Releases: Bubb13/EEex
Releases · Bubb13/EEex
EEex v0.9.9-alpha
- Scrollbar thumbs being stuck at the bottom of the trough.
- The timer module's visual indicators are now separately installable.
EEex v0.9.8-alpha
- A vanilla bug introduced in v2.6.6.0 where op206/318/324 causes some traps to crash the game.
- A vanilla bug where special abilities fail to update quickspell slots in certain situations.
- InfinityLoader Console IO causing slow save / load times, freezes when using certain mods, and not redirecting correctly.
- A crash that occured when UI Edit Mode (F11) attempts to save changes.
- EEex_HasDispellableEffect()
- EEex_IsImmuneToOpcode()
- EEex_MatchObject() / EEex_MatchObjectEx() / EEex_MatchObject
- EEex_SetTarget() / EEex_Target
- Object parsing functions
- Trigger parsing functions
- Variable (GLOBAL) fetching / setting functions
EEex v0.9.7-alpha
- Fixed APR-bonus effects, (from Belm, etc.), setting APR to a random value.
EEex v0.9.6-alpha
- Fixed standalone distributions of SoD not being handled
EEex v0.9.5-alpha
- Improved timer module's compatibility with Dragonspear UI++
EEex v0.9.4-alpha
General Changelog:
The installer will now fail when attempting to install on a non-v2.6 game.
Added components to enable EEex modules via the installer.
Added timer module - (visual indicators for modal actions, contingency spells, and spell/item cooldowns).
For Modders:
Reimplemented EEex_LuaTrigger, EEex_LuaAction, and EEex_LuaObject.
Reimplemented EEex_GameObject_ApplyEffect().
Reimplemented 2DA functions:
- EEex_Resource_Find2DAColumnIndex
- EEex_Resource_Find2DAColumnLabel
- EEex_Resource_Find2DARowIndex
- EEex_Resource_Find2DARowLabel
- EEex_Resource_Free2DA
- EEex_Resource_GetAt2DALabels
- EEex_Resource_GetAt2DAPoint
- EEex_Resource_Get2DAColumnLabel
- EEex_Resource_Get2DADefault
- EEex_Resource_Get2DADimensions
- EEex_Resource_Get2DARowLabel
- EEex_Resource_Iterate2DAColumnIndex
- EEex_Resource_Iterate2DAColumnLabel
- EEex_Resource_Iterate2DARowIndex
- EEex_Resource_Iterate2DARowLabel
- EEex_Resource_Load2DA
EEex v0.9.3-alpha
- Reimplemented Opcode 402 (InvokeLua).
- Added reminder to start the game with InfinityLoader.exe.
- Fixed certain engine structs not being accessed correctly, (ex. CGameEffect).
EEex v0.9.2-alpha
- Reimplemented effect-menu module:
To enable, open override/EEex_Modules.lua and change:
["B3EffMen"] = false,
["B3EffMen"] = true,
- Reimplemented functions to change actionbar buttons / grant full thieving to non-thief characters.
EEex v0.9.1-alpha
- Fixed IWD:EE support.
EEex v0.9.0-alpha (for EE v2.6)
Initial version for EE v2.6:
- Includes new Lua Bindings system, which drastically improves readability and maintainability of EEex code, and is one step further towards non-Windows compatibility. Modders can now access the entirety of the engine's internal state, and can call a curated list of engine functions directly.
- Currently lacks many previous EEex features - they will be reimplemented in future versions. All mods utilizing EEex for engine versions < v2.6 have been broken by this update.