- mutation: switch sender and owner
- note: remove from other without allowance < from basic erc20 properties>
author: alexzoid-eth
// COM-24 | Allowance decrease (unless equal to max_uint256) when user redeem from another account
rule allowanceChangedFromAnotherWithdraw(env e, method f, calldataarg args, address from)
filtered { f -> !HARNESS_VIEW_METHODS(f) } {
mathint fromBalancePrev = ghostUsersDataBalance[from];
mathint usersETokenAllowancePrev = ghostUsersETokenAllowance[from][ghostOnBehalfOfAccount];
f(e, args);
mathint fromBalancePost = ghostUsersDataBalance[from];
mathint usersETokenAllowancePost = ghostUsersETokenAllowance[from][ghostOnBehalfOfAccount];
// Redeem shares to another account MUST decrease allowance, unless allowance is max_uint256
assert(fromBalancePrev > fromBalancePost && from != ghostOnBehalfOfAccount
=> (usersETokenAllowancePrev == max_uint256
? usersETokenAllowancePrev == usersETokenAllowancePost
: usersETokenAllowancePrev - usersETokenAllowancePost == fromBalancePrev - fromBalancePost
author: jraynaldi3
/// @notice approval Should decrease if caller and reduced balance owner is different
rule approval_shouldDecreaseAtBalanceDecrease(
env e,
method f,
calldataarg args,
address owner
) filtered {f -> !f.isView} {
address caller = actualCaller(e);
mathint allowanceBefore = allowance(e, owner, caller);
mathint balanceBefore = balanceOf(e, owner);
mathint allowanceAfter = allowance(e, owner, caller);
mathint balanceAfter = balanceOf(e, owner);
assert balanceAfter < balanceBefore
&& allowanceBefore != max_uint256
&& owner != caller
=> allowanceAfter < allowanceBefore;
/// @notice only owner and address with approval can decrease balance
rule decreaseBalance_onlyOwnerAndApproved(
env e,
method f,
calldataarg args,
address account
) filtered {f -> !f.isView} {
address caller = actualCaller(e);
mathint balanceBefore = balanceOf(e, account);
uint256 allowance = allowance(e, account, caller);
mathint balanceAfter = balanceOf(e, account);
assert balanceBefore > balanceAfter => caller == account || allowance != 0;
- mutation:
- note: user can set allowance (satisfy rule or non revert)
author: jraynaldi3
/// @notice approval can only decreased by owner or the approved account
/// max uint256 approval cannot be decreased by spender
rule approval_onlyOwnerAndApprovedCanDecrease(
env e,
method f,
calldataarg args,
address owner,
address spender
) filtered {f -> !f.isView} {
address caller = actualCaller(e);
mathint allowanceBefore = allowance(e, owner, spender);
mathint allowanceAfter = allowance(e, owner, spender);
assert allowanceAfter < allowanceBefore => owner == caller || spender == caller;
assert allowanceBefore == max_uint256 && spender == caller => allowanceAfter == allowanceBefore;
- mutation: remove
- note: state change of controller , lock the funds < a bit hard>
author: BlockianComp
* If a user has a borrow in a certain vault, they can't disable that vault from being their controller, otherwise can escape status check and steal funds.
