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User Guide

## Introduction

Welcome! This user guide will provide you with all the essential information required for you to make full use of our task manager, TasKitty.

TasKitty is a task manager that can help you manage events, deadlines that you have to meet, or simply tasks that you want to get done whenever you have free time.

If you are a keyboard lover and dislike clicking, then TasKitty is the right task manager for you! It boasts an intuitive command line interface with minimal clicking required, and the commands you have to type in are short and sweet.

To get started, proceed to the Quick Start section below.


Figure 1: TasKitty Overview

  1. This is the Command Box for you to type your commands.
  2. TasKitty provdes Feedback for your actions here.
  3. Events Panel, where you can view all tasks that have a start and end date.
  4. Deadlines Panel, where you can view tasks you need to complete before a certain date.
  5. Todos Panel, where you can view all your tasks that you wish to do someday.
  6. This shows the Current View of the application. Here, it is showing the Upcoming Tasks.
  7. This shows the Current Path to the file where the data of TasKitty is stored. There are two types of file paths:
  • Absolute: The filepath from the root folder. eg. C:/TasKitty/data/taskmanager.xml
  • Relative: The filepath from TasKitty. eg. ./data/taskmanager.xml

Quick Start

  1. Ensure you have Java version 1.8.0_60 or later installed in your Computer.

  1. Download the latest TasKitty.jar from the releases tab.

  2. Copy the file to the folder you want to use as the home folder for your TasKitty.

  3. Double-click the file to start the app. The GUI should appear in a few seconds.

    Figure 2: TasKitty Welcome Screen

  4. Type the command in the command box and press Enter to execute it.
    e.g. typing help and pressing Enter will open the help window.

  5. Some example commands you can try:

    • add read book : adds a new task named read book.
    • add business proposal 17 nov 2pm : adds a new task that has the deadline 02:00pm, 17 nov.
    • view : lists all upcoming and uncompleted tasks.
    • view 1 Jan : lists all tasks for the specific date.
    • delete d1 : deletes the 1st task shown in the current list of deadline tasks.
    • exit : exits the program.
  6. Refer to the Features section below for details of each command.

## Features

####help : `help` Format: `help`
Shortcut key: `F1`

A pop-up window displaying the command summary will be shown. Help is also shown if you enter an incorrect command e.g. abcd.

Figure 3: Help Window
#### View upcoming tasks: `view` Format: `view`
Shortcut Key: `Ctrl + Shift + T`

Lists all upcoming and uncompleted tasks.


  • view

    Figure 4: View Command

#### View all tasks for a specified date: `view ` Format: `view `
Lists all events for the specified date, uncompleted deadlines up to the specified date, and all todo tasks.


  • view 7 Nov

    Figure 5: View Command

#### View all completed tasks: `view done` Format: `view done`
Shortcut key: `Ctrl + Shift + D`

Lists all completed tasks, deadlines and events. Tasks that are done or over will be shown shown in grey.


  • view done

    Figure 6: View Done Command

View all tasks: view all

Format: view all
Shortcut key: Ctrl + Shift + L

Lists all todo tasks, deadlines and events that have been added to TasKitty, including events that have passed and done tasks. Note that events that are over will be automatically marked and displayed as completed.


  • view all

    Figure 7: View All Command

Create a new task: add

Format (Todo): add <name> [#tag]...
Format (Deadline): add <name> [end datetime] [#tag]...
Format (Event): add <name> [start datetime] to [end datetime] [#tag]...

Adds a new task to the todo or deadline or event list in TasKitty.

Example (Todo):

  • add buy new tie #work
    Adds a todo task with <name> as buy new tie, <#tag> as work.

    Figure 8: Add Todo Command

Example (Deadline):

  • add submit proposal 17 Nov 2pm #work
    Adds a deadline task with <name> as submit proposal, <end datetime> as 02:00pm, 17 Nov 2016, <#tag> as work.

    Figure 9: Add Deadline Command

Example (Event):

  • add walk dog 7 Nov 2016 17:00 to 18:00
    Adds an event task with <name> as walk dog, <start datetime> as 05:00pm, 7 Nov 2016, <end datetime> as 06:00pm, 7 Nov 2016.

    Figure 10: Add Event Command

#### Find task: `find` Format: `find ...`

Finds tasks based on keywords. Tasks that partly or completely match the keywords entered will be displayed. You can find tags using `#`.


