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Champii edited this page Dec 16, 2014 · 13 revisions



Nodulator is designed to make it more easy to create highly modulable REST APIs, with integrated ORM (database agnostic) in CoffeeScript.


First of all, the config process is absolutly optional.
If you don't give Nodulator a config, it will assume you want to use SqlMem DB system, with no persistance at all. Usefull for heavy tests periods.

If you prefere to use a persistant system, here is the procedure :

    Nodulator = require 'Nodulator'
      dbType: 'Mongo'       # You can select 'SqlMem' to use inRAM Document (no persistant data, used    to test) or 'Mongo' or 'Mysql'
        host: 'localhost'
        database: 'test'
        port: 27017       # Can be ignored, default values taken
        user: 'test'      # For Mongo and SqlMem, these fields are optionals
        pass: 'test'      #

The module provide 2 main Objects :



A Resource is a class permitting to retrive and save a model from a DB.

Here is an exemple of creating a Resource

    PlayerResource = Nodulator.Resource 'player'
    # /!\ Never forget to call Init() /!\ #

Class methods

Each Resource provides some 'Class methods' to manage the specific model in db :

    PlayerResource.Fetch(id, done)
    PlayerResource.FetchBy(field, value, done)
    PlayerResource.List(id, done)
    PlayerResource.ListBy(field, value, done)
    PlayerResource.Deserialize(blob, done)

The Fetch method take an id and return a PlayerResource intance to done callback :

    PlayerResource.Fetch 1, (err, player) ->
      return console.error err if err?

      [...] # Do something with player

You can also call FetchBy method to give a specific field to retrive.
It can be unique, or the first occurence in DB will return.

You can list every models from this Resource thanks to List :

    PlayerResource.List (err, players) ->
      return console.error err if err?

      [...] # players is an array of player instance

Like Fetch, you can ListBy a specific field.

The Deserialize method allow to get an instance of a given Resource.
Never use new operator directly on a Resource, else you might bypass the relationning system.
Deserialize method used to make pre-processing work (like fetching related models) before instantiation.

Instance methods

A player instance has some methods :

    Used to save the model in DB. The callback take 2 arguments : (err, instance) ->

    Used to delete the model from the DB. The callback take 1 argument : (err) ->

    Used to get every object properties, and return it in a new object.
    Generaly used to get what to be saved in DB.

    By default, it calls Serialize().
    Generaly used to get what to send to client.

Overriding and Inheritance

You can inherit from a Resource to override or enhance its default behaviour, or to make a complex class inheritance system built on Resource

Override default behaviour

In CoffeeScript its pretty easy:

    class UnitResource extends Nodulator.Resource 'unit'
      # Here we override the constructor to attach a weapon resource
      # Never forget to call super(blob), or the instance will never be populated by DB fields
      constructor: (blob, @weapon) ->
        super blob
      # We create a new instance method
      LevelUp: (done) ->
        @Save done
      # Here we override the Deserialize class method, to fetch the attached WeaponResource
      @Deserialize: (blob, done) ->
        if !(        # If the resource isnt deserialized from db, don't fetch attached resource
          return super blob, done

          WeaponResource.FetchByUserId, (err, weapon) =>
            res = @
            done(null, new res(blob, weapon))


Complex inheritance system

Given the last exemple, here is a class that inherits from UnitResource

    class PlayerResource extends UnitResource.Extend 'player'
      SpecialBehaviour: (args, done) ->


You can also define abstract class, to avoid corresponding model to be created/initialized :

    class UnitResource extends Nodulator.Resource 'unit', {abstract: true}

Of course, abstract class are only designed to be inherited. (Please note that they can't have Route attached)


Route Object

Nodulator provides a Route object, to be attached to a Resource object in order to describe routing process.

    class UnitResource extends Nodulator.Resource 'unit', Nodulator.Route

There is no need of Init() here.
Default Nodulator.Route do nothing.
You have to inherit from it to describe routes :

    class UnitRoute extends Nodulator.Route
      Config: ->
        @Add 'get', '/:id', (req, res) =>
          # The @resource field points to attached Resource
          @resource.Fetch, (err, unit) ->
            return res.status(500).send err if err?

            res.status(200).send unit.ToJSON()

        @Add 'post', (req, res) ->

This Route, attached to a Resource, add 2 endPoints :

GET  => /api/1/units/:id
POST => /api/1/units

Each Route have to implement a Config() method, calling super() and defining routes thanks to @Add() call.
Here is the @Add() call definition :

    Nodulator.Route.Add verb, [endPoint = '/'], [middleware, [middleware, ...]], callback
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