COPT (Cardinal Optimizer) is a mathematical optimization solver for large-scale optimization problems. It includes high-performance solvers for LP, MIP, SOCP, SDP, convex QP and convex QCP.
The optimizer supports all major operating systems (64-bit), including Windows, Linux, and MacOS. It provides interfaces to Julia, Python, PuLP, Pyomo, Fortran, C, C++, C#, Java, AMPL, GAMS and CVXPY.
If you don't have a valid COPT 5.0 license yet, please apply for free personal license from COPT application page.
Full COPT documentation is available here.
If you used COPT in your research work, please mention us in your publication. For example:
- We used COPT [1] in our project.
- To solve the integer problem, we used Cardinal Optimizer [1].
with the following entry in the Reference section:
[1] D. Ge, Q. Huangfu, Z. Wang, J. Wu. and Y. Ye. Cardinal Optimizer (COPT) user guide., 2022.
The corresponding BiBTeX citation is:
author={Dongdong Ge and Qi Huangfu and Zizhuo Wang and Jian Wu and Yinyu Ye},
title={Cardinal {O}ptimizer {(COPT)} user guide},
The latest COPT 5.0 patch release is COPT 5.0.5. You can use it with any valid COPT 5.0 license.
Download links for supported platforms are:
We recommend
the Installer,
but you can use the zip package too.
MacOS (Intel)
We recommend
the Installer,
but you can use the tar.gz package too.
MacOS (Apple M1)
We recommend
the Installer,
but you can use the tar.gz package too.
Please use the tar.gz package
Linux (ARM64)
Please use the tar.gz package
COPT 5.0.5
Updated EULA files.
Added support for retrieving FeasRelax solutions.
Added parameter AbsGap for setting absolute MIP gap.
Added priority support for compute cluster.
Added support to MPS and LP files with undefined names.
Fixed an issue regarding indicator with self-references.
Fixed an issue regarding writing IIS with indicators.
Fixed an issue regarding setting IntTol below FeasTol.
Fixed an issue regarding QCP reformulation.
Fixed an edge issue where MIP objective are not always returned.
Fixed a potential issue regarding compute cluster data transmission.
Fixed other bugs and issues.
COPT 5.0.4
The parameter Presolve can now be set to 0-3 to set MIP presolve effort.
Fixed issues regarding model modifications.
Fixed a performance issue in MIP presolver.
Fixed other bugs and issues.
COPT 5.0.3
Fixed CPU architecture detection on Windows.
Fixed a python compatibility issue regarding COPT upgrade.
Fixed a python logging issue regarding Jupyter etc.
Fixed a variable index issue regarding nested generators in Python.
Fixed an LP initialization issue in 1 physical thread environment.
Fixed an issue regarding fractional MIP start solutions.
Fixed an issue in MIP presolver.
COPT 5.0.2
Added support of extending partial MIP start solutions.
Added support of retrieving dual Farkas and primal rays.
Improved SDP symmetric matrix modeling for C++, C#, Java and Python.
Fixed a floating licensing issue regarding daylight saving time.
Fixed other issues and bugs.
Revised documentations.
COPT 5.0.1
Fixed issues regarding SDP solver.
Revised documentations.
COPT 5.0.0
Major components introduced in COPT 5.0
COPT SDP solver
COPT Feas-Relax utility
Major components introduced in previous releases
Parallelized optimization solvers:
COPT MIP solver
COPT LP barrier solver
COPT LP simplex solver
COPT SOCP solver
COPT convex QP solver
COPT convex QCP solver
COPT IIS for infeasible problems
Modeling interfaces:
Object-oriented: Python, C++, C#, Java
Third-party : Julia, AMPL, GAMS, PuLP, Pyomo, CVXPY
C interfaces which work with matrices and vectors
Licensing and remote services:
COPT personal license
COPT server license
COPT floating token server
COPT cluster server
Supported platforms and OS:
Windows: x86
Linux : x86 and arm64
MacOSX : x86 and arm64