All notable changes to this project will be documented in this file.
The format is based on Keep a Changelog.
- #265 Save units as favorites
- #264 Change unit sort default to condition
- #266 Validate currentLanguage in CookieConsent
- #261 Heightprofile support for 3D-units
- #251 Update Matomo-tracking to use DigiaIiris-service
- #254 Update map zooming
- #255 Update packages, use NodeJS v22 and Nginx v1.2.6
- #250 Fix address location
- #238 Add HDS CookieConsent modal
- #221 Use Platta / OpenShift and Azure DevOps pipelines
- #232 Use master as default Git-branch with builds
- #214 Update accessibility statements
- Update feedback service code value
- Update to use GitHub actions checkout V3
- #216 Fix info icon styles
- #193 Add ice swimming places to map
- #194 Add water quality information to swimming places
- #197 Add parking information
- #201 Add outdoor services to map
- #202 Add unit additional information
- #205 Add default observation for ice swimming places and outdoor services
- #207 Zoom to unit when it is selected
- #185 Add sport specification filtering and visualize different skiing styles in detail view
- #186 Automatic satisfactory/unknown observation status
- #181 Fix missing notice text by updating allowedElements in ReactMarkdown
- #170 Upgrade React to 17.x with related application packages and move to using Node 18 LTS
- #172 Missing www value in connections causes the frontend to fail
- #173 Application throws error to browsers console when ski map route is clicked
- #176 Freetext-search gives JS-error occasionally
- #178 Search suggestions give JS-error occasionally
- #179 Duplicate keys in search suggestions
- Use only season specific sport services to improve service performance
- #140 Show controlled information for beaches/swimming places
- #141 Show heating information
- #142 Show lighting information
- #143 Show dressing room information
- #145 Accessible colors for unusable units
- #146 Expandable unit details on mobile devices
- #147 Dynamic App wide notifications
- Bump terser to 4.8.1
- Bump moment to 2.29.4
- Bump shell-quote to 1.7.3
- Filter out empty unit suggestions
- Increase Kubernetes CPU limit
- Replace node-sass with sass
- Minor-package updates
- Notification language support for Microsoft Edge- and Safari-browsers
- Notification title that can be configured with environment
- Add extra url support for unit details
- Update Servicemap link texts
- Kubernetes CPU limit
- Ski track related additional information from new extra field
- Notification that can be configured with environment
- Update about dialog text
- Accessibility statements
- #99 Feedback form always failing to send feedback
- #80 Robots.txt file
- #83 Language in url
- #91 Unit names as slugs to unit urls
- #93 Sitemap generation for production build
- Upgrade React and its related dependencies from 15.x to 16.x
- #84 Use create-react-app tool chain
- #87 Meta tags to be more descriptive
- #88 From flow to typescript
- #89 [Accessibility] Make map contents easier to skip for screen reader and keyboard users
- #90 [Accessibility] Change implementation of about and feedback modals to be inline with accessibility standards
- #78 [Accessibility] Capturing focus to the middle of the page when opening the details of an unit
- #82 [Accessibility] Language controls being hard to reach with keyboard and screen readers
- #92 Base map not respecting application language
- #73 Preserve zoom level when opening unit on mobile (@vaahtokarkki)
- #73 Mobile unit focus hiding point of interest under unit modal (@vaahtokarkki)
- #28 Fix links to repo (@hugovk)
- #67 Link to palvelukartta in unit details view
- #49 [Accessibility] Fix insufficient labels on sub menus
- #51 [Accessibility] Fix unreachable show more link
- #52 [Accessibility] Add unique titles to pages
- #53 [Accessibility] Fix insufficient contrast in primary color
- #54 [Accessibility] Fix current address not read by screen readers
- #56 [Accessibility] Fix sub menu options not being usable with screen reader or keyboard
- #55 [Accessibility] Fix search returning nothing with an empty search
- #58 [Accessibility] Add missing search landmark
- #58 [Accessibility] Fix service info button for keyboard and screen reader users
- #59 [Accessibility] Add contentinfo landmark
- #61 [Accessibility] Hide map markers from some screen reader navigation approaches so that the application is easier to browse through
Nothing changed. Release was made to move the service onto new infrastructure.
- #34 Run tests in GitHub
- #37 Use prettier to format project
- #45 Show all opening hours
- #47 Use icon instead of tooltip for outbound link
- #36 [Accessibility] HTML document language is now synced with application language
- #36 [Accessibility] Language toggles now have the correct lang attribute
- #38 [Accessibility] Make unit modal closable with keyboard
- #39 [Accessibility] Add text label to unit modal close link
- #40 [Accessibility] Info button not reachable with keyboard
- #41 [Accessibility] Make search button accessible with keyboard and move it after the search field
- #43 [Accessibility] Add accessible names to map and list buttons
- #44 [Accessibility] Warn when links open a new window
- #42 [Accessibility] Add jump link