diff --git a/data/mods/Aftershock/mutations/mutations.json b/data/mods/Aftershock/mutations/mutations.json index bd6735a8a124c..1550e4b8e3c99 100644 --- a/data/mods/Aftershock/mutations/mutations.json +++ b/data/mods/Aftershock/mutations/mutations.json @@ -25,6 +25,26 @@ "iv_sleep_message": "You gaze inside, past your fear, past good and evil, into the future.", "memorial_message": "Prepared the way into the galaxy." }, + { + "type": "mutation_category", + "id": "MASTODON", + "name": "Mastodon", + "threshold_mut": "THRESH_MASTODON", + "mutagen_message": "You feel a desire to trumpet and toot.", + "iv_message": "You heart races, and you glance around for poachers.", + "memorial_message": "Went extinct." + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "THRESH_MASTODON", + "name": { "str": "Killophant" }, + "points": 1, + "description": "Your species was created as the ultimate shock troop. Inherit the earth, pedigree your ancestors, crush the foe.", + "valid": false, + "profession": true, + "purifiable": false, + "threshold": true + }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "MIGO_HEAT_RESIST", @@ -279,5 +299,354 @@ "id": "SHOUT1", "copy-from": "SHOUT1", "extend": { "category": [ "MIGO" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "UPLIFTED", + "name": "Uplifted", + "points": 2, + "description": "You come from uplifted animal stock. This decreases morale penalties for being wet.", + "valid": false, + "wet_protection": [ + { "part": "HEAD", "neutral": 9 }, + { "part": "LEG_L", "neutral": 11 }, + { "part": "LEG_R", "neutral": 11 }, + { "part": "FOOT_L", "neutral": 5 }, + { "part": "FOOT_R", "neutral": 5 }, + { "part": "ARM_L", "neutral": 11 }, + { "part": "ARM_R", "neutral": 11 }, + { "part": "HAND_L", "neutral": 16 }, + { "part": "HAND_R", "neutral": 16 }, + { "part": "TORSO", "neutral": 14 } + ] + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "TOUGH_FEET", + "copy-from": "TOUGH_FEET", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "THICKSKIN", + "copy-from": "THICKSKIN", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "HAULER", + "name": "Hauler", + "points": 2, + "description": "You are capable of carrying far more than someone with similar strength could. Your maximum weight carried is increased by 60%.", + "category": [ "MASTODON" ], + "cancels": [ "BADBACK" ], + "weight_capacity_modifier": 1.6 + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "BADKNEES", + "copy-from": "BADKNEES", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "VEGETARIAN", + "copy-from": "VEGETARIAN", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "SMELLY", + "copy-from": "SMELLY", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "CLUMSY", + "copy-from": "CLUMSY", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "SLOWRUNNER", + "copy-from": "SLOWRUNNER", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "PATCHFUR", + "name": "Patched Fur", + "points": 0, + "visibility": 2, + "ugliness": 1, + "description": "Your skin has patches of light fur. This has no impact on your life except marking you as not fully human.", + "types": [ "SKIN" ], + "changes_to": [ "LIGHTFUR" ], + "category": [ "MASTODON" ] + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "LIGHTFUR", + "copy-from": "LIGHTFUR", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "FUR", + "copy-from": "FUR", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "URSINE_FUR", + "copy-from": "URSINE_FUR", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "CRUSHINGFEET", + "name": "Crushing Feet", + "points": -4, + "visibility": 2, + "ugliness": 2, + "mixed_effect": true, + "description": "Your feet have grown massive and ready to support huge weight. This allows kicking attacks to do much more damage, provides natural armor, and removes the need to wear shoes; however, you cannot wear normal size shoes. Reduces wet effects.", + "types": [ "LEGS" ], + "category": [ "MASTODON" ], + "wet_protection": [ { "part": "FOOT_L", "neutral": 10 }, { "part": "FOOT_R", "neutral": 10 } ], + "destroys_gear": true, + "armor": [ { "parts": [ "FOOT_L", "FOOT_R" ], "bash": 2, "cut": 2 } ], + "attacks": { + "attack_text_u": "You kick %s with your massive feet", + "attack_text_npc": "%1$s kicks %2$s with their massive feet", + "chance": 20, + "strength_damage": { "damage_type": "bash", "amount": 5 } + } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "RUMINANT", + "copy-from": "RUMINANT", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "GRAZER", + "copy-from": "GRAZER", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "FACEBUMPS", + "name": "Face Bumps", + "points": 0, + "visibility": 3, + "ugliness": 3, + "description": "You have a pair of bumps on your face above your mouth and beside your nose.", + "category": [ "MASTODON" ], + "changes_to": [ "TUSKS" ] + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "TUSKS", + "name": "Tusks", + "points": 1, + "visibility": 3, + "ugliness": 1, + "description": "You have a pair of small tusks on your face. They allow you to make a weak piercing goring attack.", + "types": [ "HORNS" ], + "prereqs": [ "FACEBUMPS" ], + "changes_to": [ "TUSKS_POINTED" ], + "category": [ "MASTODON" ], + "attacks": { + "attack_text_u": "You gore %s with your tusks", + "attack_text_npc": "%1$s gores %2$s with their tusks", + "chance": 20, + "base_damage": [ { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 3 }, { "damage_type": "bash", "amount": 3 } ] + } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "TUSKS_POINTED", + "name": "Pointed Tusks", + "points": 1, + "visibility": 8, + "ugliness": 2, + "mixed_effect": true, + "description": "You have a pair of long, pointed tusks, like someone weaponized an elephant. They allow you to make a strong piercing headbutt attack, but prevent wearing mouthgear that is not made of fabric.", + "types": [ "HORNS" ], + "prereqs": [ "HORNS" ], + "restricts_gear": [ "MOUTH" ], + "allow_soft_gear": true, + "category": [ "MASTODON" ], + "threshreq": [ "THRESH_MASTODON" ], + "attacks": { + "attack_text_u": "You stab %s with your pointed tusks", + "attack_text_npc": "%1$s stabs %2$s with their pointed tusks", + "chance": 22, + "base_damage": { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 24 } + } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "MUT_TOUGH", + "copy-from": "MUT_TOUGH", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "MUT_TOUGH2", + "copy-from": "MUT_TOUGH2", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "MUT_TOUGH3", + "copy-from": "MUT_TOUGH3", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "LARGE", + "copy-from": "LARGE", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "LARGE_OK", + "copy-from": "LARGE_OK", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "HUGE", + "copy-from": "HUGE", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "HUGE_OK", + "copy-from": "HUGE_OK", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "SMELLY2", + "copy-from": "SMELLY2", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "SNOUT", + "copy-from": "SNOUT", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ], "changes_to": [ "TRUNK" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "TRUNK", + "name": { "str": "Elephant Trunk" }, + "points": -4, + "visibility": 5, + "ugliness": 6, + "mixed_effect": true, + "description": "Your face resembles that of an elephant, with a significant trunk. It looks fierce but prevents wearing mouthgear. Prehensile and able to perform some fine detail work.", + "types": [ "MUZZLE" ], + "prereqs": [ "SNOUT" ], + "category": [ "MASTODON" ], + "restricts_gear": [ "MOUTH" ], + "social_modifiers": { "intimidate": 10 }, + "craft_skill_bonus": [ [ "electronics", 1 ], [ "tailor", 1 ], [ "mechanics", 1 ], [ "cooking", 1 ] ] + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "HUNGER", + "copy-from": "HUNGER", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "MET_RAT", + "copy-from": "MET_RAT", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "THIRST", + "copy-from": "THIRST", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "THIRST2", + "copy-from": "THIRST2", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "TRIPAWS", + "name": "Three