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Get Itinerary and Trip

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API Recipes: API Tasks

This series of API Recipes describes API tasks associated with developing apps, apps for Travel Management Companies, (TMC), Travel Suppliers and businesses who need to get data about their employees' travel related booking. This recipe assumes you are a current Concur customer or platform partner.

Before you begin

Review the following checklist to ensure you are able to perform the task in this recipe. To see reference information, click the link in the bullet point Understand the Oath 2.0 process

Get Itinerary and Trip Details: Pulling Itinerary Trip data from Concur

Developers, travel suppliers and travel management companies will want to use the processes described in this recipe.

Developers, travel suppliers and travel management companies will want to use the processes described in this recipe.

  • With an authorized Oauth token, Developers can retrieve detailed itineraries for users or user groups. Using this data allows developers to create applications that match opportunities for users in a given locale, region or country specific to user interests. For example, TV Food Maps matches destinations on a user’s itinerary to notify them of a featured restaurant from a TV show like Diners, DriveIns and Dives near the location of their itinerary
  • Travel Suppliers can use the processes to analyze itineraries/trips for gaps in such services as car rental and hotel accommodations, and use the information to offer these services. This is particularly useful if you want to provide an enhanced travel experience for your users
  • Travel Management Companies can use these processes to analyze individual or company travel data, offer traveler support services, Triplink support or business intelligence and analytics

The order in which most Concur partners obtain travel data from Concur is:

  1. Manually add a new itinerary. This creates a sample trip that allows the developer to retrieve their first itinerary via the API and with the response and the XSD, build a schema or data structure.
  2. Populate internal systems by building a scheduled process to poll for itineraries based on specific function parameters.
  3. Use the list of itineraries to obtain greater trip details. Most travel suppliers and TMC's will retrieve trip details based on day, time period or users.

Each of these processes can be used by itself. For example if a travel supplier only wanted to obtain itinerary details, they can follow the Get Itinerary Details process described below.

Each of these processes can be used by itself. For example if a travel supplier only wanted to obtain itinerary details, they can follow the Get Itinerary Details process described below.

Get List of Itineraries:

The GET List of Itineraries required for the Get Itinerary endpoint is located in the official Concur developer page here.

If you are a developer and only want to get the GET Itinerary API use the process which follows:

If you have not configured your sandbox to obtain access, you can make that request from the Support Page here. Remember to include the name of the Concur representative you with whom you are working in the form.

If you have configured your sandbox, the GET List of Itineraries required for the Get Itinerary endpoint is located in the official Concur developer page here.

  • Use the Itinerary scope. More details here. Use the search term ITINER
  • Use either Web flow or Apps Center flow authentication
  • Ensure that your dates are recent

This task retrieves trip summaries for the traveler specified in the Oauth token. This endpoint can also be used to get details for trips for a different user, organization or for the entire company. Get List of Itineraries is used most often when a Travel management Company (TMC) needs to retrieve a list of trips on behalf of a user or company.


Entire Company (Oauth consumer must have Admin user role){startdate}&endDate={enddate}&_createdAfterDate={_date}&createdBeforeDate={date}&lastModifiedDate={date}&bookingType={type}&userid_type=login&userid_value=ALL

Individual user (Oauth consumer){startdate}&endDate={enddate}&_createdAfterDate={_date}&createdBeforeDate={date}&lastModifiedDate={date}&bookingType={type}

Individual user (other than the Oauth consumer){startdate}&endDate={enddate}&_createdAfterDate={_date}&createdBeforeDate={date}&lastModifiedDate={date}&bookingType={type}&userid_type=login_id&userid_value={loginID}

Additional examples can be viewed here.

