A variety of command-line arguments can be passed to all modules to specify the type of tests, the location of the raw data, or to increase verbosity. Below you find a detailed description of each argument available. Another way to get all possible arguments for each module is:
python your_module.py --help
For convenience, long paths or arguments that usually stay the same can be set at the very beginning with the scripts paths_init.py. It creates a module called paths.py in lib, that is used by all modules to get default values for some arguments.
argument | description | default |
--p_raw_files, -pr | absolute or relative path to your raw files, mandatory argument | None |
--p_stages | absolute or relative path to the folder where intermediate processing steps of the modules are stored. Caution: Needs free disk space | stages |
--p_wrkdir | absolute or relative path to the working directory. Caution: Needs free disk space | wrkdir |
--p_f_vars_proc | absolute or relative path to folder containing variables to process for each test. This path is extended automatically to the following: [p_f_vars_to_proc / test / f_vars_to_extract] | variables_to_process |
--p_ref_csv_files | absolute or relative path to reference files. This path is extended automatically for each test to the following [p_ref_csv_files / test] | ref/echam-hammoz |
--testsuite, -ts | Run of testsuite (use variables_to_process folder for testsuite) | not set |
argument | description | for modules | default |
--exp, -e | name of your experiment, should be unique | all | None |
--p_raw_files | absolute or relative path to your raw files, this path is extended with the argument --exp and --raw_f_subfold the following: [p_raw_files / exp / raw_f_subfold] | sanity_test.py, process_data.py | defined in paths.py |
--raw_f_subfold | Subfolder where the raw data is, ECHAM-specific | sanity_test.py, process_data.py | ' ' |
--p_stages | absolute or relative path to the folder where intermediate processing steps of the modules are stored. Caution: Needs free disk space | all | defined in paths.py |
--wrkdir | absolute or relative path to the working directory. Caution: Needs free disk space | all | defined in paths.py |
--tests, -t | test to apply on your data | all | welch fldcor rmse emi |
--p_ref_csv_files | absolute or relative path to reference files. This path is extended automatically for each test the following [p_ref_csv_files / test] | sanity_test.py, perform_test.py, add_exp_to_ref.py | defined in paths.py |
--f_vars_to_extract | file name containing variables to analyse. This file needs to be located in [variables_to_process / test] | sanity_test.py, process_data.py, perform_test.py | vars_echam-hammoz.csv |
--f_pattern_ref | absolute or relative path to a reference netCDF file for spatial correlation tests | sanity_test.py, process_data.py | download from ftp-server, link defined in directory of file vars_to_extract |
--clean, -c | Redo all processing steps from module process_data.py | sanity_test.py, process_data.py | not set |
--verbose, -v | Debug output | all | not set |
--spinup | Integer, indicates the number of months the model output is not considered due to model spinup | sanity_test.py, process_data.py | 3 |
--testsuite, -ts | Run of testsuite (deactivates interactive parts, exit for bad testresults) | sanity_test.py, perform_test.py | not set |