  • find prop

    Figure 11: Find Command

  • find #work

    Figure 12: Find Tag Command

#### Edit task details: `edit` * Format: `edit [name] [datetime] `

Edits a todo, deadline or event already inside the task manager using the index of the task.
Format depends on the type of task being edited. For deadlines, you can edit only the date by keying in the new date only


  • edit d2 16 Nov
    Edits the 2nd task under the deadline tasks section. Changes the <date> to 16 Nov.

    Figure 13: Edit Date Command

  • view
    edit t1 buy blue tie
    Edits the 1st task under the todo tasks section. Changes the <name> to buy blue tie.

    Figure 14: Edit Name Command

Delete task: delete

  • Format: delete <index>...

    Deletes one or more todo, deadline or event task already inside TasKitty using the index of the task.


  • view
    delete d1
    Deletes the 1st task under the deadlines section as shown by the view command.


    Figure 15: Before Delete Command


    Figure 16: After Delete Command

  • view 7 Nov
    delete e1
    Deletes the 1st task under the events section for 7 Nov as shown by the view DATE command.


    Figure 17: Before Delete From Filtered List Command


    Figure 18: After Delete From Filetered List Command

  • view
    delete t1 d1 e1
    Deletes the 1st task under the each section as shown by the view command.


    Figure 19: Before Delete Multiple Command


    Figure 20: After Delete Multiple Command

Mark task as done: done

  • Format: done <index>...

    Marks one or more todo, deadline or event tasks already inside TasKitty as done using index of the task. Tasks that are marked as done are moved to the bottom of their respective lists.


  • view all
    done d1
    Marks the 1st task today under the deadlines section shown by the view all command as completed.


    Figure 21: Before Done Command


    Figure 22: After Done Command

  • view all
    done t1-3
    Marks the 1st 3 tasks under the todo section shown by the view all command as completed.


    Figure 23: Before Done Multiple Command


    Figure 24: After Done Multiple Command

Undo previous action: undo

Format: undo
Shortcut key: Ctrl + Shift + U

The previous version will be undone.
You can undo as many times as you want until the start of the current session.


  • delete t1
    Undoes the last deleted item.


    Figure 25: Before Undo Command


    Figure 26: After Undo Command

Redo previous undone action: redo

Format: redo
Shortcut key: Ctrl + Shift + Y

The previous undo will be restored.
You can redo as many times until the latest change.


  • redo
    Redoes the last deleted item.


    Figure 27: Before Redo Command


    Figure 28: After Redo Command

Save/Load data: path

Saves data to a specified folder.
Format: path <filepath>.xml

  • Windows OS FILEPATH format example: C:\\Users\\<username>\\Desktop\\CS2103 Tutorial\\TasKitty.xml
  • Mac OS FILEPATH format example: /Users/<username>/Desktop/CS2103 Tutorial/TasKitty.xml

TasKitty must end with a .xml extension.
TasKitty will save any other FILEPATH format in the same directory as TasKitty.
TasKitty will automatically create the folder if the folder is not present.
TasKitty can load data from an existing .xml file if TasKitty is empty.


  • path /Users/<username>/Desktop/CS2103 Tutorial/TasKitty.xml
    Saves TasKitty data into the folder CS2103 Tutorial with TasKitty.xml as the filename.
    If folder CS2103 Tutorial is not present, TasKitty will create the folder.

Clear all entries : clear

Clears all tasks from the task manager.
Format: clear
Shortcut key: Ctrl + Shift + C

Exit the program : exit

Exits the program.
Format: exit

## FAQ

Q: The app is not recognizing my tasks correctly!
A: Try to use "quotes" around your task names to help TasKitty differentiate between your task name and other parameters.

Q: How do I transfer my data to another computer?
A: Install the app in the other computer and overwrite the empty data file it creates with the file that contains the data of your previous task manager's folder.

Command Summary

Command Format
Add todo add <name>
Add deadline add <name> <end datetime>
Add event add <name> <start datetime> to <end datetime>
View upcoming view or Ctrl + Shift + T
View all view all or Ctrl + Shift + L
View date view <date>
View done view done or Ctrl + Shift + D
Find find <keyword>...
Edit edit <index> <name> <datetime>
Delete delete <index>...
Done done <index>...
Path path <filepath>.xml
Undo undo or Ctrl + Shift + U
Redo redo or Ctrl + Shift + Y
Help help
Clear clear
Exit exit