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Udacity Linux Server Configuration Project

This project is meant to serve the Restaurant Database Application using Amazon Lightsail Ubuntu to serve a wsgi file that handles a flask application with python and postgresql

Basic Info:

Public IP:

SSH Port: 2200

Website URL: ([]


# 1] - Set Up Amazon Lightsail

	1) create a Lightsail Instance using Ubuntu, download the default ssh key, and log in remote as root user

		resource: [Amazon Lightsail Start Page](

	2) Update Ubuntu: `$ sudo apt-get update`
					  `$ sudo apt-get upgrade`

	3) Configure timezone to UTC:

		a) Open time configuration dialog and set it to UTC with: $ sudo dpkg-reconfigure tzdata.
		b) Select 'None of the above' on the first page, then, on the second page select 'UTC'

	resources: (how to change timezone ubuntu)[]

# 2] - Create New User

	1) Log into the remote VM as root user through ssh: `$ ssh [email protected]`

	2) Add a new user called grader (with password 'grader'): `$ sudo adduser grader`

	3) Create a new file in the suoders directory: `$ sudo nano /etc/sudoers.d/grader`

	4) Edit the file using sudo and add this line to give grader sudo abilities:
	   "grader ALL=(ALL:ALL) ALL" don't forget to save it.

	resources: (Udacity Linux Security add user course)[]

# 3] - Create SSH Keys for User Grader Authentication

	1) Generate a key pair on your local machine with: `$ ssh-keygen -f ~/.ssh/graderAccess`

	2) Log in remotely as root user through ssh and create the following file: 
	   `$ touch /home/grader/.ssh/authorized_keys`

	3) Copy the contents of from your local machine to the `/home/grader/.ssh/authorized_keys`
	   file you just created on the lightsail instance.

	4) Change the permissions on the files:
	   `$ sudo chmod 700 /home/grader/.ssh.`
       `$ sudo chmod 644 /home/grader/.ssh/authorized_keys`

    5) User grader can ssh with the following command: `$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/graderAccess [email protected].`

    resources: (Udacity Linux Security generating key pairs)[]

    6) Enforce key based authentication, by disabling password authentication:

    	a) open the sshd_config file, find the password authentication line, and change it from yes to no:
    	   `$ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config`
    	b) restart ssh service: `$ sudo service ssh restart`

# 4] - Change Port from Default

	1) Find the Port line and change it to 2200: `$ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config`

	2) restart ssh service: `$ sudo service ssh restart`

	3) Now you can only log in using port 2200: '$ ssh -i ~/.ssh/graderAccess -p 2200 [email protected]'

	resources: (Ubuntu Forums)[]

# 5] - Disable SSH for Root User

	1) Open the sshd_config file: `$ sudo nano /etc/ssh/sshd_config`

	2) Find the PermitRootLogin line and change it to no, then restart ssh:
	   `$ sudo service ssh restart`

# 6] - Configure Uncomplicate Fire Wall, and Match External Fire Wall

	1) Allow connections based on project requirements:
	   `$ sudo ufw allow 2200/tcp.
	   $ sudo ufw allow 80/tcp.
	   $ sudo ufw allow 123/udp.
	   $ sudo ufw enable.`

	2) In the Network tab of the Lightsail instance, match the external firewall
	   with the settings of the ufw

# 7] - Install Apache2 and mod_wsgi to serve projecgt

	1) Install apache: `$ sudo apt-get install apache2.`

	2) Check that server is running by visiting the public ip ``

	3) Install mod_wsgi: `$ sudo apt-get install libapache2-mod-wsgi`

	4) Enable mod_wsgi by restarting apache2: `$ sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart`

	*note: at this point, the apach test page will no longer show up on the public ip,
		   to display a test page, configure a mod_wsgi file

	resources: (Web Application Servers installing apache)[]

# 8] - Install Git

	1) Install Git: `$ sudo apt-get install git`

	2) Set username: `$ git config --global <username>`

	3) Set email: `$ git config --global <email>`

	resources: (git)[]

# 9] - Clone Restaurant Database Repo

	1) Create a directory for the repo called catalog: `$ sudo mkdir /var/www/catalog`

