- Replace 2.0.19 release and remove unneeded directory
- New collection to add support for LDAP, Network Connectivity, SD Card, SMTP, SSH Policies to intersight_server_profile
- Add support for LDAP, Network Connectivity, SD Card, SMTP, SSH Policies to intersight_server_profile
- Fixes #135 to support JSON Patch of existing resources with example port_policy_json_patch.yml playbook
- Fixes #133 to add support for Power Policies in Server Profiles
- Add CI workflow and workaround for ansible-test sanity failures
- Fixes #127 to avoid changes to existing users in local user policies
- Update README to follow the Ansible Certified Collections template
- Fix issue #125 to avoid exceptions when local user policy does not exist
- Fix issue #119 to avoid incorrect resources used on deletes or updates
- Fix issue #114 to support $count query param
- Fix issue #111 to allow User Policy updates
- Fix issue #101 to support IMM Server Policies.
- Update deploy_server_profiles playbook to support Unassign
- Updated Ansible Core requirement to >=2.14.0
- ansible-lint fixes for production profile
- Fix issue #99 to support NVMe boot devices in intersight_boot_order_policy
- Updated README with requirement for Python 3.6 or newer
- Added CHANGELOG.md
- Added tests/config.yml
- Initial version for Ansible Automation Platform