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new file mode 100644
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diff --git a/README.md b/README.md
index 2c78b43..4c5cf9c 100644
--- a/README.md
+++ b/README.md
@@ -1,31 +1,12 @@
-# Toolset to perform scaling analysis of ICON(-HAM), ECHAM(-HAM) and MPI-ESM(-HAM)
+# Toolset to perform scaling analysis of ICON
 It has been tested on Piz Daint (CSCS) to produce the technical part of production projects at CSCS.
-On Euler (ETHZ) only limited functionality is provided for the analysis of Icon.
+On Euler (ETHZ), only limited functionality is provided for the analysis of Icon.
 See [Limitations on Euler](#limitations-on-euler) for more information.
 Below is a description of each script and a recipe.
-- Original devleopment: Colombe Siegenthaler (2020-01)
-- Maintainted by Michael Jähn from 2021-03 on
-## Table of contents
-  - [Recipe for scaling analysis with ECHAM/ICON-(HAM)](#recipe-for-scaling-analysis-with-echamicon-ham)
-    - [1. Configure and compile your model as usual.](#1-configure-and-compile-your-model-as-usual)
-    - [2. Prepare your running script](#2-prepare-your-running-script)
-      - [ICON](#icon)
-      - [ECHAM](#echam)
-    - [3. Create and launch different running scripts based on my_exp, but using different numbers of nodes.](#3-create-and-launch-different-running-scripts-based-on-my_exp-but-using-different-numbers-of-nodes)
-      - [ICON](#icon)
-      - [ECHAM](#echam)
-    - [4. When all the runs are finished, read all the slurm/log files to get the Wallclock for each run, and put them into a table:](#4-when-all-the-runs-are-finished-read-all-the-slurmlog-files-to-get-the-wallclock-for-each-run-and-put-them-into-a-table)
-      - [ICON](#icon)
-      - [ECHAM](#echam)
-    - [5. Create a summary plot and table of the variable you wish (Efficiency, NH, Wallclock) for different experiments with respect to the number of nodes.](#5-create-a-summary-plot-and-table-of-the-variable-you-wish-efficiency-nh-wallclock-for-different-experiments-with-respect-to-the-number-of-nodes)
-  - [Limitations on Euler](#limitations-on-euler)
-## Recipe for scaling analysis with ECHAM/ICON-(HAM)
 ### 1. Configure and compile your model as usual.
 ### 2. Prepare your running script
@@ -39,81 +20,45 @@ $ conda env create -f environment.yaml
 To load your environment, simply type:
-$ conda env create -f environment.yaml
+$ conda activate scaling_analysis
-#### ICON
-Prepare your machine-independent setting file "my_exp" (e.g. exp.atm_amip, without the '.run').
-#### ECHAM
-Prepare your setting file as usual with the jobscript toolkit:
-$ prepare_run -r [path_to_your_setting_folder] my_exp
+Prepare your machine-independent setting file `my_exp` (e.g. `exp.atm_amip`, without the `'.run`').
 ### 3. Create and launch different running scripts based on my_exp, but using different numbers of nodes.
-#### ICON
-Use `send_several_run_ncpus_perf_ICON.py`.
+Use `send_several_run_ncpus_perf.py`.
 For example for running `my_exp` on 1, 10, 12 and 16 nodes:
-$ python [path_to_scaling_analysis_tool]/send_several_run_ncpus_perf_ICON.py -e my_exp -n 1 10 12 15
+$ python [path_to_scaling_analysis_tool]/send_several_run_ncpus_perf.py -e my_exp -n 1 10 12 15
 With the command above, 4 running scripts will be created (`exp.my_exp_nnodes1.run`, `exp.my_exp_nnodes10.run`, 
 `exp.my_exp_nnodes12.run` and `exp.my_exp_nnodes15.run`), and each of them will be launched.
-To send several experiments on different node numbers at once, use: `send_analyse_different_exp_at_once_ICON.py`
+To send several experiments on different node numbers at once, use: `send_analyse_different_exp_at_once.py`
 form inside `<path_to_scaling_analysis_tool>`:
-$ python send_analyse_different_exp_at_once_ICON.py
+$ python send_analyse_different_exp_at_once.py
-The script `send_analyse_different_exp_at_once_ICON.py` (n_step = 1) is a wrapper which calls 
-`send_several_run_ncpus_perf_ICON.py` for different experiments (for example different set-ups, or compilers).
+The script `send_analyse_different_exp_at_once.py` (n_step = 1) is a wrapper which calls 
+`send_several_run_ncpus_perf.py` for different experiments (for example different set-ups, or compilers).
-The script `send_analyse_different_exp_at_once_ICON.py` (n_step = 2) is a wrapper which gets
+The script `send_analyse_different_exp_at_once.py` (n_step = 2) is a wrapper which gets
 the wallclocks from the log files for different experiments (for example different set-ups, or compilers) (point 4 of this README).
-#### ECHAM
-Use `send_several_run_ncpus_perf.py` which creates and sends several running scripts using the option -o of the jobsubm_echam script.
-For example, sending the my_exp run on 1, 10, 12 and 15 nodes:
-$ python [path_to_scaling_analysis_tool]/send_several_run_ncpus_perf.py -b [path_to_echam-ham_folder]/my_experiments/my_exp -n 1 10 12 15
-With the command above, 4 running folders will be created based on the running folder `my_exp`
-(`my_exp_cpus12`, `my_exp_cpus120`, `my_exp_cpus144and my_exp_cpus180`), and each of them will be launched.
 ### 4. When all the runs are finished, read all the slurm/log files to get the Wallclock for each run, and put them into a table:
-#### ICON
 Use the option `-m icon`:
 $ python [path_to_scaling_analysis_tool]/create_scaling_table_per_exp.py -e my_exp -m icon
-or for different experiments at once: `send_analyse_different_exp_at_once_ICON.py` (n_step = 2) (cf point 3)
-#### ECHAM
-Use the option `-m icon`
-$ python [path_to_scaling_analysis_tool]/create_scaling_table_per_exp.py -e my_exp -m echam-ham
-For both model types, this creates a table `my_exp.csv`, which contains the wallclock, efficiency and NH for each run.
+or for different experiments at once: `send_analyse_different_exp_at_once.py` (n_step = 2) (cf point 3)
 ### 5. Create a summary plot and table of the variable you wish (Efficiency, NH, Wallclock) for different experiments with respect to the number of nodes.
@@ -126,9 +71,7 @@ $ python [path_to_scaling_analysis_tool]/plot_perfs.py
 ## Limitations on Euler
 * The scaling analysis tools were tested for Icon only.
-* Because of differing nodes-architectures on Euler, the number of nodes passed via the -n option
-corresponds to the number of Euler-cores.
-* Parsing the logfiles only works using the --no_sys_report option.
+* Because of differing nodes-architectures on Euler, the number of nodes passed via the -n option corresponds to the number of Euler-cores.
 * In order to have nice plots, the number of Euler-cores needs to be divided by 12.
 * Automatic runtime-specification is not as smooth as on Daint -> a minimum of 20 min is requested in any case.
diff --git a/create_scaling_table_per_exp.py b/create_scaling_table_per_exp.py
index bc22906..44e8833 100755
--- a/create_scaling_table_per_exp.py
+++ b/create_scaling_table_per_exp.py
@@ -1,17 +1,4 @@
-# Script to parse all the slurm or echam6.log files for one experiment (runned on different number of nodes)
-# to extract the wallclock time. It creates a table containing wallclock time and associated scaling data
-# (Efficiency, Speed-up, NH,...).