Function Parameters
Name Description
tripId The trip ID
startDate={date} The URL-encoded UTC start date for the trip. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. If no query parameters are provided, the start date is set to today's date - 30 days.
endDate****={date} The URL-encoded UTC end date for the trip. Format: YYYY-MM-DD. If no query parameters are provided, the end date is set to today's date + 12 months.
createdAfterDate****={date} The URL-encoded UTC date for when the trip was created. The query string will return trips created on or after this date. Used with the createdafterdate for finding trips created during a date range. Format: YYYY-MM-DD
createdBeforeDate****={date} The last modified UTC date of the trips and any their associated bookings. This query string will return only the trips where the trip or any of its associated bookings have a last modified date that is greater or equal to the supplied time
lastModifiedDate****={date} The trip includes at least one booking of this type. Format: Air, Car, Dining, Hotel, Parking, Rail, or Ride
bookingType={type} The trip includes at least one booking of this type. Format: Air, Car, Dining, Hotel, Parking, Rail, or Ride
userid_type=login&userid_value={loginID} The loginID is the user's Concur login ID. The userid_value of ALL can be sent to get trip summaries for all users at the company. The userid_type and userid_value parameters can only be used if the OAuth consumer has one of the user roles listed above.
includeMetadata=true&ItemsPerPage={number}&Page={number} The includeMetadata query parameter combined with the ItemsPerPage and Page query parameters will cause the response to be divided into pages.
includeVirtualTrip=1 Virtual trips are segments booked offline through the Travel Request product. Set the includeVirtualTrip query parameter to 1 to include those trips in the list
includeCanceledTrips={true/false} The includeCanceledTrips query parameter will cause the request to also return trips with a status of Canceled.

Refer to the sample XML GET Itinerary Details Get request for guidance:

Get Itinerary details

This process allows developers, travel suppliers and travel management companies to obtain details on itineraries for specific trips. By default, the Oauth consumer should be the owner of the trip. The Get Itinerary endpoint can also be used to get details for trips that the Oauth consumer does not own. Travel management companies use this process to get trip details on behalf of a user. This assumes the TMC is registered with Concur and possesses a valid Concur account with one the following user roles: Web Services Administrator for Professional, or Can Administer for Standard.

Function Parameters
Name Description
{tripId} Required. The identifier for the desired trip
userid_type=login&userid_value={loginID} The loginID is the user's Concur login ID. The userid_value of ALL can be sent to get trip summaries for all users at the company.
systemFormat={format} The systemFormat query parameter can be used to specify that the response is formatted for a different system. The supported value is Tripit.

The request returns an itinerary parent element with a subset of child elements. A partial list appears below. The complete list is located here.

Parent element parameters
Name Description
BookedByFirstName The first name of the person who booked the trip.
BookedByLastName The last name of the person who booked the trip.
BookedVia The booking method for the trip.
CancelComments The comments provided if the itinerary is cancelled. Maximum length: 256 characters.
Comments Optional comments. Maximum length: 512 characters.
DateBookedLocal The date the trip was booked, in the local time of the booking location. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
DateCreatedUtc The date that this trip was created, in UTC. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
Booking Child elements
Name Description
BookingSource The name of the booking source for this booking. A booking source is a textual name the system uses to track where a booking took place.
DateBookedLocal The name of the booking source for this booking. A booking source is a textual name the system uses to track where a booking took place.
DateCreatedUtc The date the booking was created, in UTC. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
DateModifiedUtc The date the booking was last modified, in UTC. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
FormOfPaymentName The name of the form of payment for the booking.
FormOfPaymentType The type of the form of payment.
PassengerCount The number of passengers included in the booking.

Get Trip details

Developers should build a scheduled process to poll for itineraries or get trips on demand when a user logs onto your website to make a booking. Using the Oauth token of the user for whom you want details as the authorization, perform this two-step process:

  1. GET a list of trips for the user.
  2. GET the details of each trip one at a time.

For more information on how to GET a trip list for a user by using their Oauth token, go here.

Example Get List of Trips request:

GET https://{InstanceURL}/api/travel/trip/v1.1 HTTP/1.1
Authorization: OAuth {user's access token}
Accept: application/xml

You can also get the details of each trip by using the TripID. The Get Trip List response includes the unique TripID for each trip.

Example trip details request

GET https://{InstanceURL}/api/travel/trip/v1.1/{TripID} HTTP/1.1
Authorization: OAuth {user's access token}
Accept: application/xml

Refer to the sample Get trip details for a trip ID for guidance.


No itinerary can contain all of the possible elements, because the response will always be a subset of the possible returned values. For full response details, view the Public Itinerary XSD

Once you have the trip details, look for trips that lack your segment type.