Fingered", + "points": -3, + "visibility": 3, + "ugliness": 2, + "mixed_effect": true, + "description": "Your hands have fused into three fingered paws. Fine manipulation is a challenge: permanent hand encumbrance of 10, difficulty with delicate craftwork, and your gloves don't fit. But they handle water better.", + "encumbrance_always": [ [ "HAND_L", 10 ], [ "HAND_R", 10 ] ], + "restricts_gear": [ "HAND_L", "HAND_R" ], + "craft_skill_bonus": [ [ "electronics", -2 ], [ "tailor", -2 ], [ "mechanics", -2 ] ], + "types": [ "HANDS" ], + "cancels": [ "TALONS" ], + "category": [ "MASTODON" ] + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "HERBIVORE", + "copy-from": "HERBIVORE", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "PONDEROUS1", + "copy-from": "PONDEROUS1", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "PONDEROUS2", + "copy-from": "PONDEROUS2", + "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "TRUMPET", + "name": "Trumpeting Voice", + "points": -1, + "mixed_effect": true, + "description": "You have a trumpeting elephantine voice. threatening NPCs will be easier, but lying will very hard.", + "changes_to": [ "SNARL" ], + "category": [ "MASTODON" ], + "social_modifiers": { "lie": -30, "intimidate": 10 } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "AFS_BRUTAL_STRENGTH", + "name": { "str": "Brutal Strength" }, + "description": "Genetic tampering made your body incredibly strong. Strength + 7.", + "points": 0, + "valid": false, + "purifiable": false, + "cancels": [ "STR_UP" ], + "profession": true, + "passive_mods": { "str_mod": 7 } + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "AFS_CRYOADAPTATION", + "name": { "str": "Cryoadaptation" }, + "description": "An experimental cryosleep procedure has permanently altered your body, allowing you to better tolerate cold temperatures.", + "bodytemp_modifiers": [ 50, 100 ], + "points": 0, + "valid": false, + "purifiable": false, + "profession": true } ] diff --git a/data/mods/Aftershock/player/mutations/mastodon_mutation.json b/data/mods/Aftershock/mutations/obsolete.json similarity index 58% rename from data/mods/Aftershock/player/mutations/mastodon_mutation.json rename to data/mods/Aftershock/mutations/obsolete.json index ea9e69577780c..4aa97ea93ff38 100644 --- a/data/mods/Aftershock/player/mutations/mastodon_mutation.json +++ b/data/mods/Aftershock/mutations/obsolete.json @@ -1,24 +1,26 @@ [ { "type": "mutation", - "id": "UPLIFTED", - "name": "Uplifted", - "points": 2, - "description": "You come from uplifted animal stock. This decreases morale penalties for being wet.", - "starting_trait": true, + "id": "AFS_PROF_SKIIER", + "name": { "str": "Alpine Conditioning" }, + "description": "Time spent in high altitudes and low temperatures have adapted you to them, and you're slightly better at resisting the cold.", + "bodytemp_modifiers": [ 50, 100 ], + "points": 0, "valid": false, - "wet_protection": [ - { "part": "HEAD", "neutral": 9 }, - { "part": "LEG_L", "neutral": 11 }, - { "part": "LEG_R", "neutral": 11 }, - { "part": "FOOT_L", "neutral": 5 }, - { "part": "FOOT_R", "neutral": 5 }, - { "part": "ARM_L", "neutral": 11 }, - { "part": "ARM_R", "neutral": 11 }, - { "part": "HAND_L", "neutral": 16 }, - { "part": "HAND_R", "neutral": 16 }, - { "part": "TORSO", "neutral": 14 } - ] + "purifiable": false, + "profession": true + }, + { + "type": "mutation", + "id": "AFS_PROF_STRONGMAN", + "name": { "str": "Brutal Strength" }, + "description": "Genetic defects have made your body incredibly strong. Strength + 7.", + "points": 0, + "valid": false, + "purifiable": false, + "cancels": [ "STR_UP" ], + "profession": true, + "passive_mods": { "str_mod": 7 } }, { "type": "mutation", @@ -26,7 +28,7 @@ "name": "Leathered Feet", "points": 1, "description": "The bottoms of your feet are tough like an animals. You receive no movement penalty for not wearing shoes.", - "category": [ "MASTODON" ] + "valid": false }, { "type": "mutation", @@ -34,8 +36,7 @@ "name": "Skinfolds", "points": 1, "description": "Your skin is tough. Cutting damage is slightly reduced for you. Slightly decreases wet penalties.", - "starting_trait": true, - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], + "valid": false, "cancels": [ "THINSKIN" ], "wet_protection": [ { "part": "LEG_L", "neutral": 2 }, @@ -46,24 +47,14 @@ ], "armor": [ { "parts": "ALL", "cut": 1 } ] }, - { - "type": "mutation", - "id": "HAULER", - "name": "Hauler", - "points": 2, - "description": "You are capable of carrying far more than someone with similar strength could. Your maximum weight carried is increased by 60%.", - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], - "cancels": [ "BADBACK" ], - "weight_capacity_modifier": 1.6 - }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "WEAKJOINTS", "name": { "str": "Weak Joints" }, "points": -1, "description": "A common flaw in your genemod, brought on by increased muscle mass and bone density. Moving over rough terrain will slow you down more than normal.", + "valid": false, "cancels": [ "PARKOUR" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], "movecost_obstacle_modifier": 1.15 }, { @@ -72,7 +63,7 @@ "name": "Herbivorous Ancestry", "points": -2, "description": "You have problems with eating meat. It's possible for you to eat it, but you will suffer morale penalties and obtain less nutrition from it.", - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], + "valid": false, "vitamins_absorb_multi": [ [ "flesh", [ [ "vitA", 0 ], [ "vitB", 0 ], [ "vitC", 0 ], [ "calcium", 0 ], [ "iron", 0 ] ] ] ], "cancels": [ "CANNIBAL", "MEATARIAN", "ANTIFRUIT" ] }, @@ -82,12 +73,11 @@ "name": "Strong Scent", "points": -1, "description": "Your scent is particularly strong. It's vaguely offensive to humans, and animals that track your scent will do so more easily.", - "starting_trait": true, + "valid": false, "changes_to": [ "SMELLY2" ], "types": [ "SCENT" ], "scent_intensity": 800, - "social_modifiers": { "persuade": -5, "intimidate": -5 }, - "category": [ "MASTODON" ] + "social_modifiers": { "persuade": -5, "intimidate": -5 } }, { "type": "mutation", @@ -95,7 +85,7 @@ "name": { "str": "Giant Step" }, "points": -1, "description": "You make more noise while walking. You're also more likely to set off traps.", - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], + "valid": false, "cancels": [ "LIGHTSTEP" ], "noise_modifier": 1.7 }, @@ -105,22 +95,10 @@ "name": "Slow and Steady", "points": -3, "description": "You can't move as fast as most, resulting in a 10% speed penalty on flat ground.", - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], + "valid": false, "types": [ "RUNNING" ], "movecost_flatground_modifier": 1.1 }, - { - "type": "mutation", - "id": "PATCHFUR", - "name": "Patched Fur", - "points": 0, - "visibility": 2, - "ugliness": 1, - "description": "Your skin has patches of light fur. This has no impact on your life except marking you as not fully human.", - "types": [ "SKIN" ], - "changes_to": [ "SHORTFUR" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ] - }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "SHORTFUR", @@ -131,7 +109,7 @@ "bodytemp_modifiers": [ 100, 300 ], "bodytemp_sleep": 100, "description": "Short fur has grown to cover your entire body, providing slight protection from cold.", - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], + "valid": false, "types": [ "SKIN" ], "prereqs": [ "SHORTFUR" ], "changes_to": [ "MEDIUMFUR" ] @@ -146,10 +124,10 @@ "bodytemp_modifiers": [ 350, 700 ], "bodytemp_sleep": 500, "description": "Thick brown fur has grown to cover your entire body, providing a slight protection against attacks, and some protection from cold.", + "valid": false, "types": [ "SKIN" ], "changes_to": [ "MASTODON_FUR" ], "prereqs": [ "LIGHTFUR" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], "armor": [ { "parts": "ALL", "bash": 2 } ] }, { @@ -162,108 +140,24 @@ "bodytemp_modifiers": [ 750, 1500 ], "bodytemp_sleep": 