-#Example : create_scaling_table_per_exp.py -e my_exp -m icon -y 1
-# C. Siegenthaler (C2SM) , July 2015
-# C. Siegenthaler (C2SM) : adaptation for ICON, November 2017
-# C. Siegenthaler (C2SM) : modifications, December 2019
 import numpy as np
 import os
@@ -28,8 +15,112 @@
     'date_run': datetime.datetime(1900, 1, 1).strftime("%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S")
-if __name__ == "__main__":
+def grep(string, filename):
+    # returns lines of file_name where string appears
+    # mimic the "grep" function
+    # initialisation
+    # list of lines where string is found
+    list_line = []
+    list_iline = []
+    lo_success = False
+    file = open(filename, 'r')
+    count = 0
+    while True:
+        try:  # Some lines are read in as binary with the pgi compilation
+            line = file.readline()
+            count += 1
+            if string in line:
+                list_line.append(line)
+                list_iline.append(count)
+                lo_success = True
+            if not line:
+                break
+        except Exception as e:
+            continue
+    file.close()
+    return {"success": lo_success, "iline": list_iline, "line": list_line}
+def extract_line(filename, line_number):
+    # Open the file in read mode
+    with open(filename, 'r') as file:
+        # Read all lines into a list
+        lines = file.readlines()
+        # Check if the line number is valid
+        if 1 <= line_number <= len(lines):
+            # Extract the content of the specified line
+            content = lines[line_number - 1]
+            return content.strip()  # Strip any leading/trailing whitespace
+        else:
+            print("Error: Line number is out of range.")
+            return None
+def extract_job_id(filename, prefix="slurm-", suffix=".out"):
+    # Find the starting index of "slurm-" and ".out"
+    start_index = filename.find(prefix) + len(prefix)
+    end_index = filename.find(suffix)
+    # Extract the job ID substring
+    if start_index != -1 and end_index != -1:
+        job_id = filename[start_index:end_index]
+        return job_id
+    else:
+        print("Error: Filename format is incorrect.")
+        return None
+def get_wallclock_icon(filename, no_x, num_ok=1, success_message=None):
+    required_ok_streams = num_ok
+    if success_message:
+        OK_streams = grep(success_message, filename)["line"]
+    else:
+        OK_streams = grep('Script run successfully:  OK', filename)["line"]
+    if len(OK_streams) >= required_ok_streams:
+        total_grep = grep("total   ", filename)["line"]
+        wallclock = float(total_grep[0].split()[-2])
+        line_times = grep(" Elapsed", filename)["iline"][0] + 2
+        date_run = extract_line(filename, line_times).split()[2]
+    else:
+        print("file {} did not finish properly".format(filename))
+        print("Set Wallclock = 0")
+        wallclock = datetime.timedelta(0)
+    return wallclock, date_run
+def check_icon_finished(filename,
+                        string_sys_report='Script run successfully:  OK'):
+    # return True if icon finished properly
+    # initilisation
+    lo_finished_ok = False
+    # look for ok_line
+    if grep(string_sys_report, filename)['success']:
+        lo_finished_ok = True
+    return (lo_finished_ok)
+def set_default_error_slurm_file(txt_message="Problem in the slurm file"):
+    # error in the slurm file, set default values
+    wallclock = default_wallclock['wallclock']
+    nnodes = default_wallclock['nnodes']
+    date_run = default_wallclock['date_run']
+    print(txt_message)
+    print("Set Wallclock = {} , and nodes = {}".format(wallclock, nnodes))
+    return (wallclock, nnodes, date_run)
+if __name__ == "__main__":
     # parsing arguments
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
     parser.add_argument('--exp', '-e', dest = 'basis_name',\
@@ -52,22 +143,19 @@
                             help='resolution(with ocean) eg T63L31GR15 ')
     parser.add_argument('--mod','-m', dest = 'mod',\
-                            default='echam-ham',\
-                            help='model type (echam-ham, icon, icon-ham)')
+                            default='icon',\
+                            help='model type (icon, icon-ham, icon-clm)')
-    parser.add_argument('--cpu_per_node', dest = 'cpu_per_node',\
-                        default = 12,\
+    parser.add_argument('--mpi_procs_per_node', dest = 'mpi_procs_per_node',\
+                        default = 1,\
                         type = int,\
-                        help = 'numper of CPUs per node')
+                        help = 'numper of MPI procs per node')
     parser.add_argument('--fact_nh_yr', '-y', dest = 'factor_nh_year',\
                         default = 12,\
                         type = int,\
                         help = 'factor to multiply for getting NH per year')
-    parser.add_argument('--no_sys_report', action='store_true',\
-                        help = 'no time report provided by the system, per default, the wallclock will be taken from this report. If this option enabled, the wallclock will computed in a different way')
     parser.add_argument('--no_x', action='store_false',\
                         help = 'some model logs have a "set -x" in the first line, therefore the "Script run successfully:  OK" string is contained twice in the logfile. Passing this argument assumes NO "set -x" set.')
@@ -101,8 +189,8 @@
     if l_cpus_def:
         if args.mod.upper().startswith("ICON-CLM"):
             slurm_files_ar = [
-                glob.glob("{}/{}_nnodes{}_*.o*".format(path_exps_dir,
-                                                       args.basis_name, n))
+                glob.glob("{}/{}_nnodes{}/slurm-*.out".format(
+                    path_exps_dir, args.basis_name, n))
                 for n in nodes_to_proceed
             slurm_files = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(slurm_files_ar))
@@ -113,26 +201,16 @@
                 for n in nodes_to_proceed
             slurm_files = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(slurm_files_ar))
-        elif args.mod.upper() == "ECHAM-HAM":
-            slurm_files_ar = [
-                glob.glob("{}/{}_cpus{}/slurm*".format(path_exps_dir,
-                                                       args.basis_name,
-                                                       n * args.cpu_per_node))
-                for n in nodes_to_proceed
-            ]
-            slurm_files = list(itertools.chain.from_iterable(slurm_files_ar))
     # 3rd possibility : use all the slurm files containing the basis name
     if (not l_cpus_def):
         if args.mod.upper().startswith("ICON-CLM"):
-            slurm_files = glob.glob("{}/*{}*.o*".format(
-                path_exps_dir, args.basis_name, args.basis_name))
+            slurm_files = sorted(
+                glob.glob("{}/{}_nnodes*/slurm-*.out".format(
+                    path_exps_dir, args.basis_name, args.basis_name)))
         elif args.mod.upper().startswith("ICON"):
             slurm_files = glob.glob("{}/LOG.exp.{}*.run.*".format(
                 path_exps_dir, args.basis_name, args.basis_name))
-        elif args.mod.upper() == "ECHAM-HAM":
-            slurm_files = glob.glob("{}/{}*/slurm_{}*".format(
-                path_exps_dir, args.basis_name, args.basis_name))
     # fill up array
@@ -153,295 +231,73 @@
     # performs the analysis (create a csv file)
     #ilin = 0
-    def grep(string, filename):
-        # returns lines of file_name where string appears
-        # mimic the "grep" function
-        # initialisation
-        # list of lines where string is found
-        list_line = []
-        list_iline = []
-        lo_success = False
-        file = open(filename, 'r')
-        count = -1
-        while True:
-            try:  # Some lines are read in as binary with the pgi compilation
-                line = file.readline()
-                count += 1
-                if string in line:
-                    list_line.append(line)
-                    list_iline.append(count)
-                    lo_success = True
-                if not line:
-                    break
-            except Exception as e:
-                continue
-        file.close()
-        return {"success": lo_success, "iline": list_iline, "line": list_line}
-    def get_wallclock_icon(filename, no_x, num_ok=1, success_message=None):