rule cantDisableControllerIfOwed(method f, address account) filtered { f-> !f.isView } {
require(getUserOwedStorage(account) != 0);
env e;
calldataarg args;
f(e, args);
author: 0x00ffDa
invariant debtImpliesController(env e, address user)
debtOf(e, user) > 0 => vaultIsController(user)
filtered {
preserved {
preventDivByZero = true; // see ghost def comment
require storage_userInterestAccumulator(user) <= storage_interestAccumulator();
- note: go over the max, invariant
- mutation: replace
author: jraynaldi3
/// @notice checkVaultStatus should return magicValue if totalSupply lesser than supplyCap
rule checkVaultStatus_supplyLTECap(
env e
) {
TypesHarness.Snapshot snapshot = storage_snapshot();
mathint snapshotCash = snapshot.cash;
mathint snapshotBorrows = snapshot.borrows;
mathint prevSupply = snapshotCash + snapshotBorrows;
TypesHarness.VaultCache cache = getVaultCache(e);
mathint supply = totalAssetsExternal(cache);
bytes4 magicValue = to_bytes4(0);
magicValue = checkVaultStatus(e);
assert (cache.snapshotInitialized
=> supply <= to_mathint(cache.supplyCap)
|| supply <= prevSupply )
<=> magicValue == to_bytes4(0x4b3d1223);
- mutation: switch liqCache.violator and liqCache.liquidator
- note: integrity of liquidation - reduced amount of the right account
author: jraynaldi3
/// @notice debt socialization condition: no collateral mean no debt
rule noCollateralNoDebt_debtSocialization(
env e,
address account,
address collateral,
uint256 amount,
uint256 minYieldBalance
bool notSocialization = getSocializeDebt();
require userOwed[account] == getOwedExt(account);
require ghost_collaterals[account][0] == ERC20a;
require ghost_collaterals[account][1] == ERC20b;
liquidate(e, account, ERC20b, amount, minYieldBalance);
assert !notSocialization => (ERC20a.balanceOf(e, account) == 0 && ERC20b.balanceOf(e, account) == 0 => getCurrentOwedExt(e, account) == 0);
- mutation: switch liquidator and violator
- note: integrity of liquidation - reduced amount of the right account
author: jraynaldi3
/// @notice debt socialization condition: no collateral mean no debt
rule noCollateralNoDebt_debtSocialization(
env e,
address account,
address collateral,
uint256 amount,
uint256 minYieldBalance
bool notSocialization = getSocializeDebt();
require userOwed[account] == getOwedExt(account);
require ghost_collaterals[account][0] == ERC20a;
require ghost_collaterals[account][1] == ERC20b;
// require !notSocialization => (ERC20a.balanceOf(e, account) == 0 && ERC20b.balanceOf(e, account) == 0 => userOwed[account] <= 0x80000000);
liquidate(e, account, ERC20b, amount, minYieldBalance);
assert !notSocialization => (ERC20a.balanceOf(e, account) == 0 && ERC20b.balanceOf(e, account) == 0 => getCurrentOwedExt(e, account) == 0);
- mutation:
- note: monotonicity of liquidation - something has to be paid for non worthless collateral
author: BenRai1
//calculateLiquidation works
rule calculateLiquidationIntegraty(env e) {
LiquidationHarness.VaultCache vaultCache;
address liquidator;
address violator;
address collateral;
uint256 desiredRepay;
bool isRecognizedCollateral = isRecognizedCollateralExt(collateral);
bool isCollateralEnabled = isCollateralEnabledExt(violator, collateral);
bool isAccountStatusCheckDeferred = isAccountStatusCheckDeferredExt(violator);
bool isInLiquidationCoolOff = isInLiquidationCoolOffExt(e, violator);
LiquidationHarness.Assets liability = getCurrentOwedExt(e, vaultCache, violator);
address[] collaterals = getCollateralsExt(violator);
LiquidationHarness.Assets repayCalculated;
uint256 yieldBalanceCalculated;
repayCalculated, yieldBalanceCalculated = calculateMaxLiquidationHarness(e, vaultCache, violator, collateral, collaterals, liability, 0,0);
mathint yieldBalanceCapped;
if(repayCalculated != 0){
yieldBalanceCapped = desiredRepay * yieldBalanceCalculated / repayCalculated;
} else{
yieldBalanceCapped = 0;
address liquidatorCall;
address violatorCall;
address collateralCall;
address[] collateralsCall;