500, "description": "Your fur has grown out and thickened, providing noticeable protection from attacks as well as considerable insulation.", + "valid": false, "types": [ "SKIN" ], "prereqs": [ "MEDIUMFUR" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], "threshreq": [ "THRESH_MASTODON" ], "armor": [ { "parts": "ALL", "bash": 4 } ] }, - { - "type": "mutation", - "id": "CRUSHINGFEET", - "name": "Crushing Feet", - "points": -4, - "visibility": 2, - "ugliness": 2, - "mixed_effect": true, - "description": "Your feet have grown massive and ready to support huge weight. This allows kicking attacks to do much more damage, provides natural armor, and removes the need to wear shoes; however, you cannot wear normal size shoes. Reduces wet effects.", - "types": [ "LEGS" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], - "wet_protection": [ { "part": "FOOT_L", "neutral": 10 }, { "part": "FOOT_R", "neutral": 10 } ], - "destroys_gear": true, - "armor": [ { "parts": [ "FOOT_L", "FOOT_R" ], "bash": 2, "cut": 2 } ], - "attacks": { - "attack_text_u": "You kick %s with your massive feet", - "attack_text_npc": "%1$s kicks %2$s with their massive feet", - "chance": 20, - "strength_damage": { "damage_type": "bash", "amount": 5 } - } - }, - { - "type": "mutation", - "id": "RUMINANT", - "copy-from": "RUMINANT", - "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } - }, - { - "type": "mutation", - "id": "GRAZER", - "copy-from": "GRAZER", - "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } - }, - { - "type": "mutation", - "id": "FACEBUMPS", - "name": "Face Bumps", - "points": 0, - "visibility": 3, - "ugliness": 3, - "description": "You have a pair of bumps on your face above your mouth and beside your nose.", - "changes_to": [ "TUSKS" ] - }, - { - "type": "mutation", - "id": "TUSKS", - "name": "Tusks", - "points": 1, - "visibility": 3, - "ugliness": 1, - "description": "You have a pair of small tusks on your face. They allow you to make a weak piercing goring attack.", - "types": [ "HORNS" ], - "prereqs": [ "FACEBUMPS" ], - "changes_to": [ "TUSKS_POINTED" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], - "attacks": { - "attack_text_u": "You gore %s with your tusks", - "attack_text_npc": "%1$s gores %2$s with their tusks", - "chance": 20, - "base_damage": [ { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 3 }, { "damage_type": "bash", "amount": 3 } ] - } - }, - { - "type": "mutation", - "id": "TUSKS_POINTED", - "name": "Pointed Tusks", - "points": 1, - "visibility": 8, - "ugliness": 2, - "mixed_effect": true, - "description": "You have a pair of long, pointed tusks, like someone weaponized an elephant. They allow you to make a strong piercing headbutt attack, but prevent wearing mouthgear that is not made of fabric.", - "types": [ "HORNS" ], - "prereqs": [ "HORNS" ], - "restricts_gear": [ "MOUTH" ], - "allow_soft_gear": true, - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], - "threshreq": [ "THRESH_MASTODON" ], - "attacks": { - "attack_text_u": "You stab %s with your pointed tusks", - "attack_text_npc": "%1$s stabs %2$s with their pointed tusks", - "chance": 22, - "base_damage": { "damage_type": "stab", "amount": 24 } - } - }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "MUT_TANK", "name": "Immovable", "points": 2, "description": "You can survive injuries that would incapacitate humans: you get a 20% bonus to all hit points. Stacks with Tough, etc.", + "valid": false, "social_modifiers": { "intimidate": 2 }, "prereqs": [ "LARGE_OK", "HUGE_OK", "STR_UP_3", "STR_UP_4", "MASOCHIST_MED" ], "threshreq": [ "THRESH_MASTODON" ], "cancels": [ "FLIMSY", "FLIMSY2", "FLIMSY3", "GLASSJAW" ], "changes_to": [ "MUT_TANK2" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], "hp_modifier_secondary": 0.2 }, { @@ -278,7 +172,6 @@ "threshreq": [ "THRESH_MASTODON" ], "cancels": [ "FLIMSY", "FLIMSY2", "FLIMSY3", "GLASSJAW" ], "changes_to": [ "MUT_TANK3" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], "hp_modifier_secondary": 0.3 }, { @@ -292,7 +185,6 @@ "prereqs": [ "MUT_TANK2" ], "threshreq": [ "THRESH_MASTODON" ], "cancels": [ "FLIMSY", "FLIMSY2", "FLIMSY3", "GLASSJAW" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], "hp_modifier_secondary": 0.4 }, { @@ -305,10 +197,10 @@ "mixed_effect": true, "encumbrance_always": [ [ "TORSO", 10 ], [ "ARM_L", 10 ], [ "ARM_R", 10 ] ], "description": "You have grown noticeably taller and broader. Much of it is useful muscle mass (Strength +2), but you find it throws off your balance and you get in your own way (+10 torso and arm encumbrance).", + "valid": false, "prereqs": [ "STR_UP", "STR_UP_2", "STR_UP_3", "STR_UP_4" ], "cancels": [ "SMALL", "SMALL2" ], "changes_to": [ "ELEPHANTINE_OK", "GIGANTIC" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], "passive_mods": { "str_mod": 2 }, "weight_capacity_modifier": 1.05 }, @@ -319,13 +211,13 @@ "points": 2, "visibility": 1, "description": "You carry your rugged body with the dignity you deserve. Strength +2.", + "valid": false, "prereqs": [ "ELEPHANTINE" ], "prereqs2": [ "STR_UP", "STR_UP_2", "STR_UP_3", "STR_UP_4" ], "cancels": [ "SMALL", "SMALL2" ], "threshreq": [ "THRESH_MASTODON" ], "changes_to": [ "GIGANTIC" ], "leads_to": [ "MUT_TANK" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], "passive_mods": { "str_mod": 2 }, "weight_capacity_modifier": 1.05 }, @@ -338,11 +230,11 @@ "ugliness": 4, "mixed_effect": true, "description": "You have grown even more massive, to the point where you cannot usefully fit into human-sized clothing or vehicles. Much of it is powerful muscle mass (Strength +4), but it's a real pain to haul around.", + "valid": false, "prereqs": [ "ELEPHANTINE", "ELEPHANTINE_OK" ], "prereqs2": [ "STR_UP_3", "STR_UP_4" ], "cancels": [ "SMALL", "SMALL2" ], "changes_to": [ "GIGANTIC_OK" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], "passive_mods": { "str_mod": 4 }, "hp_adjustment": -6, "fatigue_modifier": 0.15, @@ -359,12 +251,12 @@ "ugliness": 3, "mixed_effect": true, "description": "Your cardiovascular system has caught up with your muscular physique, so who needs pathetic human cars? Strength +4.", + "valid": false, "prereqs": [ "ELEPHANTINE" ], "prereqs2": [ "STR_UP_3", "STR_UP_4" ], "cancels": [ "SMALL", "SMALL2" ], "threshreq": [ "THRESH_MASTODON" ], "leads_to": [ "MUT_TANK" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], "passive_mods": { "str_mod": 4 }, "restricts_gear": [ "TORSO", "LEG_L", "LEG_R", "ARM_L", "ARM_R", "HAND_L", "HAND_R", "HEAD", "FOOT_L", "FOOT_R" ], "destroys_gear": true, @@ -378,37 +270,10 @@ "visibility": 4, "ugliness": 5, "description": "You smell like exactly like a shaggy elephant would, assuming it sweated, which you do. Monsters that track scent will find you very easily, and humans will react poorly.", + "valid": false, "scent_intensity": 1200, "prereqs": [ "ELEPHANTINE_SMELL" ], - "leads_to": [ "PHEROMONE_MAMMAL" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ] - }, - { - "type": "mutation", - "id": "MINITRUNK", - "name": "Proto Trunk", - "points": -1, - "visibility": 4, - "ugliness": 3, - "description": "Your face and jaw have begun… changing. Masks and such fit OK, but you're noticeably mutated.", - "changes_to": [ "BEAK", "BEAK_HUM", "BEAK_PECK", "PROBOSCIS", "MINOTAUR", "MUZZLE", "MUZZLE_BEAR", "MUZZLE_LONG", "MUZZLE_RAT" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ] - }, - { - "type": "mutation", - "id": "TRUNK", - "name": { "str": "Elephant Trunk" }, - "points": -4, - "visibility": 5, - "ugliness": 6, - "mixed_effect": true, - "description": "Your face resembles that of an elephant, with a significant trunk. It looks fierce but prevents wearing mouthgear. Prehensile and able to perform some fine detail work.", - "types": [ "MUZZLE" ], - "prereqs": [ "MINITRUNK" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], - "restricts_gear": [ "MOUTH" ], - "social_modifiers": { "intimidate": 10 }, - "craft_skill_bonus": [ [ "electronics", 1 ], [ "tailor", 1 ], [ "mechanics", 1 ], [ "cooking", 1 ] ] + "leads_to": [ "PHEROMONE_MAMMAL" ] }, { "type": "mutation", @@ -416,10 +281,9 @@ "name": "Constant Eater", "points": -2, "description": "You require more food than most people, but recover stamina slightly faster.", - "starting_trait": true, + "valid": false, "types": [ "METABOLISM" ], "changes_to": [ "LARGE_DIET" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], "metabolism_modifier": 0.5, "stamina_regen_modifier": 0.1 }, @@ -429,10 +293,10 @@ "name": "Large Diet", "points": -2, "description": "You require more food than others but your ability to go the distance in both combat and athleticism is expanded.", + "valid": false, "types": [ "HEALING" ], "cancels": [ "LIGHTEATER", "COLDBLOOD", "COLDBLOOD2", "COLDBLOOD3", "COLDBLOOD4", "WAKEFUL", "WAKEFUL2", "WAKEFUL3" ], "prereqs": [ "HUNGER" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], "healing_resting": 0.25, "fatigue_modifier": 0.75, "fatigue_regen_modifier": 0.5, @@ -444,10 +308,9 @@ "name": "High Thirst", "points": -2, "description": "Your body needs more water than usual to flush the denser waste products.", - "starting_trait": true, + "valid": false, "changes_to": [ "H20NEEDS" ], "cancels": [ "NO_THIRST" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], "thirst_modifier": 0.5 }, { @@ -456,44 +319,22 @@ "name": "Giant Thirst", "points": -3, "description": "Ugh, out of water already? You need about twice the fluids of an average human.", + "valid": false, "prereqs": [ "THIRST" ], "changes_to": [ "THIRST3" ], "cancels": [ "NO_THIRST" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], "thirst_modifier": 1.0 }, - { - "type": "mutation", - "id": "TRIPAWS", - "name": "Three Fingered", - "points": -3, - "visibility": 3, - "ugliness": 2, - "mixed_effect": true, - "description": "Your hands have fused into three fingered paws. Fine manipulation is a challenge: permanent hand encumbrance of 10, difficulty with delicate craftwork, and your gloves don't fit. But they handle water better.", - "encumbrance_always": [ [ "HAND_L", 10 ], [ "HAND_R", 10 ] ], - "restricts_gear": [ "HAND_L", "HAND_R" ], - "craft_skill_bonus": [ [ "electronics", -2 ], [ "tailor", -2 ], [ "mechanics", -2 ] ], - "types": [ "HANDS" ], - "cancels": [ "TALONS" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ] - }, - { - "type": "mutation", - "id": "HERBIVORE", - "copy-from": "HERBIVORE", - "extend": { "category": [ "MASTODON" ] } - }, { "type": "mutation", "id": "DELIBERATE1", "name": "Ponderous", "points": -3, "description": "Your weight must be delicately placed lest the ground give way. You move 10% slower.", + "valid": false, "types": [ "RUNNING" ], "changes_to": [ "DELIBERATE2" ], "cancels": [ "FLEET" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], "movecost_modifier": 1.1 }, { @@ -502,33 +343,11 @@ "name": "Very Deliberate", "points": -5, "description": "Your muscles are quite slow to move. You move 25% slower.", + "valid": false, "types": [ "RUNNING" ], "prereqs": [ "DELIBERATE1" ], "changes_to": [ "PONDEROUS3" ], "cancels": [ "QUICK" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], "movecost_modifier": 1.25 - }, - { - "type": "mutation", - "id": "TRUMPET", - "name": "Trumpeting Voice", - "points": -1, - "mixed_effect": true, - "description": "You have a trumpeting elephantine voice. threatening NPCs will be easier, but lying will very hard.", - "changes_to": [ "SNARL" ], - "category": [ "MASTODON" ], - "social_modifiers": { "lie": -30, "intimidate": 10 } - }, - { - "type": "mutation", - "id": "THRESH_MASTODON", - "name": { "str": "Killophant" }, - "points": 1, - "description": "Your species was created as the ultimate shock troop. Inherit the earth, pedigree your ancestors, crush the foe.", - "valid": false, - "profession": true, - "purifiable": false, - "threshold": true } ] diff --git a/data/mods/Aftershock/player/mutations/mutations.json b/data/mods/Aftershock/player/mutations/mutations.json deleted file mode 100644 index 7ac41ed9799f2..0000000000000 --- a/data/mods/Aftershock/player/mutations/mutations.