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+Ch0pin edited this page Mar 1, 2023 · 54 revisions

Welcome to Medusa's wiki. Please use the sidebar to navigate to a section:

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Quick start and use cases:

Quick start guide (medusa)

Searching for modules

Use the show command, followed one of the following options:

  • all to Display all available modules
  • mods to Display stashed modules
  • categories to Display the available module categories
  • mods [category] to Display the available modules for the selected category

Use the info [module name]to get help about a specific module

Stashing / Un-stashing

  • Use the use [module name]to add a module to the stashed ones:
medusa> use http_communications/multiple_unpinner
  • Use the rem [module name]to remove a module to the stashed ones
medusa> rem http_communications/multiple_unpinner
  • Use the reset to empty the list of stashed modules and clear the unified script

  • Use the swap to change the compilation order of the stashed modules:

medusa> swap [index 1] [index 2]


  • Use the compile to compile your stashed modules to a unified one:
medusa> compile
  • Use the compile -t X (X is the delay value in milliseconds) to add a loading delay:
medusa> compile -t 1000

Starting a session

  • Use the run -f [package name] or to run -n [package number] to start or restart an application and attach to it (you can use the list command to get the package number).
medusa> run -f
  • Use the run [package name] to attach to an application.

In session menu

    'c'  (c)lear the sreen
    'e'  (e)xit the session
    'r'  (r)eload the script in case it changed
    'rs' (r)e(s)et the scratchpad
    'i'  print (i)nformation about the application
    't'  (t)race a function and print the stack trace (e.g. t
    '?'  print this help message