  • For example, if you are a TripLink Car Supplier, look for trips that may include a flight but which lack a rental car reservation.

  • If you are a TripLink Hotel Supplier, look for trips that may include a flight but which lack a hotel reservation. If you are polling for trips at an interval, you may choose to email a traveler to offer them your service to add to their upcoming trip. For example, if you are a TripLink Hotel partner, you may choose to email the traveler: “If you would like to reserve a hotel for your upcoming trip to Boston on 13 December, we are offering a special rate at our property in city center. Log on here to add a hotel reservation to your trip.”

  • If you are checking for upcoming trips when the traveler logs in to your mobile app or website to make a booking, you may choose to present to the traveler a list of their upcoming trips that lack your segment type. For example, if you are a TripLink Car Supplier, you may choose to present a list of upcoming trips that lack a rental car reservation and allow the traveler to easily add a car rental to that trip, prepopulating the pickup and drop-off locations and dates/times using the information from the trip details.

In the case of Apps for me customer who has booked a hotel through Concur:

  • If your user has downloaded TV Food Maps, they will receive an email as the date of the trip approaches
  • The email will indicate which restaurants featured on which TV shows will be near the location at which the employee is staying

Advanced Information

The information in this section is NOT intended for use by Apps for me developers.

Itinerary Status and Booking Source

Travel Management Companies will find these two elements in the GET trips response extremely useful when obtaining Trip Details:

  • The status of the itinerary: 0- Confirmed; 1- Ticketed by agent; 2- Canceled
  • Booking Source (refer to the table below)
How the itinerary was sent to Concur BookingOwner BookingSource
Manually added itinerary OpenBookingEmail Manual
Itinerary emailed to [email protected] OpenBookingEmail Supplier name, or Manual if parser can’t determine supplier
Itinerary emailed to [email protected] TripIt Supplier name, or Manual if parser can’t determine supplier
Trip posted by TMC using Itinerary API ConcurConnectAPI Supplier name
Booking posted by Open Booking Supplier using Itinerary API. Discounts are still applied. OpenBookingSupplier IHG
Booked in Concur Travel (i.e. Cliqbook) or through an agent (and sent back to Concur Travel), or through a direct connect. Discounts are still applied to agent bookings. We can’t distinguish in the API between user booking via Concur Travel versus booked for them by agent. We do track this internally ConcurTravel GDS name, or direct connect supplier name
Amadeus e-Travel Management (AeTM) is an online self-booking tool integrated with Concur Expense. AmadeusETravel

Subscribe and Unsubscribe

Concur Travel Suppliers and Travel Management Companies may need to know how to post a company notification subscription for itinerary changes. Use the information which follows to guide you. More information on these topics can be found in the Concur Developer Portal in the resource: Subscribe or unsubscribe from notifications.

To subscribe to notifications to be alerted whenever employees who have booked travel through Concur change their travel plans by adding, modifying or canceling an itinerary is referred to as a POST Company Notification Subscription for Itinerary Changes request.

To create this request, use the following example as a template. Notice that the request parameter is Itinerary. The Request XML string also requires an Oath token for an administrative user in the company. The user must have one of the following user roles in Concur: Company Administrator or Web Services Administrator for Professional, or Can Administer for Standard.

XML Example request to subscribe:

    Authorization: OAuth {access token}

The notification is sent to the Postback URL that the partner has registered with Concur during application review. Partners can only have one postback URL for all notification types. The notification will include the type, oauth_token_key, userid_type, and userid_value query parameters, specifying the updated user as seen in the example:{oauthtoken}&userid_type=login&[email protected]

While the response body includes a Notification parent element, there are several child elements.

Element Description
ObjectURI The URI for the object. The developer can use the appropriate GET endpoint with the ObjectURI to get complete details for the trip.
EventDateTime When the event happened. Format: YYYY-MM-DDThh:mm:ss
EventType The type of the change. Format: CREATE, UPDATE, CANCEL
Context This is not used yet but will be used in future to specify the change in the trip. Developers can use this in conjunction with EventType to decide how to process the notification.
TripID The unique identifier for the trip. Format: String

XML Example request to unsubscribe from Itinerary Changes:

Refer to the sample Post Company Notification Subscription for Itinerary Changes Response for guidance.

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