-        required_ok_streams = num_ok
-        if success_message:
-            OK_streams = grep(success_message, filename)["line"]
-        else:
-            OK_streams = grep('Script run successfully:  OK', filename)["line"]
-        if len(OK_streams) >= required_ok_streams:
-            timezone = 'CEST'
-            time_grep = grep(timezone, filename)["line"]
-            if not time_grep:
-                timezone = 'CET'
-                time_grep = grep(timezone, filename)["line"]
-            time_arr = [
-                datetime.datetime.strptime(
-                    s.strip(), '%a %b %d %H:%M:%S ' + timezone + ' %Y')
-                for s in time_grep
-            ]
-            wallclock = time_arr[-1] - time_arr[0]
-        else:
-            print("file {} did not finish properly".format(filename))
-            print("Set Wallclock = 0")
-            wallclock = datetime.timedelta(0)
-        return {"wc": wallclock, "st": time_arr[0]}
-    def check_icon_finished(filename,
-                            string_sys_report='Script run successfully:  OK'):
-        # return True if icon finished properly
-        # initilisation
-        lo_finished_ok = False
-        # look for ok_line
-        if grep(string_sys_report, filename)['success']:
-            lo_finished_ok = True
-        return (lo_finished_ok)
-    def set_default_error_slurm_file(txt_message="Problem in the slurm file"):
-        # error in the slurm file, set default values
-        wallclock = default_wallclock['wallclock']
-        nnodes = default_wallclock['nnodes']
-        date_run = default_wallclock['date_run']
-        print(txt_message)
-        print("Set Wallclock = {} , and nodes = {}".format(wallclock, nnodes))
-        return (wallclock, nnodes, date_run)
-    def get_date_from_echam_slurm_file(filename):
-        string_timer_report = 'Submit            Eligible'
-        summary_in_file = grep(string_timer_report, filename)
-        if summary_in_file['success']:
-            summary_line = summary_in_file["line"][0]
-            summary_iline = summary_in_file["iline"][0]
-            f = open(filename)
-            lines = f.readlines()
-            line_labels = [s.strip() for s in summary_line.split()]
-            ind_start = line_labels.index('Start')
-            ind_end = line_labels.index('End')
-            line_time = [
-                lines[summary_iline + 2].split()[i]
-                for i in [ind_start, ind_end]
-            ]
-            first_row = grep(string_timer_report, filename)
-            first_row_line = first_row["line"][0]
-            first_row_iline = first_row["iline"][0]
-            ind_start = line_labels.index('Start')
-            ind_end = line_labels.index('End')
-            line_time = [
-                lines[first_row_iline + 2].split()[i]
-                for i in [ind_start, ind_end]
-            ]
-            time_arr = [
-                datetime.datetime.strptime(s.strip(), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
-                for s in line_time
-            ]
-            date_run = time_arr[0]
-        else:
-            print("Warning: Cannot get date from slurm file %s" % filename)
-            date_run = default_wallclock['date_run']
-        return date_run
-    def get_wallclock_Nnodes_gen_daint(filename,
-                                       string_sys_report="Elapsed",
-                                       use_timer_report=False):
-        # Find report
-        summary_in_file = grep(string_sys_report, filename)
-        if summary_in_file['success']:
-            summary_line = summary_in_file["line"][0]
-            summary_iline = summary_in_file["iline"][0]
-            f = open(filename)
-            lines = f.readlines()
-            line_labels = [s.strip() for s in summary_line.split()]
-            ind_start = line_labels.index('Start')
-            ind_end = line_labels.index('End')
-            # For summary_iline + x had to be subtracted by one
-            line_time = [
-                lines[summary_iline + 2].split()[i]
-                for i in [ind_start, ind_end]
-            ]
-            time_arr = [
-                datetime.datetime.strptime(s.strip(), '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S')
-                for s in line_time
-            ]
-            if use_timer_report:
-                string_timer_report = '# calls'
-                timer_in_file = grep(string_timer_report, filename)
-                if timer_in_file['success']:
-                    timer_line = timer_in_file["line"][0]
-                    timer_iline = timer_in_file["iline"][0]
-                    string_timer_firstrow = 'total       '
-                    first_row = grep(string_timer_firstrow, filename)
-                    first_row_line = first_row["line"][0]
-                    first_row_iline = first_row["iline"][0]
-                    time_str = lines[first_row_iline].split()[-1]
-                    wallclock = datetime.timedelta(seconds=float(time_str))
-                else:
-                    wallclock, nnodes, time_arr = set_default_error_slurm_file(
-                        "Warning : Timer output report is not present or the word {} is not found"
-                        .format(filename, string_timer_report))
-            else:
-                # find index of "start" and "end" in the report line
-                wallclock = time_arr[-1] - time_arr[0]
-            # Nnodes
-            line_labels_n = [
-                s.strip() for s in lines[summary_iline + 7].split()
-            ]
-            ind_nodes = line_labels_n.index('NNodes')
-            nodes = int(lines[summary_iline + 9].split()[ind_nodes])
-            f.close()
-        else:
-            wallclock, nnodes, time_arr = set_default_error_slurm_file(
-                "Warning : Batch summary report is not present or the word {} is not found"
-                .format(filename, string_sys_report))
-        return {"n": nodes, "wc": wallclock, "st": time_arr[0]}
     # security. If not file found, exit
     if len(slurm_files) == 0:
-        print("No slurm file founded with this basis name")
+        print("No slurm file found with this basis name")
     # loop over number of cpus to be lauched
     for filename in slurm_files:
-        print("Read file : {}".format(os.path.basename(filename)))
+        print(f"Read file: {filename}")
         # read nnodes and wallclock from file
         if args.mod.upper() == "ICON":
             if check_icon_finished(filename) or args.ignore_errors:
                 # get # nodes and wallclock
-                if args.no_sys_report:
-                    # infer nnodes from MPI-procs in ICON output
-                    nodes_line = grep(
-                        "mo_mpi::start_mpi ICON: Globally run on",
-                        filename)["line"][0]
-                    nnodes = int(nodes_line.split(' ')[6])
-                    nnodes = nnodes // args.cpu_per_node
-                    wallclock = get_wallclock_icon(
-                        filename, args.no_x)["wc"].total_seconds()
-                    date_run = get_wallclock_icon(filename, args.no_x)["st"]
-                else:
-                    n_wc_st = get_wallclock_Nnodes_gen_daint(
-                        filename, use_timer_report=True)
-                    nnodes = n_wc_st["n"]
-                    wallclock = n_wc_st["wc"].total_seconds()
-                    date_run = n_wc_st["st"]
+                # infer nnodes from MPI-procs in ICON output
+                nodes_line = grep("mo_mpi::start_mpi ICON: Globally run on",
+                                  filename)["line"][0]
+                nnodes = int(nodes_line.split(' ')[6])
+                nnodes = nnodes // args.mpi_procs_per_node
+                wallclock = get_wallclock_icon(
+                    filename, args.no_x)["wc"].total_seconds()
+                date_run = get_wallclock_icon(filename, args.no_x)["st"]
                 wallclock, nnodes, date_run = set_default_error_slurm_file(
                     "Warning : Run did not finish properly")
             # get job number
             jobnumber = float(filename.split('.')[-2])
-        if args.mod.upper() == "ICON-CLM":
-            success_message = "ICON experiment FINISHED"
+        elif args.mod.upper() == "ICON-CLM":
+            success_message = "----- ICON finished"
