See CIO 2100.1L – GSA IT Security Policy
- Chapter 3, Policy for Identify Function, which covers:
- AT-1 policy control
- Chapter 4, Policy for Protect Function, which covers:
- AT family implementation controls
The latest version can be found on the GSA IT Security Policies page.
Provide the highest quality training in modern security practices, ensure announcements regarding new risks to information systems circulate immediately, and facilitate collaboration across the Service to develop new technologies or methodologies to compensate risk.
See the Applicability section of the GSA IT Security Policy.
For information on roles and responsibilities, management commitment, coordination among organizational entities, compliance, reviews, and updates please see the Technology Transformation Service's (TTS) Common Control Policy.
If staff fail to comply with GSA security training requirements, their access to all GSA information systems is terminated. This includes access to systems.
See AT-2, AT-2 (2).
The Program Manager ensures that Cloud Operations staff with significant information system security roles complete role-based security-related training upon being granted access, and subsequent refresher training at least annually.
Whenever a new person joins the Cloud Operations team, the Program Manager assigns the team member a GitHub issue documenting a checklist of required training materials. The same process is applied to each team member annually as if they were a new team member.
Training records for GSA-mandated training are kept for at least one year, cloud-gov specific records are kept for at least five years.
See AT-3, AT-4.
Complete version history:
- 2016-10: Initial version for authorization
- 2017-09: Security policy link updates
- 2019-12: Update links to GSA security policy
- 2020-11: Update links to GitHub and GSA policies, split controls by CSF, add version history
- 2021-11: State retention policy for training records