xticks = (x .* 1e-4, [string(i) for i in x]) + ax = Axis(fig[2, c], xlabel="Buoyancy \n (10⁻⁴ × m s⁻²)", ylabel=L"z \, \mathrm{(m)}"; yaxisposition, xticks) + title = titles[case] + Label(fig[1, c], title, tellwidth=false) + push!(axc, ax) + + if c != 1 && c != length(cases) + hideydecorations!(ax, grid=false) + end + + if c == 1 + hidespines!(ax, :t, :r) + elseif c == 4 + hidespines!(ax, :t, :l) + else + hidespines!(ax, :t, :l, :r) + end + + res = "1m" + for waves in ("", "_no_stokes") + filename = string(case, waves, "_instantaneous_statistics.jld2") + datadir = joinpath(basedir, suite, res) + filepath = joinpath(datadir, filename) + bt = FieldTimeSeries(filepath, "b") + bn = interior(bt[end], 1, 1, :) .- bt[1][1, 1, 1] + @show length(bt) + z = znodes(bt) + + if waves == "" + label = "with \nStokes drift" + else + label = "without" + end + + if waves == "" + linewidth = 5 + color = (:black, 0.8) + linestyle = :solid + else + linewidth = 3 + linestyle = :dash + color = pop!(colors) + end + lines!(ax, bn, z; label, linewidth, linestyle, color) + end + + ylims!(ax, -160, 0) +end + +Nc = length(cases) +#Legend(fig[2, Nc+1], first(axc)) +axislegend(axc[1], position=(0, 0.9)) + +# For 12 hour suite resolution comparison +if suite == "6_hour_suite" + xlims!(axc[1], 1.7e-4, 3.9e-4) + xlims!(axc[2], 1.7e-4, 3.9e-4) + xlims!(axc[3], 1.7e-4, 4.6e-4) + xlims!(axc[4], 1.7e-4, 6.0e-4) +elseif suite == "24_hour_suite" + xlims!(axc[1], 1.7e-4, 3.9e-4) + xlims!(axc[2], 1.7e-4, 3.9e-4) + xlims!(axc[3], 1.7e-4, 4.6e-4) + xlims!(axc[4], 1.7e-4, 6.0e-4) +else + xlims!(axc[1], 1.7e-4, 3.9e-4) + xlims!(axc[2], 1.7e-4, 3.9e-4) + xlims!(axc[3], 1.7e-4, 4.6e-4) + xlims!(axc[4], 1.7e-4, 6.0e-4) +end + +display(fig) +save("les_stokes_dependence_$suite.pdf", fig) + diff --git a/idealized/quick_peek_averages.jl b/idealized/quick_peek_averages.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1b3dca9 --- /dev/null +++ b/idealized/quick_peek_averages.jl @@ -0,0 +1,69 @@ +using Oceananigans +using GLMakie +#using CairoMakie + +set_theme!(Theme(fontsize=24, linewidth=3)) +basedir = "/Users/gregorywagner/Projects/LESbrary.jl/data" +suite = "48_hour_suite" +resolution = "2m" +suffix = "_instantaneous_statistics.jld2" +datadir = joinpath(basedir, suite, resolution) + +cases = [ + "free_convection_with_tracer", + "strong_wind_and_sunny_with_tracer", + "strong_wind_no_rotation_with_tracer", + "strong_wind_with_tracer", + "strong_wind_weak_cooling_with_tracer", + "weak_wind_strong_cooling_with_tracer", + "med_wind_med_cooling_with_tracer", +] + +fig = Figure(size=(1400, 500)) + +axb = Axis(fig[1, 1]) +axc = Axis(fig[1, 2]) +axu = Axis(fig[1, 3]) + +#xlims!(axb, -1e-3, 0) +xlims!