             if check_icon_finished(filename,
                                    success_message) or args.ignore_errors:
                 # get # nodes and wallclock
-                if args.no_sys_report:
-                    # infer nnodes from MPI-procs in ICON output
-                    nodes_line = grep(
-                        "mo_mpi::start_mpi ICON: Globally run on",
-                        filename)["line"][0]
-                    nnodes = int(nodes_line.split(' ')[6])
-                    nnodes = nnodes // args.cpu_per_node
-                    wallclock = get_wallclock_icon(
-                        filename,
-                        args.no_x,
-                        num_ok=1,
-                        success_message=success_message)["wc"].total_seconds()
-                    date_run = get_wallclock_icon(
-                        filename,
-                        args.no_x,
-                        num_ok=1,
-                        success_message=success_message)["st"]
-                else:
-                    n_wc_st = get_wallclock_Nnodes_gen_daint(
-                        filename, use_timer_report=True)
-                    nnodes = n_wc_st["n"]
-                    wallclock = n_wc_st["wc"].total_seconds()
-                    date_run = n_wc_st["st"]
+                # infer nnodes from MPI-procs in ICON output
+                nodes_line = grep("mo_mpi::start_mpi ICON: Globally run on",
+                                  filename)["line"][0]
+                nnodes = int(nodes_line.split(' ')[6])
+                nnodes = nnodes // args.mpi_procs_per_node
+                wallclock, date_run = get_wallclock_icon(
+                    filename,
+                    args.no_x,
+                    num_ok=1,
+                    success_message=success_message)
+                print(f"Simulation on {nnodes} nodes launched at: {date_run}")
                 wallclock, nnodes, date_run = set_default_error_slurm_file(
                     "Warning : Run did not finish properly")
             # get job number
-            jobnumber = filename[-8:]
-            print(jobnumber)
-        if args.mod.upper() == "ICON-HAM":
+            jobnumber = extract_job_id(filename)
+        elif args.mod.upper() == "ICON-HAM":
             # get # nodes and wallclock
-            if args.no_sys_report:
-                # infer nnodes from MPI-procs in ICON output
-                nodes_line = grep("mo_mpi::start_mpi ICON: Globally run on",
-                                  filename)["line"][0]
-                nnodes = int(nodes_line.split(' ')[6])
+            # infer nnodes from MPI-procs in ICON output
+            nodes_line = grep("mo_mpi::start_mpi ICON: Globally run on",
+                              filename)["line"][0]
+            nnodes = int(nodes_line.split(' ')[6])
+            nnodes = nnodes // args.mpi_procs_per_node
-                nnodes = nnodes // args.cpu_per_node
-                wallclock = get_wallclock_icon(filename, args.no_x,
-                                               num_ok=0)["wc"].total_seconds()
-                date_run = get_wallclock_icon(filename, args.no_x,
-                                              num_ok=0)["st"]
-            else:
-                n_wc_st = get_wallclock_Nnodes_gen_daint(filename,
-                                                         use_timer_report=True)
-                nnodes = n_wc_st["n"]
-                wallclock = n_wc_st["wc"].total_seconds()
-                date_run = n_wc_st["st"]
+            wallclock = get_wallclock_icon(filename, args.no_x,
+                                           num_ok=0)["wc"].total_seconds()
+            date_run = get_wallclock_icon(filename, args.no_x, num_ok=0)["st"]
             # get job number
             jobnumber = float(filename.split('.')[-2])
-        elif args.mod.upper() == "ECHAM-HAM":
-            ncpus_line = grep("Total number of PEs", filename)["line"][0]
-            ncpus = int(ncpus_line.split(':')[1].split()[0].strip())
-            nnodes = ncpus / float(args.cpu_per_node)
-            wallclock_line = grep("Wallclock", filename)["line"][0]
-            wallclock = float(wallclock_line.split(':')[1].strip()[:-1])
-            date_run = get_date_from_echam_slurm_file(filename)
-            jobnumber = float(filename.replace('_', '.').split('.')[-2])
         # fill array in
         np_2print.append([nnodes, wallclock, jobnumber, date_run])
@@ -477,11 +333,9 @@ def get_wallclock_Nnodes_gen_daint(filename,
                            'Date', 'Jobnumber', 'N_Nodes', 'Wallclock',
-                           'Wallclock_hum', 'Speedup', 'Node_hours',
-                           'Efficiency', 'NH_year'
+                           'Wallclock_hum', 'Speedup', 'Efficiency',
+                           'Node_hours', 'NH_year'
diff --git a/def_exps_plot.py b/def_exps_plot.py
index 780f1d5..7ea48bf 100644
--- a/def_exps_plot.py
+++ b/def_exps_plot.py
@@ -31,8 +31,8 @@ def __init__(self,
-daint_01 = experiment(name='icon_cordex_12km_era5_gpu_20230222',
-                      label='CORDEX-12km',
+daint_01 = experiment(name='icon-clm_scaling',
+                      label='EUR-12km',
diff --git a/def_exps_plot_2019.py b/def_exps_plot_2019.py
deleted file mode 100644
index 869b00d..0000000
--- a/def_exps_plot_2019.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,117 +0,0 @@
-# definition of the object "experiment". It contains mostly the potting properties
-import numpy as np
-class experiment:
-    def __init__(self,
-                 name,
-                 label=None,
-                 bestconf=np.nan,
-                 linewidth=1.,
-                 **kwargs):
-        self.name = name
-        if label is None:
-            self.label = name
-        else:
-            self.label = label
-        self.bestconf = bestconf
-        self.line_appareance = kwargs
-        self.line_appareance['linewidth'] = linewidth
-icon_amip_intel = experiment(
-    name='atm_amip_intel',
-    label='ICON intel',
-    bestconf=64,
-    marker='<',
-    color='Red')  #,linestyle = '-')#, marker = 'd', linestyle = '-')
-icon_amip_6h_intel = experiment(
-    name='atm_amip_intel_6h',
-    label='ICON intel 6h',
-    bestconf=64,
-    marker='.',
-    color='Red')  #,linestyle = '--')#, marker = 'd', linestyle = '-')
-icon_amip_1m_intel = experiment(name='atm_amip_intel_1m',
-                                label='ICON intel 1m',
-                                bestconf=40,
-                                marker='*',
-                                color='Red')  #, marker = 'd', linestyle = '-')
-icon_amip_6h_cray = experiment(
-    name='atm_amip_6h',
-    label='ICON cray 6h',
-    bestconf=24,
-    marker='.',
-    color='Green',
-    linestyle='--')  #, marker = 'c', linestyle = '-')
-icon_amip_1m_cray = experiment(
-    name='atm_amip_1m',
-    label='ICON cray 1m',
-    bestconf=24,
-    marker='*',
-    color='LightGreen')  #, marker = '*', linestyle = '-')
-icon_lam_init_cray = experiment(name='ICON_limarea_Bernhard_init',
-                                label='ICON-LAM init cray',
-                                bestconf=24,
-                                color='Green',
-                                marker='.')  #, linestyle = '-')
-icon_lam_cray = experiment(name='ICON_limarea_Bernhard_7d',
-                           label='ICON-LAM cray',
-                           bestconf=128,
-                           color='Green',
-                           marker='s')  #, linestyle = '-')
-icon_amip_6h_final = experiment(
-    name='atm_amip_intel_6h',
-    label='ICON 6h',
-    bestconf=64,
-    marker='.',
-    color='Magenta',
-    linestyle='--')  #, marker = 'd', linestyle = '-')
-icon_amip_1m_final = experiment(
-    name='atm_amip_intel_1m',
-    label='ICON 1m',
-    bestconf=40,
-    marker='.',
-    color='Purple')  #, marker = 'd', linestyle = '-')
-icon_lam_final = experiment(name='ICON_limarea_Bernhard_7d',
-                            label='ICON-LAM',
-                            bestconf=128,
-                            color='Red',
-                            marker='>',
-                            markersize=4,
-                            linestyle='--')
-icon_ham_final = experiment(name='atm_amip_hammoz_marc',
-                            label='ICON-HAM',
-                            bestconf=24,
-                            marker='.',
-                            color='Blue',