LiquidationHarness.Assets liabilityCall;
LiquidationHarness.Assets repayCall;
uint256 yieldBalanceCall;
liquidatorCall,violatorCall,collateralCall,collateralsCall,liabilityCall,repayCall,yieldBalanceCall = calculateLiquidationExt(e, vaultCache,liquidator, violator, collateral, desiredRepay);
//assert1: if liabilities are 0, the returnValues are 0
assert(liability == 0 => repayCall == 0 && yieldBalanceCall == 0, "Liabilities are 0, but the return values are not 0");
//assert2: if liabilities are not 0 and desiredRepay == max_uint256, the returnValues are the same as in the calculated values
assert(liability != 0 && desiredRepay == max_uint256 => to_mathint(repayCalculated) == to_mathint(repayCall) && yieldBalanceCalculated == yieldBalanceCall, "Liabilities are not 0 and desiredRepay == max_uint256, but the return values are not the same as in the calculated values");
//assert3: if liabilities are not 0 and desiredRepay != max_uint256 and repay > 0, the returnValues are the same as in the caped values
assert(liability != 0 && desiredRepay != max_uint256 && to_mathint(repayCalculated) > 0 => to_mathint(desiredRepay) == to_mathint(repayCall) && yieldBalanceCapped == to_mathint(yieldBalanceCall), "Liabilities are not 0 and desiredRepay != max_uint256 and repay > 0, but the return values are not the same as in the caped values");
- mutation: switch lines and use
instead ofmaxRepay
, using the wrong units - note: integrity of liquidation - reduced amount
author: BenRai1
//calculateLiquidation works
rule calculateLiquidationIntegraty(env e) {
LiquidationHarness.VaultCache vaultCache;
address liquidator;
address violator;
address collateral;
uint256 desiredRepay;
bool isRecognizedCollateral = isRecognizedCollateralExt(collateral);
bool isCollateralEnabled = isCollateralEnabledExt(violator, collateral);
bool isAccountStatusCheckDeferred = isAccountStatusCheckDeferredExt(violator);
bool isInLiquidationCoolOff = isInLiquidationCoolOffExt(e, violator);
LiquidationHarness.Assets liability = getCurrentOwedExt(e, vaultCache, violator);
address[] collaterals = getCollateralsExt(violator);
LiquidationHarness.Assets repayCalculated;
uint256 yieldBalanceCalculated;
repayCalculated, yieldBalanceCalculated = calculateMaxLiquidationHarness(e, vaultCache, violator, collateral, collaterals, liability, 0,0);
mathint yieldBalanceCapped;
if(repayCalculated != 0){
yieldBalanceCapped = desiredRepay * yieldBalanceCalculated / repayCalculated;
} else{
yieldBalanceCapped = 0;
address liquidatorCall;
address violatorCall;
address collateralCall;
address[] collateralsCall;
LiquidationHarness.Assets liabilityCall;
LiquidationHarness.Assets repayCall;
uint256 yieldBalanceCall;
liquidatorCall,violatorCall,collateralCall,collateralsCall,liabilityCall,repayCall,yieldBalanceCall = calculateLiquidationExt(e, vaultCache,liquidator, violator, collateral, desiredRepay);
//assert1: if liabilities are 0, the returnValues are 0
assert(liability == 0 => repayCall == 0 && yieldBalanceCall == 0, "Liabilities are 0, but the return values are not 0");
//assert2: if liabilities are not 0 and desiredRepay == max_uint256, the returnValues are the same as in the calculated values
assert(liability != 0 && desiredRepay == max_uint256 => to_mathint(repayCalculated) == to_mathint(repayCall) && yieldBalanceCalculated == yieldBalanceCall, "Liabilities are not 0 and desiredRepay == max_uint256, but the return values are not the same as in the calculated values");
//assert3: if liabilities are not 0 and desiredRepay != max_uint256 and repay > 0, the returnValues are the same as in the caped values
assert(liability != 0 && desiredRepay != max_uint256 && to_mathint(repayCalculated) > 0 => to_mathint(desiredRepay) == to_mathint(repayCall) && yieldBalanceCapped == to_mathint(yieldBalanceCall), "Liabilities are not 0 and desiredRepay != max_uint256 and repay > 0, but the return values are not the same as in the caped values");
- mutation: remove governorOnly modifier
