- PR #9 by @bvenn:
- fixed a bug that mixed up some results concerning the significance matrix creation.
- added the possibility to choose between q vaalue, benjamini hochberg, or no multiple testing correction
- Add more customization options to potential time course and heatmap plots
- Improve implementation of optional arguments for plot functions by returning a TMEAResult transforming funktion instead of the plot functions taking the result directly as input
- Rework plot module:
- optional parameter passing style for all plot functions
- Rename:
- generateConstraintTimeCoursePlot -> generateConstraintPotentialTimeCoursePlot
- plotConstraintTimeCourses -> plotConstraintPotentialTimeCourses
- generatePotentialHeatmap -> generateConstraintPotentialHeatmap
- plotPotentialHeatmap -> plotConstraintPotentialHeatmap
- add
- Add functionality to invert constraints and respective potentials for a given TMEAResult
- Support net5.0
- Update plotly dependencies
- Add
- fix a bug that only allows tab separated data frame input
- target netstandard 2.0 for maximum compatibility for now
- added read function for ontology maps
- added read functions from stream for data frames and ontology maps
- added Surprisal Analysis cp Heatmap Plot
- added Surprisal Analysis analytic plots:
- Constraint importance
- Gradual data recovery
- major namespace simplification
- added analysis pipeline functions
- added FAS weight distribution plot
- added Plot functions for Surprisal Analysis results.
- fixed Authors of the nuget package
- added the necessary function to run the basic pipeline, consisting of applying surprisal analysis to the dataset and subsequently applying our monte carlo sampling test to biologically characterize the results.