Links is a Linktree alternative powered by Cecil, Tailwind CSS and Font Awesome.
PHP 8.1 and Composer are required.
The easiest way to create a new Links project is using Composer:
composer create-project cecil/links --ask
You can easily preview your site locally with the following command:
php cecil.phar serve --open
The option --open
automatically open your site in the default web browser.
Define site configuration and social links in cecil.yml
title: <main title>
baseurl: <site URL, with a final backslash>
baseline: "<short description>" # optional, recommended
description: "<long description>" # optional, recommended
author: # used by metatags, optional
name: <author name>
url: <url>
social: # social links
<name>: # github, linkedin, instagram, youtube, mastodon, bluesky, threads, twitter or x
url: <url>
avatar: avatar.png
image: avatar.png # optional, recommended
image: avatar.png # Open Graph image, optional, recommended
source: # GitHub repository
Edit file pages/
- add links in front matter
- free content in body (optional)
- title: <title>
url: <url>
color: "<hexa_code>" # hexadecimal color code, optional (e.g. "#1DA1F2")
icon: <style>:<name> # Font Awesome icon (, optional (e.g. "brands:github")
Content here.
Run the following command:
php cecil.phar build
Then just deploy the content of _site directory to your web hosting solution.
You can change the theme color through the file tailwind.config.js
, then rebuild CSS:
npm install
npx tailwindcss -i ./assets/tailwind.css -o ./assets/styles.css
Out of the box, only the color of the following social providers are supported:
Twitter, GitHub, LinkedIn, Instagram and YouTube.
If you want to update component themes (i.e.: fontawesome, pwa and netlity) you must run the following command:
composer update
Links is a free software distributed under the terms of the MIT license.