- note: governorOnly modifier integrity, accessControl
author: alexzoid-eth
// GOV-02 | Only one governor can exist at one time
rule onlyOneGovernorExists(env e1, env e2, method f, calldataarg args)
filtered { f -> GOVERNOR_ONLY_METHODS(f) } {
// In this case EVCAuthenticateGovernor() in governorOnly() modifier returns msg.sender
require(e1.msg.sender != EVC());
require(e2.msg.sender != EVC());
// First user is governor admin, second user is another
require(e1.msg.sender == ghostGovernorAdmin);
require(e1.msg.sender != e2.msg.sender);
storage init = lastStorage;
f@withrevert(e1, args) at init;
bool revertedGovernor = lastReverted;
f@withrevert(e2, args) at init;
bool reverted = lastReverted;
// If the call with first sender was successful, than the call with another sender shound fail
assert(!revertedGovernor => reverted);
- mutation: add
to the condition - note: fee can be converted. satisfy rule that balance can increase
author: alexzoid-eth
// GOV-12 | While distributing fees, total shares MUST not change and accumulated fees are cleared
rule feesDistributionClearAccumulatedFeesNotAffectTotalShares(env e) {
mathint totalSharesBefore = ghostTotalShares;
mathint accumulatedFeesAfter = ghostAccumulatedFees;
assert(accumulatedFeesAfter == 0 && ghostTotalShares == totalSharesBefore);
- mutation: fail to decrease totalShares by accumulatedFees
- note: totalShares is usm of balances
author: alexzoid-eth
// GOV-12 | While distributing fees, total shares MUST not change and accumulated fees are cleared
rule feesDistributionClearAccumulatedFeesNotAffectTotalShares(env e) {
mathint totalSharesBefore = ghostTotalShares;
mathint accumulatedFeesAfter = ghostAccumulatedFees;
assert(accumulatedFeesAfter == 0 && ghostTotalShares == totalSharesBefore);
- mutation: add function
- note: no decrease in assets to other
author: alexzoid-eth
// ST-06 | Cash amount MUST NOT be less than the ERC20 assets stored in the current contract
invariant cashNotLessThanAssets()
ghostErc20Balances[currentContract] >= ghostCash
filtered { f -> !HARNESS_VIEW_METHODS(f) }
- mutation: mutation: update
, making flashloan repayment optional - note: no lose of assets in flashloan, total assets of the system
author: alexzoid-eth
// ST-06 | Cash amount MUST NOT be less than the ERC20 assets stored in the current contract
invariant cashNotLessThanAssets()
ghostErc20Balances[currentContract] >= ghostCash
filtered { f -> !HARNESS_VIEW_METHODS(f) }
- mutation: replace
- note: integrity of some token balance (easy mutation)
author: jraynaldi3
/// @notice only caller can increase their debt
rule debtIncrease_onlyCaller(
env e,
method f,
calldataarg args,
address account
) filtered {f -> !f.isView && f.selector != sig:flashLoan(uint256,bytes).selector} {
address caller = actualCaller(e);
mathint before = debtOf(e, account);
mathint after = debtOf(e, account);
assert before < after => account == caller;
/// @notice adding debt should check user status first
/// its important since certora prover have limitation to link between evc and vault contract
/// should check this interaction using ghost summarization
rule userCheck_decreaseHealthinessCheck(
env e,
method f,
calldataarg args,
address account
) filtered {f-> !f.isView} {
mathint debtBefore = debtOfExact(e, account);
f(e, args);
mathint debtAfter = debtOfExact(e, account);
assert debtAfter > debtBefore => accountChecked[account];
- mutation: replace
- note: double counting, no gain (easy mutation)
author: jraynaldi3
/// @notice adding debt should check user status first
/// its important since certora prover have limitation to link between evc and vault contract
/// should check this interaction using ghost summarization
rule userCheck_decreaseHealthinessCheck(
env e,
method f,
calldataarg args,
address account
) filtered {f-> !f.isView} {
mathint debtBefore = debtOfExact(e, account);
f(e, args);
mathint debtAfter = debtOfExact(e, account);
assert debtAfter > debtBefore => accountChecked[account];