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Armor balance

Coolthulhu edited this page Sep 21, 2017 · 4 revisions

Approximating armor value is hard, but a rough algorithm helps with finding outliers - armor pieces too weak to matter or too strong not to be used.

The formulas presented are rather calculator-unfriendly, but simpler versions will be provided to help with balancing new items.

Coverage multiplier

Coverage is very important for all protective armor pieces. As such coverage below 100% is penalized extra hard.

Coverage multiplier is calculated as follows:

1 - tanh(3 * (1 - coverage / 100))

Or from table:

Coverage Value
100 1
95 0.85
90 0.7
85 0.6
80 0.45
75 0.35

Simple value

Simple value only takes coverage, physical protection and encumbrance into account.

Note: simple value is only useful for calculating protection of torso, arms and (to lesser extent) legs. Head takes no encumbrance penalty, mouth, eyes, and hands are attacked very rarely but cause heavy penalties for encumbrance, feet are attacked very rarely but need acid protection.

The formula is:

coverage_multiplier * ((bash_protection+cut_protection)/2) / (encumbrance + 2)

Encumbrance is increased by 2 to penalize very light armors that require layering to provide real protection, get damaged quickly and are affected by armor stacking limit. If the item is refittable, the lower, refitted encumbrance should be used.

Armor stats should be balanced so that simple value fits the guidelines:

Simple value range Good example Armor type
>2 Powered armor Ultra-high tech armor that consumes rare, non-replenishable resources (right now) just to work
1-2 Power armor Ultra-high tech armor with major flaws (no acid protection etc.)
0.8-1 Chainmail Best craftable armor focused solely on physical protection
0.5-0.8 Plated leather armor Great craftable armor that may have some other features
0.4-0.5 Leather duster Good armor (can be craftable relatively early on) or specialized armored clothing
0.2-0.4 Hoodie Good clothing or mediocre armor
<0.2 Lab coat Clothing too thin, uncovering, or encumbering to work as armor

Sample armors and their simple value (not necessarily fitting the table above):