-                            linestyle='-')
-e63h23_1m_final = experiment(name='e63ham_1m',
-                             label='ECHAM-HAM',
-                             bestconf=36,
-                             color='Green',
-                             marker='*',
-                             linestyle='-')
-esmham_1m_final = experiment(name='mpiesm-ham_1m',
-                             label='MPI-ESM-HAM',
-                             bestconf=48,
-                             color='LightGreen',
-                             marker='d',
-                             markersize=4,
-                             linestyle='-')
-icon_amip_6h_pgi = experiment(name='atm_amip_pgi_6h',
-                              label='ICON PGI 6h',
-                              bestconf=24,
-                              marker='.',
-                              color='darkviolet',
-                              linestyle='--')
-icon_amip_1m_pgi = experiment(name='atm_amip_pgi_1m',
-                              label='ICON PGI 1m',
-                              bestconf=24,
-                              marker='*',
-                              color='plum')
diff --git a/def_exps_plot_2021.py b/def_exps_plot_2021.py
deleted file mode 100644
index f7b9cb4..0000000
--- a/def_exps_plot_2021.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,70 +0,0 @@
-# definition of the object "experiment". It contains mostly the potting properties
-import numpy as np
-class experiment:
-    def __init__(self,
-                 name,
-                 label=None,
-                 bestconf=np.nan,
-                 linewidth=1.,
-                 **kwargs):
-        self.name = name
-        if label is None:
-            self.label = name
-        else:
-            self.label = label
-        self.bestconf = bestconf
-        self.line_appareance = kwargs
-        self.line_appareance['linewidth'] = linewidth
-# Color palette
-# Definition of each experiment properties (colors, labels,ect)
-echam_ham_amip_T63L47 = experiment(name='ECHAM-HAM_amip_T63L47',
-                                   label='ECHAM-HAM 1M (cpu, intel)',
-                                   bestconf=36,
-                                   marker='>',
-                                   color='#fdcc8a',
-                                   linestyle='-')
-icon_ham_amip = experiment(name='ICON-HAM_amip',
-                           label='ICON-HAM 1M (cpu, pgi)',
-                           bestconf=19,
-                           marker='<',
-                           color='#fc8d59',
-                           linestyle='-')
-icon_cpu_gcc_amip = experiment(name='ICON_cpu_gcc_amip',
-                               label='ICON 1M (cpu, gcc)',
-                               bestconf=43,
-                               marker='x',
-                               color='#bdc9e1',
-                               linestyle='--')
-icon_cpu_pgi_amip = experiment(name='ICON_cpu_pgi_amip',
-                               label='ICON 1M (cpu, pgi)',
-                               bestconf=42,
-                               marker='x',
-                               color='#67a9cf',
-                               linestyle='-')
-icon_gpu_pgi_amip_rte = experiment(name='ICON_gpu_pgi_amip_rte',
-                                   label='ICON 1M (gpu, pgi)',
-                                   bestconf=4,
-                                   marker='v',
-                                   color='#02818a',
-                                   linestyle='-')
-icon_r2b9 = experiment(name='ICON_R2B9',
-                       label='ICON@R2B9 1h (gpu, pgi)',
-                       bestconf=1692,
-                       marker='.',
-                       color='#b30000',
-                       linestyle='-')
diff --git a/parse_craypat.py b/parse_craypat.py
deleted file mode 100644
index d03157e..0000000
--- a/parse_craypat.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,197 +0,0 @@
-# Parse the craypat analysis files to extract the info CSCS ask and create a unique csv file
-# The script will read recursively all the files named "summary*.txt" in the current directory
-# Colombe Siegenthaler    C2SM (ETHZ) , 2018-10
-import numpy as np
-import pandas as pd  # needs pythn modules to be loaded:  module load cray-python/ PyExtensions/
-import os
-import glob
-import argparse
-import subprocess
-import sys
-def decide_summary_filename(runtime_file, path_dir_for_sumfile, exp_name):
-    # create filename of teh summary file
-    # for MPI-ESM, there are two models running in  paralell, each of them create a runtime file,
-    # so each of them needs a summary file
-    if len(glob.glob('{}/*+*'.format(path_dir_for_sumfile))) > 1:
-        mod = os.path.relpath(runtime_file, path_dir_for_sumfile).split('+')[0]
-        filename_sum = 'summary_{}_{}.txt'.format(exp_name, mod)
-    else:
-        filename_sum = 'summary_{}.txt'.format(exp_name)
-    out_summary_file = os.path.join(path_dir_for_sumfile, filename_sum)
-    return (out_summary_file)
-def create_summary_file(runtime_file, path_dir_for_sumfile, exp_name):
-    # Create summary_[label_model_name].txt from RUNTIME (written by craypat tool) file
-    # input is runtime file
-    # final summary file for this exp
-    out_summary_file = decide_summary_filename(runtime_file,
-                                               path_dir_for_sumfile, exp_name)
-    if not os.path.isfile(runtime_file):
-        print('Warning: Runtime file is not a proper file : {}'.format(
-            runtime_file))
-    # copy part of runtime file into summary file
-    with open(runtime_file) as fin, open(out_summary_file, 'w') as fout:
-        for line in fin:
-            # get starting point
-            if line.startswith("#"):
-                continue
-            # copy the line into fout
-            fout.write(line)
-            # ending point
-            if line.startswith('I/O Write Rate'):
-                break
-    return (out_summary_file)
-def extract_dir_exp(runtime_file):
-    # get the general path to exp dir
-    path_dir = os.path.dirname(runtime_file.split('+')[0])
-    exp_name = os.path.basename(path_dir)
-    return (path_dir, exp_name)
-def get_slurm_file_dep_mod(path_dir):
-    # get the path to the slurm file depending on the model family
-    gen_mod_family = os.path.join(path_dir).split('/')[-2].upper()
-    if gen_mod_family.startswith('ICON'):
-        slurm_file_path = glob.glob('{}/LOG*.o'.format(path_dir))
-    elif (gen_mod_family.startswith('ECHAM')
-          or gen_mod_family.startswith('MPI-ESM')):
-        slurm_file_path = glob.glob('{}/slurm*.txt'.format(path_dir))
-    else:
-        print("Warning: No rule for finding the slurm filefor the file {}.".
-              format(filename))
-        print(
-            "Rules for finding slurm files are only defined for module family : ECHAM, MPI-ESM or ICON "
-        )
-        print('The family model found is : {}'.format(gen_mod_family))
-        slurm_file_path = []
-    return (slurm_file_path)
-def get_jobnumber_from_slurmfile(slurm_file_path):
-    # get the jobnumber from the slurm filename
-    if not len(slurm_file_path) == 1:
-        print("Warning, several or no slurm file.")
-        print("The following files are found:{}".format(
-            "\n".join(slurm_file_path)))
-        print("Set job number to 0")
-        jobnumber = "0"
-    else:
-        jobnumber = os.path.basename(slurm_file_path[0]).split('.')[-2]
-    # remove the submission number (especially for echam run)
-    jobnumber = jobnumber.split('_')[-1]
-    return (jobnumber)
-def get_jobnumber(path_dir):
-    # add look for Jobnumber of the craypat run - > need to find slurm file
-    slurm_file_path = get_slurm_file_dep_mod(path_dir)
-    # get the jobnumber from the slurm filename
-    jobnumber = get_jobnumber_from_slurmfile(slurm_file_path)
-    return (jobnumber)
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    # parsing arguments
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-    parser.add_argument('--exclude', '-e', dest = 'exclude_dir',\
-                       default = [],\
-                       nargs = '*',\
-                       help='folders to exclude.')
-    parser.add_argument('--out_f', '-o', dest = 'out_f',\
-                       default = 'Craypat_table',\
-                       help = 'filename of the output.')
