Generating Data Access Objects using LaoTze.exe is done by creating a *.db.js file and processing that file with the command line tool LaoTze.exe. A *.db.js file is a special JavaScript file that contains a single JavaScript literal object named “database” that defines a database schema. An example database schema object is shown below.
var database = {
nameSpace: “The.Namespace.That.Generated.Objects.Will.Be.Placed.In”,
schemaName: “UsedAsTheConnectionStringNameInTheConfig”,
xrefs: [ // An array of arrays;
// each entry defines a many to many relationship between the table
// names specified
[“LeftTable”, “RightTable”]
tables: [
name: “TheNameOfTheTable”,
fks: [ // An array of foreign key definitions where the key is
// the column name and the value is the name of the table
// that the foreign key references
{ ColumnName1: “ReferencedTable1” },
{ ColumnName2: “ReferencedTable2” }
cols: [ // An array of column definitions
{ ColumnName: “DataType”, Null: false || true } //
name: “TableOne”,
cols: [
{ Name: “String”, Null: false },
{ Description: "String", Null: true }
name: "TableTwo",
fks: [
{ TableOneId: "TableOne" }
cols: [
{ Name: "String", Null: false },
{ DescriptionTwo: "String", Null: true }
name: "LeftTable",
cols: [
{ LeftName: "String"}
name: "RightTable",
cols: [
{ RightName: "String"}
// … another table like above and so on
To generate C# code from a *.db.js file use the following command:
laotze.exe /root:[PATH-TO-DIRECTORY-CONTAINING-DBJS] /keep
- Performing Dao CRUD Operations (Create, Retrieve, Update, Delete) using generated code