Armor Coverage Encumbrance (Bash+Cut)/2 Simple value
RM13 combat armor (on) 100 5 18 2.57
heavy power armor 100 60 114 1.84
basic power armor 100 50 66 1.27
plate armor 95 10 16 1.13
salvaged power armor 95 40 48 0.97
dragon skin vest 85 5 11 0.91
light survivor suit 100 7 8 0.89
MBR vest (Kevlar plates) 85 8 15 0.87
light power armor 100 40 36 0.86
chainmail armor 95 10 12 0.85
chitinous armor 90 10 14 0.83
heavy survivor suit 100 25 22 0.81
MBR vest (superalloy) 85 15 23 0.78
O-yoroi 85 7 12 0.77
MBR vest (empty) 85 7 12 0.77
scrap suit 90 15 18 0.75
Kevlar vest 85 5 9 0.74
leather vest 90 4 6 0.71
light survivor body armor 95 8 8 0.68
survivor cargo pants 100 10 8 0.67
pair of chitin arm guards 90 10 11 0.65
MBR vest (ceramic plates) 85 15 18 0.61
survivor suit 100 15 10 0.59
fencing jacket 100 5 4 0.57
nomad gear 95 10 8 0.57
shark suit 100 20 12 0.55
faraday shark suit 100 20 12 0.55
plated leather armor 90 14 12 0.53
light survivor cargo pants 95 8 6 0.51
subject suit 95 3 3 0.51
boiled leather armor 90 12 10 0.51
motorcycle pants 100 10 6 0.50
bone body armor 95 14 9 0.48
leather body armor 90 10 8 0.47
leather jacket 90 7 6 0.47
scavenger gear 100 20 10 0.45
winter survivor suit 100 27 13 0.45
striped pants 95 2 2 0.43
pair of iron greaves 70 6 12 0.43
leather duster 90 8 6 0.43
sports jersey 90 3 3 0.43
sleeveless leather duster 90 8 6 0.43
MBR vest (steel plating) 85 30 23 0.42
flame-resistant suit 100 3 2 0.40
armored leather vest 90 14 9 0.40
MBR vest (hard plates) 85 45 32 0.39
fur duster 90 9 6 0.39
sleeveless fur duster 90 9 6 0.39
survivor duster 85 7 6 0.39
ornamental plate armor 90 35 20 0.38
SWAT armor 95 25 12 0.38
fencing pants 95 7 4 0.38
judo gi 95 5 3 0.36
sweater 95 5 3 0.36
sweatshirt 95 5 3 0.36
AEP suit 100 20 8 0.36
turnout coat 100 20 8 0.36
turnout trousers 100 20 8 0.36
survivor firesuit 100 20 8 0.36
fur pants 95 10 5 0.35
army winter jacket 95 10 5 0.35
flannel jacket 90 6 4 0.35
red leather jacket 90 10 6 0.35
leather trenchcoat 90 10 6 0.35
leather pants 95 8 4 0.34
fur body armor 90 15 8 0.33
survivor wetsuit 100 10 4 0.33
pair of hard arm guards 80 5 5 0.33
pair of metal arm guards 80 15 12 0.33
armored leather jacket 85 14 9 0.33
hoodie 95 6 3 0.32
pair of bone arm guards 95 22 9 0.32
RM13 combat armor 100 20 7 0.32
pair of leather arm guards 90 16 8 0.31
motorcycle armor 95 20 8 0.31
army winter pants 95 12 5 0.30
jean jacket 90 5 3 0.30
XL survivor suit 100 25 8 0.30
wool poncho 85 2 2 0.29
rain coat 95 7 3 0.28
army jacket 95 7 3 0.28
jumpsuit 95 1 1 0.28
long underwear bottom 95 1 1 0.28
long underwear top 95 1 1 0.28
leather touring suit 95 7 3 0.28
union suit 95 1 1 0.28
polo shirt 90 3 2 0.28
leather chaps 65 3 6 0.26
gambeson 80 7 5 0.26
jeans 95 8 3 0.26
red jeans 95 8 3 0.26
sleeveless fur trenchcoat 90 15 6 0.25
fur trenchcoat 90 15 6 0.25
leather corset 75 7 6 0.24
pants 95 5 2 0.24
ski pants 95 5 2 0.24
leather apron 70 5 6 0.24
entry suit 100 40 10 0.24
light jacket 90 4 2 0.24
long-sleeved shirt 90 1 1 0.24
pair of fishing waders 100 15 4 0.24
fur coat 95 20 6 0.23
army pants 95 9 3 0.23
greatcoat 95 13 4 0.23
wolf suit 100 30 7 0.22
ANBC suit 100 35 8 0.22
pair of hard leg guards 75 10 7 0.21
XL jumpsuit 95 2 1 0.21
checkered pants 95 2 1 0.21
pair of neoprene arm sleeves 70 2 3 0.21
cassock 90 5 2 0.20
beekeeping suit 100 8 2 0.20
kariginu 100 8 2 0.20
bookplate 80 5 3 0.20
peacoat 85 10 4 0.19
sable coat 95 25 6 0.19
lab coat 90 2 1 0.18
dress shirt 90 2 1 0.18
windbreaker 90 6 2 0.18
spring suit 90 2 1 0.18
cargo pants 95 8 2 0.17
pair of thigh-high boots 80 15 6 0.16
duster 90 7 2 0.16
trenchcoat 90 7 2 0.16
dinosaur suit 100 30 5 0.16
winter coat 95 20 4 0.15
pair of arm warmers 80 1 1 0.15
blazer 85 10 3 0.14
hazmat suit 100 27 4 0.14
tunic 75 1 1 0.12
cleansuit 100 15 2 0.12
pair of paper arm guards 80 10 3 0.12
wetsuit 100 7 1 0.11
fur cloak 65 6 4 0.11
leather cloak 65 6 4 0.11
pair of knee-high boots 65 10 6 0.11
pair of 2-by-arm guards 75 25 8 0.11
pair of 2-by-shin guards 75 25 8 0.11
fur blanket 100 55 6 0.11
fur sleeping bag 100 80 8 0.10
clown suit 90 20 3 0.10
housecoat 85 10 2 0.10
robe 80 8 2 0.09
pair of stockings 75 2 1 0.09
Jedi cloak 65 3 2 0.09
emergency jacket 90 15 2 0.08
utility vest 60 2 2 0.08
cloak 65 4 2 0.07
sleeveless tunic 65 1 1 0.07
pair of leather vambraces 50 8 6 0.06
pair of leg warmers 60 1 1 0.06
evening gown 75 7 1 0.04
wedding dress 90 35 2 0.04
rag tunic 65 5 1 0.03
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