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Install Instructions for Mac

Caleb Cranney edited this page Jun 2, 2021 · 7 revisions


You need pip commands available to install CsoDIAq. If you already have these installed, skip down to the "Download Repository (with Git)" section.

Command Line Access

You can access command line functions from the Terminal application (Applications -> Utilities -> Terminal).


A fantastic tool for downloading software packages for Mac is Homebrew. CsoDIAq cannot be directly downloaded via Homebrew, but pip can be.

To begin using Homebrew, go to their website and copy and paste the code at the command line. Hit enter, and download should begin automatically.

Downloading Pip

Now that you have Homebrew installed, enter the following:

brew install pip

Now you're good to go downloading and installing CsoDIAq!

Download Repository (with Git)

enter the following code when in your desired repository:

git clone

Install (with Pip)

enter the csodiaq folder:

cd CsoDIAq

then install using pip:

pip install .

Now it has been downloaded and installed!

Begin using CsoDIAq

To access the CsoDIAq gui, enter csodiaq gui from the command line.