- gendoc.sh
Description: Run this script to generate doxygen online document. It will output 2 documents
- Package 'confSverHtml': open 'index.html' in that package to access the conference user guide index.
- Package 'sipHtml': open 'index.html' in that package to access the sip gateway user guide index. Example Usage: ./gendoc.sh
Note: before running this script, you should install doxygen first. See instruction at https://www.stack.nl/~dimitri/doxygen/manual/install.html For Ubuntu, you can directly run the following commands to install doxygen under version 1.8.6. sudo apt-get update sudo apt-get install doxygen 2. servermd
Description: This package contains markdown files for conference user guide and sip gateway user guide.
- doxygen_cfrc.conf
The configure file to generate conference user guide document.
- doxygen_sip.conf
The configure file to generate sip gateway user guide document.
- ServerPic
The pictures needed in the server html pages.
- doxygen
related doxygen resources.
- mvhtml.sh
Generate pure html server guides in package 'purehtml'
- doxygen_mdformat.md
Describe the markdown format supported by doxygen.