(axc, -2, 6) + +filepath1 = joinpath(datadir, first(cases) * suffix) +b1 = FieldTimeSeries(filepath1, "b") +Nt = length(b1) +z = znodes(b1) +t = b1.times + +slider = Slider(fig[2, 1:3], startvalue=Nt, range=1:Nt) +n = slider.value + +title = @lift string("t = ", prettytime(t[$n])) +Label(fig[0, 1:3], title) + +colors = [:black, :blue, :red, :seagreen, :orange, :purple, :brown] + +for (c, case) in enumerate(cases) + + filepath = joinpath(datadir, case * suffix) + bt = FieldTimeSeries(filepath, "b") + ct = FieldTimeSeries(filepath, "c") + ut = FieldTimeSeries(filepath, "u") + vt = FieldTimeSeries(filepath, "v") + + times = bt.times + t = times[end] + @show prettytime(t) + + bn = @lift interior(bt[$n], 1, 1, :) + cn = @lift interior(ct[$n], 1, 1, :) + un = @lift interior(ut[$n], 1, 1, :) + vn = @lift interior(vt[$n], 1, 1, :) + + lines!(axb, bn, z; color=colors[c], linestyle=:solid) + lines!(axc, cn, z; color=colors[c], linestyle=:solid) + lines!(axu, un, z; color=colors[c], linestyle=:solid, label="u") + lines!(axu, vn, z; color=colors[c], linestyle=:dash, label="v") +end + +display(fig) + diff --git a/idealized/quick_peek_three_layer_simulation.jl b/idealized/quick_peek_three_layer_simulation.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..04ca6ad --- /dev/null +++ b/idealized/quick_peek_three_layer_simulation.jl @@ -0,0 +1,26 @@ +using Oceananigans +using GLMakie +#using CairoMakie + +basedir = "/Users/gregorywagner/Projects/LESbrary.jl/data" +suite = "12_hour_suite" +resolution = "1m" +filename = "strong_wind_no_stokes_xz_slice.jld2" + +set_theme!(Theme(fontsize=24, linewidth=3)) +fig = Figure(size=(1200, 1200)) +ax = Axis(fig[1, 1]) +datadir = joinpath(basedir, suite, resolution) +filepath = joinpath(datadir, filename) +wt = FieldTimeSeries(filepath, "w") +wn = interior(wt[end], :, 1, :) +times = wt.times +t = times[end] +@show prettytime(t) + +wlim = 3 * maximum(wn) / 4 +heatmap!(ax, wn, colormap=:balance, colorrange=(-wlim, wlim)) + +display(fig) + + diff --git a/idealized/show_parameters.jl b/idealized/show_parameters.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..4715412 --- /dev/null +++ b/idealized/show_parameters.jl @@ -0,0 +1,70 @@ +# Example script for generating LESbrary data + +using Oceananigans +using Oceananigans.Units +using Printf + +using LESbrary.IdealizedExperiments: forty_eight_hour_suite_parameters +using LESbrary.IdealizedExperiments: twenty_four_hour_suite_parameters +using LESbrary.IdealizedExperiments: twelve_hour_suite_parameters +using LESbrary.IdealizedExperiments: six_hour_suite_parameters +using LESbrary.IdealizedExperiments: seventy_two_hour_suite_parameters + +cases = [ + :free_convection, + :weak_wind_strong_cooling, + :med_wind_med_cooling, + :strong_wind_weak_cooling, + :strong_wind, + :strong_wind_no_rotation +] + +suites = [ + six_hour_suite_parameters, + twelve_hour_suite_parameters, + twenty_four_hour_suite_parameters, + forty_eight_hour_suite_parameters, + seventy_two_hour_suite_parameters, +] + +for suite in suites + for case in cases + suite_parameters = suite[case] + + α = 2e-4 + g = 9.81 + ρₒ = 1024 + ρₐ = 1.2 + cp = 3991 + κ = 0.4 + g = 9.81 + Cg = 0.011 + + # Heat flux + Jb = suite_parameters[:buoyancy_flux] + Q = ρₒ * cp * Jb / (α * g) + + # Deduce ua(z=10m) + τₒ = suite_parameters[:momentum_flux] + τₐ = ρₒ * τₒ / ρₐ + + # Atmos friction velocity + u★ = sqrt(abs(τₐ)) + + if τₐ == 0 + u₁₀ = 0.0 + c₁₀ = 0.0 + else + ℓ = Cg * abs(τₐ) / g + c₁₀ = (κ / log(10 / ℓ))^2 + + # τₐ = c10 * u10^2 + u₁₀ = sqrt(abs(τₐ) / c₁₀) + end + + @info string(@sprintf("% 24s:", case), + @sprintf(" c₁₀: %.2e", c₁₀), + @sprintf(" u₁₀: %2d", u₁₀), + @sprintf(" Q: %d", Q)) + end +end diff --git a/idealized/visualize_les_horizontal_averages.jl b/idealized/visualize_les_horizontal_averages.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..1ad765b --- /dev/null +++ b/idealized/visualize_les_horizontal_averages.jl @@ -0,0 +1,238 @@ +using Oceananigans +using JLD2 +using GLMakie +using Statistics + +fonts = (; regular=texfont()) +set_theme!(Theme(fontsize=32, linewidth=6; fonts)) + +dir = "/Users/gregorywagner/Projects/LESbrary.jl/data" + +fig = Figure(size=(1680, 670)) + +ax_per_row = 3 + +case1 = ( + suite = "6_hour_suite", + res = "1m", + prefix = "strong_wind_no_rotation", + row = 1, + label = "(a)", +) + +case2 = ( + suite = "6_hour_suite", + res = "1m", + prefix = "strong_wind_weak_cooling", + row = 1, + label = "(b)", +) + +case3 = ( + suite = "6_hour_suite", + res = "1m", + prefix = "free_convection", + row = 1, + label = "(c)", +) + +case4 = ( + suite = "12_hour_suite", + res = "1m", + prefix = "strong_wind_no_rotation", + row = 2, + label = "(d)", +) + +case5 = ( + suite = "12_hour_suite", + res = "1m", + prefix = "strong_wind_weak_cooling", + row = 2, + label = "(e)", +) + +case6 = ( + suite = "12_hour_suite", + res = "1m", + prefix = "free_convection", + row = 2, + label = "(f)", +) + +case7 = ( + suite = "72_hour_suite", + res = "1m", + prefix = "strong_wind_no_rotation", + row = 3, + label = "(g)", +) + +case8 = ( + suite = "72_hour_suite", + res = "1m", + prefix = "strong_wind_weak_cooling", + row = 3, + label = "(h)", +) + +case9 = ( + suite = "72_hour_suite", + res = "1m", + prefix = "free_convection", + row = 3, + label = "(i)", +) + +case = case5 + +suite = case.suite +res = case.res +prefix = case.prefix +row = case.row +label = case.label + +xy_filepath = joinpath(dir, suite, res, prefix * "_xy_slice.jld2") +yz_filepath = joinpath(dir, suite, res, prefix * "_yz_slice.jld2") +xz_filepath = joinpath(dir, suite, res, prefix * "_xz_slice.jld2") + +# T_xy_t = FieldTimeSeries(xy_filepath, "w") +# T_xz_t = FieldTimeSeries(xz_filepath, "w") +# T_yz_t = FieldTimeSeries(yz_filepath, "w") + +T_xy_t = FieldTimeSeries(xy_filepath, "T") +T_xz_t = FieldTimeSeries(xz_filepath, "T") +T_yz_t = FieldTimeSeries(yz_filepath, "T") + +statistics_filepath = joinpath(dir, suite, res, prefix * "_instantaneous_statistics.jld2") + +Tt = FieldTimeSeries(statistics_filepath, "T") +Bt = FieldTimeSeries(statistics_filepath, "b") +Ut = FieldTimeSeries(statistics_filepath, "u") +Vt = FieldTimeSeries(statistics_filepath, "v") +W²t = FieldTimeSeries(statistics_filepath, "ww") +Et = FieldTimeSeries(statistics_filepath, "e") + +Tn = interior(Tt[end], 1, 1, :) +Bn = interior(Bt[end], 1, 1, :) +Un = interior(Ut[end], 1, 1, :) +Vn = interior(Vt[end], 1, 1, :) +En = interior(Et[end], 1, 1, :) +W²n = interior(W²t[end], 1, 1, :) + +times = T_xy_t.times +Nt = length(times) +grid = T_xy_t.grid + +Nx, Ny, Nz = size(grid) +x, y, z = nodes(T_xy_t) +Lx = grid.Lx +Ly = grid.Ly +Lz = grid.Lz + +# Nz += 1 + +x_xz = repeat(x, 1, Nz) +z_xz = repeat(reshape(z, 1, Nz), Nx, 1) +y_xz = 0.995 * Ly * ones(Nx, Nz) + +y_yz = repeat(y, 1, Nz) +z_yz = repeat(reshape(z, 1, Nz), grid.Ny, 1) +x_yz = 0.995 * Lx * ones(Ny, Nz) + +# Slight displacements to "stitch" the cube together +x_xy = x +y_xy = y +z_xy = -0.001 * Lz * ones(Nx, Ny) + +azimuth = 6.7 +elevation = 0.50 +perspectiveness = 0.1 +xlabel = L"x \, \mathrm{(m)}" +ylabel = L"y \, \mathrm{(m)}" +zlabel = L"z \, \mathrm{(m)}" +aspect = :data +xlabeloffset = 90 +ylabeloffset = 70 +zlabeloffset = 100 + +ax_b = fig[2, 1] = Axis3(fig; aspect, xlabel, ylabel, zlabel, azimuth, elevation, perspectiveness, + xlabeloffset, ylabeloffset, zlabeloffset) + +n = length(T_xy_t) #140 +T_xy = interior(T_xy_t[n], :, :, 1) +T_xz = interior(T_xz_t[n], :, 1, :) +T_yz = interior(T_yz_t[n], 1, :, :) + +T_xy .-= Tn[end-1] +T_xz .-= reshape(Tn, 1, Nz) +T_yz .-= reshape(Tn, 1, Nz) + +ϵ = mean(Bn ./ Tn) # <> +b_xy = ϵ .* T_xy +b_xz = ϵ .* T_xz +b_yz = ϵ .* T_yz + +bmax = maximum(abs, b_xz) +blim = bmax / 6 +colorrange_b = (-blim, blim) +colormap_b = :balance + +pl = surface!(ax_b, x_xz, y_xz, z_xz; color=b_xz, colormap=colormap_b, colorrange=colorrange_b) + surface!(ax_b, x_yz, y_yz, z_yz; color=b_yz, colormap=colormap_b, colorrange=colorrange_b) + surface!(ax_b, x_xy, y_xy, z_xy; color=b_xy, colormap=colormap_b, colorrange=colorrange_b) + +xlims!(ax_b, 0, 512) +ylims!(ax_b, 0, 512) +zlims!(ax_b, -256, 0) + +ticks = ([-2e-5, -1e-5, 0, 1e-5, 2e-5], ["-2", "-1", "0", "1", "2"]) +Colorbar(fig[1, 1], pl; ticks, label=L"\mathrm{Buoyancy \, perturbation} \, b\prime \, (10^{-5} \times \mathrm{m \, s^{-2}})", vertical=false, width=Relative(0.7)) + +# Horizontal averages +xticks = ([0, 1e-4, 2e-4, 3e-4, 4e-4], ["0", "1", "2", "3", "4"]) +ax_B = Axis(fig[1:2, 2]; xticks, xlabel="Buoyancy \n (10⁻⁴ × m s⁻²)", ylabel=L"z \, \mathrm{(m)}") + +z = znodes(Bt) +lines!(ax_B, Bn .- Bn[1], z) + +xticks = ([-0.1, 0, 0.1], ["-0.1", "0", "0.1"]) +ax_u = Axis(fig[1:2, 3]; xticks, xlabel="Velocities \n (m s⁻¹)", ylabel=L"z \, \mathrm{(m)}") + +lines!(ax_u, Un, z, color=:black, label=L"u") +lines!(ax_u, Vn, z, color=:forestgreen, label=L"v") +xlims!(ax_u, -0.19, 0.19) +axislegend(ax_u, position=:lb) + +xticks = ([0, 2e-3, 4e-3], ["0", "2", "4"]) +ax_e = Axis(fig[1:2, 4]; xticks, xlabel="Kinetic energies \n (10⁻³ × m² s⁻²)", ylabel=L"z \, \mathrm{(m)}", yaxisposition=:right) + +zw = znodes(W²t) + +lines!(ax_e, En, z, label=L"\mathscr{E}") +lines!(ax_e, W²n, zw, label=L"w'^2") +axislegend(ax_e, position=:rb) + +#colsize!(fig.layout, 1, Relative(0.6)) +colsize!(fig.layout, 2, Relative(0.17)) +colsize!