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New Name for the CGAL Polyhedron Demo

Mael Rouxel-Labbé edited this page Mar 28, 2024 · 1 revision

We are talking about the application that is currently in the directory CGAL-4.13/demo/Polyhedron/.

Wednesday 5 September 2018, during the evening, there was a sort of brainstorming about giving a new name for that application. It's current name is "CGAL Polyhedron Demo", but:

  • this application is far more than a demo, and can be used for real productive work, as a competitor of MeshLab, or CloudCompare, for example,
  • the application is no longer about Polyhedron data structure: it deals with almost all 3D data structures and algorithms of CGAL.

So, there was that brain storming about the naming of the application, and here are the proposals:

  • Cicada (in French a cicada is named Cigale, that is pronounced like C-gal)
  • Sakado (as a bad joke)
  • Cgala / Cigala
  • Cgalery / CGALery
  • CGAL studio
  • Geomethree / Geome3
  • CGAL4any1 (because that is a way to give CGAL to anyone, develop or not).
  • CGAL lab / CGALab

See also Other proposals after the first brainstorm (below).



  • 🆗 The pronunciation is all right in English, and various European languages.
  • 🆗 No trademark issue.
  • ➖ is squatted.


  • ❌ Let's forget that one! It was a pun after cicada, because their pronunciations are similar but with different vowels.


  • 🆗 Again a pun, around the pronunciation of CGAL as C-gal, but that pun is acceptable.
  • ➖ There is company named CGALA in France.

Cgalery / CGALery

  • ➖ It sounds like a gallery of something for C/C++, and not like an application,
  • ➖ The name is used for various things. See on Google.

CGAL Studio

  • 🆗 The name says what it is. It sounds professional, maybe too professional for the current state of the application.

Geomethree / geome3


  • 🆗 For "CGAL for anyone".
  • 🆗 Not known by Google.

CGAL Lab / Cgalab

Other proposals after the first brainstorm

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