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Traceback report when dropping item #42862

PatrikLundell opened this issue Aug 11, 2020 · 2 comments

Traceback report when dropping item #42862

PatrikLundell opened this issue Aug 11, 2020 · 2 comments
Inventory / AIM / Zones Inventory, Advanced Inventory Management or Zones Items / Item Actions / Item Qualities Items and how they work and interact (S1 - Need confirmation) Report waiting on confirmation of reproducibility stale Closed for lack of activity, but still valid.


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Describe the bug

Traceback log

Steps To Reproduce

Nothing that I haven't done many times before. Didn't repeat when I crashed the game and started from the previous save. However, for some reason something odd happened to the save as a result of the crash. My save is half a minute or so before the trace (I save scummed a safe cracking to see if it was worth the time, and it wasn't, so I reloaded, walked out the back door, back through the house to my car to drop a piece of jewelry and a glass jar in the trunk of the car using 'D'). Crashing the game after the log (and copying it) to be able to get to Motd where the reference to this location is, and then reloading, there are now two copies of my character in the save, both at the latest save point. I've repeated the item drop sequence a few times with no additional trace log (and I didn't hit the key to disable it).

Expected behavior

No trace log...


DEBUG : item_location lost its target item during a save/load cycle

FUNCTION : void item_location::impl::ensure_unpacked() const
FILE : src/item_location.cpp
LINE : 98

Versions and configuration

  • OS: Windows
    • OS Version: 10.0 1909
  • Game Version: 0.E-2 [64-bit]
  • Graphics Version: Tiles
  • Game Language: English [en]
  • Mods loaded: [
    Dark Days Ahead [dda],
    Disable NPC Needs [no_npc_food]