(fig.layout, 3, Relative(0.17)) +colsize!(fig.layout, 4, Relative(0.17)) + +hidespines!(ax_B, :t, :r) +hidespines!(ax_u, :t, :l, :r) +hidespines!(ax_e, :t, :l) +hideydecorations!(ax_u, grid=false) + +xtext = 440 +ytext = 0 +ztext = 120 +text!(ax_b, xtext, ytext, ztext, text="(a)") + +text!(ax_B, 0.95, 0.03, text="(b)", align=(:right, :bottom), space=:relative) +text!(ax_u, 0.95, 0.03, text="(c)", align=(:right, :bottom), space=:relative) +text!(ax_e, 0.95, 0.25, text="(d)", align=(:right, :bottom), space=:relative) + +display(fig) + +save("les_horizontal_averages.png", fig) + diff --git a/idealized/visualize_les_w.jl b/idealized/visualize_les_w.jl new file mode 100644 index 0000000..989d989 --- /dev/null +++ b/idealized/visualize_les_w.jl @@ -0,0 +1,184 @@ +using Oceananigans +using JLD2 +using GLMakie +using MathTeXEngine + +fonts = (; regular=texfont()) +set_theme!(Theme(fontsize=28; fonts)) + +dir = "/Users/gregorywagner/Projects/LESbrary.jl/data" + +fig = Figure(size=(1500, 1200)) + +#ax_b1 = Axis(fig[1, 4], xlabel="Temperature (ᵒC)", ylabel="z (m)") +#ax_b2 = Axis(fig[2, 4], xlabel="Temperature (ᵒC)", ylabel="z (m)") +#ax_u = Axis(fig[c, 3], xlabel="Velocities (m s⁻¹)", ylabel="z (m)", yaxisposition=:right) + +ax_per_row = 3 + +case1 = ( + suite = "6_hour_suite", + res = "1m", + prefix = "strong_wind_no_rotation", + row = 1, + label = "(a)", +) + +case2 = ( + suite = "6_hour_suite", + res = "1m", + prefix = "strong_wind_weak_cooling", + row = 1, + label = "(b)", +) + +case3 = ( + suite = "6_hour_suite", + res = "1m", + prefix = "free_convection", + row = 1, + label = "(c)", +) + +case4 = ( + suite = "12_hour_suite", + res = "1m", + prefix = "strong_wind_no_rotation", + row = 2, + label = "(d)", +) + +case5 = ( + suite = "12_hour_suite", + res = "1m", + prefix = "strong_wind_weak_cooling", + row = 2, + label = "(e)", +) + +case6 = ( + suite = "12_hour_suite", + res = "1m", + prefix = "free_convection", + row = 2, + label = "(f)", +) + +case7 = ( + suite = "72_hour_suite", + res = "1m", + prefix = "strong_wind_no_rotation", + row = 3, + label = "(g)", +) + +case8 = ( + suite = "72_hour_suite", + res = "1m", + prefix = "strong_wind_weak_cooling", + row = 3, + label = "(h)", +) + +case9 = ( + suite = "72_hour_suite", + res = "1m", + prefix = "free_convection", + row = 3, + label = "(i)", +) + +cases = [case1, case2, case3, + case4, case5, case6, + case7, case8, case9] + +for (c, case) in enumerate(cases) + + suite = case.suite + res = case.res + prefix = case.prefix + row = case.row + label = case.label + + xy_filepath = joinpath(dir, suite, res, prefix * "_with_tracer_xy_slice.jld2") + yz_filepath = joinpath(dir, suite, res, prefix * "_with_tracer_yz_slice.jld2") + xz_filepath = joinpath(dir, suite, res, prefix * "_with_tracer_xz_slice.jld2") + + w_xy_t = FieldTimeSeries(xy_filepath, "w") + w_xz_t = FieldTimeSeries(xz_filepath, "w") + w_yz_t = FieldTimeSeries(yz_filepath, "w") + + statistics_filepath = joinpath(dir, suite, res, prefix * "_instantaneous_statistics.jld2") + + times = w_xy_t.times + Nt = length(times) + + grid = w_xy_t.grid + + Nx, Ny, Nz = size(grid) + x, y, z = nodes(w_xy_t) + Lx = grid.Lx + Ly = grid.Ly + Lz = grid.Lz + + Nz += 1 + + x_xz = repeat(x, 1, Nz) + z_xz = repeat(reshape(z, 1, Nz), Nx, 1) + y_xz = 0.995 * Ly * ones(Nx, Nz) + + y_yz = repeat(y, 1, Nz) + z_yz = repeat(reshape(z, 1, Nz), grid.Ny, 1) + x_yz = 0.995 * Lx * ones(Ny, Nz) + + # Slight displacements to "stitch" the cube together + x_xy = x + y_xy = y + z_xy = -0.001 * Lz * ones(Nx, Ny) + + azimuth = 6.7 + elevation = 0.50 + perspectiveness = 0.1 + xlabel = L"x \, \mathrm{(m)}" + ylabel = L"y \, \mathrm{(m)}" + zlabel = L"z \, \mathrm{(m)}" + aspect = :data + xlabeloffset = 60 + zlabeloffset = 80 + + j = c - ax_per_row * (row - 1) + ax_w = fig[row, j] = Axis3(fig; aspect, xlabel, ylabel, zlabel, azimuth, elevation, perspectiveness, + xlabeloffset, zlabeloffset) + + if c != 2 + hidedecorations!(ax_w) + end + + n = length(w_xy_t) #140 + w_xy = interior(w_xy_t[n], :, :, 1) + w_xz = interior(w_xz_t[n], :, 1, :) + w_yz = interior(w_yz_t[n], 1, :, :) + + wmax = maximum(abs, w_xy) + wlim = wmax / 2 + @show wmax + colorrange_w = (-wlim, wlim) + colormap_w = :balance + + pl = surface!(ax_w, x_xz, y_xz, z_xz; color=w_xz, colormap=colormap_w, colorrange=colorrange_w) + surface!(ax_w, x_yz, y_yz, z_yz; color=w_yz, colormap=colormap_w, colorrange=colorrange_w) + surface!(ax_w, x_xy, y_xy, z_xy; color=w_xy, colormap=colormap_w, colorrange=colorrange_w) + + xtext = 440 + ytext = 0 + ztext = 120 + text!(ax_w, xtext, ytext, ztext, text=label) + + xlims!(ax_w, 0, 512) + ylims!(ax_w, 0, 512) + zlims!(ax_w, -256, 0) +end + +display(fig) +save("les_w_visualization.png", fig) + diff --git a/src/IdealizedExperiments/three_layer_constant_fluxes.jl b/src/IdealizedExperiments/three_layer_constant_fluxes.jl index 9aaaa25..a7a788b 100644 --- a/src/IdealizedExperiments/three_layer_constant_fluxes.jl +++ b/src/IdealizedExperiments/three_layer_constant_fluxes.jl @@ -220,7 +220,6 @@ function three_layer_constant_fluxes_simulation(; end model = NonhydrostaticModel(; grid, buoyancy, tracers, stokes_drift, closure, advection, - timestepper = :RungeKutta3, coriolis = FPlane(; f), boundary_conditions = (b=b_bcs, u=u_bcs), forcing = (u=u_sponge, v=v_sponge, w=w_sponge, b=b_forcing, c=c_forcing)) diff --git a/test/test_turbulence_statistics.jl b/test/test_turbulence_statistics.jl index 8621e21..1f52e5d 100644 --- a/test/test_turbulence_statistics.jl +++ b/test/test_turbulence_statistics.jl @@ -46,7 +46,7 @@ for arch in architectures @testset "Turbulence Statistics [$(typeof(arch))]" begin @info "Testing turbulence statistics [$(typeof(arch))]..." - model = NonhydrostaticModel(grid = RectilinearGrid(arch, size=(1, 1, 1), extent=(1, 1, 1)), + model = NonhydrostaticModel(grid = RectilinearGrid(arch, size=(8, 8, 8), extent=(1, 1, 1)), tracers = :b, buoyancy = BuoyancyTracer(), closure = AnisotropicMinimumDissipation())