diff --git a/map.js b/map.js
index 7b1e121..b33171a 100644
--- a/map.js
+++ b/map.js
@@ -38,38 +38,61 @@ window.onload = function () {
+ // possibly refactor this so you can add points to layers without knowing what all the layers are beforehand
+ // run this function after document is loaded but before mapPoints()
+ function determineLayers(points) {
+ var layerNamesFromSpreadsheet = [];
+ var layers = {};
+ for (var i in points) {
+ var pointLayerNameFromSpreadsheet = points[i].Layer;
+ if (layerNamesFromSpreadsheet.indexOf(pointLayerNameFromSpreadsheet) === -1) {
+ layerNamesFromSpreadsheet.push(pointLayerNameFromSpreadsheet);
+ }
+ }
+ // if none of the points have named layers or if there was only one name, return no layers
+ if (layerNamesFromSpreadsheet.length === 1) {
+ layers = undefined;
+ } else {
+ for (var i in layerNamesFromSpreadsheet) {
+ var layerNameFromSpreadsheet = layerNamesFromSpreadsheet[i];
+ layers[layerNameFromSpreadsheet] = L.layerGroup();
+ layers[layerNameFromSpreadsheet].addTo(map);
+ }
+ }
+ return layers;
+ }
// only run this after Tabletop has loaded (onTabletopLoad())
- function mapPoints(points) {
+ function mapPoints(points, layers) {
var markerArray = [];
// check that map has loaded before adding points to it?
for (var i in points) {
var point = points[i];
if (point.Latitude !== "" && point.Longitude !== "") {
- markerArray.push(L.marker([point.Latitude, point.Longitude], {
+ var marker = L.marker([point.Latitude, point.Longitude], {
icon: createMarkerIcon(point['Marker Icon'], 'fa', point['Marker Color'].toLowerCase(), point['Marker Icon Color'])
- }).bindPopup("" + point["Title"] + "
" + point["Description"]));
+ }).bindPopup("" + point["Title"] + "
" + point["Description"]);
+ if (layers !== undefined && layers.length !== 1) {
+ marker.addTo(layers[point.Layer]);
+ }
+ markerArray.push(marker);
var group = L.featureGroup(markerArray);
- // cluster markers, or don't
- if (documentSettings["Markercluster:"] === 'on') {
- var cluster = L.markerClusterGroup({
- polygonOptions: {
- opacity: 0.3,
- weight: 3
- }
- });
- cluster.addLayer(group);
- map.addLayer(cluster);
+ // if layers.length === 0, add points to map instead of layer
+ if (layers === undefined || layers.length === 0) {
+ clusterMarkers(group);
} else {
- map.addLayer(group);
+ L.control.layers(null, layers, {
+ collapsed: false
+ }).addTo(map);
// reformulate documentSettings as a dictionary, e.g.
// {"webpageTitle": "Leaflet Boilerplate", "infoPopupText": "Stuff"}
function createDocumentSettings(settings) {
@@ -82,12 +105,29 @@ window.onload = function () {
+ function clusterMarkers(group) {
+ // cluster markers, or don't
+ if (documentSettings["Markercluster:"] === 'on') {
+ var cluster = L.markerClusterGroup({
+ polygonOptions: {
+ opacity: 0.3,
+ weight: 3
+ }
+ });
+ cluster.addLayer(group);
+ map.addLayer(cluster);
+ } else {
+ map.addLayer(group);
+ }
+ }
function onTabletopLoad() {
- // documentSettings = tabletop.sheets(constants.informationSheetName).elements;
document.title = documentSettings["Webpage Title:"];
- mapPoints(tabletop.sheets(constants.pointsSheetName).elements);
+ var points = tabletop.sheets(constants.pointsSheetName).elements;
+ var layers = determineLayers(points);
+ mapPoints(points, layers);
var tabletop = Tabletop.init( { key: constants.googleDocID, // from constants.js
@@ -100,8 +140,6 @@ window.onload = function () {
- // map
function addBaseMap() {
var basemap = documentSettings["Tile Provider:"] === '' ? 'Stamen.TonerLite' : documentSettings["Tile Provider:"];
@@ -119,19 +157,4 @@ window.onload = function () {
attributionHTML = mapCreatorAttribution + ' mapsfor.us
Mapsfor.us was created by Code for Atlanta
' + attributionHTML;
document.getElementsByClassName("leaflet-control-attribution")[0].innerHTML = attributionHTML;
- // var counties = {
- // "Fulton": fultonLayer
- // };
- // L.control.layers(null, null, {
- // collapsed: false
- // }).addTo(map);
- // // change zoom and center of map when county changes
- // map.on('baselayerchange', function(e) {
- // map.fitBounds(e.layer.getBounds(), {
- // maxZoom: 14
- // });
- // });
\ No newline at end of file