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Wish List

David Nedrow edited this page Oct 19, 2017 · 7 revisions

Apply alpha to color defined by another variable

From Issue #86 for additional context.

@binyamg posits "if we have $base-color, can we say rgba($base-color, 0.75)? $base-color being a hex or rgb value."
@keithnorm adds "I think it would be cool to have darken and lighten functions to act on a base color as well." He provides the following example:

UIButton {
  background-color[state: normal]: $blue
  background-color[state: highlighted]: lighten($blue, 20%)

Extend UISearchBar (Issue #98)

@keithnorm writes, "The other way is to write a UISearchBar extension that swizzles didMoveToWindow the same way Classy does it for UIView See for details."

Add support for arrays (Issue #70)

Enable setting array of colors and locations on a CAGradientLayer within a custom view class. I imagine there might be other uses as well in other custom subclass scenarios.

This might look something like:

MyCustomView {
    gradientLayer: @ {
        colors: [red, rgb(160, 180, 220), green]
        locations: [0.0, 0.2, 1.0]