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    # get current directory
-    pwd = os.getcwd()
-    # find all the summary files
-    all_files = glob.glob('{}/**/RUNTIME.rpt'.format(pwd), recursive=True)
-    # definition of teh directories to exclude
-    #exclude_dir = ['before_update_Oct2018']
-    files_to_exclude = []
-    for filename in all_files:
-        if any([s in filename for s in args.exclude_dir]):
-            files_to_exclude.append(filename)
-    # exclude files
-    for f in files_to_exclude:
-        all_files.remove(f)
-    # define dataframe for output
-    data_global = pd.DataFrame(columns=['Variable'])
-    # parse each file of the list
-    for ifile, filename in enumerate(all_files):
-        print(
-            '----------------------------------------------------------------------'
-        )
-        print('Parsing file {}'.format(filename))
-        path_dir, exp_name = extract_dir_exp(filename)
-        # creation of a summary file from the report file (written by Craypat tool)
-        summary_file_exp = create_summary_file(filename, path_dir, exp_name)
-        # read file
-        data_single = pd.read_csv(summary_file_exp, sep=':', header=None)
-        # rename first column into 'Variable'
-        data_single.rename(columns={0: "Variable"}, inplace=True)
-        # retrieve number of columns
-        ncol = len(data_single.columns)
-        # combine all the columns instead Variable together (the HH:MM:SS were separated by mistake )
-        data_single[exp_name] = data_single[1]
-        del data_single[1]
-        for icol in np.arange(2, ncol):
-            data_single[exp_name] = data_single[exp_name] + ':' + data_single[
-                icol].fillna("")
-            del data_single[icol]
-        # delete '::' in case it was added in teh column combination
-        data_single[exp_name] = data_single[exp_name].str.rstrip(':')
-        # get the jobnumber from the slurm filename in the directory
-        jobnumber = get_jobnumber(path_dir)
-        # add the jobnumber in the dtaaframe as a new line
-        data_single.loc[len(data_single)] = ['Job Number', jobnumber]
-        # fill the outter dataframe
-        data_global = pd.merge(data_global, \
-                               data_single.rename(columns={exp_name:exp_name.replace('_',' ')}), \
-                               how='outer', on=['Variable'])
-    # write out the global dataframe
-    data_global.to_csv('{}.csv'.format(args.out_f), sep=',', index=False)
diff --git a/plot_perfs.py b/plot_perfs.py
index 3d7f60d..67484a5 100755
--- a/plot_perfs.py
+++ b/plot_perfs.py
@@ -150,14 +150,17 @@
                 best_n = exp.bestconf
                 if best_n in dt.N_Nodes.values:
                     if var_to_plot == 'Efficiency':
-                        perf_chosen = float(
-                            dt[dt.N_Nodes == best_n].Efficiency)
-                    if var_to_plot == 'Wallclock':
-                        perf_chosen = float(dt[dt.N_Nodes == best_n].Wallclock)
-                    if var_to_plot == 'Speedup':
-                        perf_chosen = float(dt[dt.N_Nodes == best_n].Speedup)
-                    if var_to_plot == 'NH_year':
-                        perf_chosen = float(dt[dt.N_Nodes == best_n].NH_year)
+                        perf_chosen = float(dt.loc[dt.N_Nodes == best_n,
+                                                   'Efficiency'].iloc[0])
+                    elif var_to_plot == 'Wallclock':
+                        perf_chosen = float(dt.loc[dt.N_Nodes == best_n,
+                                                   'Wallclock'].iloc[0])
+                    elif var_to_plot == 'Speedup':
+                        perf_chosen = float(dt.loc[dt.N_Nodes == best_n,
+                                                   'Speedup'].iloc[0])
+                    elif var_to_plot == 'NH_year':
+                        perf_chosen = float(dt.loc[dt.N_Nodes == best_n,
+                                                   'NH_year'].iloc[0])
diff --git a/send_analyse_different_exp_at_once_ICON.py b/send_analyse_different_exp_at_once.py
similarity index 95%
rename from send_analyse_different_exp_at_once_ICON.py
rename to send_analyse_different_exp_at_once.py
index 1cf8093..9b2bdd5 100755
--- a/send_analyse_different_exp_at_once_ICON.py
+++ b/send_analyse_different_exp_at_once.py
@@ -70,9 +70,6 @@ def __init__(self, name, path, mod=None, factor=None, comp=None):
                         '-e', exp.name,'-o', exp.comp, \
                         '-NH','6', '-n', '1', '12','16','36','48'])
     elif lo_send_batch:
-        print(
-            'WARNING : Sending different experiments with different numbers of nodes for ECHAM_HAM has not been implemented yet'
-        )
         print('The experiment {} is not done asssociated is : {}'.format(
             os.path.join(exp.path, 'run', exp.name), exp.mod.upper()))
diff --git a/send_several_run_ncpus_perf.py b/send_several_run_ncpus_perf.py
index 16a0d32..aaaf707 100755
--- a/send_several_run_ncpus_perf.py
+++ b/send_several_run_ncpus_perf.py
@@ -1,10 +1,11 @@
-# Wrapper to send several ECHAM-(HAM) runs using the jobscriptoolkit
+# Wrapper to send several ICON (-HAM) runs
 # for performance anaylsis with different number of cpus
-# Usage: go into your echam run directory, prepare the basis run set-up
-# call the present script
+# This script uses the automatic running script generation in ICON (make_target_runscript).
+# Usage : send_several_run_ncpus_perf_ICON.py -b $SCRATCH/icon-eniac/ -e my_exp -n 10 12 15
 # C. Siegenthaler (C2SM) , July 2015
@@ -12,163 +13,190 @@
 import numpy as np
 import os
-import datetime
 import argparse
+import datetime
+def create_runscript(exp_base, output_postfix, nnodes, nproma=None):
+    # name experiment
+    exp_nnodes = "{}{}_nnodes{}".format(exp_base, output_postfix, nnodes)
+    # create scripts
+    if nproma is None:
+        os.system(
+            "/bin/bash ./run/make_target_runscript in_folder=run in_script=exp.{} in_script=exec.iconrun out_script=exp.{}.run EXPNAME={} memory_model='large' omp_stacksize=200M grids_folder='/scratch/snx3000/colombsi/ICON_input/grids' no_of_nodes={}"
+            .format(exp_base, exp_nnodes, exp_nnodes, nnodes))
+    else:
+        os.system(
+            "/bin/bash ./run/make_target_runscript in_folder=run in_script=exp.{} in_script=exec.iconrun out_script=exp.{}.run EXPNAME={} memory_model='large' omp_stacksize=200M grids_folder='/scratch/snx3000/colombsi/ICON_input/grids' no_of_nodes={} nproma={}"
+            .format(exp_base, exp_nnodes, exp_nnodes, nnodes, nproma))
+    #return name of exp
+    return (exp_nnodes)
+def define_and_submit_job(hostname, wallclocktime, path_to_newscript, nnodes,
+                          euler_node, account):
+    # Daint login nodes
+    if 'daint' in hostname:
+        if account == None:
+            # Use standard account
+            account = os.popen('id -gn').read().split('\n')[0]
+        submit_job = 'sbatch --time=%s --account=%s %s' % (
+            wallclocktime, account, path_to_newscript)
+    # Euler login nodes
+    elif 'eu-login' in hostname:
+        if euler_node == 7:
+            submit_job = 'bsub -W %s -n %s -R "select[model==EPYC_7H12]" < %s' % (
+                wallclocktime, nnodes, path_to_newscript)
+        elif euler_node == 6:
+            submit_job = 'bsub -W %s -n %s -R "select[model==EPYC_7742]" < %s' % (
+                wallclocktime, nnodes, path_to_newscript)
+        elif euler_node == 4:
+            submit_job = 'bsub -W %s -n %s -R "select[model==XeonGold_6150]" -R "span[ptile=36]" < %s' % (
+                wallclocktime, nnodes, path_to_newscript)
+        else:
+            print('Error: Please specify a correct Euler node (4,6 or 7).')
+            exit(-1)
+    print(submit_job)
+    os.system(submit_job)
+    print(
+        '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
+    )
 if __name__ == "__main__":
     # parsing arguments
     parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-    parser.add_argument('--basis_folder', '-b', dest = 'basis_folder',\
-                            help='basis folder run containing the configuration as to use as template. The name has to finish with "_cpusXX".')
-    parser.add_argument('--ncpus_incr', dest = 'cpus_incr',\
-                            default = 16,\
-                            type = int,\
-                            help = 'increment of cpus number between each simulation.')
-    parser.add_argument('--niter', dest = 'niter',\
-                            default = 10,\
+    parser.add_argument('--basis_folder_icon', '-b', dest = 'basis_folder',\
+                            default = os.getcwd(),\
+                            help='basis model folder e.g. /users/colombsi/icon-hammoz')
+    parser.add_argument('--exp_base', '-e', dest = 'exp_base',\
+                            default = 'atm_amip_1month',\
+                            help='basis model folder e.g. atm_amip_1month')
+    parser.add_argument('--output_postfix', '-o', dest = 'output_postfix',\
+                            default = '',\
+                            help='postfix for the output name of the running scripts e.g. "_cray" will give exp.atm_amip_cray_nnodesX.run')
+    parser.add_argument('--arrange_nnodes', '-a', dest = 'arrange_nnodes',\
+                            default = [1,11,1],\
                             type = int,\
-                            help = 'number of iterations (niter simulations will be performed with the number of cpus for each simulation is [1,2,....,niter-1]*ncpus_incr.')
-    parser.add_argument('--nbeg_iter', dest = 'nbeg_iter',\
-                            default = 1,\
-                            type = int,\
-                            help = 'begining of the iteration (the simulations will be performed with the number of cpus for each simulation is [nbeg_iter,nbeg_iter+1....,niter-1]*ncpus_incr.')