Additional context


13:04:17.293 : Starting log.
13:04:17.293 INFO : Cataclysm DDA version 0.E-2
13:04:17.298 WARNING : Error while setlocale(LC_ALL, '').
13:04:17.298 INFO : SDL version used during compile is 2.0.5
13:04:17.298 INFO : SDL version used during linking and in runtime is 2.0.5
13:04:17.395 INFO : Number of render drivers on your system: 4
13:04:17.395 INFO : Render driver: 0/direct3d
13:04:17.395 INFO : Render driver: 1/direct3d11
13:04:17.395 INFO : Render driver: 2/opengl
13:04:17.395 INFO : Render driver: 3/software
13:04:17.413 INFO : Active renderer: 0/direct3d
13:04:17.812 INFO : USE_COLOR_MODULATED_TEXTURES is set to 0
13:04:17.875 INFO : Language is set to: 'en'
13:04:18.299 WARNING : opendir [./mods/] failed with "No such file or directory".
13:04:24.863 WARNING : opendir [./save/Old Saybrook/mods] failed with "No such file or directory".
13:04:29.348 ERROR SDL : (error message will follow backtrace)
(dbghelp: @0x620c16[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x220c16]),
(libbacktrace: Z21debug_write_backtraceRSo+0x56@0x620c16),
(libbacktrace: 0x620c16 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x6216aa[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x2216aa]),
(libbacktrace: Z8DebugLog10DebugLevel10DebugClass+0x34a@0x6216aa),
(libbacktrace: 0x6216aa [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x521218[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x121218]),
(libbacktrace: ZN14tileset_loader4loadERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEb+0x2098@0x521218),
(libbacktrace: 0x521218 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x521a15[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x121a15]),
(libbacktrace: ZN10cata_tiles12load_tilesetERKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEEbb+0x115@0x521a15),
(libbacktrace: 0x521a15 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0xe3f28a[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0xa3f28a]),
(libbacktrace: Z12load_tilesetv+0x6a@0xe3f28a),
(libbacktrace: 0xe3f28a [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x7c37c6[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x3c37c6]),
(libbacktrace: ZN17DynamicDataLoader20finalize_loaded_dataER10loading_ui+0x10a6@0x7c37c6),
(libbacktrace: 0x7c37c6 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x70ed0b[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x30ed0b]),
(libbacktrace: ZN4game19load_world_modfilesER10loading_ui+0x61b@0x70ed0b),
(libbacktrace: 0x70ed0b [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x73d195[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x33d195]),
(libbacktrace: ZN4game5setupEv+0xa5@0x73d195),
(libbacktrace: 0x73d195 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x990650[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x590650]),
(libbacktrace: ZN9main_menu18load_character_tabEb+0x14c0@0x990650),
(libbacktrace: 0x990650 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x99423a[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x59423a]),
(libbacktrace: ZN9main_menu14opening_screenEv+0xd6a@0x99423a),
(libbacktrace: 0x99423a [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: IMG_LoadWEBP_RW+0x67aaeb@0x17bed6b[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x13bed6b]),
(libbacktrace: main+0x151b@0x17bed6b),
(libbacktrace: 0x17bed6b [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x4013ed[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x13ed]),
(libbacktrace: tmainCRTStartup+0x23d@0x4013ed),
(libbacktrace: 0x4013ed /home/narc/src/mxe/tmp-gcc-x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/
/mingw-w64-v5.0.2/mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:336 tmainCRTStartup),
(dbghelp: @0x4014fb[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x14fb]),
(libbacktrace: WinMainCRTStartup+0x1b@0x4014fb),
(libbacktrace: 0x4014fb /home/narc/src/mxe/tmp-gcc-x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/
/mingw-w64-v5.0.2/mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:186 WinMainCRTStartup),
(dbghelp: BaseThreadInitThunk+0x14@0x7fff3c707bd4[KERNEL32.DLL+0x17bd4]),
(backtrace_syminfo failed: errno = -1, msg = no symbol table in PE/COFF executable),
(backtrace_pcinfo failed: errno = -1, msg = no debug info in PE/COFF executable),
(dbghelp: RtlUserThreadStart+0x21@0x7fff3e34ce51[ntdll.dll+0x6ce51]),
(backtrace_syminfo failed: errno = -1, msg = no symbol table in PE/COFF executable),
(backtrace_pcinfo failed: errno = -1, msg = no debug info in PE/COFF executable),
Backtrace emission took 0 seconds.
src/cata_tiles.cpp:614: The tileset you're using has no 'unknown' tile defined!
13:04:29.425 INFO : Loaded tileset: UNDEAD_PEOPLE_BASE
13:05:43.027 ERROR : (error message will follow backtrace)
(dbghelp: @0x620c16[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x220c16]),
(libbacktrace: Z21debug_write_backtraceRSo+0x56@0x620c16),
(libbacktrace: 0x620c16 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x6216aa[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x2216aa]),
(libbacktrace: Z8DebugLog10DebugLevel10DebugClass+0x34a@0x6216aa),
(libbacktrace: 0x6216aa [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x6245f6[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x2245f6]),
(libbacktrace: Z12realDebugmsgPKcS0_S0_RKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEE+0x76@0x6245f6),
(libbacktrace: 0x6245f6 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: IMG_LoadWEBP_RW+0x11aae5@0x125ed65[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0xe5ed65]),
(libbacktrace: Z12realDebugmsgIJEEvPKcS1_S1_S1_DpOT
(libbacktrace: 0x125ed65 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x88c4c1[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x48c4c1]),
