This repository is structured as a monorepo and is using Yarn Workspaces to manage the monorepo. That means each package is published independently on npm.
Install all dependencies:
Build the projects
yarn build && yarn build:website
Run build for all packages in Dev (Watch) Mode
yarn dev
In separate terminal, run for the website:
yarn dev:website
Releases, versioning and Changelogs are handled by changesets.
Whenever you fix something or add a feature or open a PR, add a changeset file by running yarn changeset
and answer the prompts.
When these are merged to main
branch, the changeset/action in version
workflow will open a new PR with all the changes related to releasing done.
Merge that PR with a merge commit and version number as the commit message and create a Github Release with the version number as the tag, and it will trigger the release workflow that will publish these to npm.
- Yarn Workspaces:
- Typescript Docs:
- Reference Monorepo:
- Docusaurus Docs for Creating Plugins :