-    parser.add_argument('--ncpus', dest = 'cpus_to_proceed',\
-                            default = [],\
-                            type = int,\
-                            nargs = '*',\
-                            help = 'cups number of the simulation to analyse.This have priority over -ncpus_incr, -niter and -nbeg_iter')
+                            nargs = 3,\
+                            help = 'list of number of nodes in the np.arrange format : [begining iteration, end iteration, step]. Default:[1,11,1] (=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]')
     parser.add_argument('--nnodes', '-n', dest = 'nodes_to_proceed',\
                             default = [],\
                             type = int,\
                             nargs = '*',\
-                            help = 'nodes number of the simulation to analyse. This have priority over -ncpus_incr, -niter and -nbeg_iter')
-    parser.add_argument('--cpu_per_node', dest = 'cpu_per_node',\
-                            default = 12,\
+                            help = 'cups number of the simulation to analyse. This have priority over -arrange_nnodes')
+    parser.add_argument('--wallclock','-w', dest = 'wallclock' ,\
+                            default = None,\
+                            type = str,\
+                            help = 'wallclock to use when sending the run to the batch system')
+    parser.add_argument('--nproma','-p', dest = 'nproma' ,\
+                            default = None,\
+                            type = int,\
+                            help = 'value of nproma')
+    parser.add_argument('--oneNH','-NH', dest = 'oneNH' ,\
+                            default = 24,\
+                            type = int,\
+                            help = 'estimation of one node hour (wallclock time in hour when running on 1 node). This will be used for estimating a wallclock to use. In case -w is set, oneNH is not used.')
+    parser.add_argument('--euler-node','-m', dest = 'euler_node' ,\
+                            default = 6,\
                             type = int,\
-                            help = 'numper of CPUs per node')
-    parser.add_argument('-d', action='store_true',\
-                            help = 'perform dry run, i.e. run the script competely, but do not send the jobs to the batch queue')
-    parser.add_argument('-dw', action='store_true',\
-                            help = 'redifine walltime')
+                            help = 'node type for Euler simulations')
+    parser.add_argument('--account','-A', dest = 'account' ,\
+                            default = None,\
+                            type = str,\
+                            help = 'project account on Piz Daint')
     args = parser.parse_args()
-    # define number of cpus for which experiment should be sent
-    #-------------------------------------------------------------
-    l_cpus_def = False
+    hostname = os.uname()[1]
-    if (len(args.cpus_to_proceed) > 0) and (len(args.nodes_to_proceed) > 0):
-        print(
-            'You can specify either the number of cpus or the number of nodes, not both.'
-        )
-        print('Exiting')
-        exit(1)
-    if (len(args.nodes_to_proceed) > 0):
-        args.cpus_to_proceed = args.cpu_per_node * np.array(
-            args.nodes_to_proceed)
-        l_cpus_def = True
-    if len(args.cpus_to_proceed) > 0:
-        l_cpus_def = True
-    if not l_cpus_def:
-        args.cpus_to_proceed = (np.arange(args.nbeg_iter, args.niter) *
-                                args.cpus_incr)
-        l_cpus_def = True
-    # define new experiment name
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------
-    # experiment name basis exp
-    exp_name_bas_exp = os.path.basename(args.basis_folder)
-    # setting filename basis exp
-    setting_bas_exp = os.path.join(args.basis_folder,
-                                   'settings_{}'.format(exp_name_bas_exp))
-    # check if the basis name is finishing by "cpusXX" and  assign kernel name of teh new experiments
-    if (exp_name_bas_exp.split('_')[-1].startswith('cpus')):
-        exp_name_nucl = '_'.join(
-            exp_name_bas_exp.split('_')[:-1])  # name of the new experiments
-    else:
-        exp_name_nucl = exp_name_bas_exp
-    # get walltime and cpus from basis exp, for computning later the new walltime
-    #--------------------------------------------------------------
-    def grep(string, filename):
-        # returns lines of file_name where string appears
-        # mimic the "grep" function
-        # list of lines where string is found
-        list_line = []
-        for line in open(filename):
-            if string in line:
-                list_line.append(line)
-        return list_line
-    def value_string_file(string, filename):
-        # returns the value of a variable defined in a file
-        # e.g. for walltime, returns 8:00:00 if if filename walltime=8:00:00
-        #initialisation
-        values = []
-        # list of occurences found by "grep"
-        occurences = grep(string, setting_bas_exp)
+    # Daint login nodes
+    if 'daint' in hostname:
+        print('Host is Daint')
-        for occ in occurences:
+    # Euler login nodes
+    elif 'eu-login' in hostname:
+        print('Host is Euler')
-            #remove comments
-            line_wo_comment = occ.split('#')[0]
-            # get value
-            def_split = [s.strip() for s in line_wo_comment.split('=')]
+    # unknown host
+    else:
+        print("Unknown host with hostname %s" % (hostname))
+        exit(-1)
-            # do not consider variable if string is in the middle of another word
-            if string == def_split[0]:
-                values.append(def_split[1])
-        return (values)
+    # base experiment
+    exp_base = args.exp_base
-    walltime_bas = value_string_file("walltime", setting_bas_exp)[0].strip('"')
-    ncpus_bas = int(value_string_file("ncpus", setting_bas_exp)[0].strip('"'))
+    # Euler node
+    euler_node = args.euler_node
-    #time in datetime format
-    basis_day = "2000-01-01"
-    walltime_datetime = datetime.datetime.strptime('{} {}'.format(basis_day,walltime_bas), '%Y-%m-%d %H:%M:%S') - \
-                        datetime.datetime.strptime(basis_day, '%Y-%m-%d')
+    # account
+    account = args.account
-    # send experiments
-    #---------------------------------------------------------------
+    if len(args.nodes_to_proceed) == 0:
+        args.nodes_to_proceed = np.arange(args.arrange_nnodes[0],
+                                          args.arrange_nnodes[1],
+                                          args.arrange_nnodes[2])
     # change directory to be in the basis folder
-    #   os.chdir(args.basis_folder)
-    # loop over number of cpus to be lauched
-    for ncpus in args.cpus_to_proceed:
-        # define name of the new experiment
-        new_exp_name = '%s_cpus%i' % (exp_name_nucl, ncpus
-                                      )  # new experiment name
-        # new walltime
-        comp_walltime = (walltime_datetime * ncpus_bas / ncpus)
-        new_walltime = datetime.timedelta(
-            seconds=round(comp_walltime.total_seconds()))
-        # job definition and submission
-        string_to_overwrite = "ncpus={};exp={}".format(ncpus, new_exp_name)
-        if args.dw:
-            string_to_overwrite += ";walltime={}".format(new_walltime)
-        print('jobsubm_echam.sh -o "{}" {}'.format(string_to_overwrite,
-                                                   setting_bas_exp))
+    if os.path.isdir(args.basis_folder):
+        os.chdir(args.basis_folder)
+    else:
+        print("The following basis direcotory does not exist :%s" %
+              args.basis_folder)
-            '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
+            "Please give an existing directory with the option -basis_folder_icon"
-        if not args.d:
-            os.system('jobsubm_echam.sh -o "{}" {}'.format(
-                string_to_overwrite, setting_bas_exp))
+        print("Exiting")
+        exit(-1)
+    # define run dir
+    path_run_dir = os.path.join(args.basis_folder, "run")
+    # estimated time for one node
+    one_node_hour = args.oneNH
+    # nproma
+    nproma = args.nproma
+    # loop over number of nodes to create scripts
+    for nnodes in args.nodes_to_proceed:
+        # need to be in basis folder to have some function defined
+        os.chdir(args.basis_folder)
+        # create the runscripts with the icon script creating tool
+        print("Create runscript")
+        new_script = create_runscript(exp_base, args.output_postfix, nnodes,
+                                      nproma)
+        # path to the newly created script (needed for launching it)
+        path_to_newscript = os.path.join(path_run_dir,
+                                         "exp.%s.run" % new_script)
+        # need to be in run folder to have some function defined
+        os.chdir(path_run_dir)
+        wallclocktime = args.wallclock
+        # roughly estimated time in sbatch format
+        if args.wallclock is None:
+            seconds = datetime.timedelta(hours=np.float(one_node_hour) /
+                                         nnodes).total_seconds()
+            hours = seconds // 3600
+            minutes = (seconds % 3600) // 60
+            if 'eu-login' in hostname:
+                # ensure no -W 0:00 request
+                if seconds < 1200:
+                    minutes = 20
+                wallclocktime = "%02i:%02i" % (hours, minutes)
+            else:
+                wallclocktime = "%02i:%02i:00" % (hours, minutes)
+        # submit machine-dependent job
+        define_and_submit_job(hostname, wallclocktime, path_to_newscript,
+                              nnodes, euler_node, account)
diff --git a/send_several_run_ncpus_perf_ICON.py b/send_several_run_ncpus_perf_ICON.py
deleted file mode 100755
index aaaf707..0000000
--- a/send_several_run_ncpus_perf_ICON.py
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,202 +0,0 @@
-# Wrapper to send several ICON (-HAM) runs
-# for performance anaylsis with different number of cpus
-# This script uses the automatic running script generation in ICON (make_target_runscript).