(libbacktrace: ZNK13item_location4impl15ensure_unpackedEv.part.302+0xa1@0x88c4c1),
(libbacktrace: 0x88c4c1 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: IMG_LoadWEBP_RW+0x3450f8@0x1489378[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x1089378]),
(libbacktrace: ZNK13item_location4impl14item_on_person9serializeER7JsonOut+0x258@0x1489378),
(libbacktrace: 0x1489378 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0xe03275[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0xa03275]),
(libbacktrace: ZNK6player5storeER7JsonOut+0xc35@0xe03275),
(libbacktrace: 0xe03275 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0xe03630[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0xa03630]),
(libbacktrace: ZNK6avatar5storeER7JsonOut+0x20@0xe03630),
(libbacktrace: 0xe03630 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0xe03ee1[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0xa03ee1]),
(libbacktrace: ZNK6avatar9serializeER7JsonOut+0x21@0xe03ee1),
(libbacktrace: 0xe03ee1 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0xdddadc[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x9ddadc]),
(libbacktrace: ZN4game9serializeERSo+0x62c@0xdddadc),
(libbacktrace: 0xdddadc [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x5297d6[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x1297d6]),
(libbacktrace: Z13write_to_fileRKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEERKSt8functionIFvRSoEE+0x36@0x5297d6),
(libbacktrace: 0x5297d6 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x52c7a2[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x12c7a2]),
(libbacktrace: Z13write_to_fileRKNSt7__cxx1112basic_stringIcSt11char_traitsIcESaIcEEERKSt8functionIFvRSoEEPKc+0x12@0x52c7a2),
(libbacktrace: 0x52c7a2 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x6e8f86[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x2e8f86]),
(libbacktrace: ZN4game16save_player_dataEv+0x86@0x6e8f86),
(libbacktrace: 0x6e8f86 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x6f9e87[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x2f9e87]),
(libbacktrace: ZN4game4saveEv+0x17@0x6f9e87),
(libbacktrace: 0x6f9e87 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x6fa2b6[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x2fa2b6]),
(libbacktrace: ZN4game9quicksaveEv+0x96@0x6fa2b6),
(libbacktrace: 0x6fa2b6 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x76f250[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x36f250]),
(libbacktrace: ZN4game13handle_actionEv+0x1fb0@0x76f250),
(libbacktrace: 0x76f250 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x74115f[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x34115f]),
(libbacktrace: ZN4game7do_turnEv+0xb9f@0x74115f),
(libbacktrace: 0x74115f [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: IMG_LoadWEBP_RW+0x67a6b8@0x17be938[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x13be938]),
(libbacktrace: main+0x10e8@0x17be938),
(libbacktrace: 0x17be938 [unknown src]:0 [unknown func]),
(dbghelp: @0x4013ed[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x13ed]),
(libbacktrace: tmainCRTStartup+0x23d@0x4013ed),
(libbacktrace: 0x4013ed /home/narc/src/mxe/tmp-gcc-x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/
/mingw-w64-v5.0.2/mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:336 _tmainCRTStartup),
(dbghelp: @0x4014fb[cataclysm-tiles.exe+0x14fb]),
(libbacktrace: WinMainCRTStartup+0x1b@0x4014fb),
(libbacktrace: 0x4014fb /home/narc/src/mxe/tmp-gcc-x86_64-w64-mingw32.static/
/mingw-w64-v5.0.2/mingw-w64-crt/crt/crtexe.c:186 WinMainCRTStartup),
(dbghelp: BaseThreadInitThunk+0x14@0x7fff3c707bd4[KERNEL32.DLL+0x17bd4]),
(backtrace_syminfo failed: errno = -1, msg = no symbol table in PE/COFF executable),
(backtrace_pcinfo failed: errno = -1, msg = no debug info in PE/COFF executable),
(dbghelp: RtlUserThreadStart+0x21@0x7fff3e34ce51[ntdll.dll+0x6ce51]),
(backtrace_syminfo failed: errno = -1, msg = no symbol table in PE/COFF executable),
(backtrace_pcinfo failed: errno = -1, msg = no debug info in PE/COFF executable),
Backtrace emission took 0 seconds.
src/item_location.cpp:98 [void item_location::impl::ensure_unpacked() const] item_location lost its target item during a save/load cycle


@anothersimulacrum anothersimulacrum added <Bug> This needs to be fixed Inventory / AIM / Zones Inventory, Advanced Inventory Management or Zones Items / Item Actions / Item Qualities Items and how they work and interact labels Aug 11, 2020
@Night-Pryanik Night-Pryanik added (S1 - Need confirmation) Report waiting on confirmation of reproducibility and removed <Bug> This needs to be fixed labels Feb 26, 2022
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stale bot commented Mar 30, 2022

This issue has been automatically marked as stale because it has not had recent activity. It will be closed if no further activity occurs. Thank you for your contributions. Please do not 'bump' or comment on this issue unless you are actively working on it. Stale issues, and stale issues that are closed are still considered.

@stale stale bot added the stale Closed for lack of activity, but still valid. label Mar 30, 2022
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Closing as stale, since stalebot can't do this by itself.

@Night-Pryanik Night-Pryanik closed this as not planned Won't fix, can't repro, duplicate, stale Dec 1, 2022
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Inventory / AIM / Zones Inventory, Advanced Inventory Management or Zones Items / Item Actions / Item Qualities Items and how they work and interact (S1 - Need confirmation) Report waiting on confirmation of reproducibility stale Closed for lack of activity, but still valid.
None yet

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3 participants