To see detailed information, call correspondent API endpoints.
1001 - John Doe, 1002 - Jennifer Doe (both related to each other)
2001 - watching for 1001 John Doe
3001, 3002, 3003, 3004, 3005, 3006
4001 (slots: 3001 3002 3003) ,
4002 (slots: 3004 3005 3006)
GET /targets
backend assume that user always the same, auth not required.
--> url params
locationLatitude: integer // optional(default:customer's address from db)
locationLongitude: integer // optional(default:customer's address from db)
type: string // optional(default:"shop") // enum: ["shop", "pharmacy", ...]
<-- json
id: integer, // slots could be fetched by this id as targetId
type: string // enum: ["shop", "pharmacy", ...]
name: string,
distance: integer, // distance in meters from you,
maxPeopleCapacity: integer, // how many people curr. target could initially handle
address: string,
latitude: float,
longitude: float,
workingTime: "string", // when target(e.g. shop) is working
pictureUrl: string, // to put it in <img> tag
slots: [
slotId: integer,
asString: string,
startDate: datetime, // ISO8601, to sort by,
endDate: datetime, // ISO8601, end date to maybe sort by
freeCapacity: integer // how many people may join slot
GET /targets/{target_id}/slots
get slots by target id. Returned slots are grouped by target id.
<-- json
id: integer,
type: string // enum: ["shop", "pharmacy", ...]
name: string,
distance: integer, // distance in meters from you,
maxPeopleCapacity: integer,
address: string,
latitude: float,
longitude: float,
workingTime: "string", // when target(e.g. shop) is working
pictureUrl: string, // to put it in <img> tag
slots: [
slotId: integer,
asString: string, //representation like string: "08.00 - 10.30 AM"
startDate: datetime, // ISO8601, start date to sort by
endDate: datetime, // ISO8601, end date to maybe sort by
freeCapacity: integer // how many people may join slot
GET /me
<-- json
id: interger, // customer id
phoneNumber: string, // phoneNumber,
documentId: string,//some sort of ID for government, acquired via BankID (potentially)
name: string, // first last names
illnessRate: integer, // from 0 to 1000
status: string, // enum: [normal, analysis, ill]
address: string, // just to print
pictureUrl: string, // to put it in <img> tag
closeСommunicationWith: interger[] // ids of customers with whom customer relate
GET /slots/
Get customer's booked slots
<--- json
id: integer,
type: string // enum: ["shop", "pharmacy", ...]
name: string,
distance: integer, // distance in meters from you,
maxPeopleCapacity: integer,
address: string,
latitude: float,
longitude: float,
workingTime: "string", // when target(e.g. shop) is working
pictureUrl: string, // to put it in <img> tag
slots: [
slotId: integer,
asString: string, //representation like string: "08.00 - 10.30 AM"
startDate: datetime, // ISO8601, start date to sort by
endDate: datetime, // ISO8601, end date to maybe sort by
freeCapacity: integer // how many people may join slot
POST /bookings
post new booking (customer is gonna be hardcoded)
--> url param
customerId: integer //it can be also called by guard, but if null use hardcoded customer id?
slotId: integer, // slot id
<-- 200 OK
GET /customers/{customer_id}/validate/{target_id}
for security guard on target's entrance
slotId: integer,
asString: string, //representation like string: "08.00 - 10.30 AM"
startDate: datetime, // ISO8601, start date to sort by
endDate: datetime, // ISO8601, end date to maybe sort by
freeCapacity: integer // how many people may join slot
POST /took-slot
Web-Hook to inform backend that customer used current slot
--> json
customerId : integer,
slotId: integer,
<-- 200
GET /doctors/{doctor_id}
<-- { id: integer name: string }
GET /doctors/{doctor_id}/customers
Getting customers. Authorization for doctor is not required, we assume here is only one doctor
<-- json
id: interger, // customer id
phoneNumber: string, // phoneNumber,
documentId: string,//some sort of ID for government, acquired via BankID (potentially)
name: string, // first last names
illnessRate: integer, // from 0 to 1000
status: string, // enum: [normal, analysis, ill]
address: string, // just to print
pictureUrl: string, // to put it in <img> tag
closeCommunicationWith: interger[] // ids of customers with whom customer relate
GET /customers/{customer_id}/related
get customers with whom given customer in close relationship (basically - family)
<-- json
id: interger, // customer id
phoneNumber: string, // phoneNumber,
documentId: string,//some sort of ID for government, acquired via BankID (potentially)
name: string, // first and last name
illnessRate: integer, // from 0 to 1000
status: string, // enum: [normal, analysis, ill]
address: string, // just to print
pictureUrl: string, // to put it in <img> tag,
PUT /customers/{customer_id}/status
when status changed from anything to 'normal', illnessRate resets to default
--> json
status: string, // enum: [normal, analysis, ill]