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Image Processing problems

  • Image Restoration

    • de-noising

    • de-blurring(sharpening)

  • Image Compression

    • Jpeg, HEIF, MPEG
  • Computing Field Properties

Image Filtering

  • Modify the pixels in an image based on some function of a local neighborhood of each pixel
  • One simple version of filtering: linear filtering(cross-correlation, convolution)
    • Replace each pixel by a linear combination(a weighted sum) of its neighbors
  • The prescription for the linear combination is called the "Kernel" (or "mask", "filter")


Let F be the image, H be the kernel (of size 2k+1 * 2k + 1) and G be the output Image


  • G = H * F

  • Convolution is commutative and associative

Mean filtering / Moving average

Gaussian Kernel

Gaussian filters

  • Removes "high-frequency" components from the image(low-pass filter)
  • Convolution with self is another Gaussian

Sharpening revisited

  • What does blurring take away?
    • origin - smoothed(5*5)
    • This "detail extraction" operation is also called a high-pass filter
    • original + a * detail = sharpened
  • F + a * (F - F * H) = (1 + a) * F - a(F * H) = F * ([1+a] * e - a * H)
    • e: unit impulse (identity kernel with single 1 in center, zeros elsewhere)
    • F: image
    • F * H: blurred image
    • scaled impulse - Gaussian = sharpen filter

Image sub-sampling

Throw away every other row and column to create a 1/2 size image.


  • Occurs when your sampling rate is not high enough to capture the amount of detail in your image
  • Can give you the wrong signal / image - an alias
  • to do sampling right, need to understand the structure of your signal/image
  • Enter Monsieur Fourier...
  • To avoid aliasing
    • sampling rate >= 2* max frequency in the image
      • said another way: >= two per cycle7
    • This minimum sampling rate is called the Nyquist rate


  • This image is to small for this screen
  • How can we make it 10 times as big?
  • Simplest approach: repeat each row and column 10 times
  • ("Nearest neighbor interpolation")

Image interpolation

  • Recall the a digital images is formed as follows:

    • F[x, y] = quantize{f(xd,yd)}

    • It is a discrete point-sampling of a continuous function

    • If we could somehow reconstruct the original function, any new image could be generated, at any resolution and scale

  • What if we don't know f ?

    • Guess an approximation: f
    • Can be done in a principled way: filtering
    • Convert F to a continuous function
      • fF(x)=F(x/d) when x/d is an integer, 0 otherwise
    • Reconstruct by convolution with a reconstruction filter, h
      • f = h * fF

Super - resolution with multiple images

  • Can do better upsampling of you have multiple images of the scene taken with small(subpixel) shifts
  • Some cellphone cameras (like the google pixel line) capture a burst of photos


Characterizing edges

  • An edge is a place of rapid change in the image intensity function.
  • First derivative: edges correspond to extrema of derivative

Image derivative

  • How can we differentiate a digital image F[x,y]?
    • Reconstruct a continuous image, f,f then computed the derivative
    • take discrete derivative(finite difference)
  • And both what happens when you have an edge is that direction the next when you get to another pixel, they' ll be a big change in that direction. And that's what tells us that we' ve got to match. So what have we got here?

Solution: smooth first

  • f, signal sigma=50
  • $d/dx * h$
  • $f * d/dx * h$

Associative property of convolution

  • Differentiation is convolution, and convolution is associative: $d/dx(fh) = f * d/dxh$

The sobel operator

  • common approximation of derivative of Gaussian
  • The standard definition of the sobel operator omits the 1/8 term
    • does not make a difference for edge detection
    • the 1/8 term is needed to get

Canny edge detector

  • Filter image with derivative of Gaussian
  • Find magnitude and orientaion of gradient
  • Non-maximum suppression
  • Linking and thresholding(hysteresis):
    • Define two thresholds: low and high
    • Use the high threshold to start edge curves and the low threshold to continue them


Application: Visual SLAM

  • aka Simultaneous Localization and Mapping

Image matching

Feature matching for object

Invariant local features

  • find features that are invariant to transformations
    • geometric invariance: translation, rotation, scale
    • photometric invariance: brightness, exposure.

Advantages of local features

  • Locality
    • features are local, so robust to occlusion and clutter
  • QUantity
    • hundreds or thousands in a single image
  • Distinctiveness:
    • can differentiate a large database of ovjects
  • Effieciency
    • real-time

More motivation

  • feature points are used for
    • image alignments(e.g. mosaics)
    • 3D reconstruction
    • Motion tracking(e.g AR)
    • Object recognition
    • image retrieval
    • robot/cat navigation
    • other...


  1. Feature detection: find it
  2. Feature descriptor
  3. Feature matching
  4. Feature tracking

Local features: main components

  1. Detection: identify the interest points
  2. Description: Extract vector feature descriptor surrounding each interest point
  3. Matching: determine correspondence between descriptors in two views

What makes a good feature?

  • Want uniqueness - look for image regions that are unusual
    • lead to unambiguous matches in other images
  • how to define "unusual"
    • Suppose we only consider a small window of pixels
      • What defines whether a feature is a good or bad candidate?
    • "Flat" region - no change in all directions
    • "edge" region - no change
    • "corner"

Harris corner detection: the math

  • consider shifting the window W by(u,v)
    • how do the pixels in W change?
    • compare each pixel before and after by summing up the squared differences
    • the defines an SSD "error" E(u,v)
    • we are happy if this error is high
    • slow to compute exactly for each pixel and each offset(u, v)

Small motion assumption

  • Taylor series expansion of I:
    • $I(x+u, y+v) = I(x, y) + eI/ex * u + eI/ey * v + higher_order_terms$


Why not use SIFT matching for everything?

  • Works well for object instances (or distinctive images such as logos)
    • pepsi, cocacola
  • Not great for generic object categories


  • Photography
  • shutter-free photography(take photos when you smile)
  • photo organization

Why is recognition hard?

  • Variability:
    • Camera position
    • Illumination,
    • Shape
    • etc...

What Matters in Recognition?

  • Learning Techniques
    • E.g. choice of classifier or inference method
  • Representation
    • Low level: SIFT, HoG, GIST, edges
    • Mid Level: Bag of words, sliding window, deformable model
    • High level: contextual dependence
    • Deep learned features
  • Data
    • More is always better(as long as it is good data)
    • Annotation is the hard part