-# Usage : send_several_run_ncpus_perf_ICON.py -b $SCRATCH/icon-eniac/ -e my_exp -n 10 12 15
-# C. Siegenthaler (C2SM) , July 2015
-import numpy as np
-import os
-import argparse
-import datetime
-def create_runscript(exp_base, output_postfix, nnodes, nproma=None):
-    # name experiment
-    exp_nnodes = "{}{}_nnodes{}".format(exp_base, output_postfix, nnodes)
-    # create scripts
-    if nproma is None:
-        os.system(
-            "/bin/bash ./run/make_target_runscript in_folder=run in_script=exp.{} in_script=exec.iconrun out_script=exp.{}.run EXPNAME={} memory_model='large' omp_stacksize=200M grids_folder='/scratch/snx3000/colombsi/ICON_input/grids' no_of_nodes={}"
-            .format(exp_base, exp_nnodes, exp_nnodes, nnodes))
-    else:
-        os.system(
-            "/bin/bash ./run/make_target_runscript in_folder=run in_script=exp.{} in_script=exec.iconrun out_script=exp.{}.run EXPNAME={} memory_model='large' omp_stacksize=200M grids_folder='/scratch/snx3000/colombsi/ICON_input/grids' no_of_nodes={} nproma={}"
-            .format(exp_base, exp_nnodes, exp_nnodes, nnodes, nproma))
-    #return name of exp
-    return (exp_nnodes)
-def define_and_submit_job(hostname, wallclocktime, path_to_newscript, nnodes,
-                          euler_node, account):
-    # Daint login nodes
-    if 'daint' in hostname:
-        if account == None:
-            # Use standard account
-            account = os.popen('id -gn').read().split('\n')[0]
-        submit_job = 'sbatch --time=%s --account=%s %s' % (
-            wallclocktime, account, path_to_newscript)
-    # Euler login nodes
-    elif 'eu-login' in hostname:
-        if euler_node == 7:
-            submit_job = 'bsub -W %s -n %s -R "select[model==EPYC_7H12]" < %s' % (
-                wallclocktime, nnodes, path_to_newscript)
-        elif euler_node == 6:
-            submit_job = 'bsub -W %s -n %s -R "select[model==EPYC_7742]" < %s' % (
-                wallclocktime, nnodes, path_to_newscript)
-        elif euler_node == 4:
-            submit_job = 'bsub -W %s -n %s -R "select[model==XeonGold_6150]" -R "span[ptile=36]" < %s' % (
-                wallclocktime, nnodes, path_to_newscript)
-        else:
-            print('Error: Please specify a correct Euler node (4,6 or 7).')
-            exit(-1)
-    print(submit_job)
-    os.system(submit_job)
-    print(
-        '--------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------'
-    )
-if __name__ == "__main__":
-    # parsing arguments
-    parser = argparse.ArgumentParser()
-    parser.add_argument('--basis_folder_icon', '-b', dest = 'basis_folder',\
-                            default = os.getcwd(),\
-                            help='basis model folder e.g. /users/colombsi/icon-hammoz')
-    parser.add_argument('--exp_base', '-e', dest = 'exp_base',\
-                            default = 'atm_amip_1month',\
-                            help='basis model folder e.g. atm_amip_1month')
-    parser.add_argument('--output_postfix', '-o', dest = 'output_postfix',\
-                            default = '',\
-                            help='postfix for the output name of the running scripts e.g. "_cray" will give exp.atm_amip_cray_nnodesX.run')
-    parser.add_argument('--arrange_nnodes', '-a', dest = 'arrange_nnodes',\
-                            default = [1,11,1],\
-                            type = int,\
-                            nargs = 3,\
-                            help = 'list of number of nodes in the np.arrange format : [begining iteration, end iteration, step]. Default:[1,11,1] (=[1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10]')
-    parser.add_argument('--nnodes', '-n', dest = 'nodes_to_proceed',\
-                            default = [],\
-                            type = int,\
-                            nargs = '*',\
-                            help = 'cups number of the simulation to analyse. This have priority over -arrange_nnodes')
-    parser.add_argument('--wallclock','-w', dest = 'wallclock' ,\
-                            default = None,\
-                            type = str,\
-                            help = 'wallclock to use when sending the run to the batch system')
-    parser.add_argument('--nproma','-p', dest = 'nproma' ,\
-                            default = None,\
-                            type = int,\
-                            help = 'value of nproma')
-    parser.add_argument('--oneNH','-NH', dest = 'oneNH' ,\
-                            default = 24,\
-                            type = int,\
-                            help = 'estimation of one node hour (wallclock time in hour when running on 1 node). This will be used for estimating a wallclock to use. In case -w is set, oneNH is not used.')
-    parser.add_argument('--euler-node','-m', dest = 'euler_node' ,\
-                            default = 6,\
-                            type = int,\
-                            help = 'node type for Euler simulations')
-    parser.add_argument('--account','-A', dest = 'account' ,\
-                            default = None,\
-                            type = str,\
-                            help = 'project account on Piz Daint')
-    args = parser.parse_args()
-    hostname = os.uname()[1]
-    # Daint login nodes
-    if 'daint' in hostname:
-        print('Host is Daint')
-    # Euler login nodes
-    elif 'eu-login' in hostname:
-        print('Host is Euler')
-    # unknown host
-    else:
-        print("Unknown host with hostname %s" % (hostname))
-        exit(-1)
-    # base experiment
-    exp_base = args.exp_base
-    # Euler node
-    euler_node = args.euler_node
-    # account
-    account = args.account
-    if len(args.nodes_to_proceed) == 0:
-        args.nodes_to_proceed = np.arange(args.arrange_nnodes[0],
-                                          args.arrange_nnodes[1],
-                                          args.arrange_nnodes[2])
-    # change directory to be in the basis folder
-    if os.path.isdir(args.basis_folder):
-        os.chdir(args.basis_folder)
-    else:
-        print("The following basis direcotory does not exist :%s" %
-              args.basis_folder)
-        print(
-            "Please give an existing directory with the option -basis_folder_icon"
-        )
-        print("Exiting")
-        exit(-1)
-    # define run dir
-    path_run_dir = os.path.join(args.basis_folder, "run")
-    # estimated time for one node
-    one_node_hour = args.oneNH
-    # nproma
-    nproma = args.nproma
-    # loop over number of nodes to create scripts
-    for nnodes in args.nodes_to_proceed:
-        # need to be in basis folder to have some function defined
-        os.chdir(args.basis_folder)
-        # create the runscripts with the icon script creating tool
-        print("Create runscript")
-        new_script = create_runscript(exp_base, args.output_postfix, nnodes,
-                                      nproma)
-        # path to the newly created script (needed for launching it)
-        path_to_newscript = os.path.join(path_run_dir,
-                                         "exp.%s.run" % new_script)
-        # need to be in run folder to have some function defined
-        os.chdir(path_run_dir)
-        wallclocktime = args.wallclock
-        # roughly estimated time in sbatch format
-        if args.wallclock is None:
-            seconds = datetime.timedelta(hours=np.float(one_node_hour) /
-                                         nnodes).total_seconds()
-            hours = seconds // 3600
-            minutes = (seconds % 3600) // 60
-            if 'eu-login' in hostname:
-                # ensure no -W 0:00 request
-                if seconds < 1200:
-                    minutes = 20
-                wallclocktime = "%02i:%02i" % (hours, minutes)
-            else:
-                wallclocktime = "%02i:%02i:00" % (hours, minutes)
-        # submit machine-dependent job
-        define_and_submit_job(hostname, wallclocktime, path_to_newscript,
-                              nnodes, euler_node, account)