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how to pull from pubdb

Alex Ma edited this page Feb 18, 2021 · 20 revisions

Pulling objects from pubdb requires downloading two files and, rerun the data process scripts, and then make a pull request against master.

  1. clone this repository to a machine that has virtualenv and pip3, e.g. cider

  2. git checkout master to make sure you're in the master branch

  3. git pull to get the latest version of master

  4. git checkout -b pubdb to make a new branch or use the existing pubdb branch if it is still there

  5. Download the files and rename them

  6. From the repo root directory, run make.

    # You will need to have bs4 install in python3.  You can do this using virtualenv
    virtualenv env
    source env/bin/activate
    pip3 install bs4
    # If you haven't activated virtualenv yet
    # You need only do this once per shell
    source env/bin/activate
  7. if there aren't any error messages

    1. commit the two files into the pubdb branch
    2. push to origin
    3. create a pull request against master (master <-- pubdb)
      1. confirm the merge
      2. delete the pubdb branch