diff --git a/doc/JSON_FLAGS.md b/doc/JSON_FLAGS.md index 5188b40e508f7..39b587c9e77c6 100644 --- a/doc/JSON_FLAGS.md +++ b/doc/JSON_FLAGS.md @@ -329,7 +329,6 @@ Some armor flags, such as `WATCH` and `ALARMCLOCK` are compatible with other ite - ```BLOCK_WHILE_WORN``` Allows worn armor or shields to be used for blocking attacks. - ```BULLET_IMMUNE``` Wearing an item with this flag makes you immune to bullet damage - ```CANT_WEAR``` This item can't be worn directly. -- ```CLIMATE_CONTROL``` This piece of clothing has climate control of some sort, keeping you warmer or cooler depending on ambient and bodily temperature. - ```COLLAR``` This piece of clothing has a wide collar that can keep your mouth warm. - ```COMBAT_TOGGLEABLE``` This item is meant to be toggled during combat. Used by NPCs to determine if they will toggle it on during combat. This only supports simple "transform" actions. - ```DECAY_EXPOSED_ATMOSPHERE``` Consumable will go bad once exposed to the atmosphere (such as MREs).