	2) Navigate insed the catalog folder: `$ cd /var/www/catalog`

	3) Clone the catalog repo to the folder from Github:
	   `$ sudo git clone`

	resources: (GitHelp)[]

	4) Create a catalog.wsgi file to serve the application over the mod_wsgi

		a) go to the html folder: `$ cd /var/www/html`
		b) Create the file: `$ sudo touch catalog.wsgi`
		c) Edit the file: `$ sudo nano catalog.wsgi`
		d) Insert these lines:
	       `import sys
		   import logging
		   sys.path.insert(0, "/var/www/catalog/")

		   from catalog import app as application`

	*note: the .git folder will be inaccessible from the web by default
	except the folder static assets

# 10] - Install Project Dependencies

	1) Install pip in order to install Python packages: `$ sudo apt-get install python-pip`

	2) Install Flask using pip: `$ pip install Flask`

	3) Install other dependencies:
	   `$ pip install bleach httplib2 request oauth2client sqlalchemy python-psycopg2`

	4) Install a virtual environment: `$ sudo pip install virtualenv`

	5) Move to the catalog directory: `$ cd /var/www/catalog`

	6) Create the virtual environment: `$ sudo virtualenv venv`

	7) Start the virtual environment: `$ source venv/bin/activate`

	*note: python is already installed on Ubuntu

	resources: (Python Pip)[]
			   (Python Virtual Environments)[]

# 11] - Configure + Enable Virtual Host

	1) Create the config file for VH: `$ sudo nano /etc/apache2/sites-available/catalog.conf`

	2) Copy and paste to file:
	   `<VirtualHost *:80>
		    ServerAdmin [email protected]
		    WSGIDaemonProcess catalog python-path=/var/www/catalog:/var/www/catalog/venv/lib/python2.7/site-packages
		    WSGIProcessGroup catalog
		    WSGIScriptAlias / /var/www/catalog.wsgi
		    <Directory /var/www/catalog/>
		        Order allow,deny
		        Allow from all
		    Alias /static /var/www/catalog/catalog/static
		    <Directory /var/www/catalog/static/>
		        Order allow,deny
		        Allow from all
		    ErrorLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/error.log
		    LogLevel warn
		    CustomLog ${APACHE_LOG_DIR}/access.log combined

	3) Enable VH: `$ sudo a2ensite catalog`

	4) Restart apache2: `$ sudo service apache2 reload`

	resources: (DigitalOcean - skip through)[]

# 12] - Install + Configure Postgresql

	1) Install python packages to work with psql: `$ sudo apt-get install libpq-dev python-dev`

	2) Install psql: `$ sudo apt-get install postgresql postgresql-contrib`

	3) Change to postgres user: `$ sudo su - postgres`

	4) Connect to psql: `$ psql`

	5) Create new user called catalog: `# CREATE USER catalog WITH PASSWORD 'catalog';`

	6) Give user catalog CREATEDB ability: `# ALTER USER catalog CREATEDB;`

	7) Create 'catalog' database for user: `# CREATE DATABASE catalog WITH OWNER catalog;`

	8) Connect to db: `# \c catalog;`

	9) Revoke all other rights: `# REVOKE ALL ON SCHEMA public FROM public;`

	10) Only let user catalog create tables: `# GRANT ALL ON SCHEMA public TO catalog;`

	11) Log out of psql: `# \q` 

	12) Go back to user grader: `$ exit`

	13) Inside the Flask app, change connection:
		`engine = create_engine('postgresql://catalog:sillypassword@localhost/catalog')`

	14) Set Database: `$ python /var/www/catalog/catalog/`

	15) Prevent remote access, open pg_hba.conf: `$ sudo nano /etc/postgresql/9.3/main/pg_hba.conf` 

	16) Make sure it looks like this:
		`local   all             postgres                                peer
		local   all             all                                     peer
		host    all             all               md5
		host    all             all             ::1/128                 md5`

	resources:  (DigitalOcean - install psql)[]
				(DigitalOcean - secure psql)[]

# 13] - Launch App

	1) restart apache: `sudo service apache2 restart`

	2) Visit page at ([]