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,35 +0,0 @@ -[ - { - "type": "mutation", - "id": "AFS_BRUTAL_STRENGTH", - "name": { "str": "Brutal Strength" }, - "description": "Genetic tampering made your body incredibly strong. Strength + 7.", - "points": 0, - "valid": false, - "purifiable": false, - "cancels": [ "STR_UP" ], - "profession": true, - "passive_mods": { "str_mod": 7 } - }, - { - "type": "mutation", - "id": "AFS_CRYOADAPTATION", - "name": { "str": "Cryoadaptation" }, - "description": "An experimental cryosleep procedure has permanently altered your body, allowing you to better tolerate cold temperatures.", - "bodytemp_modifiers": [ 50, 100 ], - "points": 0, - "valid": false, - "purifiable": false, - "profession": true - }, - { - "type": "mutation", - "id": "PrepNet", - "name": "PrepNet Tag", - "points": 0, - "valid": false, - "description": "NPC trait that makes monsters see it as a Prepnet. It is a bug if you have it.", - "player_display": false, - "threshold": true - } -] diff --git a/data/mods/Aftershock/player/obsolete.json b/data/mods/Aftershock/player/obsolete.json deleted file mode 100644 index e5015a25b7240..0000000000000 --- a/data/mods/Aftershock/player/obsolete.json +++ /dev/null @@ -1,25 +0,0 @@ -[ - { - "type": "mutation", - "id": "AFS_PROF_SKIIER", - "name": { "str": "Alpine Conditioning" }, - "description": "Time spent in high altitudes and low temperatures have adapted you to them, and you're slightly better at resisting the cold.", - "bodytemp_modifiers": [ 50, 100 ], - "points": 0, - "valid": false, - "purifiable": false, - "profession": true - }, - { - "type": "mutation", - "id": "AFS_PROF_STRONGMAN", - "name": { "str": "Brutal Strength" }, - "description": "Genetic defects have made your body incredibly strong. Strength + 7.", - "points": 0, - "valid": false, - "purifiable": false, - "cancels": [ "STR_UP" ], - "profession": true, - "passive_mods": { "str_mod": 7 } - } -] diff --git a/data/mods/Aftershock/player/professions.json b/data/mods/Aftershock/player/professions.json index dc789e468184d..68d806a5cfaff 100644 --- a/data/mods/Aftershock/player/professions.json +++ b/data/mods/Aftershock/player/professions.json @@ -192,7 +192,7 @@ "ident": "afs_mastadon_swat", "name": "Uplifted Enforcer", "description": "You are an uplifted elephant hybrid, a precisely engineered enforcer creature created by combining human, elephant and mastodon DNA. Unlike most of your war-minded kin, you sought a peaceful retirement after completing your compulsive service period, and even earned the right to be considered a full citizen. Now, with the end of the world in the horizon, it seems that your combat skills might come useful once again.", - "points": 13, + "points": 7, "skills": [ { "level": 6, "name": "gun" }, { "level": 4, "name": "shotgun" }, @@ -200,19 +200,18 @@ { "level": 3, "name": "melee" }, { "level": 3, "name": "bashing" } ], - "traits": [ "PROF_SWAT", "UPLIFTED", "THRESH_MASTODON", "MUT_TANK", "TUSKS" ], + "traits": [ "PROF_SWAT", "UPLIFTED", "THRESH_MASTODON", "MUT_TOUGH", "TUSKS", "HUGE_OK" ], "//": "Placeholder profession until mutant NPCs merged and post thresh MASTODON distribution table can be added. Need to add XL gear for MASTODON's in more items.", "items": { "both": { - "items": [ "socks", "swat_armor", "tac_fullhelmet", "boots_combat", "gloves_tactical", "badge_swat", "wristwatch" ], + "items": [ "xlswat_armor", "xlboots_combat", "xlgloves_tactical", "badge_swat", "wristwatch", "baton" ], "entries": [ { "group": "charged_two_way_radio" }, + { "group": "army_mags_usp9" }, { "item": "ear_plugs", "custom-flags": [ "no_auto_equip" ] }, { "item": "bandolier_shotgun", "contents-group": "bandolier_swat_cqc1" }, { "item": "bandolier_shotgun", "contents-group": "bandolier_swat_cqc2" }, - { "item": "legpouch_large", "contents-group": "army_mags_usp9" }, { "item": "usp_9mm", "ammo-item": "9mmfmj", "charges": 15, "container-item": "sholster" }, - { "item": "baton-extended", "container-item": "police_belt" }, { "item": "ksg", "ammo-item": "shot_00", "charges": 7, "contents-item": "shoulder_strap" } ] },